“Success all depend on the second letter”
![[Image: 2884n60.jpg]](https://i62.tinypic.com/2884n60.jpg)
![[Image: 2884n60.jpg]](https://i62.tinypic.com/2884n60.jpg)
Welcome to Ascension Immortal Heroes (AIH)
Motto: The strong live, the weak die.
Ascension Immortal Heroes (AIH) is a friendly and competitive guild that encourages players to exceed their limits, to never give up and to respect fellow guild members. AIH will be divided into the following:
- 8 Gym Leaders
- 4 Elite Four
- 1 Champion
Information about guild system:
Once in every month AIH will organize a tournament in which players can challenge gym leaders with 3 attempts on a best of 3 PVP match. Once the challenging player has beaten all 8 gym leaders then he can now move up and challenge the Elite Four with best of 3 PVP match. After the player has won against the Elite Four, he will be able to finally challenge the Champion. If the player has successfully won against all 1 members then he will be listed on 'Hall of Fame: AIH Master' section and will be given 100,000,000 gold (100mil).
Gym Leader and Challenger match rules:
- Both are NOT allowed to use "Shiny" Pokemons (No Shiny, SL, nor MSL)
- Both can only use ONE "Legendary" or "Mega" Pokemon
- Gym Leaders will only use his/her specific Gym Type (Dual-type Pokemons are allowed)
- Both are allowed to use "Mega" and "Shiny" Pokemons (Except Shiny Legendary and Mega-Shiny-Legendary)
- Both can only use ONE MS
- Both are allowed to use ALL Pokemon classes and types
- NO Holding back. It's a DEATH MATCH!
Gym Lideri ve meydan okuyan için maç kuralları:
- Shiny pokemon kullanmak yasak.(Legendary veya mega shinyler dahil)
- İki taraf da sadece 1 tane Legendary veya Mega Pokemon kullanabilir.
- Gym Liderleri sadece kendi Gym tipindeki pokemonları kullanabilir. (İki tipli pokemonlar kullanılabilir.)
- İki taraf da mega ve shiny pokemon kullanabilir.2(Shiny legendary ve mega-shiny legendary hariç.)
- İki taraf da sadece bir tane mega shiny kullanabilir.
- Bütün pokemonlar kullanılabilir. Tip veya sınıf farketmez.
- Bu zorlu bir mücadele olacak, herşeye hazırlıklı olun!
After every tournament, the Champion will have to choose one gym leader which he/she feels is ready to challenge an Elite Four member for the position, if the gym leader wins then the positions of both members will be swapped. The gym leader can choose which Elite Four he wants to challenge with best of 3 PVP match. This also applies to Elite Four challenging the Champion with a best of 6 PVP match.
Below will be the ranking order from Gym Leaders to Champion
Gym Leaders
shubhi![[Image: 23it3zl_th.jpg]](https://i57.tinypic.com/23it3zl_th.jpg)
![[Image: 2ic5p9c.jpg]](https://oi58.tinypic.com/2ic5p9c.jpg)
- When night comes and the moon shines, shades of black and gray rule the whole night. Trainer, you shall never defeat me! -
Great Pratham![[Image: 10ntah2_th.png]](https://i58.tinypic.com/10ntah2_th.png)
![[Image: 2zs5i5u.jpg]](https://oi58.tinypic.com/2zs5i5u.jpg)
- I love to fly! I love to dream! You can never beat me and my team! -
Viresh_Kumar![[Image: 9sqsl4.jpg]](https://oi61.tinypic.com/9sqsl4.jpg)
![[Image: 5ajmaa.jpg]](https://oi61.tinypic.com/5ajmaa.jpg)
- You want to workout? come to my gym and I will give you the best whoopi- I mean training ever ~ Heh -
Gym Leaders
![[Image: Sidney_OD.png]](https://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/4/44/Sidney_OD.png)
![[Image: 23it3zl_th.jpg]](https://i57.tinypic.com/23it3zl_th.jpg)
![[Image: 2ic5p9c.jpg]](https://oi58.tinypic.com/2ic5p9c.jpg)
- When night comes and the moon shines, shades of black and gray rule the whole night. Trainer, you shall never defeat me! -
![[Image: Palmer_OD.png]](https://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/5/5c/Palmer_OD.png)
![[Image: 10ntah2_th.png]](https://i58.tinypic.com/10ntah2_th.png)
![[Image: 2zs5i5u.jpg]](https://oi58.tinypic.com/2zs5i5u.jpg)
- I love to fly! I love to dream! You can never beat me and my team! -
