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Some Basic Things For Newcomers
Hi guys.In this thread i will be telling you some basic things.

1)How to heal your team
2)How to change your team
3)Where do your pokemon go when u capture or buy them
4)How to Transform Your pokemon

How To Heal Your Team:

In order to heal your pokemons,you will have to go to Monster Center.You can find Monster Center in all Cities and Towns.This is how a Monster Center looks like:

[Image: 28arvip.png]

Enter it.It will take you to this page:

[Image: 345kgtu.png]

Click on
Heal My Pokemon Team and your Team will be Healed.Once they are healed,it will say All pokemon in your current team have been healed like this:

[Image: i2k289.png]

Now you are ready to go back to hunting or battling Gyms.

How To Change Your Pokemon Team:

In order to change your pokemon team,go to Monster Center.After that,Click on Manage Pokemon Team.

[Image: 2je8x1g.png]

It will take you to this page:

[Image: 2ajbcz7.png]

Click on Filter By Location then select At The Team. It will show you the pokemon you have on your team.

[Image: hvxmhc.png]

To remove a pokemon from your team,Click on Remove From The Team and Send To Storage.It will be removed from your team.To add Another pokemon to your team,go back to your pokemon list and add any pokemon you want to add in your team by clicking Add to Pokemon Team.

[Image: 2u5gfmt.png]

The pokemon will be added to your team.
You can also change team while you are away from Monster Center.You can find Set Your Pokemon Team in Player Submenu. Just like this:

[Image: 1z499i0.png]

Once you click it,it will take you to the same page which i mentioned above.

What happens to the pokemons you capture or buy:

The pokemons you capture from wild or buy from shop are sent directly in your storage.You can add them to your team by following the steps which i mentioned above.

How to Transform your Pokemon:

To Transform your pokemon,first go to pokedex and see the requirements for evolving it.

[Image: 2j31w28.png]

For Example: According to pokedex,Burmy Evolves to Mothim/Wormadam at level 42 depending on the Gender.If the Gender is male,it will transform to Mothim.

To transform a pokemon go to
My Team. 

[Image: 28bxyja.png]

Once you Click on My Team it will take you to this page:

[Image: 30n7vih.png]

Click on Transform Pokemon and your pokemon will evolve.

Some pokemon require items to evolve.For evolving those pokemon,buy the required items from shop and go to My Items and use the Gem on the Pokemon and it will Transform.

That's all for now,hope it was helpful.Thanks for reading,make sure to comment if u liked it.Good luck hunting.

Pretty useful thread for newbies ( and not only for them ) Big Grin
Nice threadIdea because some new players ever ask these questions Tongue
Thnx a lot for such generous comments guys ^^ 
so many questions new players ask this is the one answer
i fight Because that's what i was made for                              [Image: view?resolution=2560x1600&file=MjM4OXgxO...g4Nl93YQ==]
(2016-01-08, 12:07 PM)subject zero Wrote: so many questions new players ask this is the one answer

Thnx a lot Big Grin
Since you mentioned Gender specific Evolution, show how to change them, If it isn't already planed for another guide.
Also, do a Screenshot of the red box stating that the poke got send to storage to have a picture to pull some attention towards that section ^^

Other than that, another great guide, very well done! Smile

M30 - Galliant
(2016-01-08, 08:06 PM)Blau Wrote: Since you mentioned Gender specific Evolution, show how to change them, If it isn't already planed for another guide.
Also, do a Screenshot of the red box stating that the poke got send to storage to have a picture to pull some attention towards that section ^^

Other than that, another great guide, very well done! Smile
thnx a lot Big Grin and yeah,will do that as well.
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The information is very useful for me

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