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Blau's EV-Training/Role guide
If you ever wondered how to EV-train a monster right, what the reason behind EV points and roles is, or what he point in IVs iss keep scrolling.

IVs, IVs provide a flat boost of stats
1IV = 1Stat-Point
IVs are set, you cannot increase, or decrease them.
the only thing you can to is to hunt for one with better Ivs.
The Maximum of Ivs you can get via catching are 30
You will find that NPC Pokemon have 31 IVs, however it's impossible to obtain 31Ivs in the wild

Let's start with the EV-Point explanation before going to the roles.
EV points are points you get as a reward for beating pokemons.
The total amount of EV-Points is 510 with 252 being the max. amount for each stat, which means you could max out 2 stats, and you would've 6 points left.
4EV-Points will increase the stat they are assigned to by 1 Stat-Point.
There are different ways to EV train a pokemon.
1.Defeating wild pokemon, different pokemon will reward you with different ev points and a different amount, ranging from 1-3.
To see which pokemon rewards you with what EV point, check out it's dex entry
[Image: x3zpy9.png]

To get to the monsters dex entry, simply click on it's image
or acces it via the misc menu in the topbar
[Image: 2uzq800.png]
Or click on the pokedex icon [Image: monsterdex.png]in the bottom bar of your game screen.
2.Defeating trainers, for ev training i would advice to not figt trainers, because they have a mixture of pokemon and therefore they will reward several ev points, that would be contraproductive for your ev training.
3.Items, certain items like
[Image: calcium.png]Calcium [Image: carbos.png]Carbos [Image: hpup.png]HP Up [Image: iron.png]Iron [Image: protein.png]Protein[Image: zinc.png]Zinc
to increase certain stats by 10
[Image: grepaberry.png]Grepa Berry[Image: hondewberry.png]Hondew Berry[Image: kelpsyberry.png]Kelpsy Berry

[Image: pomegberry.png]Pomeg Berry[Image: qualotberry.png]Qualot Berry[Image: tamatoberry.png]
Which will decrease certain stats by 10.

You can only use 10of the increasing items per stat, allowing for a increase of 100 points. The rest of the points you have to get via battling wild pokemon.
Each of the items listed above costs 5k(5.000) gold.

Additionally i'd advice you to give the pokemon which you are EV training a macho brace [Image: machobrace.png] for 250.000g which can also be found in the market.
The macho brace, doules the EV points you get, turning 1 into 2, 2 into 4 and 3 into 6.
So eventhough it might be expensive for starters, it definetely is worth it, because it literally halfes the time you need to EV train.

And if you have the money, you can use the Exp Share[Image: expshare.png] also available in the market for 350.000g to train a weaker pokemon at the same time, because the pokemon will not only gain the experience, but also the ev reward. You could use couple of them so you can ev train several pokemon at the same time.

The important fact is, the pokemon you want to ev train, must have participated in the battle, and still be alive (or revived before) at the end of the battle.
However, using the exp share you can bypass that.

Make sure to check out this awesome guide made by SomebodyUnown

Suitable pokemon for farming :

Attack :
[Image: 621-Druddigon.png][Image: 4045-Unfezant-F.png]
Druddigon will award you with 2Atk. / Unfezant-F 3Atk.

Defense :
[Image: 666-Vivillon.png]
All of the Vivillions 2Def

HP :
[Image: 618-Stunfisk.png]
Stunfsik rewards 2HP, can be annoying because of evasion Master.
[Image: 360-Wynaut.png] [Image: 202-Wobbuffet.png]
An Alternative would be Wynaut and Wobuffet.
With Waynaut giving 1HP and Wobuffet 2HP.

Sp.Atk :
[Image: 337-Lunatone.png]        [Image: 203-Girafarig.png]
Lunatone will award 2Sp.Atk.
Additionally there is Girafarig which will also reward 2Sp.Atk.

