Thread Rating:
✓ Version 2.1.8 (10 July 2015) Pokemon Pets (F2P Online Pokemon MMO RPG Game) Update Change Logs - Read previous updates as well
☑ Previous updates:
✓ Please install and rate 5 stars our android app write a good review ty
✓ Mega pokemon free giveaways started : ☑
✓ And check here : ☑
✓ New facebook PokemonPets play link : ☑
✓ Top trainers ranking system updated please read this thread: ☑
✓ Entire Pokedex uploaded to DeviantArt
✓ Click below image to see full size on DeviantArt (click download button to see full resolution)
![[Image: 900_by_monstermmorpg-d90r63i.png]](
✓ All Pokemon and NPCs on maps re-assigned
✓ Special event started - end time is 13 July 2015
✓ During event EXP and Gold boost is 100%
✓ During event 1 starter monsters catchable at certain maps
✓ Available Starters:
#5 Charmeleon
![[Image: 5-Charmeleon.png]](
✓ Official following social media channels are fully started please follow all of them
☑ PokemonPets Youtube :
☑ PokemonPets Facebook :
☑ PokemonPets Google+ :
☑ Pokemon Pets Twitter :
☑ Pokemon Pets Facebook APP :
✓ New added and image updated Pokemon (Click F5 to refresh image cache of browser)
☑ news source v 2.1.8
☑ Previous updates:
✓ Please install and rate 5 stars our android app write a good review ty
✓ Mega pokemon free giveaways started : ☑
✓ And check here : ☑
✓ New facebook PokemonPets play link : ☑
✓ Top trainers ranking system updated please read this thread: ☑
- From now on, only last 7 days active players will be ranked
- So at the very least you have to be online and made a single movement on the map in the last 7 days to get ranked
- All inactive over 7 days players will get 0 points
✓ Entire Pokedex uploaded to DeviantArt
✓ Click below image to see full size on DeviantArt (click download button to see full resolution)
![[Image: 900_by_monstermmorpg-d90r63i.png]](
✓ All Pokemon and NPCs on maps re-assigned
✓ Special event started - end time is 13 July 2015
✓ During event EXP and Gold boost is 100%
✓ During event 1 starter monsters catchable at certain maps
✓ Available Starters:
#5 Charmeleon
![[Image: 5-Charmeleon.png]](
✓ Official following social media channels are fully started please follow all of them
☑ PokemonPets Youtube :
☑ PokemonPets Facebook :
☑ PokemonPets Google+ :
☑ Pokemon Pets Twitter :
☑ Pokemon Pets Facebook APP :
✓ New added and image updated Pokemon (Click F5 to refresh image cache of browser)
![[Image: 250-Ho-Oh.png]](
![[Image: 335-Zangoose.png]](
![[Image: 714-Noibat.png]](
![[Image: 2009-Shiny-Blastoise.png]](
![[Image: 2018-Shiny-Pidgeot.png]](
![[Image: 2044-Shiny-Gloom.png]](
![[Image: 2155-Shiny-Cyndaquil.png]](
![[Image: 2196-Shiny-Espeon.png]](
![[Image: 2197-Shiny-Umbreon.png]](
![[Image: 2467-Shiny-Magmortar.png]](
![[Image: 4005-Pidgeot-Super.png]](
![[Image: 4196-Espeon-Shining.png]](
![[Image: 4197-Umbreon-Frozen.png]](
![[Image: 4467-Magmortar-Dark.png]](
![[Image: 8012-Mega-Butterfree.png]](
![[Image: 8020-Mega-Raticate.png]](
![[Image: 8022-Mega-Fearow.png]](
![[Image: 8024-Mega-Arbok.png]](
![[Image: 8026-Mega-Raichu.png]](
![[Image: 8031-Mega-Nidoqueen.png]](
![[Image: 8034-Mega-Nidoking.png]](
![[Image: 8038-Mega-Ninetales.png]](
![[Image: 8040-Mega-Wigglytuff.png]](
![[Image: 8047-Mega-Parasect.png]](
![[Image: 8051-Mega-Dugtrio.png]](
![[Image: 8057-Mega-Primeape.png]](
![[Image: 8275-Mega-Shiftry.png]](
![[Image: 8295-Mega-Exploud.png]](
![[Image: 8461-Mega-Weavile.png]](
![[Image: 8466-Mega-Electivire.png]](
![[Image: 8467-Mega-Magmortar.png]](
![[Image: 8491-Mega-Darkrai.png]](
![[Image: 8545-Mega-Scolipede.png]](
![[Image: 8573-Mega-Cinccino.png]](
![[Image: 8581-Mega-Swanna.png]](
![[Image: 10012-Shiny-Mega-Butterfree.png]](
![[Image: 10020-Shiny-Mega-Raticate.png]](
![[Image: 10022-Shiny-Mega-Fearow.png]](
![[Image: 10024-Shiny-Mega-Arbok.png]](
![[Image: 10026-Shiny-Mega-Raichu.png]](
![[Image: 10031-Shiny-Mega-Nidoqueen.png]](
![[Image: 10034-Shiny-Mega-Nidoking.png]](
![[Image: 10038-Shiny-Mega-Ninetales.png]](
![[Image: 10040-Shiny-Mega-Wigglytuff.png]](
![[Image: 10047-Shiny-Mega-Parasect.png]](
![[Image: 10051-Shiny-Mega-Dugtrio.png]](
![[Image: 10057-Shiny-Mega-Primeape.png]](
![[Image: 10275-Shiny-Mega-Shiftry.png]](
![[Image: 10295-Shiny-Mega-Exploud.png]](
![[Image: 10461-Shiny-Mega-Weavile.png]](
![[Image: 10466-Shiny-Mega-Electivire.png]](
![[Image: 10467-Shiny-Mega-Magmortar.png]](
![[Image: 10491-Shiny-Mega-Darkrai.png]](
![[Image: 10545-Shiny-Mega-Scolipede.png]](
![[Image: 10573-Shiny-Mega-Cinccino.png]](
![[Image: 10581-Shiny-Mega-Swanna.png]](
☑ news source v 2.1.8
Video: Idealism the philosophy of the matrix and the true nature of matter
Video: WHO IS GOD!
Skype username: MonsterMMORPG
Video: WHO IS GOD!
Skype username: MonsterMMORPG
2015-07-10, 08:50 PM
awesome update thnx cef

