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heya, i am new-ish
After playing for a weak or so think it's more then time to catch up and introduce myself so heya i am Glitchling ! ^-^
I am Asociate_Zay, pro PvP player... You can contact me by PM here, PM ingame, or Discord message (message me here or ingame for the discord tag, i change it sometimes). I will PvP anyone that is brave to challenge me.
(2021-07-11, 06:41 AM)paulsharry23 Wrote: hello,
my name is sharry paul i am new here

I am Asociate_Zay, pro PvP player... You can contact me by PM here, PM ingame, or Discord message (message me here or ingame for the discord tag, i change it sometimes). I will PvP anyone that is brave to challenge me.
(2021-06-19, 12:54 AM)Glitchling Wrote: After playing for a weak or so think it's more then time to catch up and introduce myself so heya i am Glitchling ! ^-^

I am Asociate_Zay, pro PvP player... You can contact me by PM here, PM ingame, or Discord message (message me here or ingame for the discord tag, i change it sometimes). I will PvP anyone that is brave to challenge me.
Hello i'm Nash Daves n I'm new here
Hello, good to see you in the forums.

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