![[Image: Grimsley_OD.png]](https://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/6/61/Grimsley_OD.png)
![[Image: 9sqsl4.jpg]](https://oi61.tinypic.com/9sqsl4.jpg)
![[Image: 5ajmaa.jpg]](https://oi61.tinypic.com/5ajmaa.jpg)
- You want to workout? come to my gym and I will give you the best whoopi- I mean training ever ~ Heh -
Ash Ketchum 10![[Image: 8350-Mega-Milotic.png]](https://static.pokemonpets.com/images/monsters-images-300-300/8350-Mega-Milotic.png)
![[Image: 30bn11t.jpg]](https://i59.tinypic.com/30bn11t.jpg)
- I may be 10 years old, but I do know true meaning of pokemon battles
Honch![[Image: 2l975as_th.png]](https://i61.tinypic.com/2l975as_th.png)
![[Image: 2eqe89t.jpg]](https://i62.tinypic.com/2eqe89t.jpg)
- This is my gym, I hope you are prepared to face me! -
Atharva Sawant![[Image: 416-Vespiquen.png]](https://static.pokemonpets.com/images/monsters-images-300-300/416-Vespiquen.png)
![[Image: 2rfu6py.jpg]](https://i57.tinypic.com/2rfu6py.jpg)
- I love Dark.Zero and as his loyal subordinate, you won't get past me and my bugzzZzzZzzz!
Kun![[Image: 20hpjwg_th.png]](https://i62.tinypic.com/20hpjwg_th.png)
![[Image: 1izddv.jpg]](https://oi59.tinypic.com/1izddv.jpg)
- Roses are red, violets are blue ~ I am Kun and here to REKT YOU! -
Haseeo55![[Image: 2rx8av5_th.png]](https://i57.tinypic.com/2rx8av5_th.png)
![[Image: 2jg8nwz.jpg]](https://oi57.tinypic.com/2jg8nwz.jpg)
- A wise man once said: "It doesn't matter how powerful or weak a pokemon is, what matters is how you use it" ~ The wise man was me, Hase. -
Elite Four
Mysterious![[Image: 445-Garchomp.png]](https://static.pokemonpets.com/images/monsters-images-300-300/445-Garchomp.png)
![[Image: 68zei0.jpg]](https://oi62.tinypic.com/68zei0.jpg)
Myterious' shady name says it all. This elite trainer has a mystifying aura that'll send you chills down the spine.
- So you've completed the 8 badges. Now, let's get on with why you're here! -
Ch17175![[Image: 8142-Mega-Aerodactyl.png]](https://static.pokemonpets.com/images/monsters-images-300-300/8142-Mega-Aerodactyl.png)
![[Image: 5trodu.jpg]](https://oi58.tinypic.com/5trodu.jpg)
- I'm not the best, but i'm not the worst. be swallowed by my overwhelming power!! -
SomebodyUnown![[Image: 4040-Giratina-Origin.png]](https://static.pokemonpets.com/images/monsters-images-300-300/4040-Giratina-Origin.png)
![[Image: 1zlur9w.jpg]](https://oi57.tinypic.com/1zlur9w.jpg)
- I am Unown or maybe I am nobody? I might be anyone, wait maybe I am already someone...actually I am Somebody, who the hell are you? -
Platinium![[Image: 2282-Shiny-Gardevoir.png]](https://static.pokemonpets.com/images/monsters-images-300-300/2282-Shiny-Gardevoir.png)
![[Image: 2vx24nd.jpg]](https://oi58.tinypic.com/2vx24nd.jpg)
- Fool! I'll show you true terror -
Amod09![[Image: top_trainers_icon.png]](https://static.pokemonpets.com/images/HomePage/top_trainers_icon.png)
![[Image: 2iln1pu.jpg]](https://oi57.tinypic.com/2iln1pu.jpg)
Haha...so you finally made it.
Challengers / Members:
Special thanks to the following people:
![[Image: Nate_OD.png]](https://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/4/4b/Nate_OD.png)
![[Image: 8350-Mega-Milotic.png]](https://static.pokemonpets.com/images/monsters-images-300-300/8350-Mega-Milotic.png)
![[Image: 30bn11t.jpg]](https://i59.tinypic.com/30bn11t.jpg)
- I may be 10 years old, but I do know true meaning of pokemon battles
![[Image: Steven_OD.png]](https://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/8/8d/Steven_OD.png)
![[Image: 2l975as_th.png]](https://i61.tinypic.com/2l975as_th.png)
![[Image: 2eqe89t.jpg]](https://i62.tinypic.com/2eqe89t.jpg)
- This is my gym, I hope you are prepared to face me! -
![[Image: Hilbert_OD.png]](https://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/0/0c/Hilbert_OD.png)
![[Image: 416-Vespiquen.png]](https://static.pokemonpets.com/images/monsters-images-300-300/416-Vespiquen.png)
![[Image: 2rfu6py.jpg]](https://i57.tinypic.com/2rfu6py.jpg)
- I love Dark.Zero and as his loyal subordinate, you won't get past me and my bugzzZzzZzzz!