2015-07-11, 01:03 AM
nice updadte chef i hope the next update will be asfast as possible
2015-07-11, 01:20 AM
Its an ok update but...
All the umbreon espeon and magmortar dark should all be megas since that's what they were made for and the magmortar dark looks much better than the current mega magmortar. Also, why'd you replace the mega darkrai? The old one was much better than the new one in my opinion and it wasn't really necessary to replace it either, since we had that artists permission to use it. That is all I have to say on the matter...for now.
All the umbreon espeon and magmortar dark should all be megas since that's what they were made for and the magmortar dark looks much better than the current mega magmortar. Also, why'd you replace the mega darkrai? The old one was much better than the new one in my opinion and it wasn't really necessary to replace it either, since we had that artists permission to use it. That is all I have to say on the matter...for now.
![[Image: tyranitar_in_dragon_form_by_black_wing24-d47c29u.jpg]](
Beat me? Ha, when Tyranitars fly...
2015-07-11, 02:13 AM
Thanks for the update cef, the upgraded images and new megas, as well as the weird category pokes such as dark and shining, etc, look forward to gettin 5 Charmeleon to complete the evo line.
Temp Signature Until I can Make A Better One
![[Image: omeg_ruby_male_trainer_sig_01_by_gmc_aniki-d7sj23i.png]](
2015-07-11, 11:17 AM
Where is dear mega-pachirisu and talonflame ;-; anyways nice update people will surely love char as the starter

