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Cefurkan you do know that you should change where it says 'MP' since this is pokemon Smile Just wanted to remind you in case you've forgotten.
[Image: 2i2mft.jpg]
What A Drag...
u soo that two
should be fixed now ty for reporting

please let me know if any still remaining
[Image: ShUvLku.png]

Theres also that
[Image: 2i2mft.jpg]
What A Drag...
Bump cef check it
[Image: 2i2mft.jpg]
What A Drag...
thanks fixed at local

will be fixed at next version update
Good to hear
[Image: 2i2mft.jpg]
What A Drag...
[Image: zlrp6d.png]

[Image: 116ujad.png]
[Image: 2i2mft.jpg]
What A Drag...

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