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Big Grin 
✓ Version 2.2.3 (21 December 2015) Pokemon Pets (F2P Online Pokemon MMO RPG Game) Update Change Logs

✓ Please Read previous updates as well ☑ Previous updates:

✓ The inconsistency between Pokemon moves TM/HM numbers and the moves at the market fixed. Please report if you see any other inconsistency

✓ Game shortcuts improved. Numpad shortcuts has arrived: ☑

✓ New chat feature when you type now /4 or /charmander will print link to

✓ Secret power move turned into level up move and now can be learned. You can use Move Relearner item from market to re-teach moves

✓ Maximum Pokemon sell price at bazaar increased to 2.1 billion gold. When you try to sell a Pokemon over 500m gold, the game will alert and ask you sure or not. So make sure you did not block our game generating more alerts. In addition if your after sale money exceeds 2.1 billion gold, it will get reduced to 2.1 billion so make sure you don't overpass.

✓ Unown, Smeargle, Wynaut and Wobbuffet move set majorly updated

✓ Rotom-Heat , Rotom-Wash , Rotom-Frost , Rotom-Fan , Rotom-Mov has additional new level up moves

✓ All other forms can now turn into mega forms. If any missing please let me know. For example Florges

✓ Few additional moves to Mega-Audino

✓ Each class of wild Pokemon names will have different colors on the game page so you can recognize classes easier. You will notice it and get used to it by time

✓ Wild Pokemon battles experience increased (including NPCs) (this was done at version 2.2.0 however due to mistake it was not active now activated)
✓ Ultra Rare: 2x of before
✓ Legendary: 3x of before
✓ Shiny: 4x of before

✓ All chat screens and chat history cleared
✓ Now when a Chat Master bans an account from chat, all accounts with same IP will also get a chat ban

✓ All unfinished battles got wiped for performance boost
✓ PvP Battle Board and requests history deleted because of unfinished battles wipe
✓ All Monsters and NPCs on maps re-assigned

✓ 150% bonus EXP and Gold event started and it is not precise yet when it will end

✓ New MonsterMMORPG Facebook APP : ☑
✓ Please play and rate 5 stars our game

✓ New PokemonPets Facebook APP : ☑
✓ Please play and rate 5 stars our game

✓ Official following social media channels are fully started please follow all of them
☑ PokemonPets Youtube :
☑ PokemonPets Facebook :
☑ PokemonPets Google+ :
☑ Pokemon Pets Twitter :
☑ Pokemon Pets Facebook APP :
☑ PokemonPets Android APP :
☑ PokemonPets DeviantArt :
☑ MonsterMMORPG Linkedin :

✓ New added and image updated Pokemon (Click F5 to refresh image cache of browser)

[Image: 242-Blissey.png] [Image: 346-Cradily.png] [Image: 349-Feebas.png] [Image: 351-Castform.png] [Image: 2006-Shiny-Charizard.png] [Image: 2094-Shiny-Gengar.png] [Image: 2217-Shiny-Ursaring.png] [Image: 2242-Shiny-Blissey.png] [Image: 2346-Shiny-Cradily.png] [Image: 2349-Shiny-Feebas.png] [Image: 2351-Shiny-Castform.png] [Image: 2491-Shiny-Darkrai.png] [Image: 2571-Shiny-Zoroark.png] [Image: 4006-Charizard-Bony.png] [Image: 4134-Vaporeon-Skull.png] [Image: 4139-Kabutops-Swordmaster.png] [Image: 6006-Shiny-Charizard-Bony.png] [Image: 6134-Shiny-Vaporeon-Skull.png] [Image: 6139-Shiny-Kabutops-Swordmaster.png] [Image: 8023-Mega-Arbok-Black.png] [Image: 8121-Mega-Starmie.png] [Image: 8134-Mega-Vaporeon.png] [Image: 8135-Mega-Jolteon.png] [Image: 8136-Mega-Flareon.png] [Image: 8141-Mega-Kabutops.png] [Image: 8155-Mega-Typhlosion-Frost.png] [Image: 8182-Mega-Bellossom.png] [Image: 8184-Mega-Azumarill.png] [Image: 8196-Mega-Espeon.png] [Image: 8225-Mega-Delibird.png] [Image: 8234-Mega-Stantler.png] [Image: 8238-Mega-Entei-Frost.png] [Image: 8239-Mega-Raikou-Mist.png] [Image: 8243-Mega-Raikou.png] [Image: 8264-Mega-Linoone.png] [Image: 8279-Mega-Pelipper.png] [Image: 8286-Mega-Breloom.png] [Image: 8301-Mega-Delcatty.png] [Image: 8311-Mega-Plusle.png] [Image: 8313-Mega-Volbeat.png] [Image: 8314-Mega-Illumise.png] [Image: 8317-Mega-Swalot.png] [Image: 8321-Mega-Wailord.png] [Image: 8327-Mega-Spinda.png] [Image: 8332-Mega-Cacturne.png] [Image: 8336-Mega-Seviper.png] [Image: 8351-Mega-Castform.png] [Image: 8352-Mega-Kecleon.png] [Image: 8355-Mega-Absol-Antler.png] [Image: 8356-Mega-Absol-Skull.png] [Image: 8367-Mega-Huntail.png] [Image: 8386-Mega-Deoxys.png] [Image: 8405-Mega-Luxray.png] [Image: 8470-Mega-Leafeon.png] [Image: 8477-Mega-Dusknoir.png] [Image: 10023-Shiny-Mega-Arbok-Black.png] [Image: 10121-Shiny-Mega-Starmie.png] [Image: 10134-Shiny-Mega-Vaporeon.png] [Image: 10135-Shiny-Mega-Jolteon.png] [Image: 10136-Shiny-Mega-Flareon.png] [Image: 10141-Shiny-Mega-Kabutops.png] [Image: 10155-Shiny-Mega-Typhlosion-Frost.png] [Image: 10182-Shiny-Mega-Bellossom.png] [Image: 10184-Shiny-Mega-Azumarill.png] [Image: 10196-Shiny-Mega-Espeon.png] [Image: 10212-Shiny-Mega-Scizor.png] [Image: 10225-Shiny-Mega-Delibird.png] [Image: 10234-Shiny-Mega-Stantler.png] [Image: 10238-Shiny-Mega-Entei-Frost.png] [Image: 10239-Shiny-Mega-Raikou-Mist.png] [Image: 10243-Shiny-Mega-Raikou.png] [Image: 10264-Shiny-Mega-Linoone.png] [Image: 10279-Shiny-Mega-Pelipper.png] [Image: 10286-Shiny-Mega-Breloom.png] [Image: 10301-Shiny-Mega-Delcatty.png] [Image: 10311-Shiny-Mega-Plusle.png] [Image: 10313-Shiny-Mega-Volbeat.png] [Image: 10314-Shiny-Mega-Illumise.png] [Image: 10317-Shiny-Mega-Swalot.png] [Image: 10321-Shiny-Mega-Wailord.png] [Image: 10327-Shiny-Mega-Spinda.png] [Image: 10332-Shiny-Mega-Cacturne.png] [Image: 10336-Shiny-Mega-Seviper.png] [Image: 10351-Shiny-Mega-Castform.png] [Image: 10352-Shiny-Mega-Kecleon.png] [Image: 10355-Shiny-Mega-Absol-Antler.png] [Image: 10356-Shiny-Mega-Absol-Skull.png] [Image: 10367-Shiny-Mega-Huntail.png] [Image: 10386-Shiny-Mega-Deoxys.png] [Image: 10405-Shiny-Mega-Luxray.png] [Image: 10470-Shiny-Mega-Leafeon.png] [Image: 10477-Shiny-Mega-Dusknoir.png]

