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What Sci-Fi are you reading?
I'm currently reading The Three-Body Problem - very popular at the moment, but mostly in China. Was recommended to me by my Chinese colleague. It won the 2015 Hugo Award for Best Novel as well.

I sort of like it, but not to a point of giving it any reward. I'm still reading the first book and it could be easier for me than for some other non-Chinese readers as I have a decent knowledge of Chinese background (Cultural Revolution, etc.). But still... Many other Sci-Fi books impressed me much more than this one.
I don't have much time to read, but now I'm at the end of the first book and finally (after like 200 pages) there is a twist and some intrigue. It's got better, so I'll look up other two books two see how it all ends up Wink
Hmm... Finish the first part and would give it probably 6-7 out of 10, but I talked to a guy who read the whole trilogy and he said that the second part is much more better than the first, so will try that Wink

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