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Update 1 August 2016
> The game backbone frameworks are updated to latest
> The game server Windows updates are updated to latest
> I have started to make some major improvements at the server side coding to improve the game speed for everyone around the world.
>> This progress is still going on and i am planning to every page of the game.
>> If you encounter any unexpected problem please let me know.
(2016-08-01, 05:54 PM)One thing that needs fixing on ELO: If someone revenges against you and you win, your protection goes away. It should only go away if you are liver user and not CPU. thanks!CeFurkan Wrote: Update 1 August 2016
> The game backbone frameworks are updated to latest
> The game server Windows updates are updated to latest
> I have started to make some major improvements at the server side coding to improve the game speed for everyone around the world.
>> This progress is still going on and i am planning to every page of the game.
>> If you encounter any unexpected problem please let me know.
Nice update!
1. npcDefeatTracking has old Reward Gold values.
1.1. When to filter by zone, for example Zone 19 Mixed, the list is long and is obstructed by BottomBarMasterPage element at the bottom.
1.1.1. When to click on page 2, the page is not resized, but a huge empty gray area remains at the bottom.
"Let another man praise thee, and not thine own mouth; a stranger, and not thine own lips." - Proverbs 27:2
"He that loveth pastime, shall be a poor man: and he that loveth wine and oil, shall not be rich." - Proverbs 21:17
For me its not only page 2 but also page 1 and many other sections
1) Vote section(in mobile), it has huge space left downside, this space may cover the vote section ~3-4 times and guild section too have lots of space downside.
2) In manage reward page (i have only two), the space is when compared, i have 5.5 inch mobile display with 1920x1080 resolution, the space covers 8½ times the whole mobile screen height(in Chrome fully zoomout), i think thats a lot of empty space.

My other post on this topic Click Here
Update 16 August 2016
> Now you can change types of the Arceus Pokemon
>> To change the type, mount the Orb or Crystal item that has the type you want and then transform like usual:
>> After type change, the held item will disappear
> More infrastructure improvement has been done to improve the overall game speed. Please report any unexpected errors or events
(2016-08-16, 04:19 PM)CeFurkan Wrote: Update 16 August 2016
> Now you can change types of the Arceus Pokemon
>> To change the type, mount the Orb or Crystal item that has the type you want and then transform like usual:
>> After type change, the held item will disappear
> More infrastructure improvement has been done to improve the overall game speed. Please report any unexpected errors or events

It's great.
> There was a glitch in Pokemon ordering in computer controlled battles
>> Normally, your Pokemon should be ordered by the Pokemon order you have set at the Select Pokemon page ascending when someone else makes a ELO PvP or computer controlled battle with you
>> This glitch is fixed and now they should be correctly ordered by the order you gave them at the select page
(2016-08-16, 05:56 PM)CeFurkan Wrote: > There was a glitch in Pokemon ordering in computer controlled battles
>> Normally, your Pokemon should be ordered by the Pokemon order you have set at the Select Pokemon page ascending when someone else makes a ELO PvP or computer controlled battle with you
>> This glitch is fixed and now they should be correctly ordered by the order you gave them at the select page

And also, When we remove the Pokemon that is set for particular number, and add another Pokemon, the new Pokemon is ordered first to which the number is not set(becoz it will have number '0'), and the Pokemon which is set first become second.

Do you agree to move the new Pokemon to the assigned number that the removed pokemon has?
Why do you keep calling ELO as PvP as it is definitely far from that?

I wish I could set different order for ELO, since I use other team order when grinding arenas...

I tried out that Arceus type change. It works. But, is it normal, that first ability doesn't get changed? Was Grass before with Grass Master, changed to Steel, but it still has Grass Master instead of Steel Master.

I also found a possible security hole: press E to start battle with NPC bypasses reCAPTCHA. (Currently observed this happening in arenas.)

And where did SML disappear from Daily Rewards System?
"Let another man praise thee, and not thine own mouth; a stranger, and not thine own lips." - Proverbs 27:2
"He that loveth pastime, shall be a poor man: and he that loveth wine and oil, shall not be rich." - Proverbs 21:17
(2016-08-16, 05:56 PM)CeFurkan Wrote: > There was a glitch in Pokemon ordering in computer controlled battles
>> Normally, your Pokemon should be ordered by the Pokemon order you have set at the Select Pokemon page ascending when someone else makes a ELO PvP or computer controlled battle with you
>> This glitch is fixed and now they should be correctly ordered by the order you gave them at the select page

thanks for fixing it Smile i was about to report that Big Grin
(2016-08-17, 07:52 AM)Mysterium Wrote: Why do you keep calling ELO as PvP as it is definitely far from that?

