0: Guild wars page : https://www.pokemonpets.com/GuildWars.aspx
1: You will need guild war keys in order to declare war on other guilds. Only guild leader and guild co-leader can declare war
2: Your guild will receive 1 guild war key once every 12 hours and maximum number of a key your guild can have will be 2. So, it is best to start wars as soon as possible you obtain a key to not lose any time
3: Only guild leader and co-leader will be able to declare war upon other guilds
4: To participate any guild war, you need to have at least 10 guild members that can participate the guild war
5: The members that have joined the guild less than 12 hours ago will not able to participate any guild wars
6: Always the minimum size having guild will be taken into the consideration. Lets say guild A have 13 members that can participate the guild war and guild B have 21 members. So the top 13 members of the guild A and top 13 members of the guild B will participate the guild war
7: You can set the order of members that will join the war. The number 1 will be number 1 to join. If more than 1 member is set to same join order, the one who has more all time guild quest damage will have higher priority
8: Once the war starts, the members will be locked. You can not change members of a war after the war starts
9: Each member of both defender and attacker side of the war will get 2 defense points and 2 attack points
10: Each attack against the enemy guild member will consume 1 of your attack point. So in each guild war, you will be able to do maximum 2 attacks to the enemy guild. This can be against the same player or different players
11: If the defender lose in guild war, his/her defense points will decrease by 1. When he/she has 0 defense points, he/she can not be attacked anymore
12: The guild war will end automatically in 12 hours after started. It may have up to 3 minutes delay.
13: When the war ends, the guild which has most of the remaining defense points will win the war
14: If both guilds get 0 defense points or equal number of points, the match will be a tie
15: The guilds will have all time and weekly guild war scores. The score is same as ELO league score system : https://forum.pokemonpets.com/Thread-How...stem-Works
16: The base starting guild war scores will be 400
17: The weekly score will be reset to 400 each week. They are static and the reset will happen every 7th, 14th, 21th and 28th day of the month at the 11.59 AM game time
18: At the each reset, each guild will get reward based on their weekly rank
19: The reward will be given from the Accumulated Weekly Guild War Reward Gold In The Pool. The gold accumulated in the pool is based on the entire game gold gain. In every wild Pokemon or NPC battle, 100% of the gold gain will go into the pool
20: Your guild will get certain percent of the total gold in the pool. It will be like this. Number #1 guild gets 100x, #2 gets 100*95/100=95x, #3 gets 95*95/100=90.25x, #4 gets 85.73x, #5 gets 81.45 and so on
21: You can see percentage of the gold each guild gets here : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1...LDV7ZZ87A/
21.1: For your guild to be eligible to get into Guild war Gold reward pool, you have to win at least 1 Guild War during that week
22: The guild war score will be given like this. The attacker guild will gain score if wins and will lose score if loses
23: The defender guild will not gain any score even if wins. The defender guild will lose score if loses. This is made this way to prevent abuse of alt guilds
24: All war statistics of the guilds is shown in guild wars page
25: All war statistics of players are shown in player page
26: When you battle against the enemy guild's member, if you have set your guild war attack team it will be used. It can be set from here (GuildWar_Atk) : https://www.pokemonpets.com/ManageMonstersStore.aspx
27: When enemy guild's player attacks you as guild war battle, if you have set your guild war defense team (GuildWar_Def), that team will be used : https://www.pokemonpets.com/ManageMonstersStore.aspx
28: Normally defender player will be controlled by AI however if the defender set accept live guild war battle from control panel, he can battle against the attacker in a live pvp battle. This setting can be turned on from : https://www.pokemonpets.com/Settings.aspx
29: For having live pvp battle, the defending player has to be online. So if you dont want to get battled as live pvp while you are afk, make sure you logout from the game
30: When your guild is attacker, each war your guild wins will grant you (you have to be participating that war) 2 Silver Medals and each war your guild lose will grant you (you have to be participating that war) only 1 Silver Medal. You can use Silver Medals in Reward Shop: https://www.pokemonpets.com/RewardShop.aspx
31: So if your guild is defender, you will not gain any Silver Medal even if your guild wins the war
32: To prevent abuse of the system, only the members that have at least 500 (wild Pokemon + NPC) battles victory or have at least 10 badges will get gold reward in the guild
33: When you get your Guild Wars Money reward, you will receive also a private message that tells how much gold you have received and what was your guild rank
34: Another multiplier is weekly guild war participation. Once your reward gold is determined, it will be also multiplied by your guild's weekly war participation
35: Only the Attacking Guild Wars that your guild Win and Defending Guild Wars that your guild lose will be counted as weekly guild participation (to prevent abuse with alt guilds)
36: We have determined that 10 guild war participation will get 100% reward. So if your Guild wins 3 attacking guild wars and loses 2 defending guild wars, your guild will be counted as 5 active guild war participated in that week and you will get 50% of your deserved reward by your rank. Min is 1% and max is 100%
37: Once the guild wars are given, you will receive a fully explanatory PM like below one
![[Image: weekly_guild_war_reward_pm_by_monstermmorpg-dbh2g6y.png]](https://orig15.deviantart.net/d373/f/2017/201/5/1/weekly_guild_war_reward_pm_by_monstermmorpg-dbh2g6y.png)
38: You can also set to not participate any guild wars from guild wars page : https://www.pokemonpets.com/GuildWars.aspx
39: If you set to not participate, you can not attack any other guilds. If you are in a battle with another guild (if you are attacker), you can not turn of guild war participation until your attacking guild war ends
40: When guilds are sorted with their weekly rank, first sorting parameter is weekly score, then all time score, then weekly active war participation count, then attacking war win count and then defending guild war count. This is set to sort properly exactly same score having guilds
41: When guilds are sorted with their all time rank, first sorting parameter is all time score, then attacking war win count and then defending guild war count. This is set to sort properly exactly same score having guilds
42: If you try to cheat the system with alt accounts and alt guilds, your all accounts will get banned, do not try to cheat the system. Also report me the players you suspect
43: In guild war you are only allowed to participate with 1 account per guild.... meaning, you can not use more than one account in guild wars for a single guild, if you want to use an alt account in guild wars it must be in a different guild
44.0: New Guild War feature and rule
44.1: Now you can set a member to be ignored from participating Guild Wars both attacking and defending if you set member's Guild War join order to 255.