news source v 2.2.3
thnx in advance ^^
How long will the site be down?
(2015-12-21, 11:39 AM)Daggerspine Wrote: How long will the site be down?

game back online already
r we getting more money now furkun?
#6006 Shiny-Charizard-Bony could be found at lvl26 in Central Plains.
have been hunting it for a good week, and today it's removed from game.

Very disappointing, really really look forward to catching it :'-((  :cry
abilities of Mega-Slaking and Mega-Slaking-Stoneage haven't been updated as suggested in the Abilities Thread..
(2015-12-21, 11:52 AM)umarwaseem439 Wrote: abilities of Mega-Slaking and Mega-Slaking-Stoneage haven't been updated as suggested in the Abilities Thread..

nobody said they were consensuses i saw different opinions
those were the most agreed options.u can check that thread again.some players thanked blau in that post that means they also liked the suggestions.even many mods agreed upon that suggestion.
(2015-12-21, 12:33 PM)umarwaseem439 Wrote: those were the most agreed options.u can check that thread again.some players thanked blau in that post that means they also liked the suggestions.even many mods agreed upon that suggestion.

ok what are the agreed abilities ?
thanks for the movies update i asked. For the others suggestions I made I will wait the next update? The new megas look great ^.^
(2015-12-21, 02:07 PM)Daeva13 Wrote: thanks for the movies update i asked. For the others suggestions I made I will wait the next update? The new megas look great ^.^

I noticed you forgot to add grass moves to rotom-mow so the its grass mania ability is still not used. And rotom-frost got lots of water moves and only one ice type attack move ( haze doesnt count )
Wow, you really get stuff done, super sweet update, Thanks Big Grin

M30 - Galliant
i will make the list and send it to the way,Jordan made Mega-Excadrill and Mega-Floatzel.both aren't added with the update.
(2015-12-21, 06:08 PM)umarwaseem439 Wrote: i will make the list and send it to the way,Jordan made Mega-Excadrill and Mega-Floatzel.both aren't added with the update.

be sure to share the list on the abilities thread before you send it. I wanna be sure the suggestions i gave ar ein it
Hi CeFurkan,
You forgot to add mega evolution for dragoniar-icy

By-the-way, this is a great update
Thanks CeFurkan for this phenomenal update Smile i love the new mega forms Smile
again THANKS
you should've updated the move re-learner to choose what move your getting instead of grinding
As always, Furkan is the best.

Hope your road full with success my friend.
Nice update
Awesome update CeFurkan!
[Image: -Breaking-Dawn-pt-2-twilight-series-3835...0-1080.jpg]
Thanks for sharing .Its helpdul
Very Beatiful Information Thanks Bro
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Thanks for the movies update I asked for. For the others suggestions, I made I will wait for the next update? The new Megas look great ^.^
Very disappointing, really really look forward to catching it :'-(( :cry
Thanks for the movies update I asked for. For the others suggestions, I made I will wait for the next update? The new Megas look great
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In the YoWhatsapp APK, the user can personalize all your conversations, even makes a unique backdrop for each of your contacts and you can also change your font size.
In the YoWhatsapp APK, the user can personalize all your conversations, even makes a unique backdrop for each of your contacts and you can also change your font size.

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