2015-08-27, 11:10 AM
(This post was last modified: 2015-09-15, 11:31 AM by Atharvaa898.)
Basics: Ok so first you need to know what EV training is :
When you defeat any pokemon or use an item you can get EV points for your pokemon.
4 EV points = 1 stat point.
You can get EV points by battling wild Pokemon or by using items.
Newly caught Pokemon have 0 iv's
Max EV's for a Pokemon are 510 and the max EV's for 1 stat is 252 so you can for example split EV points like 252 on Attack and 252 on Speed and 6 on HP etc.
Full form of EV = Effort Values
By items :
You can gain EV points by using items each gives EV 10 points of each EV : Protein (Attack)
Iron (Defense)
Hp Up (HP)
Calcium ( Sp attack)
Zinc (Sp defense)
Carbos (Speed) ![[Image: 2n6d65z.png]](https://i58.tinypic.com/2n6d65z.png)
Note : These items can be used only 10 times so you can gain a total of 100 ev points using these items , rest of them have to be gained by defeating wild pokemon.
How to RE-EV a Pokemon : Suppose that by mistake you have given wrong EV's to the wrong Pokemon and now you want to change it but how ? Here's where the role of berries come in.
Each berry decreases its respective EV's by 10 points.
There are 6 types of berries , same number as the 6 other health items above.
They are : Kelspy berry (attack)
Qualot berry (defense)
Pomeg berry (Hp)
Hondew berry (Sp attack)
Grepa berry (Sp defense)
Tamato berry (speed) ![[Image: 2jtj74.png]](https://i61.tinypic.com/2jtj74.png)
Note : These items can be used infinite number of times.
You can see the EV points gained by your Pokemon at its details page as below.
![[Image: 4zun1t.png]](https://i58.tinypic.com/4zun1t.png)
Ev training using wild Pokemon :
So each Pokemon gives a specific EV point.Some give 1 EV point , sometimes 2 and a few commons give 3.
Generally higher evolution and class pokemon = More EV points
Every Pokemon's specific EV points are given in its Pokedex as below.
You can go to the Pokedex by clicking on the "Pokedex" option
in the "Misc" menu ![[Image: 2uzq800.png]](https://i60.tinypic.com/2uzq800.png)
Or else you can simply click on this little "Pokedex"![[Image: monsterdex.png]](https://static.pokemonpets.com/images/gamepagepictures/monsterdex.png)
![[Image: x3zpy9.png]](https://i62.tinypic.com/x3zpy9.png)
Now to make EV training easier i will list down some suitable Pokemon for the specific EV points.

