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✓ Version 2.0.9 (1 December 2014) Pokemon Pets (F2P Online Pokemon MMO RPG Game) Update Change Logs - Read previous updates as well
☑ Previous updates:

✓ Whole Gen 6 Added to the game

✓ All Pokemon and NPCs on maps re-assigned

✓ Every map total number of Pokemon count increased

✓ German prohibited words list implemented to the game

✓ 1 Week special 75% bonus EXP and Gold event started - will end at 8 December 2014

✓ Official following social media channels are fully started please follow all of them
☑ PokemonPets Youtube :
☑ PokemonPets Facebook :
☑ PokemonPets Google+ :
☑ Pokemon Pets Twitter :

✓ Special name giving to NPCs system is ready however it requires NPC name list preparation

☀ Special starter Pokemon catching event started for the entire week. At this event a starter monster appears as wild monster on a single map:

♔ This weekend Pokemon is: ⇶ #158 Totodile [Image: 158-Totodile.png]

♔ This starter is catchable on: ⇶ Aqua Islands [Image: Aqua-Islands.png]

✓ New or Updated Pokemon images (Press F5 to Refresh browser cache)

[Image: 150-Mewtwo.png] [Image: 151-Mew.png] [Image: 181-Ampharos.png] [Image: 359-Absol.png] [Image: 478-Froslass.png] [Image: 566-Archen.png] [Image: 650-Chespin.png] [Image: 651-Quilladin.png] [Image: 652-Chesnaught.png] [Image: 653-Fennekin.png] [Image: 654-Braixen.png] [Image: 655-Delphox.png] [Image: 656-Froakie.png] [Image: 657-Frogadier.png] [Image: 658-Greninja.png] [Image: 659-Bunnelby.png] [Image: 660-Diggersby.png] [Image: 661-Fletchling.png] [Image: 662-Fletchinder.png] [Image: 663-Talonflame.png] [Image: 664-Scatterbug.png] [Image: 665-Spewpa.png] [Image: 666-Vivillon.png] [Image: 667-Litleo.png] [Image: 668-Pyroar.png] [Image: 669-Flabebe.png] [Image: 670-Floette.png] [Image: 671-Florges.png] [Image: 672-Skiddo.png] [Image: 673-Gogoat.png] [Image: 674-Pancham.png] [Image: 675-Pangoro.png] [Image: 676-Furfrou.png] [Image: 677-Espurr.png] [Image: 678-Meowstic.png] [Image: 679-Honedge.png] [Image: 680-Doublade.png] [Image: 681-Aegislash.png] [Image: 682-Spritzee.png] [Image: 683-Aromatisse.png] [Image: 684-Swirlix.png] [Image: 685-Slurpuff.png] [Image: 686-Inkay.png] [Image: 687-Malamar.png] [Image: 688-Binacle.png] [Image: 689-Barbaracle.png] [Image: 690-Skrelp.png] [Image: 691-Dragalge.png] [Image: 692-Clauncher.png] [Image: 693-Clawitzer.png] [Image: 694-Helioptile.png] [Image: 695-Heliolisk.png] [Image: 696-Tyrunt.png] [Image: 697-Tyrantrum.png] [Image: 698-Amaura.png] [Image: 699-Aurorus.png] [Image: 701-Hawlucha.png] [Image: 702-Dedenne.png] [Image: 703-Carbink.png] [Image: 704-Goomy.png] [Image: 705-Sliggoo.png] [Image: 706-Goodra.png] [Image: 707-Klefki.png] [Image: 708-Phantump.png] [Image: 709-Trevenant.png] [Image: 710-Pumpkaboo.png] [Image: 711-Gourgeist.png] [Image: 712-Bergmite.png] [Image: 713-Avalugg.png] [Image: 714-Noibat.png] [Image: 715-Noivern.png] [Image: 716-Xerneas.png] [Image: 717-Yveltal.png] [Image: 718-Zygarde.png] [Image: 719-Diancie.png] [Image: 2052-Shiny-Meowth.png] [Image: 2054-Shiny-Psyduck.png] [Image: 2056-Shiny-Mankey.png] [Image: 2058-Shiny-Growlithe.png] [Image: 2059-Shiny-Arcanine.png] [Image: 