Poll: Seperate PVP-ranking (so ELO apart from the regular ranking system)
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Hello Guys, I hope you all are doing good.
I am creating this thread to share some suggestions of me, capt and other mods.

You all know that many players are leaving because the game is getting boring due to not getting updated. Well, it's because Furkan is busy with his Thesis and he can't give it enough time at the moment but don't worry guys there's a good new. We shared some our suggestions with Furkan and he agreed on implementing them once he submits his thesis. He asked to open a thread about these suggestions so players can be aware of these ideas and can make their own suggestions.

Here are those suggestions:

1) Change Abilities
We all know that some pokemons have messed up abilities and need to be changed as soon as possible. So, we have decided to work on them and fix them as soon as possible with your help.

2)More Zones
We know that 20th zone was suggested to Furkan but haven't been implemented yet. Believe me guys it's not as easy as it looks. Furkan need a Map artist who can create maps of new zones and it might take time. At least we have hope that one day we will get it! Tongue

We need tournaments to keep players busy. Rewards will be given by Furkan ofcourse. It will keep players busy and it will also make pokemonpets interesting.

Well, who doesn't like guilds? Everyone does! Well, maybe not everyone but many of us do. Guild System is pretty much exciting and will give players another source of entertainment.

5)Pokemon on map
Ever wanted one of your pokemon to run on map right next to you? Well,now is your chance to make it happen! Support it to make it happen mate.

6)More Challenges
Want more challenges? We thought of a few... how about getting a little reward for completing a certain task? For Example, you will get 10k gold(can be varied) for beating 50npcs in a day? or something like that? We are open to suggestions and make sure to suggest if you want to see some of your ideas implemented in game.

How about Quests? We all have seen that almost all games have quests for players to complete. There can be hundreds of quests for user to finish and get rewards.For Example, Suppose we are talking about quests for gyms if a player beats a gym leader,he will get a reward.The reward will increase with the increase in difficulty of Gym. Beat first gym and get 10k gold. Beat 2nd gym and get 20k gold. Beat 19th gym and get 1m gold. Beat all gyms in 1 day and get 10m. Train a pokemon to level 100 and get a little reward. Train 6 pokemons to level 100 and get a reward. Capture 10 pokemons and get rewarded. Capture 100 pokemons and get rewarded. Capture your first legendry and get some gold. Capture your first Shiny and ger some reward. Rewards can be increased or decreased seeing the situation.

There can be little tasks for newbies which would give them some gold to get started. For example, Check pokedex, natures list, forums, damage ratio chart, read rules and get 5k gold for doing each task.

8)Separate PvP ranking
Also, do you a want separate ranking for the PvP? So, elo's score won't affect ranking. If yes, go vote on the poll already!

These Suggestions are meant to keep new players who leave out of boredom and to bring back old players. We are determined to make it a better game and for that,we need your help.Make sure to post your Suggestions and ideas if you have any. They will be greatly appreciated!
Like the whole idea.. though its implementation will take time, but we can wait a bit for good things to happen
the good news is, cef will implement it once he submit his thesis so,all we need is to support this to make it happen!
To all:

All suggestions can be discussed, but do keep it topic related, this will be checked by me and all other forum moderators, this including CeFurkan himself.

If you have a suggestion, please try to give some explanations towards it, it's better to have everything worked out from the get-go than having to start looking everything up.

Add prizes to your ideas so that we can further discuss it: e.g. Tutorial completed = 50k so you have a more than decent starters budget, but not TOO much so you can start overpowered.

Keep it topic-related, ideas - suggestions - storyline - .. but don't start hating or breaking down stuff without a GOOD explanation.

If you have more suggestions to get added above, do PM us in-game or on here or post it on here so we can/are able to check and debate with the owner, CeFurkan, if it is a possibility in the near/immediate future!

Other than that, we hope that all the great ideas get implemented!
Quote:You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.  -Winston Churchill
P.S. Unlisted you can't find me here ;-)
This quest system is really nice and i support it and all others ideas are very good as well. But first and foremost separate pvp/elo ranking system from pve ranking system.

This quest system should replace currently daily reward system as it is just reward for clicking twice ..... (IMO)

As for ideas, here are few of mine -

1. Day Care - Pokemons level up automatically by putting them in some storage, but not much, daily cap quantity of pokemons in storage to only 1 or 2 and also limit the experience per day as well so that this gives only 1 pokemon of lvl 100 per day.... or the system could be exploited.... and should be meant only for noobs if possible.

2. Ev Center - Eving is pain though still much required thing to be better pvper, and as i see cefs main focus is to shift game towards pvp side, i would suggest this to be like storage as well, daily 1 pokemon can be eved full as per specifications of player automatically..... 