So the suitable Pokemon for HP EV training are
![[Image: 400-Bibarel.png]](https://static.pokemonpets.com/images/monsters-images-300-300/400-Bibarel.png)
![[Image: 4685-Vivillon-Fancy.png]](https://static.pokemonpets.com/images/monsters-images-300-300/4685-Vivillon-Fancy.png)
![[Image: 93-Haunter.png]](https://static.pokemonpets.com/images/monsters-images-300-300/93-Haunter.png)
![[Image: 4614-Florges-White.png]](https://static.pokemonpets.com/images/monsters-images-300-300/4614-Florges-White.png)
![[Image: 162-Furret.png]](https://static.pokemonpets.com/images/monsters-images-300-300/162-Furret.png)
![[Image: 344fw5j.png]](https://i60.tinypic.com/344fw5j.png)
When you defeat any pokemon or use an item you can get EV points for your pokemon.
4 EV points = 1 stat point.
You can get EV points by battling wild Pokemon or by using items.
Newly caught Pokemon have 0 iv's
Max EV's for a Pokemon are 510 and the max EV's for 1 stat is 252 so you can for example split EV points like 252 on Attack and 252 on Speed and 6 on HP etc.
Full form of EV = Effort Values
By items :
You can gain EV points by using items each gives EV 10 points of each EV : Protein (Attack)
![[Image: raqm8z.png]](https://i58.tinypic.com/raqm8z.png)
![[Image: 34e3wa8.png]](https://i58.tinypic.com/34e3wa8.png)
![[Image: 2vvkm02.png]](https://i59.tinypic.com/2vvkm02.png)
![[Image: 6ego47.png]](https://i60.tinypic.com/6ego47.png)
![[Image: 2uh8or4.png]](https://i61.tinypic.com/2uh8or4.png)
![[Image: 2n6d65z.png]](https://i58.tinypic.com/2n6d65z.png)
Note : These items can be used only 10 times so you can gain a total of 100 ev points using these items , rest of them have to be gained by defeating wild pokemon.
How to RE-EV a Pokemon : Suppose that by mistake you have given wrong EV's to the wrong Pokemon and now you want to change it but how ? Here's where the role of berries come in.
Each berry decreases its respective EV's by 10 points.
There are 6 types of berries , same number as the 6 other health items above.
They are : Kelspy berry (attack)
![[Image: 6poj1e.png]](https://i62.tinypic.com/6poj1e.png)
![[Image: 6zpyky.png]](https://i60.tinypic.com/6zpyky.png)
![[Image: 250qp3d.png]](https://i58.tinypic.com/250qp3d.png)
![[Image: 5156oj.png]](https://i61.tinypic.com/5156oj.png)
![[Image: 2ajnxpz.png]](https://i62.tinypic.com/2ajnxpz.png)
![[Image: 2jtj74.png]](https://i61.tinypic.com/2jtj74.png)
Note : These items can be used infinite number of times.
You can see the EV points gained by your Pokemon at its details page as below.
![[Image: 4zun1t.png]](https://i58.tinypic.com/4zun1t.png)
Ev training using wild Pokemon :
So each Pokemon gives a specific EV point.Some give 1 EV point , sometimes 2 and a few commons give 3.
Generally higher evolution and class pokemon = More EV points
Every Pokemon's specific EV points are given in its Pokedex as below.
You can go to the Pokedex by clicking on the "Pokedex" option
![[Image: pokedex_icon.png]](https://static.pokemonpets.com/images/HomePage/pokedex_icon.png)
![[Image: 2uzq800.png]](https://i60.tinypic.com/2uzq800.png)
Or else you can simply click on this little "Pokedex"
![[Image: monsterdex.png]](https://static.pokemonpets.com/images/gamepagepictures/monsterdex.png)
![[Image: x3zpy9.png]](https://i62.tinypic.com/x3zpy9.png)
Now to make EV training easier i will list down some suitable Pokemon for the specific EV points.
Hp ev training
I gotta agree that there are very less Pokemon that give nice HP EV points so it can be considered the toughest but still in this guide i have tried to list out the bests 
So the suitable Pokemon for HP EV training are

![[Image: 67i3jp.png]](https://i59.tinypic.com/67i3jp.png)
![[Image: 2wqwt28.png]](https://i58.tinypic.com/2wqwt28.png)
![[Image: 317cghu.png]](https://i58.tinypic.com/317cghu.png)
![[Image: 294-Loudred.png]](https://static.pokemonpets.com/images/monsters-images-300-300/294-Loudred.png)
Wobbuffet , Stunfisk and Gastrodon-West give 2 hp ev points each.
Hotspot for HP EV training : Route 267 - Energy Forest , an alternate would be route 377 - Capricorn road since it got many nice pokemon that give HP EV points and you can catch Shiny-Cresselia there too
Reason - Contains Gastrodon-west , Stunfisk and Loudred
Attack EV Training
This one is a lot better since you have a lot more options 

So the suitable Pokemon for attack EV Training are :
![[Image: 621-Druddigon.png]](https://static.pokemonpets.com/images/monsters-images-300-300/621-Druddigon.png)
![[Image: 520-Tranquill.png]](https://static.pokemonpets.com/images/monsters-images-300-300/520-Tranquill.png)
![[Image: 4045-Unfezant-F.png]](https://static.pokemonpets.com/images/monsters-images-300-300/4045-Unfezant-F.png)
![[Image: 67-Machoke.png]](https://static.pokemonpets.com/images/monsters-images-300-300/67-Machoke.png)
![[Image: 338-Solrock.png]](https://static.pokemonpets.com/images/monsters-images-300-300/338-Solrock.png)
![[Image: 400-Bibarel.png]](https://static.pokemonpets.com/images/monsters-images-300-300/400-Bibarel.png)
Druddigon , tranquil , Machoke , Solrock and Bibarel give 2 Attack EV points each.
Unpheasant gives 3 Attack EV points.
Hotspot for Attack EV training : Route 515 - Battle Fields
Reason - Contains Unfezant , Druddigon and Sawsbuck-Winter (2 attack ev points)
Defense EV Training
Easy too , just find a map with lots of Vivillon forms and your work is done. But still i will list down some alternatives and suitable maps 

