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✓ Version 3.0.0 (28 December 2016) Pokemon Pets (F2P Online Pokemon MMO RPG Game) Update Change Logs

✓ Please Read previous updates as well ☑ Previous updates:

✓ We have jumped to version 3.0.0 for advertising purposes

✓ Fully read V 2.2.6 that is really important :

✓ New class filtering added to the all pages where you can filter Pokemon by class such as Pokedex or set your team page. So now you can filter Pokemon by Shiny Mega Rare class or Shiny Rare class etc. All Shiny Pokemon still has the appear chance or megas still require same transformation requirements

✓ How to assign NPCs and their Pokemon team on the maps completely revamped and improved. Now shiny class Pokemon can also appear in teams of NPCs

✓ The NPCs of first 10 zones are made to be easier for newbie players. Gyms can be still hard but since zone guardians are easier, they can progress and come back to defeat them

✓ Now all NPCs represents their zone types much better. So you are more likely to see Electric type Pokemon in Electric Arena and Electric Zone NPCs

✓ Number of NPCs in each route is increased to 3 from 1

✓ The reward system of NPCs are improved. Now they give more valuable rewards

✓ All missing moves are added to the game. You will see some of them have different features than official features. This is because we don't have those features. We can modify/tune these different moves as you request.

✓ Check all the moves from here. This page will be improved soon hopefully :

✓ The descriptions of moves updated and improved. If you see errors etc., please let me know so we can fix and improve their description

✓ The move lists of all Pokemon are updated to official set. They are fetched automatically from We have added egg moves, transfer only moves, move tutor moves as TM moves to our moves list. So now you can teach those moves to your Pokemon as TM moves

✓ Due to the changes in move sets and moves, all moves of all Pokemon are reset. As you battle, their old moves will appear you to chose. Thus, you have to re-teach Hyper Surf or Fly moves again

✓ The TM and HM moves items in the market updated. Thus, all of your TM and HM items in your inventory are deleted and their 100% money refunded to your account. So you did get extra money when compared to what would you get if you have sold them Smile

✓ The frequency of the security question is halved. Now it will take 500 actions till it appears. So it will be less annoying

✓ Some Pokemon had multiple listing of same transformation like this one (this problem is fixed) :

✓ We are removing artworks of JordanQV. He did not cooperate and forced us to remove. Only few of his artworks and Pokemon left.

✓ We are mass improving the overall artwork quality of the entire game. We will continue to improve bad looking artworks. Please report which artworks you find as annoying. We have a new artist that will draw many awesome looking Pokemon to us Smile

✓ The bonus EXP event that has been on going over 6 months is ended. It was 150% bonus. New events will start soon hopefully

✓ Edit 29.12.2016 : Try to recover all of your deleted PMs in your inbox feature is added to the game. You can try to recover from your control panel now :

✓ Edit 29.12.2016 : Now you can link to usernames in chat that has 1 space letter such as @Mysterious Man

✓ Edit 29.12.2016 : Gold and EXP reward of all NPCs are permanently doubled

✓ Edit 30.12.2016 : Escape Rope item added to the market. Now you can teleport out of caves to their entrances. Item can be purchased from the market

✓ Edit 30.12.2016 : From now on, the maximum inflicted damage is limited to enemy's current HP as requested. Let me know if any error happens

✓ Edit 30.12.2016 : Stat increases will be displayed at the battle result page when your Pokemon level ups

✓ Edit 30.12.2016 : The exp bonus is increased for level 50 below Pokemon. Here the current bonuses
☑ Level 1-10 : +400%
☑ Level 11-25 : +300%
☑ Level 26-35 : +200%
☑ Level 35-49 : +100%

✓ Edit 30.12.2016 : Stars that represent power class of Pokemon added to the Pokedex, Battle and Game pages. Currently:
☑ Common : 1 Stars
☑ Uncommon : 2 Stars
☑ Rare : 3 Stars
☑ Ultra Rare : 4 Stars
☑ Starter : 5 Stars
☑ Legendary : 6 Stars
☑ Shiny : 6 Stars
☑ Mega : 6 Stars
☑ Mega-L : 7 Stars
☑ Mega-S : 8 Stars
☑ Mega-SL : 9 Stars