Sp.Def :
[Image: 670-Floette.png]
All of the Floettes 2Sp.Def

Speed :
    [Image: 4110-Meowstic-F.png]
  Meowstic-F will reward 2Speed.

Roles :

First off, let's discuss how to Choose the best role for each Pokemon.
It depends mostly on the basic stats, which you can find on the dex-entry page (how to acces the dex-entry page is explained above). I will show you an example:
[Image: rcm3xf.png]

The red marked fields are the stats.
The yellow ones, are the abilities.
As you can see, Shuckle got enormous defensive stats, making it optimal for a wall.
The abilities are also fitting for those of a wall.
So you want a nature that would boost one of both defenses, without decreasing the other.
I will post one more example :
[Image: w2lpy0.png]

Again, the red marked stuff are the stats.
The yellow ones are the abilities.
You can see, that accelgor got incredibly high speed, and mediocre special attack.
With the Speed and Special Master abilities, it will not only have it's offensive abilities boostet, but also it's speed even more.
So you want to look for a nature that boosts Sp.Atk rather than speed, because it already got an incredible speed.
But make sure that a nature like that doesn't decrease the speed stat.

Sweeper : 

A sweeper or more commonly known as "Glass Cannon" is a role, that benefitts from high speed and high atk/sp.atk so there are 2 versions of Sweepers.

1.Physical Sweeper : 
EVs : It would be best to go for 252 atk and 252speed and 6HP.

Abilities : Accuracy Master / Speed Master / Attack Master / Physical Master 

Natures : Jolly / Hasty / Naive / Adamant / Lonely / Naughty

How to use : Sweeper won't be able to take many hits, usually they will faint after 1-2 hits, So having the iniative is important, and just as much important is to faint the enemy monster within one hit or 2.
Damaging moves which will also restore the users HP or increase the stats are the way to go.

2.Special Sweeper :
EVs : Basicall the same as the physical one but with sp.atk instead of attack it should go like -> 252sp.atk and 252 speed and 6HP

Abilities : Accuracy Master / Speed Master / Special Master / Sp.Atk Master

Natures : Timid / Hasty / Naive / Modest / Mild / Rash.

How to use : Same as Physical.

Tank :

A tank is a pokemon with high attack and good survivability. Mainly used to deal with walls or other tanks. There are several variants of tanks i will list the 3 most commonly used.
Physical Tank : 
EVs 252 Attack 252 Defense however you might want to ev less in those stats and put some in HP and speed

Natures : Adamant / Brave / Naughty

Abilities : Shield Master, Perfect Body, Accuracy Master, Attack Master, Physical master, Slow Tough, Slow Strong, Regenerator-Expert Regenerator.

How to use : A physical tank is best used against physical hitting opponents. With the survivability tanks provide, you have the luxus of increases / decreases stat's with non-damaging moves and still hit hard.
A maybe better way to counter is listed in purple below.

Special Tank : 
EVs : 252 sp.atk 252.sp.def and 6HP however you might wanna ev less in those stats and increase hp or speed a bit.

Natures : Modest / Quiet / Mild

Abilities : Shield Master, Perfect Body, Accuracy Master, Special Attack Master, Special Master, Slow Tough, Slow Strong, Regenerator-Expert Regenerator.

How to use : A Special tank would come to handy if you have a special hitting opponent. With the survivability tanks provid, you can increase your damage and defenses even more with non damaging moves and decrease those of your opponent.
A different may better way to counter is listed in pruple below.

Allround Tank : 
EVs : 126 Def 126 Sp.Def 252 in either Sp.Atk or Atk

Natures : Adamant / Modest / Brave / Quiet

Abilities : Shield Master, Perfect Body, Accuracy Master Special Attack Master, Attack Master, Physical Master, Special Master, Slow Tough, Slow Strong, Regenerator-Expert Regenerator.

How to use : This is the most versatile variant, it will perform a bit worse than the specialized tanks, but it can take on both.
You basically want to increase your stats and decrease the oponnents. It works more like a wall than a sweeper, because of it's slow speed, but it's able to hit hard.
So while dealing damage to the opponent, you have the luxus to increase your own stats via non-damaging moves because of the survivability a tank build provides.