3. Elo and PVP rankings separation as well - Some people like me would enjoy computer vs. battles as i am busy with real life, own a shop have to attend customers on regular intervals, and if doing pvp i lose even if i am capable of beating my opponents due to time limits (Suppose i am doin pvp and customer came i attended and came back to see oh my my i lost to a noob Tongue)
 So PVP is not ideal for working people who plays your game, some kids play game from schools as well, they might be doing it in such way as well and may never win a pvp. So this category of people needs ELO only..... their talent cant be measured in pvp terms and in elo terms instead or with computer where they get ample time to select their moves.

Edit - Tubelight hit for quest ideas - Item Finder Quest - How about making a quest of finding something on random map where a player will have to click on various spots of map to find the reward thing.... rewards can be mega stones or if its too much then masterballs.....rare candies     CPU will generate a random spot x,y on a random map after every hour and will be posted in events page that this map has got this thing go find it now Tongue   (Derived from the original nintendo pokemon games where we use item finder to locate hidden objects.) 

Edit2 - Just for noobs quest those who dont have access to zone 7 - Item Delivery Quest -  Another idea for quest could be item delivery from one map to another without using fly just like ash has to deliver a parcel to prof elm in one of nintendo games.. And he gets rewarded with a GS ball there.... Here we can make random professor like sprite appear in destination and in events page it will be posted that hurry Professor Cefurkan (Smile) wants you to deliver him xyz object, You will get the xyz object as reward too... For successful completion of this quest player must have xyz item in inventory plus he must stand next to cefurkan and click on sprite Big Grin

Edit3- Keep Chat Alive - Best Universal and most needed Quest for game and its always on kinda quest - Post 4000 words on chat and grab a free random common, 8000 uncommon, 16000 rare, 32000 ultra rare 64000 legendary and 128000 words should get you a shiny, none of these will be rb though just randomly generated like wild pokemons......... If anybody succeeds to obtain shiny which may be a hard task, his counter will be reset next day and he can earn same rewards next day....... to add little bit spice in this idea, rather than giving pokemon directly to user, make it a wild like battle and also user has to catch it successfully to obtain it.
Main idea behind this is to keep chat active... CMs can be there to check if anybody is spamming there or not.......to grab freebies.....  If anybody found exploiting this system cms can report it and reward earned can be nullified by Cef later.....
To be continued..... (will add more ideas if my brain lit up its tubelight :p)
[Image: done_opt_1.jpg]

I am a Rank Freak. Now hold a legendary record of being Rank 1 in both games Pokemonpets and Monstermmorpg
Dont get confused over username though, it is jecklin over there.
Well the guild system has been in the works for a long time, it i suppose to be out by version 3 or a bit further, Cef has been workin on it i heard, even with the badge removing system, forcing everyone to get them again, you get more bored players, so quests i think will keep them here. Maybe a tower challenge, low level team to highest level team, or a maze with npcs in it, to move forward you have to beat the npc, end reward is gold only, just throwin ideas out there
Temp Signature Until I can Make A Better One
[Image: omeg_ruby_male_trainer_sig_01_by_gmc_aniki-d7sj23i.png]
All is good suggestions
Add rewards to the rewards you already get? 
I disagree. 
I dislike easy mode on games, and that is exactly that. 

I do agree on a little tutorial scenario in the form of a few step by step tutorial quests to give new players a detailed start into the game and LITTLE starting help.

Buy a Pokeball from the Market (add how to do step by step)
Reward 100 g (90 reward plus the compensation for buying it)

Catch a Pokemon (Reward x pokeballs)

But on other stuff, dunno.

Eventually, maybe make heavy heavy grinding stuff. 
E.g. win 10.000 battles get Shiny RB.

M30 - Galliant
(2016-06-29, 08:57 PM)Blau Wrote: Add rewards to the rewards you already get? 
I disagree. 
I dislike easy mode on games, and that is exactly that. 

I do agree on a little tutorial scenario in the form of a few step by step tutorial quests to give new players a detailed start into the game and LITTLE starting help.

Buy a Pokeball from the Market (add how to do step by step)
Reward 100 g (90 reward plus the compensation for buying it)

Catch a Pokemon (Reward x pokeballs)

But on other stuff, dunno.

Eventually, maybe make heavy heavy grinding stuff. 
E.g. win 10.000 battles get Shiny RB.

The actual prizes can be adjusted of course (whether items/pokemon or gold).
It's just to keep new players and experienced players in here.