✓ Edit 30.12.2016 : The annoying alert message that comes after every battle if your Pokemon learns move is removed. It will appear only 1 time per session you play

✓ Edit 30.12.2016 : The Events Chat Pokemon appear rates are increased. The new starting events will be the below rates:
☑ Ultrare Rare class is increased from 0.08% to 0.16%
☑ Starter class is increased from 0.05% to 0.10%
☑ Legendary class is increased from 0.04% to 0.08%
☑ Shiny class is increased from 0.01% to 0.03%

✓ Edit 31.12.2016 : The abilities of the following Pokemon are upgraded to their latest stage. For example, if the ability was Regenerator now it is Expert Regenerator:
☑ 8022 Mega-Fearow , 8108 Mega-Lickilicky , 8110 Mega-Weezing , 8121 Mega-Starmie , 8124 Mega-Jynx , 8132 Mega-Ditto , 8206 Mega-Dunsparce , 8208 Mega-Steelix , 8213 Mega-Shuckle , 8219 Mega-Magcargo , 8227 Mega-Skarmory , 8279 Mega-Pelipper , 8367 Mega-Huntail , 8368 Mega-Gorebyss , 8714 Mega-Zygarde

✓ Edit 31.12.2016 : The move Struggle is removed from live PvP battles. This move appears when all PP of your Pokemon is depleted

✓ Edit 31.12.2016 : The minimum HP thresholds for throwing a Pokeball are increased to following values. So now for throwing a Pokeball to catch a shiny class Pokemon you need to decrease its hp to at the very least 60% of its maximum HP
☑ Common = 95% > 100%
☑ Uncommon = 85% > 90%
☑ Rare = 75% > 80%
☑ Ultra Rare = 50% > 75%
☑ Starter = 0% > 75%
☑ Legendary = 35% > 70%
☑ Shiny = 25% > 60%

✓ Edit 01.01.2017 : A new team option Display_Team added to the team setup page:

✓ All unfinished battles got wiped for performance boost
✓ PvP Battle Board and requests history deleted because of unfinished battles wipe
✓ All Pokemon and NPCs on maps re-assigned
✓ All chat history erased

✓ Inactive account wipe happened in order to improve overall game performance and free up system resources
✓ Wiped accounts are basically did not play game. Simply registered and left
✓ In order to an account get deleted it has to satisfy all below conditions
☑ Must have less than 200k Gold
☑ Must have less than 20 total battles
☑ Must have less than total 20 Pokemon
☑ Must be inactive over 30 days
☑ Must not have any Pokemon over level 89

✓ New MonsterMMORPG Facebook APP : ☑
✓ Please play and rate 5 stars our game

✓ New PokemonPets Facebook APP : ☑
✓ Please play and rate 5 stars our game

✓ Official following social media channels are fully started please follow all of them
☑ PokemonPets Youtube :
☑ PokemonPets Facebook :
☑ PokemonPets Google+ :
☑ Pokemon Pets Twitter :
☑ Pokemon Pets Facebook APP :
☑ PokemonPets Android APP :
☑ PokemonPets DeviantArt :
☑ MonsterMMORPG Linkedin :