Oh, btw, just tried out that Arceus type change. It works. But, is it normal, that first ability doesn't get changed? Was Grass before with Grass Master, changed to Steel, but it still has Grass Master instead of Steel Master.

great observation Smile
i think arceus is glitching, when you try to mega it it says you do not have a crystal or orb item, give it 1 and it transforms type, but it won't mega
[Image: ezgif-2-1ece84c32476.jpg]
(2016-08-17, 05:29 AM)RLR Wrote:
(2016-08-16, 05:56 PM)CeFurkan Wrote: > There was a glitch in Pokemon ordering in computer controlled battles
>> Normally, your Pokemon should be ordered by the Pokemon order you have set at the Select Pokemon page ascending when someone else makes a ELO PvP or computer controlled battle with you
>> This glitch is fixed and now they should be correctly ordered by the order you gave them at the select page

And also, When we remove the Pokemon that is set for particular number, and add another Pokemon, the new Pokemon is ordered first to which the number is not set(becoz it will have number '0'), and the Pokemon which is set first become second.

Do you agree to move the new Pokemon to the assigned number that the removed pokemon has?

i see so order 0 must not be ordered and put to end right?
(2016-08-18, 01:38 AM)sea2003main Wrote: i think arceus is glitching, when you try to mega it it says you do not have a crystal or orb item, give it 1 and it transforms type, but it won't mega

yes you cant mega right now 

i will fix this problem and ability change problem ty for reports
(2016-08-17, 07:52 AM)Mysterium Wrote: Why do you keep calling ELO as PvP as it is definitely far from that?

I wish I could set different order for ELO, since I use other team order when grinding arenas...

I tried out that Arceus type change. It works. But, is it normal, that first ability doesn't get changed? Was Grass before with Grass Master, changed to Steel, but it still has Grass Master instead of Steel Master.

I also found a possible security hole: press E to start battle with NPC bypasses reCAPTCHA. (Happened in Steel Arena.)

And where did SML disappear from Daily Rewards System?

you can set different teams already

or else what do you mean?
(2016-08-19, 09:08 AM)CeFurkan Wrote:
(2016-08-17, 05:29 AM)RLR Wrote:
(2016-08-16, 05:56 PM)CeFurkan Wrote: > There was a glitch in Pokemon ordering in computer controlled battles
>> Normally, your Pokemon should be ordered by the Pokemon order you have set at the Select Pokemon page ascending when someone else makes a ELO PvP or computer controlled battle with you
>> This glitch is fixed and now they should be correctly ordered by the order you gave them at the select page

And also, When we remove the Pokemon that is set for particular number, and add another Pokemon, the new Pokemon is ordered first to which the number is not set(becoz it will have number '0'), and the Pokemon which is set first become second.

Do you agree to move the new Pokemon to the assigned number that the removed pokemon has?

i see so order 0 must not be ordered and put to end right?

No, I mean, lets say i removed a pokemon with order #3, the replaced pokemon should become #3 (as if we are replacing the empty slot in the team when we remove the pokemon), and other pokemon should be in their own order(it's only my idea, so i want everyone's opinion on it). And also when we re-add a pokemon that is previously removed with a set no. (lets say) #5, it is retaining its order. So, i think its order should be cleared when moved to storage, so that there are no two pokemon with set order no #5 (first sentence comes into play here when we re-add pokemon)

When i open my profile, my team is not in a set order. Is it supposed to be like that or not?
(2016-08-19, 09:10 AM)CeFurkan Wrote:
(2016-08-17, 07:52 AM)Mysterium Wrote: I wish I could set different order for ELO, since I use other team order when grinding arenas...

you can set different teams already

or else what do you mean?

Different teams should remember monster order separately.

