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[Image: 49033776151_6c36d737f5_o.png]

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This update will be a progressive update, so check this thread frequently. The version number will not change for a while.

=== December 12th 2019 ===
[Image: 49033776151_6c36d737f5_o.png]

68: The Daily Activities and Prestige Levels system added to the game

68.1: You can read and learn all details about the new system from this thread >

69: Now you can re-battle daily Boss even after you won the battle. However, if you re-battle, your win record will be deleted. Thus, you will need to defeat the boss again. However, your best damage will remain.

70: Some visual errors fixed

71: Few pages visual quality slightly improved

72: South Korea and North Korea flags were incorrect. Fixed. These 2 country names fixed

73: ELO score of all players got reset to 400

73.1: All existing ELO revenges removed

73.2: From now on, you will have maximum 48 hours to complete your ELO revenges

73.3: So no more stacking ELO revenges to accumulate lots of ELO scores in short time

73.4: Deeply sorry about resetting your hard earned ELO back to 400. But you can think this as ELO restart of a new season. This decision is made to make the game fair for everyone

74: Two new weekly events added to the game

74.1: Weekly best obtained daily boss battles damage

74.2: Weekly cumulatively dealt guild quest damage

=== November 11th 2019 ===
[Image: 49033776151_6c36d737f5_o.png]

62: Moved from .NET 4.7.2 framework to .NET 4.8.0 framework. This may bring small performance improvement.

63: All external critical stat bonuses (including from pokemon abilities) will be added to the current critical bonus instead of multiplied to the current critical stat: Account level, Guild bonus and Account-bound item bonus. Therefore:
63.1: There was a glitch caused by the fact that all the previous specified bonuses were multiplying the current critical stat instead of adding the critical. That caused a heavy overflow when the player had +6 critical stat and too many bonuses at once, completely nullifying the critical stat. This doesn't happen anymore.
63.2: Fixed an overflow glitch with critical boost moves and holding critical boost items (like Critical Weapon). It was making, for example, Focus energy to grant +3 critical stages instead of 1, and Laser Focus +4 instead of +2. Now they give the correct amount of critical stages.

64: Now, all account-bound item bonuses will have their bonus doubled after level 70. That means you will get twice the bonus for each level after level 70.
64.1: This means all account-bound items will grant +15% bonus at level 100 instead of +12%, being +9% at level 70 (2% unlock bonus + 7% from levels) and +15% at level 100 (30 levels with double stat bonus).
64.2: Hybrid items will have the same bonus but divided by half. They will grant +7,5% at level 100 instead of +6%. +4,5% at level 70 (1% unlock bonus + 3,5% for 70 levels), and +7,5% at level 100 (3% for 30 levels).

65: Updated several wrong descriptions in the game: cloudless weather boosting "Light" moves, for example.

66: Detected and fixed a late-game glitch on the Endless Tower, making the challenge to abruptly end unexpectedly (it was happening around Floor 700 due to stat overflow).

67: Added the Shiny Amulet images to the Shiny Amulet account-bound item.

=== November 5th 2019 ===
[Image: 49033776151_6c36d737f5_o.png]

54: Gold bonus reward (e.g. from account level, guild level, items, etc.) in Wild Pokemon and NPC battles were not correctly calculated. This issue is now fixed and you will get higher and correct bonus now.

55: Now you can teach TM moves to Pokemon that naturally learn those moves by leveling up.
55.1: The TM will require the Pokemon to have the required level (the level Pokemon can learn that move) in order to be able to be taught.
55.2: So, let's say your Pokemon can learn Trick Room move at Level 55. In that case, if your Pokemon is Level 55 or above, you can teach that move via TM item directly.

56: Berserk and Cautious abilities were decreasing the Accuracy stat by 25%. This is changed to 15%.

57: Accuracy and Evasion values were not displayed in the Battle page correctly. This visual error is now fixed.

58: Displayed precision of stats has been increased in the battle page. For example, now it will show Attack stat boost as 100.1% instead of 100%.

59: Now all badges will be displayed on your profile page whether you have them or not. However, they will be greyed out if you do not have them currently.
59.1: Some of the badge images has been updated and improved.