Of course everything is open for discussion, the more suggestions and ideas the better
Quote:You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.  -Winston Churchill
P.S. Unlisted you can't find me here ;-)
for the abilities change you should consider the list of megas and stuff that cef posted as me and other people worked hard on it, so it shouldnt go all wasted.
wow! i love all the suggestions here Big Grin
[Image: ezgif-2-1ece84c32476.jpg]
I am not able to vote because I haven't done 5 posts, but I definitely support taking ELO out of rank.
(Continued from my post above i.e. Post #5)
Well my post above got big and it takes time in opening and saving so making a new post 

Edit 4 - Ranking System Changes - Ranking system should be such that new people and old people all must get chances to be rank 1....... Well how to do it? Just like other games do.... First disintegrate the rankings in various classes ..... To add more spice to it you can add yearly as well to see who is best man of the year Big Grin

1. Overall PVE Rankings - Current Ranking System with exception to Elo in it.
2. Daily PVE Rankings - It will be based on daily exp earned by users, daily level ups they did, 
3. Weekly PVE Rankings - Same as daily but will be calculated on weekly basis instead....
4. Monthly PVE Rankings - Who is the man of the Pokemon of the month Tongue
5. Overall Elo Ranking - I would suggest to change elo victory points to be constant, and lose points as well.  Make 10 pts constant for victory and 20 pts standard for loss. So actually battle counts and victories and time spent eloing determine the rank purely.
6. Daily Elo Ranking - who did best effort today most in elo Tongue
7. Weekly Elo Ranking
8. Monthly Elo Ranking
9. Overall Hunters Rankings (Based on Flee count and pokemons (dps) captured by themselves, should not include traded ones.....)
10. Daily Hunter Rankings (Flee per day, plus number of dps captured per day by oneself)
11. Weekly ----
12. Monthly ----
13. Other Achievements  - This section should list miscellaneous achievements like first person to obtain all gym badges after reset is Mr. XYZ
First person to mega x pokemon is y.  Most megas with a person is xyz..  Most MSLs is with mailmeharry2008 (Smile)  Highest overall IVs pokemon is with xyz person. Highest overall battles winner is xyz, Highest wild battles winner , highest npc battles winner is xyz..  And so on there are countless achievements which people love to flaunt upon...

Also as all games shoot a global message that x person encounterd y shiny (it is usually posted in good contrast color so as to separate it from rregular chat messages)..... same can be done in pp as well.... It feels lovely Big Grin

X person mega'ed  Y pokemon....

14. Overall PVP Rankings - based on pvp victories, and losses (same constant scoring by plus 10 victory -20 for loss)
15. Daily ------
16. Weekly  ------
17. Monthly -------
18. Overall Boss Kill Rankings 
19. Daily -----
20. Weekly -----
21. Monthly-----

PS - If you think that the already rank 1 player will get all those ranks below as well is not the case, every game get different rank 1s in all such categories, reason being simple being rank 1 means i have less stuff to train and also i may get more lazy so on daily, weekly basis i may be doing less effort as compared to many newbies.
[Image: done_opt_1.jpg]

I am a Rank Freak. Now hold a legendary record of being Rank 1 in both games Pokemonpets and Monstermmorpg
Dont get confused over username though, it is jecklin over there.
(2016-06-29, 08:57 PM)Blau Wrote: Add rewards to the rewards you already get? 
I disagree. 
I dislike easy mode on games, and that is exactly that. 

I do agree on a little tutorial scenario in the form of a few step by step tutorial quests to give new players a detailed start into the game and LITTLE starting help.

Buy a Pokeball from the Market (add how to do step by step)
Reward 100 g (90 reward plus the compensation for buying it)

Catch a Pokemon (Reward x pokeballs)

But on other stuff, dunno.

Eventually, maybe make heavy heavy grinding stuff. 
E.g. win 10.000 battles get Shiny RB.

I agree with blau here and thats why i said to replace the daily rewards system with quests system , so its not rewards over rewards.... Plus most of quest types i wrote are for newbies except one i.e. Keep chat alive and it is not too easy as you can notice Big Grin
[Image: done_opt_1.jpg]

I am a Rank Freak. Now hold a legendary record of being Rank 1 in both games Pokemonpets and Monstermmorpg
Dont get confused over username though, it is jecklin over there.
DEAL! :p
i love the 3rd idea
cool suggestions 
i have one any way
the npc's all over the map appear dumbo's cause they all look the same 
it would be great if npcs talk something to us (giving useful tips) as the do in official games
this can be extended to playing characters as well like the attachment shown
this would happen when u walk past a playing character
(it can b further extended as we can type about 5 messages and one appears randomly 2 someone passing by us)