![[Image: 14-Kakuna.png]](https://static.pokemonpets.com/images/monsters-images-300-300/14-Kakuna.png)
![[Image: 11-Metapod.png]](https://static.pokemonpets.com/images/monsters-images-300-300/11-Metapod.png)
![[Image: 541-Swadloon.png]](https://static.pokemonpets.com/images/monsters-images-300-300/541-Swadloon.png)
![[Image: 75-Graveler.png]](https://static.pokemonpets.com/images/monsters-images-300-300/75-Graveler.png)
![[Image: 544-Whirlipede.png]](https://static.pokemonpets.com/images/monsters-images-300-300/544-Whirlipede.png)
![[Image: 4666-Vivillon-Archipelago.png]](https://static.pokemonpets.com/images/monsters-images-300-300/4666-Vivillon-Archipelago.png)
![[Image: 4667-Vivillon-Continental.png]](https://static.pokemonpets.com/images/monsters-images-300-300/4667-Vivillon-Continental.png)
![[Image: 4668-Vivillon-Elegant.png]](https://static.pokemonpets.com/images/monsters-images-300-300/4668-Vivillon-Elegant.png)
![[Image: 4669-Vivillon-Garden.png]](https://static.pokemonpets.com/images/monsters-images-300-300/4669-Vivillon-Garden.png)
![[Image: 4670-Vivillon-Plains.png]](https://static.pokemonpets.com/images/monsters-images-300-300/4670-Vivillon-Plains.png)
![[Image: 4671-Vivillon-Snow.png]](https://static.pokemonpets.com/images/monsters-images-300-300/4671-Vivillon-Snow.png)
![[Image: 4672-Vivillon-Jungle.png]](https://static.pokemonpets.com/images/monsters-images-300-300/4672-Vivillon-Jungle.png)
![[Image: 4673-Vivillon-Marine.png]](https://static.pokemonpets.com/images/monsters-images-300-300/4673-Vivillon-Marine.png)
![[Image: 4674-Vivillon-Meadow.png]](https://static.pokemonpets.com/images/monsters-images-300-300/4674-Vivillon-Meadow.png)
![[Image: 4675-Vivillon-Modern.png]](https://static.pokemonpets.com/images/monsters-images-300-300/4675-Vivillon-Modern.png)
![[Image: 4676-Vivillon-Monsoon.png]](https://static.pokemonpets.com/images/monsters-images-300-300/4676-Vivillon-Monsoon.png)
![[Image: 4677-Vivillon-Ocean.png]](https://static.pokemonpets.com/images/monsters-images-300-300/4677-Vivillon-Ocean.png)
![[Image: 4678-Vivillon-Polar.png]](https://static.pokemonpets.com/images/monsters-images-300-300/4678-Vivillon-Polar.png)
![[Image: 4679-Vivillon-River.png]](https://static.pokemonpets.com/images/monsters-images-300-300/4679-Vivillon-River.png)
![[Image: 4680-Vivillon-Sandstorm.png]](https://static.pokemonpets.com/images/monsters-images-300-300/4680-Vivillon-Sandstorm.png)
![[Image: 4681-Vivillon-Savanna.png]](https://static.pokemonpets.com/images/monsters-images-300-300/4681-Vivillon-Savanna.png)
![[Image: 4682-Vivillon-Sun.png]](https://static.pokemonpets.com/images/monsters-images-300-300/4682-Vivillon-Sun.png)
![[Image: 4683-Vivillon-Tundra.png]](https://static.pokemonpets.com/images/monsters-images-300-300/4683-Vivillon-Tundra.png)
![[Image: 4684-Vivillon-Pokeball.png]](https://static.pokemonpets.com/images/monsters-images-300-300/4684-Vivillon-Pokeball.png)
![[Image: 4685-Vivillon-Fancy.png]](https://static.pokemonpets.com/images/monsters-images-300-300/4685-Vivillon-Fancy.png)
Those vivillon took time
Kakuna , Metapod , Swadloon , Graveler , Whirlipede and all those Vivillons of course -_- give 2 Defense points each
Defense EV Training Hotspot : Route 65 - Crawling Pathway
Reason : Has 5 different vivillon forms along with other pokemon that give 1 Defense EV point like Venipede , Cricketot , Sewaddle , Exeggcute etc. and also a shiny-Diancie and shiny-Skarmochar to catch just in case you get lucky 