✓ The following new Pokemon added to the Pokedex

[Image: 4350-Milotic-Icy.png] [Image: 4417-Chisu.png] [Image: 4718-Zygarde-10-Percent.png] [Image: 8166-Mega-Ledian.png] [Image: 8199-Mega-Slowking.png] [Image: 8201-Mega-Unown.png] [Image: 8202-Mega-Wobbuffet.png] [Image: 8205-Mega-Forretress.png] [Image: 8210-Mega-Granbull.png] [Image: 8219-Mega-Magcargo.png] [Image: 8241-Mega-Miltank.png] [Image: 8291-Mega-Ninjask.png] [Image: 8297-Mega-Hariyama.png] [Image: 8337-Mega-Lunatone.png] [Image: 8340-Mega-Whiscash.png] [Image: 8358-Mega-Chimecho.png] [Image: 8368-Mega-Gorebyss.png] [Image: 8415-Mega-Vespiquen-Assasin.png] [Image: 8416-Mega-Vespiquen.png] [Image: 8417-Mega-Pachirisu.png] [Image: 8476-Mega-Probopass.png] [Image: 8479-Mega-Rotom.png] [Image: 8486-Mega-Regigigas.png] [Image: 8488-Mega-Cresselia.png] [Image: 8489-Mega-Phione.png] [Image: 8492-Mega-Shaymin-Land.png] [Image: 8508-Mega-Stoutland.png] [Image: 8512-Mega-Simisage.png] [Image: 8528-Mega-Swoobat.png] [Image: 8550-Mega-Basculin.png] [Image: 8561-Mega-Sigilyph.png] [Image: 8565-Mega-Carracosta.png] [Image: 8567-Mega-Archeops.png] [Image: 8569-Mega-Garbodor.png] [Image: 8587-Mega-Emolga.png] [Image: 8594-Mega-Alomomola.png] [Image: 8596-Mega-Galvantula.png] [Image: 8631-Mega-Heatmor.png] [Image: 8640-Mega-Virizion.png] [Image: 8642-Mega-Thundurus.png] [Image: 8648-Mega-Meloetta.png] [Image: 8656-Mega-Meloetta-Pirouette.png] [Image: 8660-Mega-Diggersby.png] [Image: 8666-Mega-Vivillon.png] [Image: 8677-Mega-Meowstic-F.png] [Image: 8678-Mega-Meowstic.png] [Image: 8687-Mega-Malamar.png] [Image: 8702-Mega-Dedenne.png] [Image: 8703-Mega-Carbink.png] [Image: 8707-Mega-Klefki.png] [Image: 8714-Mega-Zygarde.png] [Image: 8716-Mega-Xerneas.png] [Image: 8721-Mega-Volcanion.png]
thanx for the update cef
i love all the new megas its very awesome the ones that didnt have mega evolutions now do and also the #8714 mega zygarde picture isnt showing yet at all. but everything else great job and just hope you can bring back the gold gain from the npc's in gyms because now its gonna take even longer to gain money for goals and not everyone can vote because of computer problems or like me my work computer they dont allow me to get to the voting screen cause they blocked it and same goes for kids who have school laptops or computers. but all in all great work cef Smile oh and the dragon evolutions on the eevee gotta be changed cause they dont look nothing like a dragon type no more Smile
can you add a feature where you can get back the pms you accidently deleted back?
"Some people treat love as a tool, others treat love as a caring manner. If love was like a delicate flower blossoming, and you were to break that flower, how would you feel?"
I would like to suggest that, instead of mega zygarde, you can replace it with zygarde 100% form, and add zygarde cell & core

Evolution line may be:

Cell + Core ➡ Zygarde 10% ➡ Zygarde ➡ Zygarde 100%

You can also make it as,

Cell + Core (Red eye) ➡ Zygarde 10% (Red eye) ➡ Zygarde (Red eye)
Cell + Core (Blue eye) ➡ Zygarde 10% (Blue eye) ➡ Zygarde (Blue eye)

Zygarde (Red eye) + Zygarde (blue eye) ➡ Zygarde 100%

These combined evolution only works if the two pokemon are in the same team, therefore merged as one
Great update! Thanks.

Just one minor detail. In the shop, under filter by classes, can you add the "Shiny" "Mega" "Shiny Mega" class back. With so few from each group in the shop, it's a pain to go through each one.
Awsome!! update!! but the moves being reset is something annoying !! but we ll do it no problems !! ty for this update!!
[Image: 1685761.jpg]
from what gen these movesets are taken from? And can you please either give the rotom forms their second type moves back or change their type mania ability? The move powder is byg type not fire type, even tho its cooler that way. It seems like you forgot to add volt tackle for the pikachu line
Fly and Hyper Surf lack description that they can be used outside battle for traveling.
"Let another man praise thee, and not thine own mouth; a stranger, and not thine own lips." - Proverbs 27:2
"He that loveth pastime, shall be a poor man: and he that loveth wine and oil, shall not be rich." - Proverbs 21:17
i notice that Shiny Mega Meowstic F has novice abilities instead of master ones. Thanks for reading Smile
thankyou for update~

accept with shoukosumeragi
i got headache from market Undecided
Filter By Classes become difficult to read
hope u bring back old one or add all mega, all shiny, all mega shiny too ty~

and 4 weak city npc in gym way with small exp and money.. for what -.-
Filter By Pokemon Class needs tweaking:
Add filter "Mega" under "Legendary" - Mega filter will display all mega monsters.
Then under that "Mega" add "Shiny" filter - Shiny filter will display all shiny monsters.
Then under "Shiny" add a SEPARATOR: a horizontal line or something to make the list easier to follow; categorized.
Also, add a separator under "Mega Legendary" and "Shiny Legendary" too.

