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Holding Cm to high morals
casual player n somewhat not experience player, they see CM as players who they can trust asking question of what is good from what is not. These players are a open target for certain CM since there's no rule about CM engaging in fair trades. I know their jobs is to monitor chats enforcing rules but again they are the closest thing that represent u. So there's a feeling of trust. Overall, we experience players know they are players 1st...CM 2nd. Along with this, there's no rules to protect a player from scams or total unfair trades. 

Suggestion: 1.Holding Cm's to a high standard, where they can not rip off a player when the person is asking for help or trusting for fair trade. If the community sees a total one sided trade, then they can report that Cm. Only okay if the other player is totally fine with the trade after knowing they lost huge on a trade(losing 100m or more on a trade). 2. Or u can not change anything about how they conduct themselves but put in rules or somewhere telling players CM are players primarily so just like you they will look for advantages in trading for profit, there's no rules for trading/selling pokes for so be cautious. 

*Only witness this a few times, so not saying all Cm are taking advantage of player and overall they are representing u well.
*Made this after trying to make precaution on a 2bil trade and Cm was outrage that I did not trust him to do a double trade since price max is 999mil per trade or selling. After he cancelled trade even with a 100mil discount which is absurd since he knows the risk of these type of trades. 

*Overall, if you can't conduct in fairness regulating rules and helping inexperience players as a Cm, it's not a job for u.
[Image: Arcanine.full.51846.jpg]
CMs are CMs first, playersandconddly.
Report a CM cause what? He played the game?
People misjudge our roles.
We are there to monitor chat, and that alone.
Every answered question, is a bonus mile (: .

While i do clearly see your point, and my very First guide got created, to prevent ppayers from being ripped off, going Against their mod Status or anything, has to be absolutely out of the question.

There are enough of fair trade guides around these days, which you could link.

Well, trust is one thing.
Back then i sold several shinies, By letting people purchase several 9.999.999g
Before offering on the shiny itself.
Currently, i'm having items worth 5b on me, from dryden.

While CMs are indeed Authority, everything outside the Chat is beyond their jurisdiction.

Trust. Is something that has to be earned.
You ain't signing every paper without reading through aswell, eh?
No matter if it's your mother or your lawyer.

Once again, i do see and support your point.
But CM and Trade, are 2things not related.

Personally,let's take any CM as an example.
Ch17175,  he is doing an excellent job, and i would almost feel personally attacked, if he'd loosing cmship cause someone made a bad trade....
Cause one last time (really last time^^) ability to monitor chat, got nothing to do with how they play, and one last time here aswell, not trying to justify anything, or giving Thema a free pass to Do what they please.

Furthermore, i'd suggest implementing a Button on the Market.
A Fair Trade Button.
Either Linking to a guide which Simply states some minimal values and a short explanation on what increases values, which got constantly updated,
Or leads to a seperate trade option where minimum prices are set.
10k for rare
100k for UR
1.5m for legi 
30m for shinies.
Something like that. 

M30 - Galliant
(2015-11-16, 02:04 AM)Blau Wrote: Wrong.
CMs are CMs first, playersandconddly.
Report a CM cause what? He played the game?
People misjudge our roles.
We are there to monitor chat, and that alone.
Every answered question, is a bonus mile (: .

While i do clearly see your point, and my very First guide got created, to prevent ppayers from being ripped off, going Against their mod Status or anything, has to be absolutely out of the question.

There are enough of fair trade guides around these days, which you could link.

Well, trust is one thing.
Back then i sold several shinies, By letting people purchase several 9.999.999g
Before offering on the shiny itself.
Currently, i'm having items worth 5b on me, from dryden.

While CMs are indeed Authority, everything outside the Chat is beyond their jurisdiction.

Trust. Is something that has to be earned.
You ain't signing every paper without reading through aswell, eh?
No matter if it's your mother or your lawyer.

Once again, i do see and support your point.
But CM and Trade, are 2things not related.

Personally,let's take any CM as an example.
Ch17175,  he is doing an excellent job, and i would almost feel personally attacked, if he'd loosing cmship cause someone made a bad trade....
Cause one last time (really last time^^) ability to monitor chat, got nothing to do with how they play, and one last time here aswell, not trying to justify anything, or giving Thema a free pass to Do what they please.

Furthermore, i'd suggest implementing a Button on the Market.
A Fair Trade Button.
Either Linking to a guide which Simply states some minimal values and a short explanation on what increases values, which got constantly updated,
Or leads to a seperate trade option where minimum prices are set.
10k for rare
100k for UR
1.5m for legi 
30m for shinies.
Something like that. 

Just like u agreed with some things that was stated, I reciprocate. Suggestion of a button is good showing a player a bad version price vs a good version. Also on the ch example I gave a second option where in the rules it just warns players not to trust anyone without thinking even players with titles since there are no trade rules.
[Image: Arcanine.full.51846.jpg]
(2015-11-16, 02:22 AM)currychicken Wrote:
(2015-11-16, 02:04 AM)Blau Wrote: Wrong.
CMs are CMs first, playersandconddly.
Report a CM cause what? He played the game?
People misjudge our roles.
We are there to monitor chat, and that alone.
Every answered question, is a bonus mile (: .

While i do clearly see your point, and my very First guide got created, to prevent ppayers from being ripped off, going Against their mod Status or anything, has to be absolutely out of the question.

There are enough of fair trade guides around these days, which you could link.

Well, trust is one thing.
Back then i sold several shinies, By letting people purchase several 9.999.999g
Before offering on the shiny itself.
Currently, i'm having items worth 5b on me, from dryden.

