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Self-Inflicting Status Mechanic

Back then i already tried to realize this idea, and since I finally got a bit time to stick around,  i wanna try again.

The idea is
Moves which will inflict a status problem to THE USING POKEMON.

Especially 2.

And freeze.

The reason, there are  2 abilities simply useless.
Those being
Flame Body
And Frost Body.

But furthermore with the addition of the Sleeptalk move, i want Rest to put yourself to sleep aswell.

Let me explain:

You heal 100%, and then go ahead and buff up with sleeptalk.
Naturally it'll still be somewhat of a deficit for you're asleep and cannot really defend.

You heal  100% and get frozen, you won't be able to do anything BUT
freeze gives a boost towards your defenses,  and frost body doese too!
Naturally there's still a deficit
You won't benefit too much since even moves not executed consume PP.
Best seen on wild pokemon which you faint directly.
They faint with one of their moves at 249.


A move which will burn yourself 
And then you strike back with the boost of flame body
And eventually anger (more to it later).
Now, the deficit here clearly is
It's an offensive pokemon, it'll take 10% dmg
And burn itself reduces stats.

Now before I'll list you the currently 2 moves I PLANNED TO MERELY TEST IT OUT, I'll go ahead to another thing.

I originally planned for the Artist JasmineMiles to draw 2 megas for Hariyama.
One with an offensive set up
One with a defensive one.

She however sadly quit.
So once i see you're in for it, I'll try my best to get our amazing artist Jordan to draw 2 Pokemon to test it out.

IMPORTANT : naturally we can tweak the abilities, but for that we need testing.

Sooo the moves 

Flaming Dash
Type: Physical 
Base Power : 120 (need to compensate the -% from burn status)
Accuracy : 95
PP : 10

Effect : The move will apply the burning status condition to the user if executed successfully.

Cold Neurology

Type: Status 
Base Power : 1
Accuracy : 1000
PP : 10

Effect : Resets Stat changes of the user and heals 100% of user's HP.
This move will apply freeze status condition to the user if executed successfully.

Yes, we can also tweak the moves,  don't worry!

Now towards the Pokemon which receive them.
NO IDEA! Big Grin

But the fire one should get Anger / Flame Body / Exp. Regen (?)

And the ice one should have  Cautious / Slow Tough / Exp. Regen (?)

Those are the intended ideas (note they were for the hsriyama megas, they would've needed those abis to be viable)

IMPORTANT : It's just to test the mechanic and all and to tweak it, no need to just force it on some pokemon and retrospectively see, that it's super lame.

But it'll allow for ability sets on otherwise still mediocre pokemon later on etc.
And especially for more building options once more!

Let me know what you think!

P.s.: I might tune the thread optically to make it look better later.

M30 - Galliant
i love the idea of flaming dash and cold neurology working out then yeah i believe it should work with the poison and paralysis Smile
This sounds like a very interesting mechanic, i support testing it out.  If it works well, maybe a few new abilities could be added to give even more diversity and team building options.  I also would like to see a move for each of the status effects!
That's the idea Big Grin

M30 - Galliant
Nice idea to feed ice and fire types with more power when they have the required ability. But actually there should be at least one monster from each type, if not more, with such combo possibility.

And btw, no idea why only few support this idea. :/
"Let another man praise thee, and not thine own mouth; a stranger, and not thine own lips." - Proverbs 27:2
"He that loveth pastime, shall be a poor man: and he that loveth wine and oil, shall not be rich." - Proverbs 21:17
sounds great Big Grin would love to see this work
[Image: ezgif-2-1ece84c32476.jpg]
(2017-02-02, 05:51 PM)Mysterium Wrote: Nice idea to feed ice and fire types with more power when they have the required ability. But actually there should be at least one monster from each type, if not more, with such combo possibility.

And btw, no idea why only few support this idea. :/

That's the idea Big Grin
But since i don't know if it'll would make these Abis really as useful as i imagine,  i wanted to test the 2 current existing ones first.
That's also why i want Jordan  (which said yes btw) to draw 2 mons which we can somewhat build specifically for those.

If it indeed works out,  we'd have a base for new abis and especially the mechanic improvement of moves having backwards effects besides stat reduction and recoil.

Staying somewhat true to the real games is important,  but doesn't mean we cannot have something different as well Big Grin

M30 - Galliant
awsome idea blau sir.... well are those moves added for just hariyama?
[Image: 1685761.jpg]
so you suggest new 2 custom moves addition to the game?
(2017-02-06, 08:13 PM)CeFurkan Wrote: so you suggest new 2 custom moves addition to the game?

I suggest testing it out with those  2.

The important fact is that they apply their status moves to the using pokemon, so it'll introduce a mechanic we're currently lacking.

If it works, and proves to be an improvement, we can introduce Abilities like flame body and frost body for other status effects too, and with that more moves. 

That should give us some building options and a ... more versatile ability pool.

M30 - Galliant
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