ALSO, since the AI of CPU controlled team does not Switch Pokémon, so until you include that in the AI, you should also remove the ability to Switch Pokémon from the attacking, human controlled, team. Otherwise it's absolutely unfair/unbalanced.
"Let another man praise thee, and not thine own mouth; a stranger, and not thine own lips." - Proverbs 27:2
"He that loveth pastime, shall be a poor man: and he that loveth wine and oil, shall not be rich." - Proverbs 21:17
(2016-05-11, 01:43 PM)CeFurkan Wrote: > This is a progressive update and not complete yet

> I will update the thread as i update the game

> Fantastic battle animations added to the game check them out. Close your browser and relogin to see. You can also do F5 refresh

> The game money system is improved.
>> All of the income is reduced to 1/10 from the npc battles, wild Pokemon battles, voting, daily boss event
>> All of the item prices reduced to 1/10
>> All of the monsters sales on bazaar prices reduced to 1/10
>> All of the item sales on bazaar prices reduced to 1/10
>> All of the money of all users reduced to 1/10
>> Basically everything is same except the money worths 10 times more now
>> Maximum money cap is still 2,100,000,000 Gold

> Reward box filtering added to the Trade monsters search page:

> Moves that are supposed to be working only when asleep such as Snore are fixed

> Move Points MP labeling fixed in the entire game by Power Points PP. If you see any remaining MP or Move points let me know ty

> IV change system added to the existing Pokemon :
>> You can set up to 27 max per IV, if you set 28 or above it will be set as 27

> At the Pokemon details page, now a red Diamond icon represents whether that Pokemon's ability or IV values can be changed or not

> IV and Nature change by gold system activated :
>> Once you activate any change, it is permanent and you can change as many as times you want after that
>> The necessary Gold amounts are as below


Nature change

Shiny Legendary: 100,000,000 : 100m
Shiny: 40,000,000 : 40m
Legendary: 15,000,000 : 15m
Starter: 10,000,000 : 10m
Ultra Rare: 10,000,000 : 10m
Rare: 4,000,000 : 4m
Uncommon: 1,000,000 : 1m
Common: 250,000 : 250k


IV change (Up to 27 each one)

Shiny Legendary: 200,000,000 : 200m
Shiny: 80,000,000 : 80
Legendary: 30,000,000 : 30m
Starter: 20,000,000 : 20m
Ultra Rare: 20,000,000 : 20m
Rare: 8,000,000 : 8m
Uncommon: 2,000,000 : 2m
Common: 500,000: 500k


> Sell Pokemon to NPC by Gold feature added to the game
>> You can sell them easily from the set Pokemon team page:
>> Sell prices are class based and like below:
>>> Shiny Legendary: 4,000,000 : 4m Gold
>>> Shiny: 4,000,000 : 4m
>>> Starter: 1,000,000 : 1m
>>> Legendary: 200,000 : 200k
>>> Ultra Rare: 10,000 : 10k
>>> Rare: 2,000 : 2k
>>> Uncommon: 500 : 500
>>> Common: 100 : 100


> Now chat masters can post in upper case to the chat
> Now players can post links of maps and chat rules etc.

> ELO PvP League system implemented in to the game. Please read more details here:

> Top trainers ranking system updated according to the ELO PvP League:

> Top trainers page interface improved:

> PvP Battles board interface improved and results of ELO Battles added:

> User profile page interface improved and ELO Scores added:

> PvP Battle offer page interface improved and ELO battles system added:

> Search players page interface improved and ELO scores added. You can see live ELO scores there and sort by top ELO score players:

> Online players page link changed:

> New trainer sprites (overworld trainer image 77-80) added to the settings page that you can use on the maps:
>> Trainer sprites image animation improved

> Messagebox/Inbox , Sent Messages/Outbox pagination is improved and now you can navigate all pages:

> Batch item sell added to the Sell Item to the NPCs page. It asks confirmation dialog. Restart your browser if you do not see the dialog
>> Batch sell to All of your TM items feature added to the market. This sells all of your TM moves items at once. Wait a little bit after pressed button. It asks confirmation as well

> New item Epic Hammer added to the market : Item ID: 7 , Item description: Increases the base power of special category moves of the holder by 30% and decreases the base power of physical category moves of the holder by 20%.

> Critical Weapon now increases 2 stages: Increases the Critical Hit Chance stat of the holder by 2 stage.

> Type based master abilities base power increased to 40% from 30%. Updated abilities here :
>> For example: Bug Master : Increases the Pokémon's Bug moves base Power by 40%.