44.2: When system is getting your or enemy Guild participating members, the banned player count will be limited to 25% of your guild size.
44.3: For example let's say your Guild have 13 members. So you can ban maximum 3.25 members (ceiled to 4). So the system will sort your banned players by Guild Quest Damage and least damage inflicted 4 members will be banned from Guild War and rest will be taken into consideration.
44.4: However, your guild must have more than 9 eligible members to battle for ignoring rule to be counted. Otherwise system will ignore 255 order rule and take top 10 members
44.5: Your guild members must have been active in the last 7 days to join the battle (both defense and attack). However, if there aren't more than 9 members active in last 7 days, the system will ignore 7 days rule and take top 10 players based on their last active time
44.6: Moreover, if all of the Leader and Co-Leaders of the guild is inactive over 24 hours, 7 days activeness rule will be ignored and all members will be taken into consideration
44.7: Your guild members will be lined up in the order you set (Guild War Join Order)
45.0) To prevent abuse of guild war system a new rule added
45.1) If your guild is attacking side in a guild war and your member count gets below 10 (either player kick or player leaves), you will automatically lose all of your attack and defense points (basically you will lose the battle)
1: You will need guild war keys in order to declare war on other guilds. Only guild leader and guild co-leader can declare war
2: Your guild will receive 1 guild war key once every 12 hours and maximum number of a key your guild can have will be 2. So, it is best to start wars as soon as possible you obtain a key to not lose any time
3: Only guild leader and co-leader will be able to declare war upon other guilds
4: To participate any guild war, you need to have at least 10 guild members that can participate the guild war
5: The members that have joined the guild less than 12 hours ago will not able to participate any guild wars
6: Always the minimum size having guild will be taken into the consideration. Lets say guild A have 13 members that can participate the guild war and guild B have 21 members. So the top 13 members of the guild A and top 13 members of the guild B will participate the guild war
7: You can set the order of members that will join the war. The number 1 will be number 1 to join. If more than 1 member is set to same join order, the one who has more all time guild quest damage will have higher priority
8: Once the war starts, the members will be locked. You can not change members of a war after the war starts
9: Each member of both defender and attacker side of the war will get 2 defense points and 2 attack points
10: Each attack against the enemy guild member will consume 1 of your attack point. So in each guild war, you will be able to do maximum 2 attacks to the enemy guild. This can be against the same player or different players
11: If the defender lose in guild war, his/her defense points will decrease by 1. When he/she has 0 defense points, he/she can not be attacked anymore
12: The guild war will end automatically in 12 hours after started. It may have up to 3 minutes delay.
13: When the war ends, the guild which has most of the remaining defense points will win the war
14: If both guilds get 0 defense points or equal number of points, the match will be a tie
15: The guilds will have all time and weekly guild war scores. The score is same as ELO league score system : https://forum.pokemonpets.com/Thread-How...stem-Works
16: The base starting guild war scores will be 400
17: The weekly score will be reset to 400 each week. They are static and the reset will happen every 7th, 14th, 21th and 28th day of the month at the 11.59 AM game time
18: At the each reset, each guild will get reward based on their weekly rank
19: The reward will be given from the Accumulated Weekly Guild War Reward Gold In The Pool. The gold accumulated in the pool is based on the entire game gold gain. In every wild Pokemon or NPC battle, 100% of the gold gain will go into the pool
20: Your guild will get certain percent of the total gold in the pool. It will be like this. Number #1 guild gets 100x, #2 gets 100*95/100=95x, #3 gets 95*95/100=90.25x, #4 gets 85.73x, #5 gets 81.45 and so on
21: You can see percentage of the gold each guild gets here : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1...LDV7ZZ87A/
21.1: For your guild to be eligible to get into Guild war Gold reward pool, you have to win at least 1 Guild War during that week
22: The guild war score will be given like this. The attacker guild will gain score if wins and will lose score if loses
23: The defender guild will not gain any score even if wins. The defender guild will lose score if loses. This is made this way to prevent abuse of alt guilds
24: All war statistics of the guilds is shown in guild wars page
25: All war statistics of players are shown in player page
26: When you battle against the enemy guild's member, if you have set your guild war attack team it will be used. It can be set from here (GuildWar_Atk) : https://www.pokemonpets.com/ManageMonstersStore.aspx
27: When enemy guild's player attacks you as guild war battle, if you have set your guild war defense team (GuildWar_Def), that team will be used : https://www.pokemonpets.com/ManageMonstersStore.aspx
28: Normally defender player will be controlled by AI however if the defender set accept live guild war battle from control panel, he can battle against the attacker in a live pvp battle. This setting can be turned on from : https://www.pokemonpets.com/Settings.aspx