On top there are Tanks which have One defense stat and a high atk stat of the oposite like High Def and High Sp.Atk with that you can counter other tanks more effectively. Because Of the builds listed aboveA tank with either high def/sp.def and a high atk stat of the other site can hit harder because those tanks won't be protected from attacks of the other site while you still have the defenses to take their hits effectively.

Wall :

A wall is a pokemon, specialized in defending, it's not meant to deal damage, but furthermore to debuff the opponent's pokemon or to put status effect on it.
There are basically 3 versions of walls:

1.Wall : 
EVs : 252 def 252 sp.def however, you might want to putt less in the defenses and a bit in hp if that stat is low.

Natures : Bold / Impish / Relaxed / Calm / Careful / Sassy

Abilities : Perfect Body, Regenerator / Expert Regenerator, slow tough, cautious, Radiation, Shield master, Defense Master, Sp.Defense Master, Camouflage, Effective Healing.
How to use : Basically, you need healing moves, and status effect moves, to make the enemy bleed / burn / poisoned or moves to debuff the opponent's stat. If your wall got radiation, it will do 10%damage.
Walls are the easiest and mos reliable class in the game.
2.Special Wall : 
EVs : 252Sp.Def 252HP 6Def

Natures : Calm / Careful / Gentle / Sassy

Abilities : Sp.Def Master, Radiation, Regenerator / Expert Regenerator, Effective Healing, Shield Master, Camouflage, Perfect Body, Slow Tough, Cautious.

How to use : Basically the same as Walls, except that Special Walls are there to counter Special attacker like special tanks or special sweeper.
3.Physical Wall : 
Evs : 252 Def 252 HP

Natures : Bold / Lax / Relaxed

Abilites : Def Master, Radiation, Regenerator / Expert Regenerator, Shield Master, Camouflage, Effective Healing, Slow Tough, Cautious.

How to use : Same as Special Walls, except that it's used to counter physical tanks or physical sweepers.

Special and Physical Walls, will have incredibly high def and sp.def, but only one of each, so don't use a Physical Wall against a Special Attacker or it will go down in a blink of an eye.

M30 - Galliant
nice job and well explained Big Grin
you may want to put in wormadon-trash because it gives spdefense and defense which is very useful to ev train walls Tongue
I am going to check this guide, expect my edit:
(2014-12-14, 05:02 PM)Dark.Zero Wrote: I am going to check this guide, expect my edit:

tank high def and high atk
thank you for great guide

keep doing more and i will promote you Smile
IV explanation added

M30 - Galliant
thanks for the guide
[Image: 1685761.jpg]
it will help me
really nice detailed topic, thx alot blau
Charizard Rules

[Image: latest?cb=20120724210625&path-prefix=protagonist]
Thanks blau now i will learn
It will help me
i think we need to duplicate such threads at wiki

perhaps i can setup wiki if you guys be volunteer to work on it
(2015-06-18, 11:00 AM)CeFurkan Wrote: i think we need to duplicate such threads at wiki

perhaps i can setup wiki if you guys be volunteer to work on it
 i m ready
(2015-06-18, 11:00 AM)CeFurkan Wrote: i think we need to duplicate such threads at wiki

perhaps i can setup wiki if you guys be volunteer to work on it
i want to please
[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS-tfUb2gC5IwntG5iml9_...H1kQu2hqeE]
(2015-07-15, 02:25 PM)Magic.. Wrote:
(2015-06-18, 11:00 AM)CeFurkan Wrote: i think we need to duplicate such threads at wiki

perhaps i can setup wiki if you guys be volunteer to work on it
i want to please

add my skype i may give you some nice rewards if you make the wiki awesome

my skype : monstermmorpg
Hi, nice guide 
i fight Because that's what i was made for                              [Image: view?resolution=2560x1600&file=MjM4OXgxO...g4Nl93YQ==]
hey blau nice thread I really have to say this is amazing
[Image: tyranitar_in_dragon_form_by_black_wing24-d47c29u.jpg]

Beat me? Ha, when Tyranitars fly...