thanxx for the update 

2015-07-12, 01:14 PM
(2015-07-11, 01:20 AM)ch17175 Wrote: Its an ok update but...
All the umbreon espeon and magmortar dark should all be megas since that's what they were made for and the magmortar dark looks much better than the current mega magmortar. Also, why'd you replace the mega darkrai? The old one was much better than the new one in my opinion and it wasn't really necessary to replace it either, since we had that artists permission to use it. That is all I have to say on the matter...for now.
adding umbreon and espeon as mega not possible due to system structure at the moment
well we can replace mega magmortar image later when we have better one
i believe new darkrai is better
Video: Idealism the philosophy of the matrix and the true nature of matter
Video: WHO IS GOD!
Skype username: MonsterMMORPG
Video: WHO IS GOD!
Skype username: MonsterMMORPG
2015-07-12, 01:16 PM
I'm not sure what you mean by the system not supporting umbreon and espeon. Also, if theew darkrai picture looks better why not use the old one and the new on, one for the shiny mega and on for the regular mega?
![[Image: tyranitar_in_dragon_form_by_black_wing24-d47c29u.jpg]](
Beat me? Ha, when Tyranitars fly...
(2015-07-11, 01:20 AM)ch17175 Wrote: Its an ok update but...
All the umbreon espeon and magmortar dark should all be megas since that's what they were made for and the magmortar dark looks much better than the current mega magmortar. Also, why'd you replace the mega darkrai? The old one was much better than the new one in my opinion and it wasn't really necessary to replace it either, since we had that artists permission to use it. That is all I have to say on the matter...for now.
cool avathar
congratz cef for marrying
electivire became scientist electivire

