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Version 1.0.0 Beta

The game is opened as a Beta version

When Beta is ended all of the accounts will be wiped completely

If Allah wills i am planning to finish necessary things and open the full version at 1 July 2014

Please report everything that you see is as incorrect, faulty not working etc

If you participate well and make good tests, help development during beta you will get nice rewards at full version

Forum accounts won't be wiped

Register url :
awesome ill help with this beta 
the faster the better 
Ill help too, the only bug im seeing right now is the pokedex which still has the monster mmorpg classes. half of the class are empty when you click on them though
(2014-06-24, 06:56 PM)ch17175 Wrote: Ill help too, the only bug im seeing right now is the pokedex which still has the monster mmorpg classes. half of the class are empty when you click on them though

yes slowly fixing :d
At the official launch all will be taken care of, right now Cef just wants to take out bugs that will make playing on the site annoying
Temp Signature Until I can Make A Better One
[Image: omeg_ruby_male_trainer_sig_01_by_gmc_aniki-d7sj23i.png]
I have been reporting, Cef. Are you receiving them?
(Also, let me help out behind the scenes :3)
[Image: Uu1bwAy.png]
beta time
Everything will be taken care of when the site officially launches; for the time being, Cef only wants to eliminate issues that will make using the site unpleasantly.
I'll assist as well; the only problem I'm noticing right now is the poked ex, which still has monster mmorpg classes. When you click on them, half of the class is empty.

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