29: For having live pvp battle, the defending player has to be online. So if you dont want to get battled as live pvp while you are afk, make sure you logout from the game
30: When your guild is attacker, each war your guild wins will grant you (you have to be participating that war) 2 Silver Medals and each war your guild lose will grant you (you have to be participating that war) only 1 Silver Medal. You can use Silver Medals in Reward Shop: https://www.pokemonpets.com/RewardShop.aspx
31: So if your guild is defender, you will not gain any Silver Medal even if your guild wins the war
32: To prevent abuse of the system, only the members that have at least 500 (wild Pokemon + NPC) battles victory or have at least 10 badges will get gold reward in the guild
33: When you get your Guild Wars Money reward, you will receive also a private message that tells how much gold you have received and what was your guild rank
34: Another multiplier is weekly guild war participation. Once your reward gold is determined, it will be also multiplied by your guild's weekly war participation
35: Only the Attacking Guild Wars that your guild Win and Defending Guild Wars that your guild lose will be counted as weekly guild participation (to prevent abuse with alt guilds)
36: We have determined that 10 guild war participation will get 100% reward. So if your Guild wins 3 attacking guild wars and loses 2 defending guild wars, your guild will be counted as 5 active guild war participated in that week and you will get 50% of your deserved reward by your rank. Min is 1% and max is 100%
37: Once the guild wars are given, you will receive a fully explanatory PM like below one
![[Image: weekly_guild_war_reward_pm_by_monstermmorpg-dbh2g6y.png]](https://orig15.deviantart.net/d373/f/2017/201/5/1/weekly_guild_war_reward_pm_by_monstermmorpg-dbh2g6y.png)
38: You can also set to not participate any guild wars from guild wars page : https://www.pokemonpets.com/GuildWars.aspx
39: If you set to not participate, you can not attack any other guilds. If you are in a battle with another guild (if you are attacker), you can not turn of guild war participation until your attacking guild war ends
40: When guilds are sorted with their weekly rank, first sorting parameter is weekly score, then all time score, then weekly active war participation count, then attacking war win count and then defending guild war count. This is set to sort properly exactly same score having guilds
41: When guilds are sorted with their all time rank, first sorting parameter is all time score, then attacking war win count and then defending guild war count. This is set to sort properly exactly same score having guilds
42: If you try to cheat the system with alt accounts and alt guilds, your all accounts will get banned, do not try to cheat the system. Also report me the players you suspect
43: In guild war you are only allowed to participate with 1 account per guild.... meaning, you can not use more than one account in guild wars for a single guild, if you want to use an alt account in guild wars it must be in a different guild
44.0: New Guild War feature and rule
44.1: Now you can set a member to be ignored from participating Guild Wars both attacking and defending if you set member's Guild War join order to 255.
44.2: When system is getting your or enemy Guild participating members, the banned player count will be limited to 25% of your guild size.
44.3: For example let's say your Guild have 13 members. So you can ban maximum 3.25 members (ceiled to 4). So the system will sort your banned players by Guild Quest Damage and least damage inflicted 4 members will be banned from Guild War and rest will be taken into consideration.
44.4: However, your guild must have more than 9 eligible members to battle for ignoring rule to be counted. Otherwise system will ignore 255 order rule and take top 10 members
44.5: Your guild members must have been active in the last 7 days to join the battle (both defense and attack). However, if there aren't more than 9 members active in last 7 days, the system will ignore 7 days rule and take top 10 players based on their last active time
44.6: Moreover, if all of the Leader and Co-Leaders of the guild is inactive over 24 hours, 7 days activeness rule will be ignored and all members will be taken into consideration
44.7: Your guild members will be lined up in the order you set (Guild War Join Order)
45.0) To prevent abuse of guild war system a new rule added
45.1) If your guild is attacking side in a guild war and your member count gets below 10 (either player kick or player leaves), you will automatically lose all of your attack and defense points (basically you will lose the battle)
Video: Idealism the philosophy of the matrix and the true nature of matter
Video: WHO IS GOD!
Skype username: MonsterMMORPG
Video: WHO IS GOD!
Skype username: MonsterMMORPG
34: To prevent abuse of the system, only the members that have at least 500 (wild Pokemon + NPC) battles victory or have at least 10 badges will get gold reward in the guild
35: When you get your Guild Wars Money reward, you will receive also a private message that tells how much gold you have received and what was your guild rank
35: When you get your Guild Wars Money reward, you will receive also a private message that tells how much gold you have received and what was your guild rank
Video: Idealism the philosophy of the matrix and the true nature of matter
Video: WHO IS GOD!
Skype username: MonsterMMORPG
Video: WHO IS GOD!
Skype username: MonsterMMORPG
2017-06-22, 08:25 PM
2 problems:
1. Creation of trash guilds to farm off them.
* 500 wild monster battles, perhaps even 1000, would sure scare off newbies from doing this.
* BUT how to prevent old timers with several years old alts from cheating? Only with advanced security? Anti-proxy?
