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New my system value, i'm not want fighting
I'm remake this system, more example, anyone give opinion for me ?
First, sorry all because my english not good. If u a newbie, pls read one of this before read my post:
Some old fox took adventage newbies to benefit so much..How to avoid this ?
Here my SVP - System Value of Pkm: 
*Maybe all pkm separate 4 class: A-B-C-D (depend on elemental, ability, base stat, movepool). Nature and iv seperate 4 rate: I (perfect), II (good), III (average) and IV (bad)..We will discuss which legend pkm belong to class A-B-C..Ex: Mew2, Kyogre, Groudon, Kyurem-w, class A / Moltres, Mew, Terakion, class B..
*Some pkm not legendary, but strong as same as legend class B like Slaking, Tyrarnitar, Garchomp, Metagross, Salamence..Almost starter and some not legend but strong (or useful) same class C like Gengar, Excadrill, Aegislash, Carbink..etc..Some pkm useless like Unown..We will discuss and rate all pkm in this web game
*About C-iv (calculate iv-depend on base stat, nature, ability, movepool): 

 -With a sweeper pkm which good speed, not good def,sp.def, so iv in damage and speed very important,
it have c-iv Sweep: x2.1 in iv atk (or sp.atk)& spd + 0.6x total iv hp+def+sp.def, iv useless not calculate and /6. 
If result equal or > 26, it's rate I (perfect), 20~25 rate II, 12~19 rate III
   Ex: a Kyurem white modest nature, iv: sp.atk 24, spd 27, hp-def-sp.def 28, atk 17, 
        c-iv = (24+27)x2.1 + (28+28+28)x0.6 / 6 = 26.25, we can see this rate I (perfect).

 -With a wall pkm eg Shuckle very high def,sp.def but very low other stats, so have c-iv Wall: 3 iv important (def+sp.def)x 2 + (hpx1.8) + (atk or sp.atk/5) /6
   ex: a Shuckle nt sassy, all iv 24, c-iv=(24+24)x2 + (24x1.8) + (24/5) / 6 = 24, rate II
   But another eg Deoxys defence a little different, c-iv: (def+sp.def)x2 + hpx1.5 + (atk or sp.atk/3) + (spd/6) / 6

 -With a tanker pkm have ability slow strong (Giratina-O..) or good damage, decent defence, average speed (Metagross) 
 have c-iv Tank: iv atk (or sp.atk) x2 + (def+sp.def) x1.4 + hp + (spd/5) / 6

 -Some pkm very special like Kyoswarm, with ability slow touch - attack master, good movepool, if nt adamant, it have c-iv tank. 
But if nt quiet, it have c-iv special: (atk+def+sp.def) x1.5 + sp.atk + (hp/2) / 6. 
   Ex: a Kyoswarm nt quiet sp.atk 22, def-sp.def 26, atk-hp 7, spd 20,    c-iv = (7+26+26)x1.5 + 22 + 3.5 / 6 = 19 (near good), rate III

 -Some pkm like Giratina with good base stat, decent damage, ability slow touch-camouflage, have c-iv = (def+sp.def)x1.7 + 1.5x atk(or sp.atk) + hp + (spd/10) / 6

*About calculate price:
  -Shiny legend class A:

 Nt bad:         40m    x if  [iv bad x1 / iv avr x1.2 / iv good x1.4 / iv perf x1.6] 
 Nt average: 45~55m x if [  x1  /  x1.2   /  x1.5  /   x2.5   ]
 Nt good:     60~70m x if [  x1  / x1.25  / x2.2~ /  x3.5~ ] 
 Nt perfect:     77m  x  if [  x1  / x1.5~ /  x2.8~ /  x4.5~ ]

  Ex: a s-kyogre nt modest c-iv 25 (near perfect) is 77 x (3.8~4.2) = 292~323m
       a s-rayquaza nt jolly  c-iv 18  is 77 x (2.1~2.4) = 161~184m
 -Legend class A: x iv same s-legend A

