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Hello everyone, since it appears there is quite some confusion about reward box prices (users requesting shinies for common ones, which i find absurd), i'll try to make a fair list for them, based on other prices i've seen so far, time required to win an event and simple common sense:

Common (2 hours): 5 millions at best;

Uncommon (4 hours): 4-6 millions;

Rare (8 hours): 5-8 millions;

Ultra-Rare (16 hours): 8-12 millions;

Starter (24 hours): 60-80 millions;

Legendary (48 hours): 40-80 millions;

Shiny (96 hours): 80-120 millions;

Mega (96 to 768 hours): basic cost + cost of gem

These prices might even drop in future, when reward box will grow in quantity; that's my opinion, if you want to share your view on the matter, please discuss below!
Thank you for your suggested prices.
Here are my recommendations as well (based on the current trend):

Non-megable Reward Box Pokemons
LEGENDARY: 40,000,000+++
STARTER: 60,000,000+++
SHINY: 100,000,000+++
SHINY-LEGENDARY: 250,000,000+++

Megable Reward Box Pokemons
LEGENDARY: 55,000,000+++
STARTER: 75,000,000+++
SHINY: 200,000,000+++
SHINY-LEGENDARY: 350,000,000+++

Then add the cost of the Transformation Gem.

Disclaimer: Prices above are mere recommendations and not actual. Prices are subjective and may vary from player to player.
Hey! I have Noivern Reward Box(Megable), so I can sell him for 10milions $ ?
I appreciate the pricing you suggested.

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