![[Image: Brawly_OD.png]](https://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/d/df/Brawly_OD.png)
![[Image: 20hpjwg_th.png]](https://i62.tinypic.com/20hpjwg_th.png)
![[Image: 1izddv.jpg]](https://oi59.tinypic.com/1izddv.jpg)
- Roses are red, violets are blue ~ I am Kun and here to REKT YOU! -
![[Image: Hugh_OD.png]](https://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/6/62/Hugh_OD.png)
![[Image: 2rx8av5_th.png]](https://i57.tinypic.com/2rx8av5_th.png)
![[Image: 2jg8nwz.jpg]](https://oi57.tinypic.com/2jg8nwz.jpg)
- A wise man once said: "It doesn't matter how powerful or weak a pokemon is, what matters is how you use it" ~ The wise man was me, Hase. -
Elite Four
![[Image: Cynthia_OD.png]](https://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/2/29/Cynthia_OD.png)
![[Image: 445-Garchomp.png]](https://static.pokemonpets.com/images/monsters-images-300-300/445-Garchomp.png)
![[Image: 68zei0.jpg]](https://oi62.tinypic.com/68zei0.jpg)
Myterious' shady name says it all. This elite trainer has a mystifying aura that'll send you chills down the spine.
- So you've completed the 8 badges. Now, let's get on with why you're here! -
![[Image: Marshal_OD.png]](https://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/d/d7/Marshal_OD.png)
![[Image: 8142-Mega-Aerodactyl.png]](https://static.pokemonpets.com/images/monsters-images-300-300/8142-Mega-Aerodactyl.png)
![[Image: 5trodu.jpg]](https://oi58.tinypic.com/5trodu.jpg)
- I'm not the best, but i'm not the worst. be swallowed by my overwhelming power!! -
![[Image: Red_OD.png]](https://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/a/a8/Red_OD.png)
![[Image: 4040-Giratina-Origin.png]](https://static.pokemonpets.com/images/monsters-images-300-300/4040-Giratina-Origin.png)
![[Image: 1zlur9w.jpg]](https://oi57.tinypic.com/1zlur9w.jpg)
- I am Unown or maybe I am nobody? I might be anyone, wait maybe I am already someone...actually I am Somebody, who the hell are you? -
![[Image: Ghetsis_OD.png]](https://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/7/7f/Ghetsis_OD.png)
![[Image: 2282-Shiny-Gardevoir.png]](https://static.pokemonpets.com/images/monsters-images-300-300/2282-Shiny-Gardevoir.png)
![[Image: 2vx24nd.jpg]](https://oi58.tinypic.com/2vx24nd.jpg)
- Fool! I'll show you true terror -
![[Image: Volkner_OD.png]](https://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/7/75/Volkner_OD.png)
![[Image: top_trainers_icon.png]](https://static.pokemonpets.com/images/HomePage/top_trainers_icon.png)
![[Image: 2iln1pu.jpg]](https://oi57.tinypic.com/2iln1pu.jpg)
Haha...so you finally made it.
Challengers / Members:
![[Image: Giovanni_OD.png]](https://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/0/08/Giovanni_OD.png)
![[Image: Lucas_OD.png]](https://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/f/f7/Lucas_OD.png)
![[Image: Lucas_OD.png]](https://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/f/f7/Lucas_OD.png)
Special thanks to the following people:
![[Image: Lance_OD.png]](https://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/9/92/Lance_OD.png)
![[Image: Lt_Surge_OD.png]](https://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/2/28/Lt_Surge_OD.png)
![[Image: pvp_battles_board.png]](https://static.pokemonpets.com/images/HomePage/pvp_battles_board.png)
![[Image: vote_for_rewards.png]](https://static.pokemonpets.com/images/HomePage/vote_for_rewards.png)
![[Image: vote_for_rewards.png]](https://static.pokemonpets.com/images/HomePage/vote_for_rewards.png)
![[Image: pvp_battles_board.png]](https://static.pokemonpets.com/images/HomePage/pvp_battles_board.png)
- Here is where the chosen trainers will be displayed and given 100,000,000 gold -
Let The Show Begin "Good Luck Guyz You Need It"
Start Date : 22/08/2015
2015-08-08, 08:53 AM
(This post was last modified: 2015-08-08, 08:55 AM by mailmeharry2008.)
Too good, lovely 
I will be the first gym leader i love losing in pvps, plus i am too easy too beat for noobs