2081-Shiny-Magnemite.png] [Image: 2083-Shiny-Farfetchd.png] [Image: 2100-Shiny-Voltorb.png] [Image: 2107-Shiny-Hitmonchan.png] [Image: 2120-Shiny-Staryu.png] [Image: 2134-Shiny-Vaporeon.png] [Image: 2135-Shiny-Jolteon.png] [Image: 2140-Shiny-Kabuto.png] [Image: 2148-Shiny-Dragonair.png] [Image: 2150-Shiny-Mewtwo.png] [Image: 2151-Shiny-Mew.png] [Image: 2181-Shiny-Ampharos.png] [Image: 2287-Shiny-Slakoth.png] [Image: 2334-Shiny-Altaria.png] [Image: 2371-Shiny-Bagon.png] [Image: 2439-Shiny-MimeJr.png] [Image: 2447-Shiny-Riolu.png] [Image: 2461-Shiny-Weavile.png] [Image: 2573-Shiny-Cinccino.png] [Image: 2575-Shiny-Gothorita.png] [Image: 2583-Shiny-Vanillish.png] [Image: 2650-Shiny-Chespin.png] [Image: 2651-Shiny-Quilladin.png] [Image: 2652-Shiny-Chesnaught.png] [Image: 2653-Shiny-Fennekin.png] [Image: 2654-Shiny-Braixen.png] [Image: 2655-Shiny-Delphox.png] [Image: 2656-Shiny-Froakie.png] [Image: 2657-Shiny-Frogadier.png] [Image: 2658-Shiny-Greninja.png] [Image: 2659-Shiny-Bunnelby.png] [Image: 2660-Shiny-Diggersby.png] [Image: 2661-Shiny-Fletchling.png] [Image: 2662-Shiny-Fletchinder.png] [Image: 2663-Shiny-Talonflame.png] [Image: 2664-Shiny-Scatterbug.png] [Image: 2665-Shiny-Spewpa.png] [Image: 2666-Shiny-Vivillon.png] [Image: 2667-Shiny-Litleo.png] [Image: 2668-Shiny-Pyroar.png] [Image: 2669-Shiny-Flabebe.png] [Image: 2670-Shiny-Floette.png] [Image: 2671-Shiny-Florges.png] [Image: 2672-Shiny-Skiddo.png] [Image: 2673-Shiny-Gogoat.png] [Image: 2674-Shiny-Pancham.png] [Image: 2675-Shiny-Pangoro.png] [Image: 2676-Shiny-Furfrou.png] [Image: 2677-Shiny-Espurr.png] [Image: 2678-Shiny-Meowstic.png] [Image: 2679-Shiny-Honedge.png] [Image: 2680-Shiny-Doublade.png] [Image: 2681-Shiny-Aegislash.png] [Image: 2682-Shiny-Spritzee.png] [Image: 2683-Shiny-Aromatisse.png] [Image: 2684-Shiny-Swirlix.png] [Image: 2685-Shiny-Slurpuff.png] [Image: 2686-Shiny-Inkay.png] [Image: 2687-Shiny-Malamar.png] [Image: 2688-Shiny-Binacle.png] [Image: 2689-Shiny-Barbaracle.png] [Image: 2690-Shiny-Skrelp.png] [Image: 2691-Shiny-Dragalge.png] [Image: 2692-Shiny-Clauncher.png] [Image: 2693-Shiny-Clawitzer.png] [Image: 2694-Shiny-Helioptile.png] [Image: 2695-Shiny-Heliolisk.png] [Image: 2696-Shiny-Tyrunt.png] [Image: 2697-Shiny-Tyrantrum.png] [Image: 2698-Shiny-Amaura.png] [Image: 2699-Shiny-Aurorus.png] [Image: 2701-Shiny-Hawlucha.png] [Image: 2702-Shiny-Dedenne.png] [Image: 2703-Shiny-Carbink.png] [Image: 2704-Shiny-Goomy.png] [Image: 2705-Shiny-Sliggoo.png] [Image: 2706-Shiny-Goodra.png] [Image: 2707-Shiny-Klefki.png] [Image: 2708-Shiny-Phantump.png] [Image: 2709-Shiny-Trevenant.png] [Image: 2710-Shiny-Pumpkaboo.png] [Image: 2711-Shiny-Gourgeist.png] [Image: 2712-Shiny-Bergmite.png] [Image: 2713-Shiny-Avalugg.png] [Image: 2714-Shiny-Noibat.png] [Image: 2715-Shiny-Noivern.png] [Image: 2716-Shiny-Xerneas.png] [Image: 2717-Shiny-Yveltal.png] [Image: 2718-Shiny-Zygarde.png] [Image: 2719-Shiny-Diancie.png] [Image: 4100-Pyroar-F.png] [Image: 4110-Meowstic-F.png] [Image: 4120-Aegislash-Shield.png] [Image: 4130-Pumpkaboo-Small.png] [Image: 4131-Pumpkaboo-Large.png] [Image: 4132-Pumpkaboo-Super.png] [Image: 4140-Gourgeist-Small.png] [Image: 4141-Gourgeist-Large.png] [Image: 4142-Gourgeist-Super.png]