Pokemon for EV-training overhauled.
Complete Nature list added for each role.
Minor changing done.

M30 - Galliant
I still want to go through here and fix grammar/spelling errors. amazing guide though Smile
(2016-03-13, 08:03 PM)TakutoChan Wrote: I still want to go through here and fix grammar/spelling errors. amazing guide though Smile

Errors are bonus content Wink

M30 - Galliant
Thanks 4 the guide BLAU It's real helpfullSmile

I would suggest a role of CATCHER  
Its the pokemon which will help in catching (hunting) wild pokemons
It would be a pokemon with good defence and moderate attack stats and with moves like FALSE SWIPE (that leaves opponent with 1 HP).
It'll be very useful for hunts
I leave ABILITIES and NATURES 4 u (Basically cause i dont know much about them Rolleyes)
(2016-06-13, 06:23 AM)THE HAWK Wrote: Thanks 4 the guide BLAU It's real helpfullSmile

I would suggest a role of CATCHER  
Its the pokemon which will help in catching (hunting) wild pokemons
It would be a pokemon with good defence and moderate attack stats and with moves like FALSE SWIPE (that leaves opponent with 1 HP).
It'll be very useful for hunts
I leave ABILITIES and NATURES 4 u (Basically cause i dont know much about them Rolleyes)

Those you'll find in my hunting guide here (:

M30 - Galliant
(2014-12-07, 04:30 AM)Blau Wrote: If you ever wondered how to EV-train a monster right, what the reason behind EV points and roles is, or what he point in IVs iss keep scrolling.

IVs, IVs provide a flat boost of stats
1IV = 1Stat-Point
IVs are set, you cannot increase, or decrease them.
the only thing you can to is to hunt for one with better Ivs.
The Maximum of Ivs you can get via catching are 30
You will find that NPC Pokemon have 31 IVs, however it's impossible to obtain 31Ivs in the wild

Let's start with the EV-Point explanation before going to the roles.
EV points are points you get as a reward for beating pokemons.
The total amount of EV-Points is 510 with 252 being the max. amount for each stat, which means you could max out 2 stats, and you would've 6 points left.
4EV-Points will increase the stat they are assigned to by 1 Stat-Point.
There are different ways to EV train a pokemon.
1.Defeating wild pokemon, different pokemon will reward you with different ev points and a different amount, ranging from 1-3.
To see which pokemon rewards you with what EV point, check out it's dex entry
[Image: x3zpy9.png]

To get to the monsters dex entry, simply click on it's image
or acces it via the misc menu in the topbar
[Image: 2uzq800.png]
Or click on the pokedex icon [Image: monsterdex.png]in the bottom bar of your game screen.
2.Defeating trainers, for ev training i would advice to not figt trainers, because they have a mixture of pokemon and therefore they will reward several ev points, that would be contraproductive for your ev training.
3.Items, certain items like
[Image: calcium.png]Calcium [Image: carbos.png]Carbos [Image: hpup.png]HP Up [Image: iron.png]Iron [Image: protein.png]Protein[Image: zinc.png]Zinc
to increase certain stats by 10
[Image: grepaberry.png]Grepa Berry[Image: hondewberry.png]Hondew Berry[Image: kelpsyberry.png]Kelpsy Berry

[Image: pomegberry.png]Pomeg Berry[Image: qualotberry.png]Qualot Berry[Image: tamatoberry.png]
Which will decrease certain stats by 10.

You can only use 10of the increasing items per stat, allowing for a increase of 100 points. The rest of the points you have to get via battling wild pokemon.
Each of the items listed above costs 5k(5.000) gold.