Sp Attack EV Training
Just a little tough but there are a few Pokemon that could help you out , just listed them. 

![[Image: 44-Gloom.png]](https://static.pokemonpets.com/images/monsters-images-300-300/44-Gloom.png)
![[Image: 337-Lunatone.png]](https://static.pokemonpets.com/images/monsters-images-300-300/337-Lunatone.png)
![[Image: 203-Girafarig.png]](https://static.pokemonpets.com/images/monsters-images-300-300/203-Girafarig.png)
![[Image: 93-Haunter.png]](https://static.pokemonpets.com/images/monsters-images-300-300/93-Haunter.png)
Gloom , Lunatone , Girafarig and Haunter give 2 Sp Attack EV points each.
Sp Attack Training Hotspot : Really difficult to find but Route 325 is a good idea - Struggle Exit
Reason : Contains Haunter , Gloom and Girafarig
Sp Defense EV Training
Probably the easiest of all EV trainings because of lots of options with a nice accumulation of Pokemon at one place 

Still listing is important 

![[Image: 325-Spoink.png]](https://static.pokemonpets.com/images/monsters-images-300-300/325-Spoink.png)
![[Image: 413-Wormadam.png]](https://static.pokemonpets.com/images/monsters-images-300-300/413-Wormadam.png)
![[Image: 4601-Floette-Blue.png]](https://static.pokemonpets.com/images/monsters-images-300-300/4601-Floette-Blue.png)
![[Image: 4604-Floette-Yellow.png]](https://static.pokemonpets.com/images/monsters-images-300-300/4604-Floette-Yellow.png)
![[Image: 4607-Floette-Red.png]](https://static.pokemonpets.com/images/monsters-images-300-300/4607-Floette-Red.png)
![[Image: 4610-Floette-Orange.png]](https://static.pokemonpets.com/images/monsters-images-300-300/4610-Floette-Orange.png)
![[Image: 4613-Floette-White.png]](https://static.pokemonpets.com/images/monsters-images-300-300/4613-Floette-White.png)
![[Image: 4602-Florges-Blue.png]](https://static.pokemonpets.com/images/monsters-images-300-300/4602-Florges-Blue.png)
![[Image: 4605-Florges-Yellow.png]](https://static.pokemonpets.com/images/monsters-images-300-300/4605-Florges-Yellow.png)
![[Image: 4608-Florges-Red.png]](https://static.pokemonpets.com/images/monsters-images-300-300/4608-Florges-Red.png)
![[Image: 4611-Florges-Orange.png]](https://static.pokemonpets.com/images/monsters-images-300-300/4611-Florges-Orange.png)
![[Image: 4614-Florges-White.png]](https://static.pokemonpets.com/images/monsters-images-300-300/4614-Florges-White.png)
Spoink , Wormadam and all floettes give 2 Sp Defense Ev points each.
All Florges' give 3 Sp Defense Ev points each.
Sp Defense EV Training hotspots : Route 449 - Reptile Valley
Reason - Contains lots of different floettes and florges
Reason 2 - Has a beautiful and powerful shiny-Cresselia to catch just in case you get too lucky 

And it is my favourite map too
Speed EV Points
Another easy one thanks to our buddy flying types and by now you must have understood ..... listing is necessary 