(2016-06-30, 01:36 PM)THE HAWK Wrote: cool suggestions 
i have one any way
the npc's all over the map appear dumbo's cause they all look the same 
it would be great if npcs talk something to us (giving useful tips) as the do in official games
this can be extended to playing characters as well like the attachment shown
this would happen when u walk past a playing character
(it can b further extended as we can type about 5 messages and one appears randomly 2 someone passing by us)

now that would be superb, no need to teach to newbies it will be like self learning lessons Big Grin
[Image: done_opt_1.jpg]

I am a Rank Freak. Now hold a legendary record of being Rank 1 in both games Pokemonpets and Monstermmorpg
Dont get confused over username though, it is jecklin over there.
I would suggest that having Horde Encounters in this game also like in pokemon x and y. It would make ev training much easier. Maybe we can't battle with all of them at the same time, but it can be like an npc battle. Battling with same  pokemon 5 times???
and what about multiple battles
(2016-06-30, 02:26 PM)Tugay Wrote: I would suggest that having Horde Encounters in this game also like in pokemon x and y. It would make ev training much easier. Maybe we can't battle with all of them at the same time, but it can be like an npc battle. Battling with same  pokemon 5 times???

Can you elaborate or show an example
Quote:You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.  -Winston Churchill
P.S. Unlisted you can't find me here ;-)
In the original new games you can fight like this.
So for example I'm at Combat Fields, ev-ing my pokemon's speed stat by fighting poliwhirls with good rod. To make 200 ev ı need to fight 50 times if ı'm using macho brace.
But if ı would fight a horde of poliwhirl (like fighting a npc that has 5 poliwhirls) ı would only fight 10 times to make 200 ev s. 
In x and y, there were some special places, that you can fight with horde encounters.. The reason they add this system was the same, to make ev-ing easier, I guess.
(2016-06-30, 09:06 PM)Tugay Wrote: In the original new games you can fight like this.
So for example I'm at Combat Fields, ev-ing my pokemon's speed stat by fighting poliwhirls with good rod. To make 200 ev ı need to fight 50 times if ı'm using macho brace.
But if ı would fight a horde of poliwhirl (like fighting a npc that has 5 poliwhirls) ı would only fight 10 times to make 200 ev s. 
In x and y, there were some special places, that you can fight with horde encounters.. The reason they add this system was the same, to make ev-ing easier, I guess.

looks great we can have 2 on 2, 3 on 3, 4 on 4, 5 on 5 and even 6 on 6 pkmn fights as well from this idea too

That would be interesting in pvp as well Big Grin New strategies will be required to build in such competitions as compared to one on one
[Image: done_opt_1.jpg]

I am a Rank Freak. Now hold a legendary record of being Rank 1 in both games Pokemonpets and Monstermmorpg
Dont get confused over username though, it is jecklin over there.
(2016-06-30, 01:36 PM)THE HAWK Wrote: cool suggestions 
i have one any way
the npc's all over the map appear dumbo's cause they all look the same 
it would be great if npcs talk something to us (giving useful tips) as the do in official games
this can be extended to playing characters as well like the attachment shown
this would happen when u walk past a playing character
(it can b further extended as we can type about 5 messages and one appears randomly 2 someone passing by us)

Custom Profile Texts would be cool, but I'd only agree if 
A) Mods have absolutely nothing to do, not even in the very least, with what's written there.
B) We get an upgraded Wordfilter.

For i certainly won't have to bother walking towards every and each sprite several times just to check if there's something like funk yourself or bridge please written.

M30 - Galliant
i love idea 5
(2016-07-01, 10:04 PM)froakie proakie Wrote: i love idea 5

same here
[Image: ezgif-2-1ece84c32476.jpg]
(Continued from my post above i.e. Post #14)

Edit no. 5
Rank Rewards - As rank races are very flop and discouraged here for some reason, it can be encouraged by rewarding Top 3 rankers on daily basis in all 17 categories that i mentioned., with small amounts, so its like rank bonus, which people would like to obtain........