  Nt bad:       1.5m 
  Nt average: 2~3m
  Nt good:       5m
  Nt perfect:   8.5m
Ex: a zekrom nt jolly c-iv 15 is 8.5 x ~2 = ~17m

-Shiny useless: 15~30m

-Shiny pkm class B= 90% (legend), 80% (not legend) value class A, class C= 70%, class D= 40%. Ex: a s-entei (cl B) nt jolly c-iv 26 = 345 x 0.9 = 310m

-Reward box pkm can change nt, so = value perfect x 1.25 . Same way with starter and shiny only can catch in event (like mew2), but in future normal and event will same price. 
Ex: a kyogre rb = 8.5 x 5 x 1.25 = ~54m, a s-blaziken (shiny event class C) nt adamant c-iv 22 = 77 x 3.2 x 0.7 (70% class) x 1.25 (event) = 215m

This system not perfect now, but hope everyone make it better..
If hardy, 15days can earn 450m but in 15days u can find a perfect shiny legend ? not sure..

Note (for newbies): price of a very good pokemon is very figurative..if someone ask buy/trade yours, keep your mind thinking carefully, trade with same good pkm always safety

Now i will make test some shiny perfect or good nature pkm with this system:
- Kyogre sassy (good) , tanker = ~102m
- Mew2 naive (good), spe sweeper = ~134m (event)
- Groudon adamant (perf), tanker = ~152m (event)
- Dialga quiet (good), tanker = ~198m
- Giratina relaxed (perf), = ~154m
- Yveltal rash (good), spe sweeper = ~188m
- Kyurem-w timid (perf), spe sweeper = ~177m
- Tyranitar adamant (perf), tanker = ~121m (event)
Class pkm of my opinion:
- Class A: legend bs > 660, Mewdeoxy, Deoxys normal-attack, Blastoggron, Sceptizard-X, Darkrai, Shaymin-sky, Landorus, Genesect all form
- Class B: legend bs 560~660 (except some in A and C), Spiriban, Salamence, Dragonite, Tyranitar, Metagross, Garchomp..(need more opinion)
- Class C: legend bs < 560 (expect Spiriban), Azeft, Mesprit, Uxie, Regice, Registeel, Regirock, Hoopa, Shuckle, Gengar, Scizor, Excadrill..(more opinion)

@satra: u said someone sell a s-legend rb only 300m, next time if u know who maybe do it, remember tell me, i will buy it. Thanks
:p i dont have the s legend rb all i said is there were one sold for 300m lol
[Image: satra%20excadrill%20sig.png]
nice i love this
I did 2 slight adjustments to your post: 
1) baiting other users saying that people 'abuse' stuff
2) your personal comment towards another user 

Also, a slight addition, pricing of pokemons is subjective and people ARE ALLOWED to follow your reasoning, but do not have to in any way, because I actually don't agree with half of the prizes you've put there.

I followed your discussion with UMAR, satra227 and ftb_eli on chat when this subject came up.. and I'll repeat what I said back then: If one user decides on finding it a fair price, you have no reason to interfere whatsoever. 

Now, if people like this, that means your OPINION is shared by others, but does not mean that people MUST follow.
Quote:You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.  -Winston Churchill
P.S. Unlisted you can't find me here ;-)
Lol, u see in my post (many words) have i said all people MUST do this ? and i understand this world not paradise Sleepy
I'm only trying find a approximately calculation..
Now, u can show me what exactly u don't agree and reason..maybe i'm fix it
I'll just say one thing:Event pokes are not worth more than normal pokes. They're all catchable at one point and pricing them higher because they're from an event is ridiculous and foolish. I also don't agree w/ any of your prices.
[Image: tyranitar_in_dragon_form_by_black_wing24-d47c29u.jpg]

Beat me? Ha, when Tyranitars fly...

(2015-10-25, 07:06 PM)ch17175 Wrote: I'll just say one thing:Event pokes are not worth more than normal pokes. They're all catchable at one point and pricing them higher because they're from an event is ridiculous and foolish. I also don't agree w/ any of your prices.

