Poll: Seperate PVP-ranking (so ELO apart from the regular ranking system)
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(2016-10-07, 03:20 AM)mailmeharry2009 Wrote:
(2016-08-14, 03:53 PM)CeFurkan Wrote: guys you can keep posting i am reading suggestions

also internet equality is something that no  web based game can achieve
Its true it cant be achieved but inequality can be minimized.
So the backup plan i mentioned might ensure the reduction of this inequality at least to some extent.

Yes, i agree with you, it may not be possible to get internet equality, but it is possible to reduce inequality, but also cef is trying too (i guess)
Of course he is tryin' but this task should be of highest priority imo rather than any other thing, thats why i keep emphasizing on this one point.
[Image: done_opt_1.jpg]

I am a Rank Freak. Now hold a legendary record of being Rank 1 in both games Pokemonpets and Monstermmorpg
Dont get confused over username though, it is jecklin over there.
since there are so many new moves when wanting to buy tms there are over 65 pages i believe, how about a filter by sorting by pokemon type? e.g. filter by fairy type moves ect..? might make shopping for tms a bit faster while wanting to compare moves
[Image: ezgif-2-1ece84c32476.jpg]
(2017-01-22, 11:35 PM)sea2003main Wrote: since there are so many new moves when wanting to buy tms there are over 65 pages i believe, how about a filter by sorting by pokemon type? e.g. filter by fairy type moves ect..? might make shopping for tms a bit faster while wanting to compare moves

good idea noted
(2017-01-25, 04:43 PM)CeFurkan Wrote:
(2017-01-22, 11:35 PM)sea2003main Wrote: since there are so many new moves when wanting to buy tms there are over 65 pages i believe, how about a filter by sorting by pokemon type? e.g. filter by fairy type moves ect..? might make shopping for tms a bit faster while wanting to compare moves

good idea noted

thanks Big Grin
[Image: ezgif-2-1ece84c32476.jpg]
love it Smile
This sounds super cool! I agree, and support all, besides a separate pvp ranking. I like it all "mixed" into the one rank.
follower pokemon would be cool.. but each indivdual pokemon would need an overworld sprite and that would take alot of time..
why am i overthinking this?
This has been bothering me for a little while, but it's a minor issue. When people post links to their pokemon, it just shows a link. Can we have something a little fancier, like when a link to a pokemon's details are posted, it shows the pokemon.
For Example
would show
Shiny Garchomp - Rash - Lvl 100 - 61 IV. 
Something along those lines would be nice. Ty
I dont know if this has been mentioned yet but for #5 Spriters resource has allot of overworld sprites and to add on i think it would be neat if this would based off of a seventh pokemon or "pet" pokemon so you dont have to alter your team to have the right pokemon following you

All of these ideas are great but one idea bugs me. The quests. I’m not saying the idea is bad just if it gets implemented and you’ve done the quest already you should automatically be able to collect the reward. If it’s not implemented like that it’s going to be a tedious grind through all of the quests(at least for me).
мертвая душа
i just say yes.
(2016-06-29, 05:48 PM)mailmeharry2009 Wrote: This quest system is really nice and i support it and all others ideas are very good as well. But first and foremost separate pvp/elo ranking system from pve ranking system.

This quest system should replace currently daily reward system as it is just reward for clicking twice ..... (IMO)

As for ideas, here are few of mine -

1. Day Care - Pokemons level up automatically by putting them in some storage, but not much, daily cap quantity of pokemons in storage to only 1 or 2 and also limit the experience per day as well so that this gives only 1 pokemon of lvl 100 per day.... or the system could be exploited.... and should be meant only for noobs if possible.

2. Ev Center - Eving is pain though still much required thing to be better pvper, and as i see cefs main focus is to shift game towards pvp side, i would suggest this to be like storage as well, daily 1 pokemon can be eved full as per specifications of player automatically..... 

3. Elo and PVP rankings separation as well - Some people like me would enjoy computer vs. battles as i am busy with real life, own a shop have to attend customers on regular intervals, and if doing pvp i lose even if i am capable of beating my opponents due to time limits (Suppose i am doin pvp and customer came i attended and came back to see oh my my i lost to a noob Tongue)
 So PVP is not ideal for working people who plays your game, some kids play game from schools as well, they might be doing it in such way as well and may never win a pvp. So this category of people needs ELO only..... their talent cant be measured in pvp terms and in elo terms instead or with computer where they get ample time to select their moves.

Edit - Tubelight hit for quest ideas - Item Finder Quest - How about making a quest of finding something on random map where a player will have to click on various spots of map to find the reward thing.... rewards can be mega stones or if its too much then masterballs.....rare candies     CPU will generate a random spot x,y on a random map after every hour and will be posted in events page that this map has got this thing go find it now Tongue   (Derived from the original nintendo pokemon games where we use item finder to locate hidden objects.) 

Edit2 - Just for noobs quest those who dont have access to zone 7 - Item Delivery Quest -  Another idea for quest could be item delivery from one map to another without using fly just like ash has to deliver a parcel to prof elm in one of nintendo games.. And he gets rewarded with a GS ball there.... Here we can make random professor like sprite appear in destination and in events page it will be posted that hurry Professor Cefurkan (Smile) wants you to deliver him xyz object, You will get the xyz object as reward too... For successful completion of this quest player must have xyz item in inventory plus he must stand next to cefurkan and click on sprite Big Grin

Edit3- Keep Chat Alive - Best Universal and most needed Quest for game and its always on kinda quest - Post 4000 words on chat and grab a free random common, 8000 uncommon, 16000 rare, 32000 ultra rare 64000 legendary and 128000 words should get you a shiny, none of these will be rb though just randomly generated like wild pokemons......... If anybody succeeds to obtain shiny which may be a hard task, his counter will be reset next day and he can earn same rewards next day....... to add little bit spice in this idea, rather than giving pokemon directly to user, make it a wild like battle and also user has to catch it successfully to obtain it.
Main idea behind this is to keep chat active... CMs can be there to check if anybody is spamming there or not.......to grab freebies.....  If anybody found exploiting this system cms can report it and reward earned can be nullified by Cef later.....
To be continued..... (will add more ideas if my brain lit up its tubelight :p)

That is very informative and i love it

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