I will be the first gym leader i love losing in pvps, plus i am too easy too beat for noobs

2015-08-08, 09:00 AM
Guys why not to divide gym leaders by types, like in game?
So first one will have dark types, second fairy and so on and so on?
And gym leaders can use up to mega forms so it will be harder to fight as gym leaders must be hard (not a much as elit four but yeah)
So first one will have dark types, second fairy and so on and so on?
And gym leaders can use up to mega forms so it will be harder to fight as gym leaders must be hard (not a much as elit four but yeah)
![[Image: 2pyyhjk.jpg]](http://oi58.tinypic.com/2pyyhjk.jpg)
Doesn't matter How strong weapon is if holder is weak
Signature and Avatar where made by Viresh ^^
2015-08-08, 09:02 AM
(2015-08-08, 09:00 AM)honch Wrote: Guys why not to divide gym leaders by types, like in game?
So first one will have dark types, second fairy and so on and so on?
And gym leaders can use up to mega forms so it will be harder to fight as gym leaders must be hard (not a much as elit four but yeah)
thanx for the idea i like it
mega will be thee with high gyms as difficulty increase
2015-08-08, 09:04 AM
oh yeah honchy how can i forget it

2015-08-08, 12:05 PM
I'm in , add me in the elite four.
I resign from the phantom troupe , sorry guys.
I resign from the phantom troupe , sorry guys.