> Your Pokemon's moves type effectiveness against enemy Pokemon's type, info added to the battle screen such as : 1x, 2x, 0.25x

> How the 2 moves works updated. Now they works like in original games
>> Return : TM27 : Return deals damage based on the happiness of the Pokemon. The greater the Pokemon's friendship, the greater the base power. Minimum base power is 1 and maximum base power is 150. When happiness is 0, BP is 50, when 5000 BP is 150
>> Frustration: TM21 : Frustration deals damage based on the unhappiness of the Pokemon. The greater the Pokemon's frustration, the greater the base power. Minimum base power is 1 and maximum base power is 150. When happiness is 0, BP is 50, when -5000 BP is 150

> Recoil damage is now limited to enemy Pokemon's current HP

> There was a glitch which allowed Pokemon to learn multiple times the same move. This glitch is patched and all of the multiple moves learned Pokemon moves got reset

> Battle AI of the computer is improved for all battles. Read more here:

> ELO League Scoring precision is increased like 1000x or even more times
> Now you can do an ELO re-match with the players who have defeated you in an ELO match from PvP battles page

> Now you can quickly Fly to the routes from route's details page if you have a Pokemon in your team that knows Fly move and if you have visited that Route before

> Now your Pokemon will not become fainted once all of the moves' PPs are exhausted. You will be able to use Struggle move
>> Struggle deals damage to the opponent and the user receives recoil damage equal to 50% of the damage the attack did to the opponent. Struggle can be used by a Pokémon when the Pokémon doesn't have any left PP.

> All computer controlled battle Pokemon PP values are not anymore unlimited
>> Now the PP of wild Pokemon will be limited to 250
>> Now the PP of NPC's Pokemon will be limited to 250
>> Now when computer battling against another player or doing an ELO League PvP Battle, the Pokemon's PP will be double
>> Once all PP of the computer-controlled Pokemon is depleted, the computer-controlled Pokemon will use Struggle move

> Multiple item usage is enabled for the following items:
  • Unhappiness Potion
  • Protein
  • Iron
  • HP Up
  • Calcium
  • Zinc
  • Carbos
  • Happiness Potion
  • Kelpsy Berry
  • Qualot Berry
  • Pomeg Berry
  • Hondew Berry
  • Grepa Berry
  • Tamato Berry

> Quick Repel item usage icon implemented to the game page

> Massive internal update has applied
>> Several technologies updated to latest version such as AjaxToolKit
>> Now walking on the map is much more fluent and should faster for some people. I have worked like 3 days to synchronize the walking animation and the server response Smile
>> If you encounter any problem, any unexpected event, please let me know

> Several things at the battle mechanism are fixed.
>> Now it will first calculate the initial base power of the move then the base power modifiers will be applied. For example if a move sets a base power to something randomly, then the other modifiers such as status problems abilities etc will be applied
>> Now it will be print initial base power of the executed move and the final base power of the move before damage calculated. So we can see if anything is missing or wrong etc
>> Now weather status and the used move's attack type are considered. Previously they were not considered

> An epic battle AI improvement is done. Read more details here:

Update: 15 June 2016
> New ELO League revenge system is implemented :

Update 12 July 2016
> ELO score impact on top trainers ranking system is reduced to maximum 200K score from 500K score after numerous requests and complaints :

Update 29 July 2016
> Guild system has arrived
> Check this page:

Update 1 August 2016
> The game backbone frameworks are updated to latest
> The game server Windows updates are updated to latest
> I have started to make some major improvements at the server side coding to improve the game speed for everyone around the world.
>> This progress is still going on and i am planning to every page of the game.
>> If you encounter any unexpected problem please let me know.

Update 16 August 2016
> Now you can change types of the Arceus Pokemon
>> To change the type, mount the Orb or Crystal item that has the type you want and then transform like usual:
>> After type change, the held item will disappear
> More infrastructure improvement has been done to improve the overall game speed. Please report any unexpected errors or events
> There was a glitch in Pokemon ordering in computer controlled battles
>> Normally, your Pokemon should be ordered by the Pokemon order you have set at the Select Pokemon page ascending when someone else makes a ELO PvP or computer controlled battle with you
>> This glitch is fixed and now they should be correctly ordered by the order you gave them at the select page

Update 1 October 2016
> The damage calculation random coefficient range has changed to 0.85-1.15 from 0.75-1.25
>> Thus, you will inflict less fluctuating damages
I was just messing around online the other day and ended up checking out this Canadian online casino. Didn’t really have any big expectations, but it turned out to be pretty decent. The site works smoothly, no annoying glitches or lag, and it actually feels legit. I even tested a small withdrawal just to see if it would go through, and it worked without any issues, which was a nice surprise.They’ve got a good mix of games—slots, poker, blackjack, and even some live dealer stuff if you're into that . What I liked is that it doesn’t feel sketchy or overloaded with flashy ads. It’s just a simple, easy-to-use site where you can play without feeling bombarded. There are some bonuses too, but they’re not shoved in your face, which I appreciated.
Anyway, just thought I’d mention it in case you’re looking for something new to check out. If you do try it, let me know what you think—I’d be curious to hear your take on it!

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