✓ New Pokemon links

☑  150 Mewtwo  ☑  151 Mew  ☑  181 Ampharos  ☑  359 Absol  ☑  478 Froslass  ☑  566 Archen  ☑  650 Chespin  ☑  651 Quilladin  ☑  652 Chesnaught  ☑  653 Fennekin  ☑  654 Braixen  ☑  655 Delphox  ☑  656 Froakie  ☑  657 Frogadier  ☑  658 Greninja  ☑  659 Bunnelby  ☑  660 Diggersby  ☑  661 Fletchling  ☑  662 Fletchinder  ☑  663 Talonflame  ☑  664 Scatterbug  ☑  665 Spewpa  ☑  666 Vivillon  ☑  667 Litleo  ☑  668 Pyroar  ☑  669 Flabebe  ☑  670 Floette  ☑  671 Florges  ☑  672 Skiddo  ☑  673 Gogoat  ☑  674 Pancham  ☑  675 Pangoro  ☑  676 Furfrou  ☑  677 Espurr  ☑  678 Meowstic  ☑  679 Honedge  ☑  680 Doublade  ☑  681 Aegislash  ☑  682 Spritzee  ☑  683 Aromatisse  ☑  684 Swirlix  ☑  685 Slurpuff  ☑  686 Inkay  ☑  687 Malamar  ☑  688 Binacle  ☑  689 Barbaracle  ☑  690 Skrelp  ☑  691 Dragalge  ☑  692 Clauncher  ☑  693 Clawitzer  ☑  694 Helioptile  ☑  695 Heliolisk  ☑  696 Tyrunt  ☑  697 Tyrantrum  ☑  698 Amaura  ☑  699 Aurorus  ☑  701 Hawlucha  ☑  702 Dedenne  ☑  703 Carbink  ☑  704 Goomy  ☑  705 Sliggoo  ☑  706 Goodra  ☑  707 Klefki  ☑  708 Phantump  ☑  709 Trevenant  ☑  710 Pumpkaboo  ☑  711 Gourgeist  ☑  712 Bergmite  ☑  713 Avalugg  ☑  714 Noibat  ☑  715 Noivern  ☑  716 Xerneas  ☑  717 Yveltal  ☑  718 Zygarde  ☑  719 Diancie  ☑  2052 Shiny-Meowth  ☑  2054 Shiny-Psyduck  ☑  2056 Shiny-Mankey  ☑  2058 Shiny-Growlithe  ☑  2059 Shiny-Arcanine  ☑  2081 Shiny-Magnemite  ☑  2083 Shiny-Farfetchd  ☑  2100 Shiny-Voltorb  ☑  2107 Shiny-Hitmonchan  ☑  2120 Shiny-Staryu  ☑  2134 Shiny-Vaporeon  ☑  2135 Shiny-Jolteon  ☑  2140 Shiny-Kabuto  ☑  2148 Shiny-Dragonair  ☑  2150 Shiny-Mewtwo  ☑  2151 Shiny-Mew  ☑  2181 Shiny-Ampharos  ☑  2287 Shiny-Slakoth  ☑  2334 Shiny-Altaria  ☑  2371 Shiny-Bagon  ☑  2439 Shiny-MimeJr  ☑  2447 Shiny-Riolu  ☑  2461 Shiny-Weavile  ☑  2573 Shiny-Cinccino  ☑  2575 Shiny-Gothorita  ☑  2583 Shiny-Vanillish  ☑  2650 Shiny-Chespin  ☑  2651 Shiny-Quilladin  ☑  2652 Shiny-Chesnaught  ☑  2653 Shiny-Fennekin  ☑  2654 Shiny-Braixen  ☑  2655 Shiny-Delphox  ☑  2656 Shiny-Froakie  ☑  2657 Shiny-Frogadier  ☑  2658 Shiny-Greninja  ☑  2659 Shiny-Bunnelby  ☑  2660 Shiny-Diggersby  ☑  2661 Shiny-Fletchling  ☑  2662 Shiny-Fletchinder  ☑  2663 Shiny-Talonflame  ☑  2664 Shiny-Scatterbug  ☑  2665 Shiny-Spewpa  ☑  2666 Shiny-Vivillon  ☑  2667 Shiny-Litleo  ☑  2668 Shiny-Pyroar  ☑  2669 Shiny-Flabebe  ☑  2670 Shiny-Floette  ☑  2671 Shiny-Florges  ☑  2672 Shiny-Skiddo  ☑  2673 Shiny-Gogoat  ☑  2674 Shiny-Pancham  ☑  2675 Shiny-Pangoro  ☑  2676 Shiny-Furfrou  ☑  2677 Shiny-Espurr  ☑  2678 Shiny-Meowstic  ☑  2679 Shiny-Honedge  ☑  2680 Shiny-Doublade  ☑  2681 Shiny-Aegislash  ☑  2682 Shiny-Spritzee  ☑  2683 Shiny-Aromatisse  ☑  2684 Shiny-Swirlix  ☑  2685 Shiny-Slurpuff  ☑  2686 Shiny-Inkay  ☑  2687 Shiny-Malamar  ☑  2688 Shiny-Binacle  ☑  2689 Shiny-Barbaracle  ☑  2690 Shiny-Skrelp  ☑  2691 Shiny-Dragalge  ☑  2692 Shiny-Clauncher  ☑  2693 Shiny-Clawitzer  ☑  2694 Shiny-Helioptile  ☑  2695 Shiny-Heliolisk  ☑  2696 Shiny-Tyrunt  ☑  2697 Shiny-Tyrantrum  ☑  2698 Shiny-Amaura  ☑  2699 Shiny-Aurorus  ☑  2701 Shiny-Hawlucha  ☑  2702 Shiny-Dedenne  ☑  2703 Shiny-Carbink  ☑  2704 Shiny-Goomy  ☑  2705 Shiny-Sliggoo  ☑  2706 Shiny-Goodra  ☑  2707 Shiny-Klefki  ☑  2708 Shiny-Phantump  ☑  2709 Shiny-Trevenant  ☑  2710 Shiny-Pumpkaboo  ☑  2711 Shiny-Gourgeist  ☑  2712 Shiny-Bergmite  ☑  2713 Shiny-Avalugg  ☑  2714 Shiny-Noibat  ☑  2715 Shiny-Noivern  ☑  2716 Shiny-Xerneas  ☑  2717 Shiny-Yveltal  ☑  2718 Shiny-Zygarde  ☑  2719 Shiny-Diancie  ☑  4100 Pyroar-F  ☑  4110 Meowstic-F  ☑  4120 Aegislash-Shield  ☑  4130 Pumpkaboo-Small  ☑  4131 Pumpkaboo-Large  ☑  4132 Pumpkaboo-Super  ☑  4140 Gourgeist-Small  ☑  4141 Gourgeist-Large  ☑  4142 Gourgeist-Super