Post: #1
![[Image: biggrin.gif]](
Thread updated as per version 2.1.8
Thank you for your patience
Preparations : First of all you need to have a strong team capable of easily defeating any npc i prefer a sweeper , a tank (for emergency if the sweeper faints) , 3 trainee pokemon and the most important .......delibird
![[Image: biggrin.gif]](
![[Image: biggrin.gif]](
Reason 1 : Ability 1 - Increases exp gain by 50% so your pokemon will be trained faster.
Reason 2 : Can learn fly - will let you easily navigate between maps without compromising on moveset of the sweeper/tank.
Reason 3 : Use held item amulet coin on Delibird so you can keep held item of your choice on the sweeper/tank.
Earning money : You need to beat all the gym npc's since they give a lot of money than the rest .Also the guardians give a lot of money so beat them too . It is recommended that you beat gyms from 7-16 since they are easy to beat and also give lots of money
![[Image: smile.gif]](
Route list
-> This is the list of routes having a npc giving you 70 k+ Exp (raw) (gold will be half of exp ) or just 60k+ gold
![[Image: smile.gif]](
-> Not including city and gym and the guardian of each zone .
-> Routes 17-19 have been added
![[Image: biggrin.gif]](
![[Image: biggrin.gif]](
->And almond just gave the route numbers sorry because he is lazy
![[Image: rolleyes.gif]](
-> This list will be updated whenever the game is so no need to worry
-> The places marked with * are caves and you can't fly into caves
-> If you have a better version don't mind telling to my friend almond in game he will update it.
![[Image: wink.gif]](
Now the list :
Zone 7 : Ground
-> Route 156 : 70600 exp
-> Route 164 : 62770 exp
-> Route 169 : 130110 exp
-> Route 170 : 229250 exp
-> Route 172 : 138900 exp
-> Route 173 : 69810 exp
-> Route 174 : 95430 exp
-> Route 180 : 147900 exp
Zone 8: Rock
-> Route 192 : 89680 exp
-> Route 199 : 84450 exp
-> Route 201 : 67640 exp
-> Route 202 : 76090 exp
-> Route 208 : 69890 exp *
-> Route 212 : 90010 exp *
-> Route 215 : 87230 exp
Zone 9 : Fire
-> Route 223 : 83260 exp
-> Route 224 : 102800 exp
-> Route 229 : 65990 exp *
-> Route 232 : 64220 exp
-> Route 234 : 87910 exp
-> Route 237 : 81280 exp
-> Route 238 : 94320 exp
Zone 10 : Electric
-> Route 245 : 62530 exp
-> Route 247 : 76230 exp
-> Route 249 : 59990 exp *
-> Route 250 : 64710 exp *
-> Route 251 : 63340 exp
-> Route 258 : 61240 exp
-> Route 260 : 188300 exp *
-> Route 261 : 157910 exp *
-> Route 265 : 70710 exp
Zone 11 : Fairy
-> Route 272 : 98930 exp
-> Route 276 : 83400 exp
-> Route 283 : 74130 exp
-> Route 287 : 116610 exp
-> Route 288 : 90250 exp
-> Route 292 : 104580 exp
Zone 12 : Fighting
-> Route 298 : 102040 exp
-> Route 299 : 151370 exp
-> Route 301 : 202210 exp
-> Route 303 : 109790 exp
-> Route 304 : 187170 exp
-> Route 306 : 98660 exp
-> Route 307 : 83470 exp
-> Route 311 : 216270 exp
-> Route 313 : 71860 exp
-> Route 315 : 76510 exp *
-> Route 316 : 213290 exp
-> Route 319 : 159000 exp
-> Route 323 : 85080 exp
Zone 13 : Steel
-> Route 326 : 72180 exp
-> Route 333 : 87200 exp
-> Route 335 : 97180 exp
-> Route 336 : 106760 exp
-> Route 341 : 67100 exp
-> Route 343 : 76110 exp
-> Route 346 : 88500 exp *
Zone 14 : Psychic
-> Route 354 : 74530 exp
-> Route 360 : 88160 exp
-> Route 361 : 61710 exp
-> Route 362 : 85260 exp
-> Route 363 : 93280 exp
-> Route 364 : 82410 exp *
-> Route 369 : 80430 exp
-> Route 375 : 111020 exp
-> Route 376 : 69330 exp
Zone 15 : Flying
-> Route 382 : 67940 exp
-> Route 383 : 110510 exp
-> Route 384 : 62120 exp
-> Route 385 : 61550 exp
-> Route 386 : 82030 exp
-> Route 389 : 75010 exp
-> Route 390 : 89500 exp
-> Route 392 : 67530 exp
-> Route 395 : 70300 exp
-> Route 396 : 73110 exp
-> Route 398 : 80680 exp
Zone 16 : Ghost
-> Route 405 : 63060 exp
-> Route 406 : 62230 exp
-> Route 417 : 84040 exp
-> Route 419 : 66140 exp
-> Route 423 : 67670 exp
-> Route 424 : 83610 exp *
-> Route 425 : 60860 exp *
-> Route 427 : 62110 exp
-> Route 428 : 113600 exp
Zone 17 : Dragon
-> Route 432 : 203390 exp
-> Route 433 : 60560 exp
-> Route 435 : 128950 exp
-> Route 436 : 143840 exp
-> Route 438 : 77490 exp
-> Route 439 : 66980 exp
-> Route 440 : 77440 exp *
-> Route 442 : 71390 exp *
-> Route 449 : 88290 exp
-> Route 450 : 66830 exp
-> Route 451 : 121320 exp
-> Route 452 : 167400 exp
-> Route 455 : 153500 exp
Zone 18 : Dark
-> Route 461 : 99760 exp
-> Route 465 : 60790 exp *
-> Route 466 : 76890 exp *
-> Route 468 : 65820 exp
-> Route 470 : 110340 exp *
-> Route 472 : 116350 exp
-> Route 473 : 112730 exp
-> Route 480 : 74530 exp
-> Route 482 : 81060 exp
Zone 19 : Mixed
-> Route 495 : 76690 exp
-> Route 496 : 125530 exp
-> Route 497 : 122510 exp
-> Route 498 : 84530 exp
-> Route 500 : 70010 exp
-> Route 501 : 72180 exp *
-> Route 502 : 84270 exp *
-> Route 505 : 156910 exp
-> Route 507 : 164500 exp
-> Route 512 : 81130 exp *
-> Route 514 : 74280 exp
-> Route 517 : 84620 exp
-> Route 518 : 340600 ( Mixed Guardian a.k.a -> Mr . Deadly

