2015-04-15, 03:27 AM
Nice can i join
2015-04-29, 09:43 AM
nice event

2015-05-08, 01:57 PM
Official Test-Run
of a Tier Based
Sign Up, Support, Make this a thing !!!
all infos in the original Post.
M30 - Galliant
2015-05-09, 09:57 AM
i want to participate i will win yes common join this it's amazing

2015-05-10, 07:33 AM
I wanted to participate
2015-05-10, 08:04 AM
(2014-12-08, 03:55 AM)Blau Wrote:Welcome to theOfficalTest-Runof
So, what do you have to expect ?No Pokemon Rewards !BUTA good chunk of goldA FAIRAn EQUALAn AMAZINGTournament !
Since we finally got CeF to at least allow us a Test-Run of the tournament which will provide even odds, fair chances, and quality fun for EVERYBODYWe need to get it set up for sure to Allow Better, Bigger, Pokétastic Rewards for the future.
Tiers this time meansNo Newbie Bashing by pro'sNo FrustrationNo Despair
We are allowed 3 rewards this time, so we will work with 3 tiers to provide all the fairness an event like this deserves !
The Tiers :
Champions Tier :Restrictions : None, everythings allowed.Reward : 160m
Regular Men's Tier :Restrictions : Lvl 100 NO shinies, NO megasReward : 100m
Welcome to PokePets Tier :Restrictions : Lvl 50, NO legends, NO shinies, NO megasReward 50m
Note : Tiers will be adjusted depending on the Participants
Also Note : YOu are allowed to create a Pool out of 8 Pokemons, which need to be registered Up front.You are allowed to switch between the fights out of these 8 Pokemon however you like.
It will be a Single-Elimination based Tournament.we need at least 8 Participants for each tierMeans 8 at first4 in the half finals2 in the finals3Wins necessarySince this is a test run, that should suffice.if we make this a thing, Tiers may expand and Rewards for sure will get better !!!
This tournament is Hosted by
Me [SCM]Blau
Our [Rank 1] mailmeharry2008
Sponsored by
Our [Admin]CeFurkan :16m
Me [SCM]Blau : 254m
Our [Rank 1] mailmeharry2008 : 40m
310m in total.
Sign up by contacting mailmeharry who is in charge of handling the Challonge Part.Or by Pm'ing Blau
Here we got our Links :
How to ?Send a Pm with the SubjectTheUltraAmazingPokePetsTournyTo either harry or melike :
Ingame Name : YourUsername / IDTier : OneOfTheListedTiersTeam :
Reserve :
Very nice piece of text blau
![[Image: biggrin.gif]](https://forum.pokemonpets.com/images/smilies/biggrin.gif)
Lol cool, my pm box gonna be spammed
![[Image: biggrin.gif]](https://forum.pokemonpets.com/images/smilies/biggrin.gif)
2015-05-12, 06:11 AM
im in for champions tier
2015-05-12, 11:00 AM
Can i also participate
2015-05-13, 11:18 AM
2015-05-14, 08:34 PM
(2015-05-13, 11:18 AM)Atharvaa898 Wrote:(2014-12-09, 02:56 AM)SomebodyUnown Wrote: I'm obviously going to win. I think the scoring is kinda making it easy to tie, why can't the points just the total ivs? Its easier to distinguish player submissions that way. Just a thought.
don't be too sure
This was from the first event, which was last year. He tied for first place, so i can be so sure. Check the dates next to the posts so you don't end up posting on an event thats already dead.
![[Image: tyranitar_in_dragon_form_by_black_wing24-d47c29u.jpg]](http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/275/a/2/tyranitar_in_dragon_form_by_black_wing24-d47c29u.jpg)
Beat me? Ha, when Tyranitars fly...
2015-05-21, 01:31 AM
Good luck everyone
2015-05-22, 08:03 AM
I also want to participate
2015-07-08, 05:57 PM
i'll join
(2014-12-09, 02:40 PM)Viresh Kumar Wrote: I also want to participate
(2015-05-10, 08:04 AM)mailmeharry2008 Wrote:(2014-12-08, 03:55 AM)Blau Wrote:Welcome to theOfficalTest-Runof
So, what do you have to expect ?No Pokemon Rewards !BUTA good chunk of goldA FAIRAn EQUALAn AMAZINGTournament !
Since we finally got CeF to at least allow us a Test-Run of the tournament which will provide even odds, fair chances, and quality fun for EVERYBODYWe need to get it set up for sure to Allow Better, Bigger, Pokétastic Rewards for the future.
Tiers this time meansNo Newbie Bashing by pro'sNo FrustrationNo Despair
We are allowed 3 rewards this time, so we will work with 3 tiers to provide all the fairness an event like this deserves !
The Tiers :
Champions Tier :Restrictions : None, everythings allowed.Reward : 160m
Regular Men's Tier :Restrictions : Lvl 100 NO shinies, NO megasReward : 100m
Welcome to PokePets Tier :Restrictions : Lvl 50, NO legends, NO shinies, NO megasReward 50m
Note : Tiers will be adjusted depending on the Participants
Also Note : YOu are allowed to create a Pool out of 8 Pokemons, which need to be registered Up front.You are allowed to switch between the fights out of these 8 Pokemon however you like.
It will be a Single-Elimination based Tournament.we need at least 8 Participants for each tierMeans 8 at first4 in the half finals2 in the finals3Wins necessarySince this is a test run, that should suffice.if we make this a thing, Tiers may expand and Rewards for sure will get better !!!
This tournament is Hosted by
Me [SCM]Blau
Our [Rank 1] mailmeharry2008
Sponsored by
Our [Admin]CeFurkan :16m
Me [SCM]Blau : 254m
Our [Rank 1] mailmeharry2008 : 40m
310m in total.
Sign up by contacting mailmeharry who is in charge of handling the Challonge Part.Or by Pm'ing Blau
Here we got our Links :
How to ?Send a Pm with the SubjectTheUltraAmazingPokePetsTournyTo either harry or melike :
Ingame Name : YourUsername / IDTier : OneOfTheListedTiersTeam :
Reserve :
Very nice piece of text blau
Lol cool, my pm box gonna be spammed
me 2
2015-09-25, 08:51 PM
(This post was last modified: 2015-09-25, 08:54 PM by subject zero.)
very cool to bad it's over
i wished i knew about the game sooner
i wished i knew about the game sooner
i fight Because that's what i was made for
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