While CMs are indeed Authority, everything outside the Chat is beyond their jurisdiction.

Trust. Is something that has to be earned.
You ain't signing every paper without reading through aswell, eh?
No matter if it's your mother or your lawyer.

Once again, i do see and support your point.
But CM and Trade, are 2things not related.

Personally,let's take any CM as an example.
Ch17175,  he is doing an excellent job, and i would almost feel personally attacked, if he'd loosing cmship cause someone made a bad trade....
Cause one last time (really last time^^) ability to monitor chat, got nothing to do with how they play, and one last time here aswell, not trying to justify anything, or giving Thema a free pass to Do what they please.

Furthermore, i'd suggest implementing a Button on the Market.
A Fair Trade Button.
Either Linking to a guide which Simply states some minimal values and a short explanation on what increases values, which got constantly updated,
Or leads to a seperate trade option where minimum prices are set.
10k for rare
100k for UR
1.5m for legi 
30m for shinies.
Something like that. 

Just like u agreed with some things that was stated, I reciprocate. Suggestion of a button is good showing a player a bad version price vs a good version. Also on the ch example I gave a second option where in the rules it just warns players not to trust anyone without thinking even players with titles since there are no trade rules.

Ye, you did. But let's be honest, how many people read the rules?^^

M30 - Galliant
(2015-11-16, 02:34 AM)Blau Wrote:
(2015-11-16, 02:22 AM)currychicken Wrote:
(2015-11-16, 02:04 AM)Blau Wrote: Wrong.
CMs are CMs first, playersandconddly.
Report a CM cause what? He played the game?
People misjudge our roles.
We are there to monitor chat, and that alone.
Every answered question, is a bonus mile (: .

While i do clearly see your point, and my very First guide got created, to prevent ppayers from being ripped off, going Against their mod Status or anything, has to be absolutely out of the question.

There are enough of fair trade guides around these days, which you could link.

Well, trust is one thing.
Back then i sold several shinies, By letting people purchase several 9.999.999g
Before offering on the shiny itself.
Currently, i'm having items worth 5b on me, from dryden.

While CMs are indeed Authority, everything outside the Chat is beyond their jurisdiction.

Trust. Is something that has to be earned.
You ain't signing every paper without reading through aswell, eh?
No matter if it's your mother or your lawyer.

Once again, i do see and support your point.
But CM and Trade, are 2things not related.

Personally,let's take any CM as an example.
Ch17175,  he is doing an excellent job, and i would almost feel personally attacked, if he'd loosing cmship cause someone made a bad trade....
Cause one last time (really last time^^) ability to monitor chat, got nothing to do with how they play, and one last time here aswell, not trying to justify anything, or giving Thema a free pass to Do what they please.

Furthermore, i'd suggest implementing a Button on the Market.
A Fair Trade Button.
Either Linking to a guide which Simply states some minimal values and a short explanation on what increases values, which got constantly updated,
Or leads to a seperate trade option where minimum prices are set.
10k for rare
100k for UR
1.5m for legi 
30m for shinies.
Something like that. 

Just like u agreed with some things that was stated, I reciprocate. Suggestion of a button is good showing a player a bad version price vs a good version. Also on the ch example I gave a second option where in the rules it just warns players not to trust anyone without thinking even players with titles since there are no trade rules.

Ye, you did. But let's be honest, how many people read the rules?^^

Yeah but at least add it to say there was a warning, rather than flat out nothing. Another suggestion would be to put the rules on the log in page so it's right there in their faces.
[Image: Arcanine.full.51846.jpg]
well you could have used my name as well,u asked me to offer my mega-shiny with the money so that the trade is safe for "you".What about me?what if the one getting scammed was me?fyi I have been offered much more than the remaining money which I had to pay to u for my mega-shinies.and if I had offered my mega-shiny how would the trade be safe for me?your thread is as much pointless as your point are trying to show things a different way.I 100% agree with blau that game and chat are 2 totally different things.
Don't want the post to be insanely long, so no direct reply.

Making people agree to rules, like to terms n cinditions, is an idea, at least as long around as me being cm.(year atleast)
Soo, that is that, never seems to actually be necessary, but by making a trivial site, 
With some newbie info, or adding a footnote to the already existing tutorial Page, might be a better aproach

M30 - Galliant
(2015-11-16, 09:10 AM)umarwaseem439 Wrote: well you could have used my name as well,u asked me to offer my mega-shiny with the money so that the trade is safe for "you".What about me?what if the one getting scammed was me?fyi I have been offered much more than the remaining money which I had to pay to u for my mega-shinies.and if I had offered my mega-shiny how would the trade be safe for me?your thread is as much pointless as your point are trying to show things a different way.I 100% agree with blau that game and chat are 2 totally different things.

your going to get scammed trading a non rb sm with 999,999,999mil when i'm offering a sm arceus in exchange that more than 2 bil. HOW ARE YOU GOING TO BE SCAMMED? I was the one taking all the risk and for a Cm u were encouraging me to be unsafe with my trades. What was offered was a meowth with 999,999,999mil and u never mention anything about worry about scam, u were just insulted that I was taking precaution n not trusting u.Nothing was different, than what u said. End of point
[Image: Arcanine.full.51846.jpg]
Thread closed, point has long since been made. No longer productive
[Image: tyranitar_in_dragon_form_by_black_wing24-d47c29u.jpg]

Beat me? Ha, when Tyranitars fly...


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