2. Currently already there are many weak guilds which experienced guilds currently proudly farm.
* Give Guild Leaders option to toggle if guild is participating in guild wars or not. This option should be OFF by DEFAULT.
* Like in ELO, if you have high score and you're attacking a weakling, you'll get 0 points for victory, there should also be a evaluation mechanism between attacker and defender in Guild Wars: if attacker's account has better arsenal for attacking than defender's account, then attacker shouldn't be rewarded for picking on weaklings.
1. Creation of trash guilds to farm off them.
* 500 wild monster battles, perhaps even 1000, would sure scare off newbies from doing this.
* BUT how to prevent old timers with several years old alts from cheating? Only with advanced security? Anti-proxy?
2. Currently already there are many weak guilds which experienced guilds currently proudly farm.
* Give Guild Leaders option to toggle if guild is participating in guild wars or not. This option should be OFF by DEFAULT.
* Like in ELO, if you have high score and you're attacking a weakling, you'll get 0 points for victory, there should also be a evaluation mechanism between attacker and defender in Guild Wars: if attacker's account has better arsenal for attacking than defender's account, then attacker shouldn't be rewarded for picking on weaklings.
"Let another man praise thee, and not thine own mouth; a stranger, and not thine own lips." - Proverbs 27:2
"He that loveth pastime, shall be a poor man: and he that loveth wine and oil, shall not be rich." - Proverbs 21:17
"He that loveth pastime, shall be a poor man: and he that loveth wine and oil, shall not be rich." - Proverbs 21:17
2017-06-23, 12:42 AM
(2017-06-22, 08:41 PM)sea2003main Wrote:(2017-06-22, 08:25 PM)Mysterium Wrote: * Give Guild Leaders option to toggle if guild is participating in guild wars or not. This option should be OFF by DEFAULT.
I support this idea.
ye will add this tomorrow hopefully
i dont see any easy solution for the other issue though. waiting your ideas and we need to test at least few weeks to see how it goes
Video: Idealism the philosophy of the matrix and the true nature of matter
Video: WHO IS GOD!
Skype username: MonsterMMORPG
Video: WHO IS GOD!
Skype username: MonsterMMORPG
(2017-06-23, 12:42 AM)CeFurkan Wrote:(2017-06-22, 08:41 PM)sea2003main Wrote:(2017-06-22, 08:25 PM)Mysterium Wrote: * Give Guild Leaders option to toggle if guild is participating in guild wars or not. This option should be OFF by DEFAULT.
I support this idea.
ye will add this tomorrow hopefully
i dont see any easy solution for the other issue though. waiting your ideas and we need to test at least few weeks to see how it goes
For the problem with farming alt guilds, perhaps there should be an ip check like myst suggested, maybe like :
If 1 player in a guild has an alt that's in another guild, e.g. I, from LOLzz, have a spare in Lazyz guild, LOLzz may not attack Lazyz. Therefore preventing any member from a guild, to have an alt account in another guild and attack it.
It at least, hopefully, will cut down major abuse.
![[Image: ezgif-2-1ece84c32476.jpg]](https://i.postimg.cc/DyKNjnPm/ezgif-2-1ece84c32476.jpg)
2017-06-23, 07:02 AM
(2017-06-23, 01:56 AM)sea2003main Wrote:(2017-06-23, 12:42 AM)CeFurkan Wrote:(2017-06-22, 08:41 PM)sea2003main Wrote:(2017-06-22, 08:25 PM)Mysterium Wrote: * Give Guild Leaders option to toggle if guild is participating in guild wars or not. This option should be OFF by DEFAULT.
I support this idea.
ye will add this tomorrow hopefully
i dont see any easy solution for the other issue though. waiting your ideas and we need to test at least few weeks to see how it goes
For the problem with farming alt guilds, perhaps there should be an ip check like myst suggested, maybe like :
If 1 player in a guild has an alt that's in another guild, e.g. I, from LOLzz, have a spare in Lazyz guild, LOLzz may not attack Lazyz. Therefore preventing any member from a guild, to have an alt account in another guild and attack it.
It at least, hopefully, will cut down major abuse.
it may prevent all guild war system based on 1 member. not very doable
Video: Idealism the philosophy of the matrix and the true nature of matter
Video: WHO IS GOD!
Skype username: MonsterMMORPG
Video: WHO IS GOD!