![[Image: angel.gif]](
Route list ends
Other ways to get money : You can sell pokemon especially legends/shinies/starters/also megable pokemon and reward boxes.
If you just follow the instructions then you can easily get 35 mil + gold everyday during events and after voting (Hopefully a thread will come out soon on how to vote)
![[Image: wink.gif]](
Ty to almond for those routes.
![[Image: biggrin.gif]](
Ty for reading good luck npc'ing
![[Image: biggrin.gif]](
Don't forget a reply
![[Image: tongue.gif]](
2015-07-14, 03:07 PM
exp, gold and starter event ended guys wait for new ones

Video: Idealism the philosophy of the matrix and the true nature of matter
Video: WHO IS GOD!
Skype username: MonsterMMORPG
Video: WHO IS GOD!
Skype username: MonsterMMORPG
2015-07-14, 03:21 PM
(This post was last modified: 2015-07-14, 03:23 PM by Atharvaa898.)
hmm that was quick cef and is there a fixed date for next date for next update? 
sparky can i know why you have kept my thread as your signature change it right now -_- that hard work got a copyright

sparky can i know why you have kept my thread as your signature change it right now -_- that hard work got a copyright
2015-07-14, 03:34 PM
i think u shpold change mega weaville it looks in reallly really wieard
2015-07-14, 03:51 PM
(2015-07-14, 03:21 PM)Atharvaa898 Wrote: hmm that was quick cef and is there a fixed date for next date for next update?
sparky can i know why you have kept my thread as your signature change it right now -_- that hard work got a copyright
well no fixed date but probably in 2 weeks hopefully
Video: Idealism the philosophy of the matrix and the true nature of matter
Video: WHO IS GOD!
Skype username: MonsterMMORPG
Video: WHO IS GOD!
Skype username: MonsterMMORPG
(2015-07-11, 01:20 AM)ch17175 Wrote: Its an ok update but...
All the umbreon espeon and magmortar dark should all be megas since that's what they were made for and the magmortar dark looks much better than the current mega magmortar. Also, why'd you replace the mega darkrai? The old one was much better than the new one in my opinion and it wasn't really necessary to replace it either, since we had that artists permission to use it. That is all I have to say on the matter...for now.
i totally agree with u ch , i expected diff stuff with more serious looks
Charizard Rules
![[Image: latest?cb=20120724210625&path-prefix=protagonist]](
2015-07-29, 08:35 PM
When the event ended i was left sad, could not find one single Charmeleon, what bad luck i had, look forward to the next event when it is ready

Temp Signature Until I can Make A Better One
![[Image: omeg_ruby_male_trainer_sig_01_by_gmc_aniki-d7sj23i.png]](
2015-08-17, 06:06 PM
How come there's no gallery image for Minun and Emolga?
2015-08-18, 12:01 AM
i love the new fusion pokemon hope you add them in m3o!
2015-08-22, 12:41 PM
(2015-08-17, 06:06 PM)Minun Wrote: How come there's no gallery image for Minun and Emolga?
you mean game avatars gallery right?
well if someone does i can add

Video: Idealism the philosophy of the matrix and the true nature of matter
Video: WHO IS GOD!
Skype username: MonsterMMORPG
Video: WHO IS GOD!
Skype username: MonsterMMORPG
2015-08-22, 12:42 PM
(2015-08-18, 12:01 AM)SirBrony Wrote: i love the new fusion pokemon hope you add them in m3o!
well these are too similar to original pokemon

Video: Idealism the philosophy of the matrix and the true nature of matter
Video: WHO IS GOD!
Skype username: MonsterMMORPG
Video: WHO IS GOD!
Skype username: MonsterMMORPG
2024-08-22, 09:36 AM
Good Article
2024-09-09, 09:17 AM
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