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Game ShortCuts - Hot Keys - HotKey
Adventure Page Shortcuts (the page where you move on the maps)

Keep pressing keys for more fluent movement

Big arrows on the center of the screen
Moves number of times written in the center of the arrows towards to the clicked side (Multiple Moving)

Keyboard arrow keys
Up : Moves up 1 step
Left : Moves left 1 step
Down: Moves down 1 step
Right: Moves right 1 step

H : Uses Healing Machine item if you have in your bag
U : Uses Ultimate Revive item if you have in your bag

Q : If automatic Pokemon hunting is disabled it becomes enabled - If automatic Pokemon hunting is enabled it becomes disabled

E / Enter / 0 : Enter battle (when you have encountered NPC or wild Pokemon)
R / (Numpad +) : Try to escape from battle (when you have encountered wild Pokemon)
F / Forced try to escape from battle (when you have encountered wild Pokemon and there is a confirmation box on the screen)

W, A, S, D moves number of steps written in the central box
W : Move up
A : Move left
S : Move down
D : Move right

(Pokemon Fishing Rod Items)
1: Old Rod
2: Good Rod
3: Super Rod

(Pokemon Escape Items)
Y: Attractive Player
X: Horrifying Player
Z: Repel Item

Select Pokemon Page (the page where you choose your battling Pokemon)

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 selects respectively ordered Pokemon on the screen (including number numbers)

Battle Page (the page where you battle)

0: Enable / disable automatic battle

T: Throw selected PokeBall

1, 2, 3, 4 selects respectively ordered moves (including number numbers)

5, 6, 7, 8, 9 quickly uses the items that you have set in your settings page :

F / Enter : Finish battle and go to battle result page

Q / (Numpad * (multiply)) : Select Pokemon page

(Numpad - (substract))  : Manage Items

Battle Result Page

R / Enter : Return to game page

Both regular enter and numpad enter works

My Eggs Page

H : Hatch All Ready Eggs button
E does not work on NPC
(2015-06-19, 04:51 AM)kunwarkharbanda Wrote: E does not work on NPC
No it works Sleepy
e actually doesnt work on npcs. it refreshes the page.
(2015-06-28, 05:04 PM)Poseidon1234 Wrote: e actually doesnt work on npcs. it refreshes the page.
yes E is for wild pokemon only and if there is no pokemon then it simply refreshes the page
yes i also noticed E doesnt work for npcs

not very big deal but i may fix later
The greatest addition are the fishing rod hot keys, makes it easier to fish now, thanks Cefrukan ;3
Temp Signature Until I can Make A Better One
[Image: omeg_ruby_male_trainer_sig_01_by_gmc_aniki-d7sj23i.png]
new shortcuts

(Fishing Rod Items)
1: Old Rod
2: Good Rod
3: Super Rod
best update so far for me Big Grin
awesome cef awesome job
new shortcut

Battle page (the page where you battle)

Q : Select Pokemon page
shortcuts updated numpad shortcuts has arrived
Thanx u so much for this information ........cef
thanks for the information
Rod shortcut is nice update
more shortcuts added

Pokemon Escape Items
Y: Attractive Player
X: Horrifying Player
Z: Repel Item
Battle page (the page where you battle)

T: Throw selected PokeBall
thread is updated

W, A, S, D moves number of steps written in the central box
W : Move up
A : Move left
S : Move down
D : Move right

Keyboard arrow keys
Up : Moves up 1 step
Left : Moves left 1 step
Down: Moves down 1 step
Right: Moves right 1 step
now you can use both numpad 0 and regular 0 keys to enter battles

E / Enter / 0 : Enter battle (when you have encountered NPC or wild Pokemon)
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more shortcuts added to the Adventure page

H : Uses Healing Machine item if you have in your bag
U : Uses Ultimate Revive item if you have in your bag
(2015-06-19, 04:51 AM)kunwarkharbanda Wrote: E does not work on NPC
Bro if we touch an NPC then we can't run from them
Battle Page (the page where you battle)

0: Enable / disable automatic battle
My Eggs Page

H : Hatch All Ready Eggs button

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