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Limited Edition Competion By Malachi
Limited Edition Competion By Malachi
(Due to inservere lost of no one replying this thread will be deleted
Hello there and welcome to my limited edition competion ^^

Anyone is allowed to join in

No Swearing
No Violence and No Tolerating

Ok this comp is only run by me and me only so listen up

You have to make me entertained in this thread otherwise I delete this thread with all your work along with it
Any method can be used such as fighting, rapping, singing etc.

1st place: A choice on my pokes not my legends or shiny since I am poor
2nd place: Some gold
3rd place : I will hunt a pokemon for you *max:2*

Have fun !!
(2015-11-02, 12:55 PM)Glaceon Wrote: Limited Edition Competion By Malachi

Hello there and welcome to my limited edition competion ^^

Anyone is allowed to join in

No Swearing
No Violence and No Tolerating

Ok this comp is only run by me and me only so listen up

You have to make me entertained in this thread otherwise I delete this thread with all your work along with it
Any method can be used such as fighting, rapping, singing etc.

1st place: A choice on my pokes not my legends or shiny since I am poor
2nd place: Some gold
3rd place : U can do watever u want with me

Have fun !!

You might want to rephrase the third place reward....

M30 - Galliant
Quote:You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.  -Winston Churchill
P.S. Unlisted you can't find me here ;-)
I will start this thread with some jokes.

Whats the difference between roast beef and pea soup?
You can roast beef but you can't pea soup.

I'm going bananas! Is what I say to my bananas when I leave the house.
Some Day You'll Leave This World Behind,
So Live a Life You Will Remember
-Avicii: The Nights
This is the meter
I will update this meter every single day
   Bad          Adverage          Good
Quote:You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.  -Winston Churchill
P.S. Unlisted you can't find me here ;-)
a large man went in a restaurant for a job as a waiter the manger said 
u cant serve food fat people make other want to stop eating Big Grin
i fight Because that's what i was made for                              [Image: view?resolution=2560x1600&file=MjM4OXgxO...g4Nl93YQ==]
a guy walks into a candy store and said i will like to have some gumdrops. the Clerk said why would u want gum that's been dropped Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin
i fight Because that's what i was made for                              [Image: view?resolution=2560x1600&file=MjM4OXgxO...g4Nl93YQ==]
ha ha ha
[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS-tfUb2gC5IwntG5iml9_...H1kQu2hqeE]
I probably won't make the meter go any higher by saying this right?
(2015-11-22, 10:23 AM)CrystalTheDragon Wrote: I probably won't make the meter go any higher by saying this right?

u just did
what does a sharpedo say when it hits a wall
"dam" it
[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS-tfUb2gC5IwntG5iml9_...H1kQu2hqeE]
what does a trainer say to a cubone before he tries to catch it  buckle up bonehead ur going to be caught
What pokemon can count up to three in Spanish Artic-uno, Zap-dos and Mol-tres.
[Image: -Breaking-Dawn-pt-2-twilight-series-3835...0-1080.jpg]
What pokemon is low fat? Butter-free!
[Image: -Breaking-Dawn-pt-2-twilight-series-3835...0-1080.jpg]
Thanks for sharing, i like it

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