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Nations Cup (International Tournament)
Teams are not enough, so i am cancelling the tournament.
We can do nothing with 5 teams
We need at least 8 teams.But nobody applies.
I am sorry  

In this tournament, nobody will fight solo.
This won`t be a 1vs1 fight.
All fights will be Team vs. Team
There will 3 same-nation players in a team.Teams will have names.
For example, 3 Americans will create a team.They will give a name to team, and they will write to me on game or on forum.(My nickname is farukhakan in game too)
But if you can`t find somebody on your nation, you can create a team with another nations players.For example, if you are from Philipinnes and there is nobody from Philipinnes on the game, you can create a team with an Israeli and Pakistani.

And, you don`t have to create a team before apply to tournament.You can apply alone, and then I will create a team for alone - participants.Of course if there won`t be 3 people to apply alone, i can`t create a team for them.So if you create a team before apply, this will be good for everybody.

This tournament will have an elimination system.
Teams will draw by a drawing website.

Team`s members will fight with other team`s members.
For example in A team, there are 3 players and their names are X,Y,Z.
In B team, there are 3 players and their names are Q,T,P.

X chooses Q to fight.
T chooses Z to fight.
P chooses Y to fight.

They will make 1 match and which team will have more victories, this team will qualify.
At the end of the tournament, there will be a 3rd placer match between the teams of semi-final losers.


1st Teams Awards:

1-Shiny Mewdeoxy

2-Shiny Charmander

3-Shiny Dialga

2nd Teams Awards:
12 million golds.(4m per a person in the team)

3rd Teams Awards:
6 million golds. (2m per a person in the team)

Tournament will start on
10th July of 2016.
The starting hour is not guarantee yet.I will annonce it in a week

NOTE: You can use all pokemons on tournament.Shiny, Shiny-mega-legendary, common etc...


-->Noob Team (Mexico,Nicaragua and Peru)

-->Random Team-1 (India,Canada,Indonesia)

-->Pika (From Turkey)
*Zaza Donuyor

-->Fatal 3 (From U.S.A)
*Whistling Lols

--> (From Turkey)
(2016-06-26, 05:01 PM)farukhakan Wrote:
In this tournament, nobody will fight solo.
This won`t be a 1vs1 fight.
All fights will be Team vs. Team
There will 3 same-nation players in a team.Teams will have names.
For example, 3 Americans will create a team.They will give a name to team, and they will write to me on game or on forum.(My nickname is farukhakan in game too)
But if you can`t find somebody on your nation, you can create a team with another nations players.For example, if you are from Philipinnes and there is nobody from Philipinnes on the game, you can create a team with an Israeli and Pakistani.

And, you don`t have to create a team before apply to tournament.You can apply alone, and then I will create a team for alone - joiners.Of course if there won`t be 3 people to apply alone, i can`t create a team.So if you create a team before apply, this will be good for everybody.

This tournament will have an elimination system.
Teams will draw by a drawing website.

Team`s members will fight with other team`s members.
For example in A team, there are 3 players and their names are X,Y,Z.
In B team, there are 3 players and their names are Q,T,P.

X chooses Q to fight.
T chooses Z to fight.
P chooses Y to fight.

They will make 1 match and which team will have more victories, this team will qualify.
At the end of the tournament, there will be a 3rd placer match between the teams of semi-final losers.


1st Teams Awards:
3 Shinies.(Not shiny-legend.Normal shinies)

2nd Teams Awards:
12 million golds.

3rd Teams Awards:
6 million golds.

great thinking
When is tour starting
(2016-06-26, 05:01 PM)farukhakan Wrote:
In this tournament, nobody will fight solo.
This won`t be a 1vs1 fight.
All fights will be Team vs. Team
There will 3 same-nation players in a team.Teams will have names.
For example, 3 Americans will create a team.They will give a name to team, and they will write to me on game or on forum.(My nickname is farukhakan in game too)
But if you can`t find somebody on your nation, you can create a team with another nations players.For example, if you are from Philipinnes and there is nobody from Philipinnes on the game, you can create a team with an Israeli and Pakistani.

And, you don`t have to create a team before apply to tournament.You can apply alone, and then I will create a team for alone - joiners.Of course if there won`t be 3 people to apply alone, i can`t create a team.So if you create a team before apply, this will be good for everybody.

This tournament will have an elimination system.
Teams will draw by a drawing website.

Team`s members will fight with other team`s members.
For example in A team, there are 3 players and their names are X,Y,Z.
In B team, there are 3 players and their names are Q,T,P.

X chooses Q to fight.
T chooses Z to fight.
P chooses Y to fight.

They will make 1 match and which team will have more victories, this team will qualify.
At the end of the tournament, there will be a 3rd placer match between the teams of semi-final losers.


1st Teams Awards:
3 Shinies.(Not shiny-legend.Normal shinies)

2nd Teams Awards:
12 million golds.

3rd Teams Awards:
6 million golds.

Tournament will start on 05.06.2016

NOTE: You can use all pokemons on tournament.Shiny, Shiny-mega-legendary, common etc...

im in
[Image: tumblr_n18oaiXknd1tt3pduo1_500.gif]
(2016-06-26, 06:01 PM)kunwarkharbanda Wrote: When is tour starting
10th july

i wrote it on the article
i would like to apply 

       i'll get a team,
                              i'm kane001 partner Big Grin need 1 more

can you get me 1 more partner?
[Image: ezgif-2-1ece84c32476.jpg]
I'll Join
Like the idea, good luck with it!

M30 - Galliant
The starting date has changed

Tournament will start on 10th July of 2016.

if you want to join, please write this too;
Do you make a team with your citizens ? Or you are applying alone ?
If you are applying alone, i will put you a random team.And you will fight with this team.
This team may be so weak, or so strong.So if you can make a team before join the tournament, this will be good for you.
i dont have a team but you can throw me in with other randoms
(2016-06-30, 08:40 PM)Whistling lols Wrote: i dont have a team but you can throw me in with other randoms

i will put you into a random team
Ill join .
u can reschedule the timing with same team also add me, sea2003mai and viresh kumar in new team :D

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