Sell me a few thousand shiny-mewtwos for 40mil each
(2015-10-25, 07:06 PM)ch17175 Wrote: I'll just say one thing:Event pokes are not worth more than normal pokes. They're all catchable at one point and pricing them higher because they're from an event is ridiculous and foolish. I also don't agree w/ any of your prices.
Why ridiculos and foolish ? No one can have free time 18/24 for hunting, so didn't know time pkm which love will appear..In future, event pkm cannot worth more than normal but not now..
If u don't agree why u not tell reason ? I need more opinion for my calculation..I'm also fixed price eg that Giratina
(2015-10-26, 12:23 PM)General_StevN Wrote:
(2015-10-25, 07:06 PM)ch17175 Wrote: I'll just say one thing:Event pokes are not worth more than normal pokes. They're all catchable at one point and pricing them higher because they're from an event is ridiculous and foolish. I also don't agree w/ any of your prices.
Why ridiculos and foolish ? No one can have free time 18/24 for hunting, so didn't know time pkm which love will appear..In future, event pkm cannot worth more than normal but not now..
If u don't agree why u not tell reason ? I need more opinion for my calculation..I'm also fixed price eg that Giratina

its all about luck dude shinys come and go all the time
(2015-10-26, 12:23 PM)General_StevN Wrote:
(2015-10-25, 07:06 PM)ch17175 Wrote: I'll just say one thing:Event pokes are not worth more than normal pokes. They're all catchable at one point and pricing them higher because they're from an event is ridiculous and foolish. I also don't agree w/ any of your prices.
Why ridiculos and foolish ? No one can have free time 18/24 for hunting, so didn't know time pkm which love will appear..In future, event pkm cannot worth more than normal but not now..
If u don't agree why u not tell reason ? I need more opinion for my calculation..I'm also fixed price eg that Giratina

Let's see.. why would an event pokemon possibly be less expensive than one you can find in the wild.
- You are able to find up to IV 30 in the wild.
This would mean that e.g. I can find a jolly Buneary with atk 30 and speed 30, making it faster and stronger than any reward box.

Some people's internet may be faster and they can hunt more than the average user, part of the game.

Prices have been dropped due to the fact that people can obtain reward box/event pokemon, but this is not the only reason.
- More people started hunting for themselves.
- Hunting became easier, thanks to the "no-run-feature".
- Due to people overpricing their stuff (e.g. a bad legendary for 10m) people stopped turning to the market for help.
- As mentioned by ch17175, all pokemon can be found at some point.
- Some people have problems getting gold, so in order to make a quick sale, lowering of prizes is necessary.
- New players get help from veteran players, giving a rather good pokemon, so these new players don't need them anymore, thus another player stopping to check the market prices.
- People just slap a price on everything.. sad but true
- Probably more reasons.
Quote:You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.  -Winston Churchill
P.S. Unlisted you can't find me here ;-)
(2015-10-26, 12:44 PM)Let\s see.. why would an event pokemon possibly be less expensive than one you can find in the wild. Wrote: - You are able to find up to IV 30 in the wild.
This would mean that e.g. I can find a jolly Buneary with atk 30 and speed 30, making it faster and stronger than any reward box.

Some people's internet may be faster and they can hunt more than the average user, part of the game.
Find a perfect nt iv 30-30 in wild very difficult, special in shiny..And if 30-30 but other iv below 10, i think it not perfect..In pvp, a sweeper 26-26 and good iv defense very useful, sometime will help u survive and win
I think my calculate c-iv near perfect..About price, very hard, a very good pkm not a corporeal price
very hard to read

use new lines

organize better

perhaps use images videos
(2015-10-29, 11:10 AM)CeFurkan Wrote: very hard to read

use new lines

organize better

perhaps use images videos
Thanks CeF..Some fix, will easier..and i d't know how use images videos..Big Grin

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