Btw, a separate option to display only reward box monsters would be awesome too.

Also an old bug:
Filter By Name cannot handle long names. For example, try Shiny-Mega-Slaking-Stoneage - it will be cut by 2 letters from the end.
"Let another man praise thee, and not thine own mouth; a stranger, and not thine own lips." - Proverbs 27:2
"He that loveth pastime, shall be a poor man: and he that loveth wine and oil, shall not be rich." - Proverbs 21:17
NOTE: Before reading this, please keep in mind that I was sick, tired, and mad when writing this. I apologize for if i sounded rude. And pokemonpets is my 3rd favourite again :)

This update was annoying.
1. You changed the artwork of possibly one of my favourite pokemon that I had grown to love. (mega golduck diamond)
2. The move reset is so annoying. All my progress, gone. I know they are easy to get back, but I am still annoyed.
This update has bumped PokemonPets from my 3rd favourite pokemon game to my 7th.
(2016-12-28, 07:56 PM)DragonSlayer2048 Wrote: This update was annoying.
1. You changed the artwork of possibly one of my favourite pokemon that I had grown to love. (mega golduck diamond)
2. The move reset is so annoying. All my progress, gone. I know they are easy to get back, but I am still annoyed.
This update has bumped PokemonPets from my 3rd favourite pokemon game to my 7th.

with this update we got all the missing moves and now you can teach way more cool moves to your pokemon and for the artworks cef said he will change them back if they dont get much likes
(2016-12-28, 03:28 PM)shoukosumeragi Wrote: Great update! Thanks.

Just one minor detail. In the shop, under filter by classes, can you add the "Shiny" "Mega" "Shiny Mega" class back. With so few from each group in the shop, it's a pain to go through each one.

shouko has right is very annoying get a lot of filter by classes. I don't even know what class are some pokemon and is a total headache looking for one pokemon in every category that are in the shop or in the pokemon center.
[Image: 944c7aca4ac1e98fa1f4925a9a71a24c.png]
(2016-12-28, 08:48 PM)Daeva13 Wrote:
(2016-12-28, 07:56 PM)DragonSlayer2048 Wrote: This update was annoying.
1. You changed the artwork of possibly one of my favourite pokemon that I had grown to love. (mega golduck diamond)
2. The move reset is so annoying. All my progress, gone. I know they are easy to get back, but I am still annoyed.
This update has bumped PokemonPets from my 3rd favourite pokemon game to my 7th.

with this update we got all the missing moves and now you can teach way more cool moves to your pokemon and for the artworks cef said he will change them back if they dont get much likes

i suppose it could have been much easier to add the new moves that some pokemon could have learned if they had been added as final moves without having to seset each and every one of then.
for example: if sableye learned beat up you could have implemented as final movement instead of resetting everything.
[Image: 944c7aca4ac1e98fa1f4925a9a71a24c.png]
CeF, you need help with programming the AI. Let us help you. Currently the AI is dumb as brick: monsters using normal and fighting type move repeatedly against ghost type. Excadrill VS Dialga: Excadrill uses 2x Rest before using Earthquake; cannons and tanks use healing when unneeded and damaging moves when useless. Absolute lack of any strategy!
"Let another man praise thee, and not thine own mouth; a stranger, and not thine own lips." - Proverbs 27:2
"He that loveth pastime, shall be a poor man: and he that loveth wine and oil, shall not be rich." - Proverbs 21:17
(2016-12-29, 09:31 AM)Mysterium Wrote: CeF, you need help with programming the AI. Let us help you. Currently the AI is dumb as brick: monsters using normal and fighting type move repeatedly against ghost type. Excadrill VS Dialga: Excadrill uses 2x Rest before using Earthquake; cannons and tanks use healing when unneeded and damaging moves when useless. Absolute lack of any strategy!