2015-08-08, 12:07 PM
I'm with atharva. Phantom troupe isn't even getting challengers atm. And this is more organized.
2015-08-08, 01:04 PM
(This post was last modified: 2015-08-08, 01:06 PM by kunwarkharbanda.)
if mroe tough are joining we have to have a tour to select elite 4
then every month like mentioned gym leader can challenge for elite 4
every1 welcome to clan and still there are changes to be done here to make it better including the rewards
then every month like mentioned gym leader can challenge for elite 4
every1 welcome to clan and still there are changes to be done here to make it better including the rewards
2015-08-08, 02:12 PM
welcome everybody i need help from every member of guild
i respect all of members and hope we will enjoy it
thanks for your warm response
i respect all of members and hope we will enjoy it
thanks for your warm response

2015-08-08, 03:10 PM
i want in :3
2015-08-08, 03:37 PM
i want to challege
2015-08-09, 08:27 AM
(2015-08-09, 08:23 AM)amod09 Wrote: Dear All I proudly Represent you members and GUILD
With some changes hope youll all enjoy thanks and do reply
“SUccess all depend on the second letter”
Ascension Immortal Heroes (AIH)
Brief Introduction
Note: This is not the main thread. Once I settle everything, it will come.· Instructions For Guild Members :
- Ascension Immortal Heroes (AIH) will be divided As follows
- 8 Gym Leaders
- 4 Elite Four
- And Last Leader of Guild
- First of all we were looking for 13 members out of which 8 will be Gym leaders, 4 will be Elite Fours and Guild leader they are selected by PVP competition.
Once in every month Guild will organize tournament in which challenging player need to collect all 8 badges where he can battle 3 times with each gym leader in which he have to win badge if he can’t win in 3 attempts he have to try in next month or you can say next tournament, if he wins against all 8 Gym Leaders , after collecting all 8 badge he can challenge a member of Elite Four where he have to battle him in format best of 3 with Elite Four Member as he will win with all 4 he can now challenge Guild Leader or Champ where he have to fight him in best of 6 as he Beat Guild Leader or Champ he will be announced as Honorable trainer and he will be Named in “Hall of PVPERs of Ascension Immortal Heroes (AIH)” also hell be gifted a 100 mil.
- Selection of Gym Leaders and rules they have to follow :
- The Last 8 members of competitions will be gym leaders, They are not allowed to use any shiny in their PVP battles, Gym Battle gets harder as you beat gym Gym 8-6 difficulty level will be “Easy”, Gym 6-4 Will be “Medium” and Last 3 Gyms will be “Hard” to Beat.
- Whenever you battling with Gym leader he/she will use only one mega or legend as it shows bonding with that individual Pokémon.
- Also remember the challenger whoever challenges gym will also use 1 mega or legend itll truly show ability of player and not the power.
- Selection of Elite Four and rules they have to follow :
Hmm now you get some trouble makers guyz they are experts
real PVPers , These members are allow to use shinies, megas, all are allowed so you’ll be better prepared to have one on one with them.
- Same way for Elite 4 members they can use only 1 mega shiny but shines and legends are allowed for both elite 4 and challengers.
- Selection of “Champ of Guild” and rules they have to follow :
Champ of Guild is The toughest member of Guild and he has full freedom to use any class pokes in PVP.
- No restrictions for champ and challenger who are against champ
· After every tournaments champ have to chose one gym leader who can battle with elite 4 member for elite 4 membership, if elite 4 member will lose positions of players will be swapped , here gym leader will decide whom hell challenge or battle, battle will be in form of best of 3.
· And same way any elite 4 member will challenge champ of Guild for their championship crown battle, battle will be in form of best of 6.
· Every member of Guild have to donate 15 mil for Guild so we don’t have to wait for any others donation also we can use it for other competitions like another PVP tournament or Hunting Tournament, Oh common Guyz 15 mil is not big deal J
· For Challengers :
Have to pay 30 K as entry Fees, Thank You
· Guild Member :
· 1.Amod09
· 2.Kun
· 3.Hasseo55
· 4. mailmeharry2008
· 5. Mysterious
· 6. SomebodyUnown
· 7.Soros
· 8. ch17175
· 9.Honch
· 10. Atharva Sawant
· 11. Viresh Kumar
· 12. great pratham
· 13. shubhi
Welcome To “Ascension Immortal Heroes”
Nice nice :3 oh btw should we pay that 15 now? and how many times, like once in a month? for the tournament we do
![[Image: 2pyyhjk.jpg]](http://oi58.tinypic.com/2pyyhjk.jpg)
Doesn't matter How strong weapon is if holder is weak
Signature and Avatar where made by Viresh ^^
2015-08-09, 08:28 AM
ya once in month sorry i missed it

2015-08-09, 08:33 AM
I would like to join! Except I would have to be like a pre-test, haha. By-the-way, great job with the info Amod.