![[Image: 17-Pidgeotto.png]](https://static.pokemonpets.com/images/monsters-images-300-300/17-Pidgeotto.png)
![[Image: 662-Fletchinder.png]](https://static.pokemonpets.com/images/monsters-images-300-300/662-Fletchinder.png)
![[Image: 397-Staravia.png]](https://static.pokemonpets.com/images/monsters-images-300-300/397-Staravia.png)
![[Image: 20-Raticate.png]](https://static.pokemonpets.com/images/monsters-images-300-300/20-Raticate.png)
![[Image: 61-Poliwhirl.png]](https://static.pokemonpets.com/images/monsters-images-300-300/61-Poliwhirl.png)
![[Image: 457-Lumineon.png]](https://static.pokemonpets.com/images/monsters-images-300-300/457-Lumineon.png)
![[Image: 162-Furret.png]](https://static.pokemonpets.com/images/monsters-images-300-300/162-Furret.png)
All of the above give 2 Speed EV points each.
Speed EV Training Hotspot : Route 506 - Coloured fields
Reason - Contains Polywhirl , Fletchinder and many other pokemon which give 1 Speed EV point each like Weedle , Starly , Blitzle , Pansear , Meowth and Ponyta.
Reason 2 - Contains shiny-genesect-burn just in case you get lucky 

Speeding up EV training : There are currently only 2 ways known to speed up EV training besides the ones above.
Using Macho Brace : You can buy this item called as 'Macho Brace'
from the market for 250,000 gold only.
![[Image: machobrace.png]](https://static.pokemonpets.com/images/Items/machobrace.png)
It actually doubles the EV points gained from wild Pokemon battles thus halving the time required to EV train.
Using EXP share : You can buy this item known as 'EXP share'
from the market for 350,000 gold.
![[Image: expshare.png]](https://static.pokemonpets.com/images/Items/expshare.png)
It shares the EXP and EV points gained from battles so besides using it while completing the gyms it can also be used during EV training to EV train multiple Pokemon at the same time.
Note : These hotspots will be updated as soon as the game is updated so no need to worry.
This guide resembles a previous thread made by Blau but with the addition of many new pokemon things are way easier now , also some points were missing there
+ there are hotspots now 

Now for IV explanation (Added so people can get everything in one thread and so that they won't have to go from one thread to another )
Iv's are 'Individual values' that every Pokemon has , they can only be changed by making advertisement threads. Doing so will result in all iv's being changed to 27.
These are shown at the right side of EV points and 1 IV point = 1 stat point.
Location of IV points is below : 

![[Image: 344fw5j.png]](https://i60.tinypic.com/344fw5j.png)
I think that should be enough for one thread if you need any more things to be added then please post here , i will add them for sure.
Thank you all for reading and don't forget a comment 

Thread was made to put an end to the question , 'Hey does anybody know a good place for attack/some other EV training?' 

Not to be copied without permission from Atharva Sawant in game first.
2015-08-27, 03:39 PM
awesome sawant
2015-08-29, 01:50 PM
awesome thanks ^^ really need this
2015-08-29, 02:54 PM
a usefull thread.

