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Seasonal Rankings System
Seasonal Rankings System 
Update 28-12-2020

[Image: KGD2vql.png]
From now on, there will be 3 month seasons for the following stuff:
[Image: RPaeZL2.png] Endless Tower [Image: RPaeZL2.png]
[Image: Se0WSJK.png] Tournament [Image: Se0WSJK.png]
[Image: H3qewuf.png] ELO [Image: H3qewuf.png]

There will also be 2 yearly seasons that will happen once every year:
[Image: ZHt03vK.png] Pokédex Event [Image: ZHt03vK.png]
[Image: 8DuJSfF.png] Top Trainer Ranking [Image: 8DuJSfF.png]

The Season Periods will be as follows:

[Image: RPaeZL2.png] Endless TowerThe seasons will start every 1st of JanuaryAprilJuly and October. On that day, the previous season will end, and the rewards will be given to every player on the ranking: the better the position, the better the rewards. After this, the ranking will be reset, along with the Maximum Tower Level and the Tier rewards. Each season will last 3 months.

[Image: H3qewuf.png] ELOThe seasons will start every 1st of FebruaryMayAugust and November. On that day, the previous season will end, and the rewards will be given to every player on the ranking: the better the position, the better the rewards. After this, the ranking will be reset, and every player will have 400 ELO score. Each season will last 3 months.

[Image: Se0WSJK.png] TournamentThe seasons will start every 1st of MarchJuneSeptember and December. On that day, the previous season will end, and the rewards will be given to every player on the ranking: the better the position, the better the rewards. After this, the ranking will be reset, along with the Seasonal Official Tournament Points. Each season will last 3 months.

[Image: ZHt03vK.png] Pokédex Event : The season will start on January 1st. On that day, the top trainers on Pokédex Event completion will be awarded (4 times the reward given on regular 3-month seasons) and everyone's Pokédex Event will be erased. The Pokédex Event completion goals will also be reset, so people can obtain Gold Medals again by completing different sections of the Pokédex. The season will last the entire year.

[Image: 8DuJSfF.png] Top TrainerThe season will start on July 1st. On that day, the top trainers on the Global Ranking will be awarded (4 times the reward given on regular 3-month seasons) and everyone's Badge Progress will be erased. The season will last the entire year.

With this method, every month there's at least one Season ending, so players can focus on that one until it ends and then move on to another. Every month, everyone will receive rewards based on their investment!

Of course, the Top 1000 players of each seasons' scores will be historically kept:

  1. Account EXP
  2. Account Level
  3. All Time Maximum Daily Boss Damage
  4. All Times Official Tournaments Points
  5. Average Pokemon EXP
  6. Battle Count
  7. Battle Flee Count
  8. Clan Quest Battles Count
  9. Clan Quest Damage Amount
  10. Different Pokemon Count
  11. Different Pokemon Score
  12. ELO Battle Loss Count
  13. ELO Battle Win Count
  14. ELO Score - This will get reset to 400 at the beginning of each ELO season.
  15. Endless Tower Max Level - This will get reset to 0 at the beginning of each Endless Tower season
  16. Gold Amount
  17. Gold Medals Count
  18. Guild Battle Attack Loss Count
  19. Guild Battle Attack Win Count
  20. Guild Battle Defense Loss Count
  21. Guild Battle Defense Win Count
  22. Pokedex Event Completion - This will get reset to 0 at the beginning of each Pokédex Event season
  23. NPC Battle Count
  24. Official Tournament Battle Count
  25. Official Tournament Battle Win Count
  26. Official Tournament Win Count
  27. Prestige Level
  28. Prestige Points
  29. Referred Players Count
  30. Seasonal Official Tournaments Points - This will get reset to 0 at the beginning of each Tournament season
  31. Silver Medals Count
  32. Top Trainers Score
  33. Total Pokemon EXP
  34. Total Number of Pokemon
  35. Tournaments Coins Count
  36. Verified Referred Players Count
  37. Victorious Battle Count
  38. Victorious NPC Battle Count

[Image: KGD2vql.png]

[Image: Fmo5zOx.png] REWARDS [Image: Fmo5zOx.png]

The following rewards will be awarded to the players at the end of each 3-month Season (ELO, Tournament and Endless Tower):

[Image: D7TfLOa.png]Rank 1[Image: D7TfLOa.png] - 5 Gold Medals + 300 Silver Medals + 1,000,000,000 Gold + 30 Shiny Eggs
[Image: OYfETPF.png]Rank 2[Image: OYfETPF.png] - 4 Gold Medals + 250 Silver Medals + 900,000,000 Gold + 24 Shiny Eggs
[Image: nselF0l.png]Rank 3[Image: nselF0l.png] - 3 Gold Medals + 200 Silver Medals + 800,000,000 Gold + 16 Shiny Eggs
Rank 4-10 - 2 Gold Medals + 160 Silver Medals + 700,000,000 Gold + 10 Shiny Eggs
Rank 11-25 - 1 Gold Medal + 100 Silver Medals + 500,000,000 Gold + 6 Shiny Eggs
Rank 26-50 - 80 Silver Medals + 400,000,000 Gold + 2 Shiny Eggs
Rank 51-100 - 60 Silver Medals + 300,000,000 Gold
Rank 101-200 - 40 Silver Medals + 200,000,000 Gold
Rank 201-500 - 20 Silver Medals + 100,000,000 Gold
Rank 500-1000 - 10 Silver Medals + 50,000,000 Gold
Rank 1000+ - No rewards

The following rewards will be awarded to the players at the end of each 1 year Season (Pokédex Event and Top Trainers Season):

[Image: D7TfLOa.png]Rank 1[Image: D7TfLOa.png] - 20 Gold Medals + 1,200 Silver Medals + 4,000,000,000 Gold + 120 Shiny Eggs
[Image: OYfETPF.png]Rank 2[Image: OYfETPF.png] - 16 Gold Medals + 1,000 Silver Medals + 3,600,000,000 Gold + 96 Shiny Eggs
[Image: nselF0l.png]Rank 3[Image: nselF0l.png] - 12 Gold Medals + 800 Silver Medals + 3,200,000,000 Gold + 64 Shiny Eggs
Rank 4-10 - 8 Gold Medals + 640 Silver Medals + 2,800,000,000 Gold + 40 Shiny Eggs
Rank 11-25 - 4 Gold Medal + 400 Silver Medals + 2,000,000,000 Gold + 24 Shiny Eggs
Rank 26-50 - 320 Silver Medals + 1,600,000,000 Gold + 8 Shiny Eggs
Rank 51-100 - 240 Silver Medals + 1,200,000,000 Gold
Rank 101-200 - 160 Silver Medals + 800,000,000 Gold
Rank 201-500 - 80 Silver Medals + 400,000,000 Gold
Rank 500-1000 - 40 Silver Medals + 200,000,000 Gold
Rank 1000+ - No rewards

The rewards will be automatically delivered at the end of each season and players will be notified through a Private message ingame from the Administration:
[Image: cHdWH19.jpg]

If you need more information about the Top Trainers Ranking Scoring System, you can check this forum post.
Endless Tower Max Level will also give rewards from now on
system and the thread is updated

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