I will catch them all, but first I need Starbucks.

2015-08-09, 02:11 PM
Amod, do you not know how to edit the main thread? all you have to do is click quick edit on the bottom right corner of the first post
![[Image: tyranitar_in_dragon_form_by_black_wing24-d47c29u.jpg]](http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/275/a/2/tyranitar_in_dragon_form_by_black_wing24-d47c29u.jpg)
Beat me? Ha, when Tyranitars fly...
2015-08-09, 02:32 PM
ok thanks for help ch

SO I thought about making something like this for gym leaders, this small ID card will show every information about gym leader, it's type and give name and visual information about his badge.
I made pokemons black as challengers don't need to know your pokemon when they know type and also know that we use only 1 legendary or 1 mega pokemon, plus those "shadows" still show which pokemon we will use, so there is no point in making them colorful.
If you guys like the Idea I will make all 8 Gym leader ID's like this, of course colors will be different based on gym type, Plus it's better to make those rather then typing all information, Visual Presentation is mostly better ^^
And Yeah that is my badge, "Cosmic Badge"! Looks awesome ^^
![[Image: 11qse1e.jpg]](https://i57.tinypic.com/11qse1e.jpg)
I made pokemons black as challengers don't need to know your pokemon when they know type and also know that we use only 1 legendary or 1 mega pokemon, plus those "shadows" still show which pokemon we will use, so there is no point in making them colorful.
If you guys like the Idea I will make all 8 Gym leader ID's like this, of course colors will be different based on gym type, Plus it's better to make those rather then typing all information, Visual Presentation is mostly better ^^
And Yeah that is my badge, "Cosmic Badge"! Looks awesome ^^
![[Image: 11qse1e.jpg]](https://i57.tinypic.com/11qse1e.jpg)
![[Image: 2pyyhjk.jpg]](http://oi58.tinypic.com/2pyyhjk.jpg)
Doesn't matter How strong weapon is if holder is weak
Signature and Avatar where made by Viresh ^^
2015-08-12, 12:56 AM
(2015-08-11, 11:20 PM)honch Wrote: SO I thought about making something like this for gym leaders, this small ID card will show every information about gym leader, it's type and give name and visual information about his badge.
I made pokemons black as challengers don't need to know your pokemon when they know type and also know that we use only 1 legendary or 1 mega pokemon, plus those "shadows" still show which pokemon we will use, so there is no point in making them colorful.
If you guys like the Idea I will make all 8 Gym leader ID's like this, of course colors will be different based on gym type, Plus it's better to make those rather then typing all information, Visual Presentation is mostly better ^^
And Yeah that is my badge, "Cosmic Badge"! Looks awesome ^^
wow aweeeeeeesooooooooooeeee
2015-08-12, 01:45 AM
great work honchy
a lot
a lot

2015-08-12, 01:52 AM
awesome job honchy

2015-08-12, 07:58 AM
Thanks guys ^^ That means I'll make all ID's like that and post them here ^^ oh and if Elite four and Champion want ID cards tell me ^^ they deserve them to ^^
![[Image: 2pyyhjk.jpg]](http://oi58.tinypic.com/2pyyhjk.jpg)
Doesn't matter How strong weapon is if holder is weak
Signature and Avatar where made by Viresh ^^
2015-08-12, 08:05 AM
Honch, this is literally the best thing I have seen today. Your work is great! Keep adding items like this to the game and we'll be in good shape bowing down to you so much.

I will catch them all, but first I need Starbucks.

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