Skype username: MonsterMMORPG
2017-06-23, 01:11 PM
34: To prevent abuse of the system, only the members that have at least 500 (wild Pokemon + NPC) battles victory or have at least 10 badges will get gold reward in the guild
35: When you get your Guild Wars Money reward, you will receive also a private message that tells how much gold you have received and what was your guild rank
36: Another multiplier is weekly guild war participation. Once your reward gold is determined, it will be also multiplied by your guild's weekly war participation
37: Only the Attacking Guild Wars that your guild Win and Defending Guild Wars that your guild lose will be counted as weekly guild participation (to prevent abuse with alt guilds)
38: We have determined that 10 guild war participation will get 100% reward. So if your Guild wins 3 attacking guild wars and loses 2 defending guild wars, your guild will be counted as 5 active guild war participated in that week and you will get 50% of your deserved reward by your rank. Min is 1% and max is 100%
37: Once the guild wars are given, you will receive a fully explanatory PM like below one
![[Image: p9647wcy7e5z.png]](https://i.redd.it/p9647wcy7e5z.png)
38: You can also set to not participate any guild wars from guild wars page : https://www.pokemonpets.com/GuildWars.aspx
39: If you set to not participate, you can not attack any other guilds. If you are in a battle with another guild (if you are attacker), you can not turn of guild war participation until your attacking guild war ends
40: When guilds are sorted with their weekly rank, first sorting parameter is weekly score, then all time score, then weekly active war participation count, then attacking war win count and then defending guild war count. This is set to sort properly exactly same score having guilds
41: When guilds are sorted with their all time rank, first sorting parameter is all time score, then attacking war win count and then defending guild war count. This is set to sort properly exactly same score having guilds
35: When you get your Guild Wars Money reward, you will receive also a private message that tells how much gold you have received and what was your guild rank
36: Another multiplier is weekly guild war participation. Once your reward gold is determined, it will be also multiplied by your guild's weekly war participation
37: Only the Attacking Guild Wars that your guild Win and Defending Guild Wars that your guild lose will be counted as weekly guild participation (to prevent abuse with alt guilds)
38: We have determined that 10 guild war participation will get 100% reward. So if your Guild wins 3 attacking guild wars and loses 2 defending guild wars, your guild will be counted as 5 active guild war participated in that week and you will get 50% of your deserved reward by your rank. Min is 1% and max is 100%
37: Once the guild wars are given, you will receive a fully explanatory PM like below one
![[Image: p9647wcy7e5z.png]](https://i.redd.it/p9647wcy7e5z.png)
38: You can also set to not participate any guild wars from guild wars page : https://www.pokemonpets.com/GuildWars.aspx
39: If you set to not participate, you can not attack any other guilds. If you are in a battle with another guild (if you are attacker), you can not turn of guild war participation until your attacking guild war ends
40: When guilds are sorted with their weekly rank, first sorting parameter is weekly score, then all time score, then weekly active war participation count, then attacking war win count and then defending guild war count. This is set to sort properly exactly same score having guilds
41: When guilds are sorted with their all time rank, first sorting parameter is all time score, then attacking war win count and then defending guild war count. This is set to sort properly exactly same score having guilds
Video: Idealism the philosophy of the matrix and the true nature of matter
Video: WHO IS GOD!
Skype username: MonsterMMORPG
Video: WHO IS GOD!
Skype username: MonsterMMORPG
2017-06-23, 06:08 PM
(2017-06-22, 08:25 PM)Mysterium Wrote: 2 problems:
2. Currently already there are many weak guilds which experienced guilds currently proudly farm.
We won't have to worry about ppl farming on small guilds,
Those who want to be topped rank will have to battle the top ranked guilds, to lower the opponent guilds score aswell as raise their own.
![[Image: ezgif-2-1ece84c32476.jpg]](https://i.postimg.cc/DyKNjnPm/ezgif-2-1ece84c32476.jpg)
Quote:29: For having live pvp battle, the defending player has to be online. So if you dont want to get battled as live pvp while you are afk, make sure you logout from the game
So if we don't log out, then AI won't take over fully and defender will lose?
Could you in that case make an AFK checker? For e.g. if player hasn't done any operations in ppets in 4 minutes, then let AI fully control defense. Otherwise it is very unfair.
Btw, if 2 players are attacking at the same time and win against a defender who has only 1 defense point remaining, will defender lose 2 points or only 1?
"Let another man praise thee, and not thine own mouth; a stranger, and not thine own lips." - Proverbs 27:2
"He that loveth pastime, shall be a poor man: and he that loveth wine and oil, shall not be rich." - Proverbs 21:17
"He that loveth pastime, shall be a poor man: and he that loveth wine and oil, shall not be rich." - Proverbs 21:17
2017-06-24, 08:22 AM
(2017-06-24, 06:34 AM)Mysterium Wrote:Quote:29: For having live pvp battle, the defending player has to be online. So if you dont want to get battled as live pvp while you are afk, make sure you logout from the game
So if we don't log out, then AI won't take over fully and defender will lose?
Could you in that case make an AFK checker? For e.g. if player hasn't done any operations in ppets in 4 minutes, then let AI fully control defense. Otherwise it is very unfair.
Btw, if 2 players are attacking at the same time and win against a defender who has only 1 defense point remaining, will defender lose 2 points or only 1?
For 1st . I wouldnt suggest 4 mins
Unstead ill say if opponent dont choose move for 5 turns. Instead of losing its cpu controlled cuz at 6 he loses so after 5 it can be cpu controlled
2017-06-24, 12:13 PM
(2017-06-24, 08:22 AM)kunwarkharbanda Wrote:(2017-06-24, 06:34 AM)Mysterium Wrote:Quote:29: For having live pvp battle, the defending player has to be online. So if you dont want to get battled as live pvp while you are afk, make sure you logout from the game
So if we don't log out, then AI won't take over fully and defender will lose?
Could you in that case make an AFK checker? For e.g. if player hasn't done any operations in ppets in 4 minutes, then let AI fully control defense. Otherwise it is very unfair.
Btw, if 2 players are attacking at the same time and win against a defender who has only 1 defense point remaining, will defender lose 2 points or only 1?
For 1st . I wouldnt suggest 4 mins
Unstead ill say if opponent dont choose move for 5 turns. Instead of losing its cpu controlled cuz at 6 he loses so after 5 it can be cpu controlled
I'm for whichever idea can be implemented.
