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Event: How to get any Pokemon you want, how to become chat master and get special ran
Flavie got a nature change reward ty
cef please check your pm box
Hey cef in title u wrote ran in place of rank
(2015-02-20, 12:21 PM)Outrage Wrote: i think i wont bother to participate ill just hunt ^^ nice tho!

Still dont know if i can do this :/
i want to be master chat !!! Angel cefurkan


hello ! Angel


hello ! Huh

[Image: th?&id=HN.608048154209422488&w=300&h=300...9&rs=0&p=0]
[Image: th?&id=HN.608042901467497034&w=300&h=300...9&rs=0&p=0]
it is very simplesWink
so cool... awesum..... Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin

(2015-03-21, 06:27 AM)Cristian alex 25 Wrote: i want to be master chat !!! Angel cefurkan


hello ! Angel



cef i want to be a chat master
even i too
[Image: 1685761.jpg]
i want a legend how to take it when the number of threads written will be compeleted
Wow its good that legend need only 6 thresds
cef please see your inbox i had asked you something
Can view count also be considered I would quality over quantity and I'm a very well known  liked member of another large community and would rather just post there then spam across multiple forums
(2015-02-09, 11:05 AM)CeFurkan Wrote:
(2015-02-09, 10:21 AM)mailmeharry2008 Wrote:
(2015-02-09, 10:06 AM)ArieI Wrote: fine then I'm done with this game and i implore as many people as possible to join me. This is without a doubt the worst idea you've ever come up with since this game was created. You just lost your top and most active player because you'd rather reward spammers than people who actually put in hours playing the game, good work.

I support u ariel but quitting is not the solution, i say stay here and enjoy cef will get to know in near future his own mistake Big Grin
And yes it is worst idea according to me too cef. 
And i wud still suggest a reference system for advertisement rather than advertising in open forums, which will bring only spammers and temporary players to ur game. More spam traffic is more trouble to current cms too Big Grin
And i dont think ur new cms will be of much help to u Big Grin

(2015-02-09, 09:57 AM)CeFurkan Wrote:
(2015-02-09, 09:37 AM)ArieI Wrote: I cannot support this so-called "event" in any way. It's ludicrous to be honest and here's why. You are now basically rewarding people for sending out and posting spam. Spam is very easy to do, takes very little time ... just copy and paste a generic advertisement into hundreds of threads ... easy.

And yet, for doing this very easy task, you are rewarding people with chat upgrades that allow them to ban people. Great so some newb who's barely even started the game can just go and spam 100 forums and now all of a sudden they can ban me whenever they want? Sure they're not supposed to and then I'd have to go through the big hassle of filing a report with you and waiting on a reply, have to supply evidence etc etc etc why do you want this headache and why are you imposing it onto me?

Then lets get onto the pokemon rewards, everything below MS is fine but for the MS and MSL you are rewarding people with 500 million or even 2 billion gold just for spam. Do you have any idea how long in terms of game hours it takes to accumulate 2 billion gold? Here's a fact to give you an idea, NO ONE has ever accumulated that much yet. I'm only approaching it now after months and months of gameplay ... and now you're offering to just toss these pokes away like they're nothing .. for spam.

I vote to have MS and MSL removed as potential rewards, as well as the removal of all chat-related rewards. This will ruin the game, I guarantee it.

just try and see whether it is easy or not believe me you will be amazed how hard it is because i did so many and only few of them stays alive

i myself tried it too and did find it ultra hard to do especially 100 or 1000s thread, but still spammers and hackers do have bots and many other tricks that can found a loophole in it. The true people will never get this but bad people might make a lot of your scheme Big Grin

you are greatly mistaken
i will not accept spammed by bots forums
they are thrash and useless
only human verified forums will be accepted

also reference system is planned for v3

Im in

(2015-02-09, 10:16 AM)CeFurkan Wrote: ☑ Chat Master: 100 threads (if power abused rank will be removed immediately)
☑ Super Chat Master: 500 threads (if power abused rank will be removed immediately)
☑ Special rank title or chat color: 1000 threads (if power abused rank will be removed immediately)

