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Event: How to get any Pokemon you want, how to become chat master and get special ran
coolSadBig GrinUndecidedTongueSmileHuhConfusedBlushAngryExclamationSleepyCoolShyRolleyesWinkIdeaDodgyAngelHeart
yeah right!
how we make threads..

Can explain me , what type of threads are count ?

i need a good legendry poke .
In the top of any section there would be written new thread  only advertising threads are counted
yeah i find it ..
thanks for ur reply
hey , i already post 12 thread , now how i get pokemon
Cool but not easy Smile
[Image: 15zr1b5.jpg]
How many threads we have to make for becoming admin
(2015-05-20, 11:49 AM)pol rajeev Wrote: https://forum.pokemonpets.com/Thread-bes...e-to-catch






cef now can i get a legend..

cef i changed my name to mr.parker...

you are supposed to make ads at other forums

the point here is showing our game to people who does not know our game
nice .. i will try

now there is my 2nd post 
k cef...
I have one question ..
you post a page for advertisment . In this page we have all detail about game .
so we need to post this page in diffrent website for ad..
so thats count a threat .. I right or not 
we need make diffrent ad page and post in diffrent page ..
how manny treads do i have?
So we create ad threads and post them in up to two different forum sections per site. And a single thread can count more than once ( Up to x50 I think it was said?) depending on the quality of the ad and the popularity of the forums?
(2015-06-03, 03:08 AM)abhay1631 Wrote: I have one question ..
you post a page for advertisment . In this page we have all detail about game .
so we need to post this page in diffrent website for ad..
so thats count a threat .. I right or not 
we need make diffrent ad page and post in diffrent page ..

yes different sites
(2015-06-10, 03:47 PM)kirito.07 Wrote: how manny treads do i have?

you will keep track of your own advertising threads at the other forums

not this one or monster mmorpg forum
(2015-06-18, 03:32 AM)Greade Wrote: So we create ad threads and post them in up to two different forum sections per site. And a single thread can count more than once ( Up to x50 I think it was said?) depending on the quality of the ad and the popularity of the forums?

yep correct
u rock cef SmileSmileSmileSmileSmileSmileSmileSmileSmileSmileCoolCoolCoolBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinShyShyShyShy

its the best event

can u breifly explain how to make threads or pm me the instructions

i dont ge tit
[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS-tfUb2gC5IwntG5iml9_...H1kQu2hqeE]
wow soo much anger dude dont quit
[Image: tumblr_n18oaiXknd1tt3pduo1_500.gif]
hola que tal
(2015-06-29, 05:08 PM)koki36 Wrote: hola que tal

if iwill make a very big advertisement in the supercell forum will i become a cm?
will this thread be counted? i need to know please help Angel

Here is the link...... https://www.mmo-champion.com/threads/181...st34752384

Second Thread done hope this works.....


not that good but they dont allow me to post links  Sad

third one https://www.onrpg.com/boards/threads/227...ost3059279
Fourth... https://www.mmobomb.com/forum/general/fr...kemonpets/

(2015-07-08, 10:33 AM)Md. Rifat Wrote: Fourth... https://www.mmobomb.com/forum/general/fr...kemonpets/

Md. Rifat having another same thread at the forums are useless

for example at onrpg and mmobomb we already have threads

so you have to search forum first to see whether there is any our thread or not

having our game thread again and again at the same forum would also bother forum people

this is important

i will not accept forums that we already have a main thread
Thank you Cefurkan for the information...... Smile
this is my first thread im makeing but i try my best Smile

thx for the information thought cef Smile
(2015-07-10, 07:39 PM)MikeDevil Wrote: this is my first thread im makeing but i try my best Smile

thx for the information thought cef Smile

hey welcome

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