Also, I wish each guild had a feature to mark a member out of guild wars, so we could keep all friends without harming guild's position.
"Let another man praise thee, and not thine own mouth; a stranger, and not thine own lips." - Proverbs 27:2
"He that loveth pastime, shall be a poor man: and he that loveth wine and oil, shall not be rich." - Proverbs 21:17
"He that loveth pastime, shall be a poor man: and he that loveth wine and oil, shall not be rich." - Proverbs 21:17
(2017-06-24, 06:34 AM)Mysterium Wrote:Quote:29: For having live pvp battle, the defending player has to be online. So if you dont want to get battled as live pvp while you are afk, make sure you logout from the game
So if we don't log out, then AI won't take over fully and defender will lose?
Could you in that case make an AFK checker? For e.g. if player hasn't done any operations in ppets in 4 minutes, then let AI fully control defense. Otherwise it is very unfair.
Btw, if 2 players are attacking at the same time and win against a defender who has only 1 defense point remaining, will defender lose 2 points or only 1?
AI doesnt take control but the system already checks your last movement date before count you as online. I think it was 10 minute or 5 minute not sure atm. I am not in city so cant check
about sceneraio 2, if defender have only 1 point, then defender would get to 0 defense score instead of -1
Video: Idealism the philosophy of the matrix and the true nature of matter
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Video: WHO IS GOD!
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2017-06-24, 01:29 PM
(2017-06-24, 12:13 PM)Mysterium Wrote:(2017-06-24, 08:22 AM)kunwarkharbanda Wrote:(2017-06-24, 06:34 AM)Mysterium Wrote:Quote:29: For having live pvp battle, the defending player has to be online. So if you dont want to get battled as live pvp while you are afk, make sure you logout from the game
So if we don't log out, then AI won't take over fully and defender will lose?
Could you in that case make an AFK checker? For e.g. if player hasn't done any operations in ppets in 4 minutes, then let AI fully control defense. Otherwise it is very unfair.
Btw, if 2 players are attacking at the same time and win against a defender who has only 1 defense point remaining, will defender lose 2 points or only 1?
For 1st . I wouldnt suggest 4 mins
Unstead ill say if opponent dont choose move for 5 turns. Instead of losing its cpu controlled cuz at 6 he loses so after 5 it can be cpu controlled
I'm for whichever idea can be implemented.
Also, I wish each guild had a feature to mark a member out of guild wars, so we could keep all friends without harming guild's position.
ye we can reduce to 4 minutes online time, also can add make computer controlled if misses all moves
about your another idea, i have thought about that and it would be totally unfair. because guild leader can pick top 10 players and others can totally slack and get free rewards. also picking top 10 players would be unfair
Video: Idealism the philosophy of the matrix and the true nature of matter
Video: WHO IS GOD!
Skype username: MonsterMMORPG
Video: WHO IS GOD!
Skype username: MonsterMMORPG
2017-06-25, 12:23 PM
(2017-06-24, 01:29 PM)CeFurkan Wrote:(2017-06-24, 12:13 PM)Mysterium Wrote:(2017-06-24, 08:22 AM)kunwarkharbanda Wrote:(2017-06-24, 06:34 AM)Mysterium Wrote:Quote:29: For having live pvp battle, the defending player has to be online. So if you dont want to get battled as live pvp while you are afk, make sure you logout from the game
So if we don't log out, then AI won't take over fully and defender will lose?
Could you in that case make an AFK checker? For e.g. if player hasn't done any operations in ppets in 4 minutes, then let AI fully control defense. Otherwise it is very unfair.
Btw, if 2 players are attacking at the same time and win against a defender who has only 1 defense point remaining, will defender lose 2 points or only 1?
For 1st . I wouldnt suggest 4 mins
Unstead ill say if opponent dont choose move for 5 turns. Instead of losing its cpu controlled cuz at 6 he loses so after 5 it can be cpu controlled
I'm for whichever idea can be implemented.
Also, I wish each guild had a feature to mark a member out of guild wars, so we could keep all friends without harming guild's position.
ye we can reduce to 4 minutes online time, also can add make computer controlled if misses all moves
about your another idea, i have thought about that and it would be totally unfair. because guild leader can pick top 10 players and others can totally slack and get free rewards. also picking top 10 players would be unfair
how can others get free reward by slacking?
u said rewar don % base basedon player who enter the guild war
another suggestion
for live pvp guild war instead of guild war defense team /// pvp team should be selected
if possible ofc
and there are some bugs like even u win by defending your defense point reduce . visual glitch only i guess jsut have a look
already reported by @seaqueen
2017-06-25, 03:03 PM
(2017-06-25, 12:23 PM)kunwarkharbanda Wrote:(2017-06-24, 01:29 PM)CeFurkan Wrote:(2017-06-24, 12:13 PM)Mysterium Wrote:(2017-06-24, 08:22 AM)kunwarkharbanda Wrote:(2017-06-24, 06:34 AM)Mysterium Wrote: So if we don't log out, then AI won't take over fully and defender will lose?
Could you in that case make an AFK checker? For e.g. if player hasn't done any operations in ppets in 4 minutes, then let AI fully control defense. Otherwise it is very unfair.
Btw, if 2 players are attacking at the same time and win against a defender who has only 1 defense point remaining, will defender lose 2 points or only 1?