60: The account Level current EXP, next Level remaining EXP, total EXP displayed on the user profile page is improved. You can find account levels required exp at this page.
60.1: The Account level EXP table is listed under the Misc tab, under the button Account Level EXP Table.

61: Account bound permanent item system has been implemented to the game. You can find more information about account-bound items at this thread.
61.1: You can find the Account bound items page under the profile tab.

=== October 8th 2019 ===
[Image: 49033776151_6c36d737f5_o.png]

52: There was a scoring error in Guild Wars. This error is now fixed and scores are re-calculated. Due to this fix, weekly scores of this week also got reset. If you still see any errors in Guild Wars scores, please let me know.

53: The background code (how we store the data) of ELO score system has also been updated. You should not feel any difference. However, if you encounter any unexpected error, please let me know.

=== September 4th 2019 ===
[Image: 49033776151_6c36d737f5_o.png]

51: Now you can sell more than 1 Pokemon to the NPC at once. In order to sell multiple Pokemon at once, check the checkboxes on the right of the Pokemon in Set Your Pokemon Team page.
51.1: After checking the Pokemon, click the multi sell button at the very bottom.
51.2: Make sure that you have filtered and listed only Pokemon you want to sell to the NPC.
[Image: attachment.php?thumbnail=1171]

=== August 30th 2019 ===
[Image: 49033776151_6c36d737f5_o.png]

50.0Gameplay shortcuts have been updated.

=== August 27th 2019 ===
[Image: 49033776151_6c36d737f5_o.png]

1: For years, the waited Tournament system has arrived with full features. Please read more about the system at this official thread.

2: Your ongoing battle will get deleted only if you do not log in the game over 24 hours.

3: Ability change unlocking feature by Gold has been added to the game on Manage & Set Your Pokemon Team page.

4Calculate the Pokemon stats page has been improved. Now when you open a user's Pokemon in stats calculator, you do not need to click to calculate stats button. It will be auto-calculated.

5: Chat message post-cool-down for Level 30 and above accounts has been reduced from 5 seconds to 2 seconds.
5.1: If your account level is below 2, the chat message sending cool-down is now 180 seconds (3 minutes).
5.2: If your account level is equal to 2 and lower than 30, the chat message sending cool-down is now 5 seconds.
5.3: If your account level is equal to or above 30, chat message sending cool-down is now 2 seconds.

6: Now when you use Repel item via a shortcut in-game page, it will use the best Repel you have in your bag. The Repel item usage order will be as follows: Ultimate Repel > Super Repel > Repel.

7: The Pokemon level of daily Boss battles has been increased to the maximum Pokemon level allowed in the game (currently level 120).

8: Now you can see daily boss beating rewards in daily boss history.
8.1: Previously you were only seeing how much you have earned total.
8.2: Now it will be displayed as how much reward gold you have earned from inflicted damage and how much reward gold you have earned from defeating it (if you have defeated it).

9: You can see the maximum allowed level anytime from checking any Pokemon level gain speed table in Pokedex (currently level 120).

10: Heal Block move is modified. Previously it was preventing switch of enemy Pokemon for 99 turns. Now it is limited to only 5 turns. This change is made to prevent abuse in PvP battles.

11: Now when you open the page for offering pokémons on trade, your Pokemons will be ordered by their ID, so there won't be random sorting each time when you change page or make an offer.

12: When you offer your Pokemon for trading and your offer gets cancelled, your offered Pokemon place was remaining as "offered" instead of returning to "storage". This bug has been fixed and all pokemons stuck as "offered" have returned to the "storage".

13: When you use a move (for example, Super Fang) that does % damage based on the enemy Pokemon's current HP, we were applying class-based move power's reduction based on the enemy Pokemon class. It was working like below:
13.1: For Rare class: 40% decrease.
13.2: For Ultra Rare class: 50% decrease.
13.3: For Legendary and Starter class: 60% decrease.
13.4: For Shiny class: 70% decrease.
13.5: For other classes, there was no decrease.
13.6: Now, we have also included all Mega classes to get a 70% decrease.

