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Pokemon False Swipers
If you want to go hunting and you need a pokemon to bring that enemy down to 1%, use any of the pokemon listed below!!
Make sure you give them the move False Swipe
[Image: 5baazs.png]

Also, before False Swiping, make sure you take a good look at the enemy pokemon's move set. Watch out for Takedown and Double-Edge. All the moves with recoil. Be well prepared!!

*The pokemon crossed out are not in-game yet.

Cubone / Marowak
Scyther / Scizor
Grovyle / Sceptile
Karrablast / Escavalier
Axew / Fraxure / Haxorus

They learn false swipe by level up, meaning it's already in their move pool. Also, False Swipe is a TM. You can buy it and try to teach it to some pokemon (:

Spearow / Fearow
Krabby / Kingler
Paras / Parasect
Sneasel / Weavile
Seedot / Nuzleaf / Shiftry
Shroomish / Breloom
Ninjask / Shedinja
Corphish / Crawdaunt
Anorith / Armaldo
Skorupi / Drapion
Oshawott / Dawott / Samurott
Pawniard / Bisharp
Pancham / Pangoro
this is a list of awesomeness
Thank you for all the useful information.  Now once I get one of these pokemon and the false swipe tm no wild pokemon is safe from captureWink
I would also look at your Pokemon's ability list in the Pokedex. Zangoose, for example, is an utter nuisance with False Swipe because one of its abilities is "Butcher"... ergo making the opponent bleed out HP ergo making said opponent faint ergo AARGH that was an ULTRA RARE Pokemon and it's just fainted!
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how do you know this? in what pokedex?
Your missing three pokemon that can learn false swipe:
these tips are helpful
(2015-02-14, 02:18 AM)MaryLu Wrote: how do you know this? in what pokedex?

in our pokedex you can list pokemon by the move that they can learn
great list! so helpful
Mega-Rocky-Kingler has the highest attack available with false swipe, you might also want to figure out which ones are the tankiest etc.
(2016-05-15, 02:53 PM)Krigeris Wrote: Mega-Rocky-Kingler has the highest attack available with false swipe, you might also want to figure out which ones are the tankiest etc.

This is old thread, original poster quit now. 

scizor, mew cobalion, some of bulkiest. 
scizor, mew, pangoro, haxorus most used. 
I recommend scizor, mew, or pangoro. only one player uses kingler rock as far as i know. 
Also, scizor has strongest false swipe.
My shiny new can false swipe

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