Additionally i'd advice you to give the pokemon which you are EV training a macho brace [Image: machobrace.png] for 250.000g which can also be found in the market.
The macho brace, doules the EV points you get, turning 1 into 2, 2 into 4 and 3 into 6.
So eventhough it might be expensive for starters, it definetely is worth it, because it literally halfes the time you need to EV train.

And if you have the money, you can use the Exp Share[Image: expshare.png] also available in the market for 350.000g to train a weaker pokemon at the same time, because the pokemon will not only gain the experience, but also the ev reward. You could use couple of them so you can ev train several pokemon at the same time.

The important fact is, the pokemon you want to ev train, must have participated in the battle, and still be alive (or revived before) at the end of the battle.
However, using the exp share you can bypass that.

Make sure to check out this awesome guide made by SomebodyUnown

Suitable pokemon for farming :

Attack :
[Image: 621-Druddigon.png][Image: 4045-Unfezant-F.png]
Druddigon will award you with 2Atk. / Unfezant-F 3Atk.

Defense :
[Image: 666-Vivillon.png]
All of the Vivillions 2Def

HP :
[Image: 618-Stunfisk.png]
Stunfsik rewards 2HP, can be annoying because of evasion Master.
[Image: 360-Wynaut.png] [Image: 202-Wobbuffet.png]
An Alternative would be Wynaut and Wobuffet.
With Waynaut giving 1HP and Wobuffet 2HP.

Sp.Atk :
[Image: 337-Lunatone.png]        [Image: 203-Girafarig.png]
Lunatone will award 2Sp.Atk.
Additionally there is Girafarig which will also reward 2Sp.Atk.

Sp.Def :
[Image: 670-Floette.png]
All of the Floettes 2Sp.Def

Speed :
    [Image: 4110-Meowstic-F.png]
  Meowstic-F will reward 2Speed.

Roles :

First off, let's discuss how to Choose the best role for each Pokemon.
It depends mostly on the basic stats, which you can find on the dex-entry page (how to acces the dex-entry page is explained above). I will show you an example:
[Image: rcm3xf.png]

The red marked fields are the stats.
The yellow ones, are the abilities.
As you can see, Shuckle got enormous defensive stats, making it optimal for a wall.
The abilities are also fitting for those of a wall.
So you want a nature that would boost one of both defenses, without decreasing the other.
I will post one more example :
[Image: w2lpy0.png]

Again, the red marked stuff are the stats.
The yellow ones are the abilities.
You can see, that accelgor got incredibly high speed, and mediocre special attack.
With the Speed and Special Master abilities, it will not only have it's offensive abilities boostet, but also it's speed even more.
So you want to look for a nature that boosts Sp.Atk rather than speed, because it already got an incredible speed.
But make sure that a nature like that doesn't decrease the speed stat.

Sweeper : 

A sweeper or more commonly known as "Glass Cannon" is a role, that benefitts from high speed and high atk/sp.atk so there are 2 versions of Sweepers.

1.Physical Sweeper : 
EVs : It would be best to go for 252 atk and 252speed and 6HP.

Abilities : Accuracy Master / Speed Master / Attack Master / Physical Master 

Natures : Jolly / Hasty / Naive / Adamant / Lonely / Naughty

How to use : Sweeper won't be able to take many hits, usually they will faint after 1-2 hits, So having the iniative is important, and just as much important is to faint the enemy monster within one hit or 2.
Damaging moves which will also restore the users HP or increase the stats are the way to go.

2.Special Sweeper :
EVs : Basicall the same as the physical one but with sp.atk instead of attack it should go like -> 252sp.atk and 252 speed and 6HP

Abilities : Accuracy Master / Speed Master / Special Master / Sp.Atk Master

Natures : Timid / Hasty / Naive / Modest / Mild / Rash.

How to use : Same as Physical.