2015-08-31, 06:56 AM
nice thread pm me in game to get a legendary reward
Video: Idealism the philosophy of the matrix and the true nature of matter
Video: WHO IS GOD!
Skype username: MonsterMMORPG
Video: WHO IS GOD!
Skype username: MonsterMMORPG
2015-09-05, 10:59 AM
2015-10-14, 02:02 PM
we need 4 ev in each stat to raise up the stats? because i did put my machop in the stats calculator and i have seen that hp needs 4 EV but both the attacks and the defenses need 10 EV
2015-10-14, 03:30 PM
2015-10-14, 04:05 PM
(2015-10-14, 03:30 PM)Atharvaa898 Wrote:(2015-10-14, 02:02 PM)Daeva13 Wrote: we need 4 ev in each stat to raise up the stats? because i did put my machop in the stats calculator and i have seen that hp needs 4 EV but both the attacks and the defenses need 10 EVCheck again , it should be 4
I am checking now and i dont know why everytime it says something different, tried with a few of my pokemons but it's never 4, it's changes so i dont know if i am not using the stat calculator properly or maybe there are issues with it
Thanks for making this, really needed it.
Had to go around asking in chat originally to figure out where to go to train certain evs and even then sometimes nobody knew :c
Had to go around asking in chat originally to figure out where to go to train certain evs and even then sometimes nobody knew :c
2015-10-16, 09:58 PM
I confirm what i said, both in my game and in the stats calculator it takes more than 4 EV to raise 1 point
2015-10-17, 05:29 AM
2015-10-17, 05:50 AM
nice is this the update version cause the next one all the pokes have change
i fight Because that's what i was made for
2015-10-17, 06:07 AM
(2015-10-17, 05:29 AM)Atharvaa898 Wrote:(2015-10-16, 09:58 PM)Daeva13 Wrote: I confirm what i said, both in my game and in the stats calculator it takes more than 4 EV to raise 1 point
Use stat calculator when your pokemon is at level 100 , seems to be some kind of problem when it is at lower levels
i did, and in the game my pokèmons took more than 4 EV to raise the stats
2015-10-17, 06:56 AM
(2015-10-17, 06:07 AM)Daeva13 Wrote:(2015-10-17, 05:29 AM)Atharvaa898 Wrote:(2015-10-16, 09:58 PM)Daeva13 Wrote: I confirm what i said, both in my game and in the stats calculator it takes more than 4 EV to raise 1 point
Use stat calculator when your pokemon is at level 100 , seems to be some kind of problem when it is at lower levels
i did, and in the game my pokèmons took more than 4 EV to raise the stats
The Pokemon will get 1 point for 4 Ev points if your Pokemon is at lev 100 and if your Poekmon is not at lev 100 then get it to lev 100 first.
For e.g if your Pokemon is lev 10 and it already has 252 on some ev then level it up and it will gain those points.
2015-10-17, 07:20 AM
I got told EV points have nothing to do with leveling up, they change the points directly when you get the right number, obviously they increase the rise of the stats when the pokemon level up, but you dont have to wait for the level. If we need to wait level 100 to get all the raise it would be a bit pointless lol. Plus i worked on the stats calculator at level 100 and bigger and still didnt get point stats for 4 EV
2015-10-17, 07:51 AM
(2015-10-17, 07:20 AM)Daeva13 Wrote: I got told EV points have nothing to do with leveling up, they change the points directly when you get the right number, obviously they increase the rise of the stats when the pokemon level up, but you dont have to wait for the level. If we need to wait level 100 to get all the raise it would be a bit pointless lol. Plus i worked on the stats calculator at level 100 and bigger and still didnt get point stats for 4 EV
Don't try it with stat calculator , try it directly in game it should work as it does for all of us.
Or maybe you should PM CeFurkan for further details if possible.
2015-10-17, 09:12 AM
(2015-10-17, 07:51 AM)Atharvaa898 Wrote:(2015-10-17, 07:20 AM)Daeva13 Wrote: I got told EV points have nothing to do with leveling up, they change the points directly when you get the right number, obviously they increase the rise of the stats when the pokemon level up, but you dont have to wait for the level. If we need to wait level 100 to get all the raise it would be a bit pointless lol. Plus i worked on the stats calculator at level 100 and bigger and still didnt get point stats for 4 EV
Don't try it with stat calculator , try it directly in game it should work as it does for all of us.
Or maybe you should PM CeFurkan for further details if possible.
ok but he was the one telling me the stats get added directly and for example, i used the berry to decrease the attack EV on my spheal and as you know, the berry take away 10 EV points, my spheal lost only one stat point, now following the 4 EV = 1 point thing, my spheal should have lost 2 attack points, not just 1
2015-10-17, 08:19 PM
May want to update for the speed evs.
Route 506 no longer has fletchinder or poliwhirl.
Route 506 no longer has fletchinder or poliwhirl.
2015-10-18, 05:20 AM
2015-10-18, 07:11 AM
try to check what i am saying on a low level pokèmon
2022-11-22, 11:00 AM
En şık Kadın Cüzdan modelleri uygun fiyatlar DeFacto'da, hemen tıklayın!. Ürün çeşitlerini ayrıntılı olarak inceleyin ve çevrimiçi sipariş vermek için hemen tıklayın! Her ihtiyaca ve arzuya göre bir cüzdan modeline sayfamız üzerinden ulaşabileceğiniz gibi bütçenize uygun cüzdanları da bu sayfada bulacaksınız.
2023-05-12, 09:45 AM
Any updates?
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