100 threads?
OMG is that so hard to do?
Well i'll just keep making
When i will be promoted?
many pokemon amazing gonna catch them allCoolCoolTongueBig Grin
hey i maked 100 threads so why i am not a cm soon i should be lol
[Image: 1685761.jpg]
i had made more than 6 threads how to take a legend now ?
(2015-04-15, 08:08 AM)pratham Wrote: hey i maked 100 threads so why i am not a cm soon i should be lol

where are the threads post links here ?
(2015-04-14, 02:10 AM)zanthyn Wrote: Can view count also be considered I would quality over quantity and I'm a very well known  liked member of another large community and would rather just post there then spam across multiple forums

could be i need to see threads
(2015-04-21, 01:23 AM)CeFurkan Wrote:
(2015-04-14, 02:10 AM)zanthyn Wrote: Can view count also be considered I would quality over quantity and I'm a very well known  liked member of another large community and would rather just post there then spam across multiple forums

could be i need to see threads

alright how can I send you links since I am unable to PM link to you
Awsome event!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(2015-02-08, 07:05 PM)CeFurkan Wrote: ✓ Event: How to get any Pokemon you want, how to become chat master and get special ranks

✓ This event is permanent

✓ All you need to do is advertisement of the game at the forums

✓ Any forum is accepted as long as real people uses and visits that which means spammed by bots forums or spam sections will not be accepted

✓ I will check each one of the threads before granting your reward

✓ If thread is deleted or does not have any link to our game will not be accepted

✓ My suggestion for you to not get your ads deleted or be able to post a link, have at least 10-20 regular post at that forum before advertising. This would 90% ensure your thread will stay. Also if you make higher quality ads that is replied and read by so many people can be counted multiple times up to 50x

✓ As long as there is a link to our game all advertisement threads are accepted

✓ Here few good example advertisement threads which are made at the proper sections of the good forums




✓ Ok so how many advertisement threads do you need to get rewards

✓ You can make only 1 or 2 advertisement threads at the each forum but if you make 2 threads they have to be under different forum sections

✓ Each reward will come with any nature you want and reward IVs 27

☑ Common: 5 threads
☑ Uncommon: 10 threads
☑ Rare: 15 threads
☑ Ultra Rare: 20 threads
☑ Legendary: 25 threads
☑ Starter: 30 threads
☑ Shiny: 50 threads
☑ Shiny-Legendary: 75 threads
☑ Mega: 100 threads
☑ Mega-Legendary: 250 threads
☑ Mega-Shiny: 500 threads
☑ Mega-Shiny-Legendary: 1000 threads

☑ Chat Master: 100 threads (if power abused rank will be removed immediately)
☑ Super Chat Master: 500 threads (if power abused rank will be removed immediately)
☑ Special rank title or chat color: 1000 threads (if power abused rank will be removed immediately)

✓ Maximize existing Pokemon IV points

☑ Common: 2 threads
☑ Uncommon: 5 threads
☑ Rare: 7 threads
☑ Ultra Rare: 10 threads
☑ Legendary: 12 threads
☑ Starter: 15 threads
☑ Shiny: 25 threads
☑ Shiny-Legendary: 35 threads
☑ Mega: 50 threads
☑ Mega-Legendary: 100 threads
☑ Mega-Shiny: 150 threads
☑ Mega-Shiny-Legendary: 250 threads

✓ Change existing Pokemon natures

☑ Common: 1 threads
☑ Uncommon: 2 threads
☑ Rare: 3 threads
☑ Ultra Rare: 5 threads
☑ Legendary: 6 threads
☑ Starter: 10 threads
☑ Shiny: 15 threads
☑ Shiny-Legendary: 25 threads
☑ Mega: 35 threads
☑ Mega-Legendary: 50 threads
☑ Mega-Shiny: 75 threads
☑ Mega-Shiny-Legendary: 100 threads

✓ Cumulatively threads will be counted

✓ Each reward you get will be deducted from your total thread count

✓ Example thread i made you can use its code


✓ Save your advertisement threads links in a notepad or any file like word and once you reached number that you want email me file and pm me from the game with telling your email

✓ PM from game : https://www.pokemonpets.com/PostNewPM.aspx?To=CeFurkan

✓ My email : monstermmorpg at gmail.com

I like it very much.Please conduct some free pokemon giveawayTongue.
Cef i dont know any other games forum. I wanted to be a chat master so I need to post 100 threads so please can you suggest 100 games and their forums?
lol sombit
[Image: 1685761.jpg]
(2015-02-19, 06:40 AM)pratham Wrote: then where can we make
in other games forum

Cef can you please suggest me some names of other games forums?

(2015-02-20, 12:21 PM)Outrage Wrote: i think i wont bother to participate ill just hunt ^^ nice tho!
Best of luck outrage
(2015-02-20, 12:21 PM)Outrage Wrote: i think i wont bother to participate ill just hunt ^^ nice tho!
good luck lol
I just wanted to be a cm and thats all
even i best cm ever lol
[Image: 1685761.jpg]

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