Tank :

A tank is a pokemon with high attack and good survivability. Mainly used to deal with walls or other tanks. There are several variants of tanks i will list the 3 most commonly used.
Physical Tank : 
EVs 252 Attack 252 Defense however you might want to ev less in those stats and put some in HP and speed

Natures : Adamant / Brave / Naughty

Abilities : Shield Master, Perfect Body, Accuracy Master, Attack Master, Physical master, Slow Tough, Slow Strong, Regenerator-Expert Regenerator.

How to use : A physical tank is best used against physical hitting opponents. With the survivability tanks provide, you have the luxus of increases / decreases stat's with non-damaging moves and still hit hard.
A maybe better way to counter is listed in purple below.

Special Tank : 
EVs : 252 sp.atk 252.sp.def and 6HP however you might wanna ev less in those stats and increase hp or speed a bit.

Natures : Modest / Quiet / Mild

Abilities : Shield Master, Perfect Body, Accuracy Master, Special Attack Master, Special Master, Slow Tough, Slow Strong, Regenerator-Expert Regenerator.

How to use : A Special tank would come to handy if you have a special hitting opponent. With the survivability tanks provid, you can increase your damage and defenses even more with non damaging moves and decrease those of your opponent.
A different may better way to counter is listed in pruple below.

Allround Tank : 
EVs : 126 Def 126 Sp.Def 252 in either Sp.Atk or Atk

Natures : Adamant / Modest / Brave / Quiet

Abilities : Shield Master, Perfect Body, Accuracy Master Special Attack Master, Attack Master, Physical Master, Special Master, Slow Tough, Slow Strong, Regenerator-Expert Regenerator.

How to use : This is the most versatile variant, it will perform a bit worse than the specialized tanks, but it can take on both.
You basically want to increase your stats and decrease the oponnents. It works more like a wall than a sweeper, because of it's slow speed, but it's able to hit hard.
So while dealing damage to the opponent, you have the luxus to increase your own stats via non-damaging moves because of the survivability a tank build provides.

On top there are Tanks which have One defense stat and a high atk stat of the oposite like High Def and High Sp.Atk with that you can counter other tanks more effectively. Because Of the builds listed aboveA tank with either high def/sp.def and a high atk stat of the other site can hit harder because those tanks won't be protected from attacks of the other site while you still have the defenses to take their hits effectively.

Wall :

A wall is a pokemon, specialized in defending, it's not meant to deal damage, but furthermore to debuff the opponent's pokemon or to put status effect on it.
There are basically 3 versions of walls:

1.Wall : 
EVs : 252 def 252 sp.def however, you might want to putt less in the defenses and a bit in hp if that stat is low.

Natures : Bold / Impish / Relaxed / Calm / Careful / Sassy

Abilities : Perfect Body, Regenerator / Expert Regenerator, slow tough, cautious, Radiation, Shield master, Defense Master, Sp.Defense Master, Camouflage, Effective Healing.
How to use : Basically, you need healing moves, and status effect moves, to make the enemy bleed / burn / poisoned or moves to debuff the opponent's stat. If your wall got radiation, it will do 10%damage.
Walls are the easiest and mos reliable class in the game.
2.Special Wall : 
EVs : 252Sp.Def 252HP 6Def

Natures : Calm / Careful / Gentle / Sassy

Abilities : Sp.Def Master, Radiation, Regenerator / Expert Regenerator, Effective Healing, Shield Master, Camouflage, Perfect Body, Slow Tough, Cautious.

How to use : Basically the same as Walls, except that Special Walls are there to counter Special attacker like special tanks or special sweeper.
3.Physical Wall : 
Evs : 252 Def 252 HP

Natures : Bold / Lax / Relaxed

Abilites : Def Master, Radiation, Regenerator / Expert Regenerator, Shield Master, Camouflage, Effective Healing, Slow Tough, Cautious.

How to use : Same as Special Walls, except that it's used to counter physical tanks or physical sweepers.

Special and Physical Walls, will have incredibly high def and sp.def, but only one of each, so don't use a Physical Wall against a Special Attacker or it will go down in a blink of an eye.

awesome but it will easy if system of using of inceaseing ev it be changed

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