For 1st . I wouldnt suggest 4 mins
Unstead ill say if opponent dont choose move for 5 turns. Instead of losing its cpu controlled cuz at 6 he loses so after 5 it can be cpu controlled
I'm for whichever idea can be implemented.
Also, I wish each guild had a feature to mark a member out of guild wars, so we could keep all friends without harming guild's position.
ye we can reduce to 4 minutes online time, also can add make computer controlled if misses all moves
about your another idea, i have thought about that and it would be totally unfair. because guild leader can pick top 10 players and others can totally slack and get free rewards. also picking top 10 players would be unfair
how can others get free reward by slacking?
u said rewar don % base basedon player who enter the guild war
another suggestion
for live pvp guild war instead of guild war defense team /// pvp team should be selected
if possible ofc
and there are some bugs like even u win by defending your defense point reduce . visual glitch only i guess jsut have a look
already reported by @seaqueen
i can check back bugs when returned to the home
ye for live pvp defending battle it can pick your guild war attacking team
and no all guild members get the reward not only participated ones
Video: Idealism the philosophy of the matrix and the true nature of matter
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Video: WHO IS GOD!
Skype username: MonsterMMORPG
2017-06-25, 04:49 PM
(This post was last modified: 2017-06-25, 05:15 PM by kunwarkharbanda.)
(2017-06-25, 03:03 PM)CeFurkan Wrote:(2017-06-25, 12:23 PM)kunwarkharbanda Wrote:(2017-06-24, 01:29 PM)CeFurkan Wrote:(2017-06-24, 12:13 PM)Mysterium Wrote:(2017-06-24, 08:22 AM)kunwarkharbanda Wrote: For 1st . I wouldnt suggest 4 mins
Unstead ill say if opponent dont choose move for 5 turns. Instead of losing its cpu controlled cuz at 6 he loses so after 5 it can be cpu controlled
I'm for whichever idea can be implemented.
Also, I wish each guild had a feature to mark a member out of guild wars, so we could keep all friends without harming guild's position.
ye we can reduce to 4 minutes online time, also can add make computer controlled if misses all moves
about your another idea, i have thought about that and it would be totally unfair. because guild leader can pick top 10 players and others can totally slack and get free rewards. also picking top 10 players would be unfair
how can others get free reward by slacking?
u said rewar don % base basedon player who enter the guild war
another suggestion
for live pvp guild war instead of guild war defense team /// pvp team should be selected
if possible ofc
and there are some bugs like even u win by defending your defense point reduce . visual glitch only i guess jsut have a look
already reported by @seaqueen
i can check back bugs when returned to the home
ye for live pvp defending battle it can pick your guild war attacking team
and no all guild members get the reward not only participated ones
i think only participated ones should get reward
or all money goes in clan bank and leader can give to all or whatever he feels deserve
""ye for live pvp defending battle it can pick your guild war attacking team"" i think that would be right if u do this way
btw enjoy your holidays and festival :d
2017-06-25, 05:21 PM
(This post was last modified: 2017-06-25, 05:21 PM by kunwarkharbanda.)
Secondly, i finally read whole thread
In many lines in thread or i say everywhere i see u mentioned XYZ is done to prevent alt guild abuse or any abuse for that matter
cuz honestly there are many ways to abuse but as i see its abuse free if i or any1 else abuse . is it alright >
In many lines in thread or i say everywhere i see u mentioned XYZ is done to prevent alt guild abuse or any abuse for that matter

cuz honestly there are many ways to abuse but as i see its abuse free if i or any1 else abuse . is it alright >
Such weird bugs going on. Our guild had 30 defense points. I attacked twice, won both. Our defense dropped to 29. I checked log, none of our members lost. So, after few minutes enemy attacked our member, lost, BUT our defense still dropped down to 28... What is this?
Enemy attacked second time, lost again. Alright our defense points remained. Or was it a delayed bug from first attack? E.g.: attacked twice, lost twice, but WE lost 2 defense points?
I also noticed that opposing guild's Attack Chance didn't lower at all after their attacks.
Enemy attacked second time, lost again. Alright our defense points remained. Or was it a delayed bug from first attack? E.g.: attacked twice, lost twice, but WE lost 2 defense points?
I also noticed that opposing guild's Attack Chance didn't lower at all after their attacks.
"Let another man praise thee, and not thine own mouth; a stranger, and not thine own lips." - Proverbs 27:2
"He that loveth pastime, shall be a poor man: and he that loveth wine and oil, shall not be rich." - Proverbs 21:17
"He that loveth pastime, shall be a poor man: and he that loveth wine and oil, shall not be rich." - Proverbs 21:17
2017-06-26, 01:12 AM
Why is it that when there are 2 guilds, with the exact same points, one gets ranked higher then the other?
for example :
2 guilds, both level 1, both with only 1 player, both with only 400 points, one will get rank 7 and the other rank 8
I find it highly unfair when the 2 guilds on top get ranked like that..
for example :
2 guilds, both level 1, both with only 1 player, both with only 400 points, one will get rank 7 and the other rank 8
I find it highly unfair when the 2 guilds on top get ranked like that..
![[Image: ezgif-2-1ece84c32476.jpg]](https://i.postimg.cc/DyKNjnPm/ezgif-2-1ece84c32476.jpg)
2017-06-26, 05:17 PM
(2017-06-26, 01:12 AM)sea2003main Wrote: Why is it that when there are 2 guilds, with the exact same points, one gets ranked higher then the other?
for example :
2 guilds, both level 1, both with only 1 player, both with only 400 points, one will get rank 7 and the other rank 8
I find it highly unfair when the 2 guilds on top get ranked like that..