I fully support i myself tried and witnessed so many times.
And also the 150% boost or even matter

The spikes should  be there rather line should always stable.either always have 200 % or always a 350

Its unfair imo to vary game easyness always and not maintaining the balance

Those who playwd those 6 montha got advantage whose who dont earn less

And now with v3 and game being advertised  so much we must maintain the balance of game
(2016-12-28, 03:54 PM)Daeva13 Wrote: from what gen these movesets are taken from? And can you please either give the rotom forms their second type moves back or change their type mania ability? The move powder is byg type not fire type, even tho its cooler that way. It seems like you forgot to add volt tackle for the pikachu line

the moves are taken from here :

they are combination of Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire and Sun/Moon

rotoms have their official moves arent they?

we can fix their abilities. tell me which ability each one should get

the type of the move powder is fixed

volt tackle is added for all pikachus

i agree with mysterium and kunwarkharbanda 100% but also still would like to see the gold increased back to what it was but also any npc from zone 7 to zone 19 that give anything less then 20k gold need to be bumped up to 20k gold or better cause when you grind gyms the only way to gain so much in 1 day is to use 7 or 10 alt accounts and transfer the gold to your main account. i for one dont have a lot of time during my days to do this because i got a pregnant wife, and gotta work like some of the players on here. but everything else you have updated is awesome and just pure amazing i lvoe the new moves so many to choose from now but i dont like the fact that i cant teach really none of the new moves to any of my favorite pokemon i have equipped now atm. Glad to have the update though Smile
A great update. Long overdue. Was expecting a few Alola pokemon and forms but expect that will be in future updates. Still not sure about some of the artworks, but that has been mentioned previously. Is anyone else encountering a 'sticking' problem? I play on my laptop and whenever I enter a new area or battle, it takes a while for everything to load until I can proceed. This never happened on previous versions. Still, a good update. Happy New Year!
Super Gem evolves Eevee into Glaceon... and Sylveon. In reality, it evolves into Glaceon only. How to evolve Eevee into Sylveon?
"Let another man praise thee, and not thine own mouth; a stranger, and not thine own lips." - Proverbs 27:2
"He that loveth pastime, shall be a poor man: and he that loveth wine and oil, shall not be rich." - Proverbs 21:17
In my opinion level up learn move should remain like before however the current TM moves should stay.
MILotic can't learn moonblast now and slaking stone age can't learn stone edge Undecided Also gym grinding gold should be back with bonus otherwise getting gems would be tough for new players even old players don't like current gold farming too
(2016-12-28, 04:14 PM)Bashful Wrote: i notice that Shiny Mega Meowstic F has novice abilities instead of master ones. Thanks for reading Smile

fixed ty
(2016-12-28, 04:07 PM)Mysterium Wrote: Fly and Hyper Surf lack description that they can be used outside battle for traveling.

fixed ty
the requested 3 filterings added to all pages

Shiny Mega
(2016-12-28, 05:18 PM)jecklin Wrote: thankyou for update~

accept with shoukosumeragi
i got headache from market Undecided
Filter By Classes become difficult to read
hope u bring back old one or add all mega, all shiny, all mega shiny too ty~

and 4 weak city npc in gym way with small exp and money.. for what -.-

those are added back

but what do you mean by 4 weak city npc in gym?
(2016-12-29, 11:43 AM)CeFurkan Wrote:
(2016-12-28, 03:54 PM)Daeva13 Wrote: from what gen these movesets are taken from? And can you please either give the rotom forms their second type moves back or change their type mania ability? The move powder is byg type not fire type, even tho its cooler that way. It seems like you forgot to add volt tackle for the pikachu line

the moves are taken from here :

they are combination of Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire and Sun/Moon

rotoms have their official moves arent they?

we can fix their abilities. tell me which ability each one should get

the type of the move powder is fixed

volt tackle is added for all pikachus


yeah they do now, but in older updates we said they needed moves for their second types as same as the megas that got a second one or alternate forms like umbreon frozen, anyway you can swap the mania ability of the rotom alt forms with special master. And i saw there are a few other moves that need to be added as they arent active yet and another couple needs to be tweaked as they are in sun and moon cause they didnt yet
(2016-12-28, 03:02 PM)Glaceon Wrote: can you add a feature where you can get back the pms you accidently deleted back?

just added that feature to control panel

check it out
✓ Edit 29.12.2016 : Try to recover all of your deleted PMs in your inbox feature is added to the game. You can try to recover from your control panel now :

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