14: When computer determining which move to use, it was using self-damaging moves even if the move's executing Pokemon were going to faint due to recoil damage such as Belly Drum move. This behaviour is fixed now fixed:
14.1: For example, Belly Drum does 50% self-damage. So, if the computer-controlled Pokemon's HP is lower than 60% (self-damage ratio +10), it will pick another move instead. This will prevent pokemons from autofainting themselves.

15: The item names of Ultra Ball and Super Ball have been switch:
15.1: Item Id 137 --- Super Ball --- Pokeball --- Catches wild Pokémon with a rate of 2.5.
15.2: Item Id 161 --- Ultra Ball --- Pokeball --- Catches wild Pokémon with a rate of 3.5.

16: The annoying menu buttons vibration glitch when navigating between pages in the main menu has been fixed.

17: There was a bug that prevented some items not to be searched in manage items page. It is fixed and now you can filter by all item names.

18: Custom given pet names were not correctly displayed when selecting Pokemon to use items on them in manage items page. This is fixed now.

19: Now when a Tournament PvP, ELO PvP or Guild War PvP battle against you is started, if you are online and the battle has not ended yet, you will hear an alert sound and your page will be automatically navigated to do PvP battles page.
19.1: On PvP battles page, you will be able to take control of these PvP battles ongoing against you if you are not automatically entered those battles.
19.2: Moreover, if you didn't automatically enter ELO PvP, Guild War PvP or Tournament PvP, you will get a private message that notifies you about ongoing PvP battle.

20: Automatically entering live PvP battles can be set on or off from control panel.

21: Now when someone mentions you in the chat panel via using @username, you will hear an alert sound 
21.1: This alert can be set to on or off from control panel.

22: Now the Pokemon you have captured in wild Pokemon battles, obtained via egg hatching or got from reward shop will have first owner registered as you.
22.1: The first recorded owner will never change later.
22.2: You can see the first owner of Pokemon any time by checking their details page.
22.3: The Pokemon you have obtained before Version 5.0.0 will not have the first owner and they will display N/A (Not Available) as the first owner.

23: Number of custom quick setup teams in set your Pokemon team page has been increased from 18 to 28.
23.1: I plan to implement custom naming quick set teams.

24: Now you can filter Pokemon in Pokedex by a combination of multiple moves learning. Just separate the move names with ; (semicolon).
24.1: A semicolon should be automatically added to the end of the selected move when you select auto name suggestions which appear as you type letters.

25: Some filterings in both market and set your Pokemon team page were not persisting when you change pages. This bug has been fixed.
25.1: There can be still filterings which reset as you change pages. Please reply them to this thread.

26: If you want to remove your custom given pet name, just type null or enter an empty value.

27: Increased the maximum allowed amount of pokemon, from 5,000 to 10,000.

28: Now daily boss battles will not be counted as NPC battle. Thus, when you lose or win daily boss battle, your battle lose or win count will not change.

29: Now in order to do an ELO match, you have to complete your awaiting revenge matches. You can either do revenge PvP matches or discard them, but if any revenge match is awaiting, you are not allowed anymore to do an ELO match. This new rule is added to prevent ELO revenge system abuse.

30: Filter by letter in manage team page was not working correctly and it is fixed now.

31: Now, on manage reward Pokemon page, the current abilities of the Pokemon will be displayed as well, so it will be easier to change abilities for ability change unlocked Pokemon.

32: IP based country location system has been updated. If you see incorrect country on your profile please reply and let me know.

33: An additional filter has been added to the Pokedex Event page:
33.1: Now you can display only collected or not collected yet Pokemon 

34: Weekly event process system has been improved:
34.1: Now, players with an equal score will get sorted by their top trainers rank.
34.2: The better top trainers rank (lower is better) will put the equal score player on top. 
34.3: So, let's say Player 1 collected 10 weekly event score and his top trainers rank is 19. Meanwhile, the Player 2 has collected also 10 weekly event score but his top trainers rank is 17. So the Player 2 will have better weekly event rank than Player 1.

35: New label added to the sell Pokemon at Bazaar page.
35.1: Now you can see how many of that particular Pokemon you are selling.
35.2: Also, now you can sort Pokemon by name in buy and sell Pokemon at bazaar pages.