If you do not beat their score, it is not a win, so they retain their position.
It's like Guinness world record - if you make same numbers, you will not be rewarded, but if you beat the record, you'll be the new record holder.
"Let another man praise thee, and not thine own mouth; a stranger, and not thine own lips." - Proverbs 27:2
"He that loveth pastime, shall be a poor man: and he that loveth wine and oil, shall not be rich." - Proverbs 21:17
"He that loveth pastime, shall be a poor man: and he that loveth wine and oil, shall not be rich." - Proverbs 21:17
2017-06-26, 05:23 PM
(2017-06-24, 01:29 PM)CeFurkan Wrote: ye we can reduce to 4 minutes online time, also can add make computer controlled if misses all moves
about your another idea, i have thought about that and it would be totally unfair. because guild leader can pick top 10 players and others can totally slack and get free rewards. also picking top 10 players would be unfair
Only participating players should get reward. And players who get excluded from gw they know why they are out: busy school/work, no time to play, using ppets for chatting only etc.
Or is it perhaps that you are too lazy to program to such detail level? ^^
"Let another man praise thee, and not thine own mouth; a stranger, and not thine own lips." - Proverbs 27:2
"He that loveth pastime, shall be a poor man: and he that loveth wine and oil, shall not be rich." - Proverbs 21:17
"He that loveth pastime, shall be a poor man: and he that loveth wine and oil, shall not be rich." - Proverbs 21:17
2017-06-26, 09:23 PM
i agree. only players who participate in guild war should get the reward. you can transfer the reward to guild bank and then the leader should be able to select the players who should get the reward and then the reward will be equally distributed among all the selected players.
2017-06-27, 04:00 AM
And we shall be able to disable few players frm guild wars
So if we have 20 players
We disable 10
All wars should be 10 v 10
So if we have 20 players
We disable 10
All wars should be 10 v 10
2017-06-27, 11:28 AM
would be good because some players don't participate in war or can't make it on time.
2017-06-27, 12:12 PM
nice to see guild wars arrive :p
2017-06-27, 07:26 PM
sorry guys but i dont plan to bring disable feature
so you better need to manage your guild
about those defense points etc i will check again
and ranks are odered like this
40: When guilds are sorted with their weekly rank, first sorting parameter is weekly score, then all time score, then weekly active war participation count, then attacking war win count and then defending guild war count. This is set to sort properly exactly same score having guilds
41: When guilds are sorted with their all time rank, first sorting parameter is all time score, then attacking war win count and then defending guild war count. This is set to sort properly exactly same score having guilds
so you better need to manage your guild
about those defense points etc i will check again
and ranks are odered like this
40: When guilds are sorted with their weekly rank, first sorting parameter is weekly score, then all time score, then weekly active war participation count, then attacking war win count and then defending guild war count. This is set to sort properly exactly same score having guilds
41: When guilds are sorted with their all time rank, first sorting parameter is all time score, then attacking war win count and then defending guild war count. This is set to sort properly exactly same score having guilds
Video: Idealism the philosophy of the matrix and the true nature of matter
Video: WHO IS GOD!
Skype username: MonsterMMORPG
Video: WHO IS GOD!
Skype username: MonsterMMORPG
2017-06-27, 07:27 PM
(2017-06-25, 05:21 PM)kunwarkharbanda Wrote: Secondly, i finally read whole thread
In many lines in thread or i say everywhere i see u mentioned XYZ is done to prevent alt guild abuse or any abuse for that matter
cuz honestly there are many ways to abuse but as i see its abuse free if i or any1 else abuse . is it alright >
no you are not allowed to abuse the system
let me know any abuseable ways we have left
Video: Idealism the philosophy of the matrix and the true nature of matter
Video: WHO IS GOD!
Skype username: MonsterMMORPG
Video: WHO IS GOD!
Skype username: MonsterMMORPG
2017-06-27, 08:17 PM
(This post was last modified: 2017-06-27, 08:23 PM by kunwarkharbanda.)
(2017-06-27, 07:27 PM)CeFurkan Wrote:(2017-06-25, 05:21 PM)kunwarkharbanda Wrote: Secondly, i finally read whole thread
In many lines in thread or i say everywhere i see u mentioned XYZ is done to prevent alt guild abuse or any abuse for that matter
cuz honestly there are many ways to abuse but as i see its abuse free if i or any1 else abuse . is it alright >
no you are not allowed to abuse the system
let me know any abuseable ways we have left
No fair :p
Well abuse way is simple alt way
Use of alts leads to abuse in gw
Multiple ways alts can be used in gw to do abuse
And it cant directly be prevented by system
Well if we can't have disable, can we do some guild wing?
Divide guild in 2 section: 1st war, 2nd wing.
Only war section goes for war. And wing remains for chat with friends
And rewards only get divided between wars one.
Or better all gold to go in clan bank . Leader can send that golds to players equally.
Divide guild in 2 section: 1st war, 2nd wing.
Only war section goes for war. And wing remains for chat with friends
And rewards only get divided between wars one.
Or better all gold to go in clan bank . Leader can send that golds to players equally.
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