Say Rank 1 gets 500k daily for keeping rank, rank 2 gets 400k, rank 3 gets 300k 
in all 17 categories

* Amounts mentioned can be adjusted as per Cefs wishes or whatever people want..... main point is promoting ranks race in game as games popularity depends on this mostly. And credit to this idea goes to mal3fico who was asking me whats the benefit of ranks, does it give some boost or what, and i was like WHAT ? Tongue

Another Idea - PVP Frontier - It would be really good to have official pvp matches unlike the challenges sent daily individually by many and ranks to be kept for that.... For that there will be pvp frontier similar to ELo.... But here points will be wagered instead.... Here top pvpers can post challenges and wager the default 500 points as per their wish..... (Using alts for exploiting this system should lead to perma ban)  Wager of points could also be accompanied with gold or just gold as well Big Grin
[Image: done_opt_1.jpg]

I am a Rank Freak. Now hold a legendary record of being Rank 1 in both games Pokemonpets and Monstermmorpg
Dont get confused over username though, it is jecklin over there.
(2016-06-30, 03:40 AM)mailmeharry2009 Wrote: (Continued from my post above i.e. Post #5)
Well my post above got big and it takes time in opening and saving so making a new post 

Edit 4 - Ranking System Changes - Ranking system should be such that new people and old people all must get chances to be rank 1....... Well how to do it? Just like other games do.... First disintegrate the rankings in various classes ..... To add more spice to it you can add yearly as well to see who is best man of the year Big Grin

1. Overall PVE Rankings - Current Ranking System with exception to Elo in it.
2. Daily PVE Rankings - It will be based on daily exp earned by users, daily level ups they did, 
3. Weekly PVE Rankings - Same as daily but will be calculated on weekly basis instead....
4. Monthly PVE Rankings - Who is the man of the Pokemon of the month Tongue
5. Overall Elo Ranking - I would suggest to change elo victory points to be constant, and lose points as well.  Make 10 pts constant for victory and 20 pts standard for loss. So actually battle counts and victories and time spent eloing determine the rank purely.
6. Daily Elo Ranking - who did best effort today most in elo Tongue
7. Weekly Elo Ranking
8. Monthly Elo Ranking
9. Overall Hunters Rankings (Based on Flee count and pokemons (dps) captured by themselves, should not include traded ones.....)
10. Daily Hunter Rankings (Flee per day, plus number of dps captured per day by oneself)
11. Weekly ----
12. Monthly ----
13. Other Achievements  - This section should list miscellaneous achievements like first person to obtain all gym badges after reset is Mr. XYZ
First person to mega x pokemon is y.  Most megas with a person is xyz..  Most MSLs is with mailmeharry2008 (Smile)  Highest overall IVs pokemon is with xyz person. Highest overall battles winner is xyz, Highest wild battles winner , highest npc battles winner is xyz..  And so on there are countless achievements which people love to flaunt upon...

Also as all games shoot a global message that x person encounterd y shiny (it is usually posted in good contrast color so as to separate it from rregular chat messages)..... same can be done in pp as well.... It feels lovely Big Grin

X person mega'ed  Y pokemon....

14. Overall PVP Rankings - based on pvp victories, and losses (same constant scoring by plus 10 victory -20 for loss)
15. Daily ------
16. Weekly  ------
17. Monthly -------

PS - If you think that the already rank 1 player will get all those ranks below as well is not the case, every game get different rank 1s in all such categories, reason being simple being rank 1 means i have less stuff to train and also i may get more lazy so on daily, weekly basis i may be doing less effort as compared to many newbies.
that would be pretty cool Smile
[Image: ezgif-2-1ece84c32476.jpg]
ok so speaking of pokemon rewards, how about collecting a certain amount of pokemon and submiting them, and you get a pokemon reward, the more you get, the better the pokemon reward is? not easy amounts but also they each have to be diffrent, u can not subment 2 of the same pokemon, and... prizes very by class you subment? exp: certaint amoint of shinies earned, shiny pokemon prize..
[Image: ezgif-2-1ece84c32476.jpg]
... Continued from Post no. 28

Internet Equality - I researched much on this and also provided cef with appropriate solution i.e. Cloudflare technology, and most of the Pokemon MMORPGs out there (already told to cef not gonna name them publicly here) uses this technology and its free and the ping to those website from my area is just 20 to 30 ms which is 220 to 300 ms in case of pokemonpets.com currently for me.
I am sure everybody knows how many players do fast hunting as compared to others it all depends on ping to the game server. Minordaddy, somebodyunown, ch17175, ftb_eli and many other US players out there walk double to triple fast as compared to other country players on grass with attractive player on as the game server is in USA. 
So even if a person from other countries increase his bandwidth he is still no match to US Players speed of walking thus making the inequality in game due to internet. 
However with cloudflare technology that most of the pokemon games out there use, reduce that ping to 20 to 30 ms which is excellent for gaming and once this is deployed by cef here even the slowest bandwidth connection of 1mbps will walk equal to that of 100 mbps connection and thus everybody will become hunter in this game so support this idea please everybody.
[Image: done_opt_1.jpg]

I am a Rank Freak. Now hold a legendary record of being Rank 1 in both games Pokemonpets and Monstermmorpg
Dont get confused over username though, it is jecklin over there.

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