news source v 2.0.9
Thanks CeF for the fast update Big Grin 

and also thanks for these amazing artworks :>

M30 - Galliant
(2014-12-01, 09:53 PM)Blau Wrote: Thanks CeF for the fast update Big Grin 

and also thanks for these amazing artworks :>

even more amazing are coming i got permission over 200 different artists Big Grin
Thank you so much for the update Cef and the starter event, really like some of the art work used and changed, look forward to owning a shiny-Yveltal & shiny-Zygarde.
Temp Signature Until I can Make A Better One
[Image: omeg_ruby_male_trainer_sig_01_by_gmc_aniki-d7sj23i.png]
Awesome update.. Thanks CefSmile.
there is 2 error 
1 first Aegislash-Shield spdef 150 not 50
2- u didn't say how i evolve Gourgeist on pokedex
3- Meowstic-male and female i wrong
this seems like a good and a successful update
my noob IGN Staff 
[Image: fc1ria.jpg]
*Credits to malvagioDemente for this awesome sig*
who has pokemon id

4120  or 6120

put your pokemon back store and take back to update stats
(2014-12-02, 06:39 AM)haseeo55 Wrote: there is 2 error 
1 first Aegislash-Shield spdef 150 not 50
2- u didn't say how i evolve Gourgeist on pokedex
3- Meowstic-male and female i wrong

images will be fixed at next update
aegislash stats fixed ty

Gourgeist you cant evolve into other forms you have to catch them
(2014-12-02, 07:15 PM)CeFurkan Wrote:
(2014-12-02, 06:39 AM)haseeo55 Wrote: there is 2 error 
1 first Aegislash-Shield spdef 150 not 50
2- u didn't say how i evolve Gourgeist on pokedex
3- Meowstic-male and female i wrong

images will be fixed at next update
aegislash stats fixed ty

Gourgeist you cant evolve into other forms you have to catch them

ok np
(2014-12-01, 09:57 PM)CeFurkan Wrote:
(2014-12-01, 09:53 PM)Blau Wrote: Thanks CeF for the fast update Big Grin 

and also thanks for these amazing artworks :>

even more amazing are coming i got permission over 200 different artists Big Grin

Wow over 200 o.o
now you really got me hyped Big Grin
looking forward to that *-*

M30 - Galliant
hi cefurkan
[Image: 1685761.jpg]
(2014-12-02, 07:15 PM)CeFurkan Wrote:
(2014-12-02, 06:39 AM)haseeo55 Wrote: there is 2 error 
1 first Aegislash-Shield spdef 150 not 50
2- u didn't say how i evolve Gourgeist on pokedex
3- Meowstic-male and female i wrong

images will be fixed at next update
aegislash stats fixed ty

Gourgeist you cant evolve into other forms you have to catch them


aegislash-shield total is still showing 420 even after correction.
when next update held?Huh

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