36: Now, after doing a daily boss battle, you will be automatically redirected to the daily boss page.

37: Now you can de-transform to most basic form account bound Pokemon too. However, you will not get transformation gem items back such as Mega Gem if you de-transform mega Pokemon.

38: New filtering added to the manage Pokemon page.
38.1: Now you can filter Pokemon by either you are the first owner of the Pokemon or not.

39: In the Pokemon Events chat channel, now Shiny class Pokemon events have orange colour and Starter and Legendary class Pokemon events have a red colour.

40: Explanation tool-tips (they appear when you move over them) of chat channels have been improved.

41: Top menu's shortcut items are updated. Now you can easily access all of our social networks.

42: The PvP Battles Board has been improved. Now it will display each battle type as following:
42.1: Guild War Battle.
42.2: Winner ELO Score (ELO Battle).
42.3: Tournament Battle.
42.4: Live PvP (Free Battle).
42.5: Computer Controlled (Free Battle).

43: If a PvP battle gets deleted automatically by the system such as unfinished Tournament battles in the maximum allowed time, or when a player is offline more than 24 hours, they will not be posted on the PvP battles board.

44: There was a bug which was causing some guild member counts to be not exactly the same as their total number of members. This bug is now fixed.
44.1: Due to this bug, you were allowed to apply to other guilds meanwhile you were already in a guild. Now you have to leave your existing guild to apply to other guilds.

45: Now you can change the sorting order of your members in your guild page. Default is List by Guild Quest Damage Amount:
45.1: List by Guild War Participating Order.
45.2: List by Guild Quest Damage Amount.

46: Now the forum supports HTTPS as well.
46.1: All links in the game that redirects to the forum are upgraded to HTTPS links from HTTP links.

47: New sort by ranking options added to the top trainers ranking page Sort players by:
47.1: Official Tournaments Points.
47.2: Official Tournament Win Count.
47.3: Official Tournament Battle Count.
47.4: Official Tournament Battle Win Count.
47.5: Tournaments Coins Count.

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[-] The following 2 users Like CeFurkan's post:
  • kane001, LegnaX
Awesome update. Lots of new and wanted features added successfully. And all added in a very short lapse of time.
Keep up the good work. I know you will Smile
(I thought you wanted to include the new shiny models inside the new version...? Sad )
[-] The following 1 user Likes LegnaX's post:
  • CeFurkan
=== 30 August 2019 ===

50.0: Gameplay shortcuts are updated >
(2019-09-01, 08:19 PM)Speak the truth Wrote: Appreciate the tournaments.
Btw,if ppl get free goods from OfficiAl Tourney,wont they abuse it?
Just saying.

how can they abuse for example?
=== 4 September 2019 ===

51: Now you can sell more than 1 Pokemon to the NPC at once

51.1: In order to sell multiple Pokemon at once, check the checkboxes on the right of the Pokemon in Set Your Pokemon Team page >

51.2: After checking the Pokemon, click the multi sell button at the very bottom

51.3: Make sure that you have filtered and listed only Pokemon you want to sell to the NPC
=== 8 October 2019 ===

52: There was a scoring error in Guild Wars

52.1: This error is fixed and scores re-calculated

52.2: Due to this fix, weekly scores of this week also got reset

52.3: If you still see any errors in Guild Wars scores please let me know

52.4: >

53: The background code (how we store the data) of ELO score system also updated

53.1: You should not feel any difference. However, if you encounter any unexpected error please let me know
Awesome update. Lots of new and wanted features added successfully. And all added in a very short lapse of time.
Keep up the good work. I know you will Smile
=== 5 November 2019 ===

54: Gold bonus reward (e.g. from account level, guild level, items, etc.) in Wild Pokemon and NPC battles were not correctly calculated

54.1: This issue fixed and you will get higher and correct bonus now

55: Now you can teach TM moves to Pokemon that naturally learn those moves by leveling up

55.1: The TM will require the Pokemon to have the required level (the level Pokemon can learn that move) in order to be able to be taught

55.2: So lets say your Pokemon can learn Trick Room move at Level 55. So if your Pokemon is Level 55 or above, you can teach that move via TM item.

56: Berserk and Cautious abilities were decreasing Accuracy stat by 25%

56.1: This is changed to 15%

57 Accuracy and Evasion values were not displayed in the Battle page correctly

57.1: This visual error is fixed

58: Displayed precision of stats increased in battle page

58.1: For example, now it will show Attack stat boost as 100.1% instead of 100%

59: Now all badges will be displayed in your profile page whether you have them or not. However, they will be grayed out if you do not have them currently

59.1: Some of the badge images updated and improved

60: The account Level current EXP, next Level remaining EXP, total EXP displayed on user profile page is improved

60.1: You can find account levels required exp at this page >

60.2: Account level EXP table is listed under Misc tab

61: Account bound permanent item system added to the game

61.1: More information about account bound items can be found at this thread >

61.2: Account bound items page is put under profile tab >
Hey CeF,
As you said at point 32, my account is still showing wrong country. It is showing singapore while i live in India.
Great work!
=== December 12th 2019 ===
[Image: 49033776151_6c36d737f5_o.png]

68: The Daily Activities and Prestige Levels system added to the game

68.1: You can read and learn all details about the new system from this thread >

69: Now you can re-battle daily Boss even after you won the battle. However, if you re-battle, your win record will be deleted. Thus, you will need to defeat the boss again. However, your best damage will remain.

70: Some visual errors fixed

71: Few pages visual quality slightly improved

72: South Korea and North Korea flags were incorrect. Fixed. These 2 country names fixed

=== November 11th 2019 ===
[Image: 49033776151_6c36d737f5_o.png]

62: Moved from .NET 4.7.2 framework to .NET 4.8.0 framework. This may bring small performance improvement.

63: All external critical stat bonuses (including from pokemon abilities) will be added to the current critical bonus instead of multiplied to the current critical stat: Account level, Guild bonus and Account-bound item bonus. Therefore:
63.1: There was a glitch caused by the fact that all the previous specified bonuses were multiplying the current critical stat instead of adding the critical. That caused a heavy overflow when the player had +6 critical stat and too many bonuses at once, completely nullifying the critical stat. This doesn't happen anymore.
63.2: Fixed an overflow glitch with critical boost moves and holding critical boost items (like Critical Weapon). It was making, for example, Focus energy to grant +3 critical stages instead of 1, and Laser Focus +4 instead of +2. Now they give the correct amount of critical stages.

64: Now, all account-bound item bonuses will have their bonus doubled after level 70. That means you will get twice the bonus for each level after level 70.
64.1: This means all account-bound items will grant +15% bonus at level 100 instead of +12%, being +9% at level 70 (2% unlock bonus + 7% from levels) and +15% at level 100 (30 levels with double stat bonus).
64.2: Hybrid items will have the same bonus but divided by half. They will grant +7,5% at level 100 instead of +6%. +4,5% at level 70 (1% unlock bonus + 3,5% for 70 levels), and +7,5% at level 100 (3% for 30 levels).

65: Updated several wrong descriptions in the game: cloudless weather boosting "Light" moves, for example.

66: Detected and fixed a late-game glitch on the Endless Tower, making the challenge to abruptly end unexpectedly (it was happening around Floor 700 due to stat overflow).

67: Added the Shiny Amulet images to the Shiny Amulet account-bound item.
ELO score of all players got reset to 400. All existing ELO revenges removed. From now on, you will have maximum 48 hours to complete your ELO revenges. So no more stacking ELO revenges to accumulate lots of ELO scores in short time. Deeply sorry about resetting your hard earned ELO back to 400. But you can think this as ELO restart of a new season. This decision is made to make the game fair for everyone.
73: ELO score of all players got reset to 400

73.1: All existing ELO revenges removed

73.2: From now on, you will have maximum 48 hours to complete your ELO revenges

73.3: So no more stacking ELO revenges to accumulate lots of ELO scores in short time

73.4: Deeply sorry about resetting your hard earned ELO back to 400. But you can think this as ELO restart of a new season. This decision is made to make the game fair for everyone

74: Two new weekly events added to the game

74.1: Weekly best obtained daily boss battles damage

74.2: Weekly cumulatively dealt guild quest damage

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