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Daily Rewards System
Just because you don't cheat means you'll get a daily reward. The title is misleading, since its impossible to win a daily reward every day, or every week for that matter
[Image: tyranitar_in_dragon_form_by_black_wing24-d47c29u.jpg]

Beat me? Ha, when Tyranitars fly...

(2016-01-31, 08:51 PM)ch17175 Wrote: Just because you don't cheat means you'll get a daily reward. The title is misleading, since its impossible to win a daily reward every day, or every week for that matter

Tell that to daeva haha :p

M30 - Galliant
Lol, true
[Image: tyranitar_in_dragon_form_by_black_wing24-d47c29u.jpg]

Beat me? Ha, when Tyranitars fly...

(2016-01-31, 08:51 PM)ch17175 Wrote: Just because you don't cheat means you'll get a daily reward. The title is misleading, since its impossible to win a daily reward every day, or every week for that matter

I have been doing it for just under 3 weeks and still won nothing the starter reward is now x25 how high do you need to go?????
(2016-01-31, 10:49 PM)Blau Wrote:
(2016-01-31, 08:51 PM)ch17175 Wrote: Just because you don't cheat means you'll get a daily reward. The title is misleading, since its impossible to win a daily reward every day, or every week for that matter

Tell that to daeva haha :p

You called? Tongue
(2016-02-01, 05:31 AM)russ3344 Wrote:
(2016-01-31, 08:51 PM)ch17175 Wrote: Just because you don't cheat means you'll get a daily reward. The title is misleading, since its impossible to win a daily reward every day, or every week for that matter

I have been doing it for just under 3 weeks and still won nothing the starter reward is now x25 how high do you need to go?????

well consider that only 1 person win and all others get x1 increase Smile be patient you will eventually win
Well i like this System Shy what you need to make it more fair Confused 
The winner must have most participate (x)
for ex. if i have 89 (x) and we are 99 player are participating and i have most (x) no one have (x) more then me then i should win 

And if there is more then 2 player have equal (x) then winner should be  select by lucky draw Huh
(2016-02-23, 02:54 PM)GurvinderS1666 Wrote: Well i like this System Shy what you need to make it more fair Confused 
The winner must have most participate (x)
for ex. if i have 89 (x) and we are 99 player are participating and i have most (x) no one have (x) more then me then i should win 

And if there is more then 2 player have equal (x) then winner should be  select by lucky draw Huh

well currently it doesnt work that way

it works as you get 89 token and everyone else also gets tokens based on their x

and lucky draw is made from combination of all tokens and you get 89 / total token chance 

we may also modify it as the highest always win

what do you think guys?
with highest always wins it will get difficult  but can implement maybe

For example: if 99 people enter ( assuming all got 0x)  
1 person wins so rest 98 people will get 1x on it

on next event if those 98 enter with 1x which is highest then?

so in short there will be more then 1 highest
(2016-03-14, 03:30 PM)kunwarkharbanda Wrote: with highest always wins it will get difficult  but can implement maybe

For example: if 99 people enter ( assuming all got 0x)  
1 person wins so rest 98 people will get 1x on it

on next event if those 98 enter with 1x which is highest then?

so in short there will be more then 1 highest

yes and it would be random among each highest ones
nice idea cef
(2016-03-14, 03:30 PM)kunwarkharbanda Wrote: with highest always wins it will get difficult  but can implement maybe

For example: if 99 people enter ( assuming all got 0x)  
1 person wins so rest 98 people will get 1x on it

on next event if those 98 enter with 1x which is highest then?

so in short there will be more then 1 highest

Yes that is  I was trying to said
(2016-03-14, 01:38 PM)CeFurkan Wrote:
(2016-02-23, 02:54 PM)GurvinderS1666 Wrote: Well i like this System Shy what you need to make it more fair Confused 
The winner must have most participate (x)
for ex. if i have 89 (x) and we are 99 player are participating and i have most (x) no one have (x) more then me then i should win 

And if there is more then 2 player have equal (x) then winner should be  select by lucky draw Huh

well currently it doesnt work that way

it works as you get 89 token and everyone else also gets tokens based on their x

and lucky draw is made from combination of all tokens and you get 89 / total token chance 

we may also modify it as the highest always win

what do you think guys?

80% of the players have same bonus chance,so,it will require the same mechanism as the current one to decide the,leave it this way.
Best ideas of our administrator .....cef...
from now on you have 72 hours to claim your reward if you win
(2016-03-15, 06:54 PM)umarwaseem439 Wrote:
(2016-03-14, 01:38 PM)CeFurkan Wrote:
(2016-02-23, 02:54 PM)GurvinderS1666 Wrote: Well i like this System Shy what you need to make it more fair Confused 
The winner must have most participate (x)
for ex. if i have 89 (x) and we are 99 player are participating and i have most (x) no one have (x) more then me then i should win 

And if there is more then 2 player have equal (x) then winner should be  select by lucky draw Huh

well currently it doesnt work that way

it works as you get 89 token and everyone else also gets tokens based on their x

and lucky draw is made from combination of all tokens and you get 89 / total token chance 

we may also modify it as the highest always win

what do you think guys?

80% of the players have same bonus chance,so,it will require the same mechanism as the current one to decide the,leave it this way.
But some players are winning more 
then other playersTongue
Seems kinda ridiculous that I have a 200x streak on a class that has about 60 players vying for each reward...
(2016-03-30, 03:33 AM)SomebodyUnown Wrote: Seems kinda ridiculous that I have a 200x streak on a class that has about 60 players vying for each reward...

Ahahahaha... AHAHAHAHAHA..
Take a screenshot and post it pls
Quote:You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.  -Winston Churchill
P.S. Unlisted you can't find me here ;-)
(2016-03-30, 08:45 AM)Cpt. Obvious Wrote:
(2016-03-30, 03:33 AM)SomebodyUnown Wrote: Seems kinda ridiculous that I have a 200x streak on a class that has about 60 players vying for each reward...

Ahahahaha... AHAHAHAHAHA..
Take a screenshot and post it pls
Hmm i can post maybe
I got last common, uncommon and rare after 150+x and on ultra rare i have 105 

And i won last legendary under the 50x lol 

I remember that i won my shines under 10  and 2nd under 20x but now i have 32x
(2016-03-30, 09:46 AM)GurvinderS1666 Wrote:
(2016-03-30, 08:45 AM)Cpt. Obvious Wrote:
(2016-03-30, 03:33 AM)SomebodyUnown Wrote: Seems kinda ridiculous that I have a 200x streak on a class that has about 60 players vying for each reward...

Ahahahaha... AHAHAHAHAHA..
Take a screenshot and post it pls
Hmm i can post maybe
I got last common, uncommon and rare after 150+x and on ultra rare i have 105 

And i won last legendary under the 50x lol 

I remember that i won my shines under 10  and 2nd under 20x but now i have 32x

I won over 150x too.. that doesn't matter.
200x that's a lot, so I'm mocking him and want to see pics Big Grin
Quote:You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.  -Winston Churchill
P.S. Unlisted you can't find me here ;-)
(2016-04-02, 10:04 AM)Cpt. Obvious Wrote:
(2016-03-30, 09:46 AM)GurvinderS1666 Wrote:
(2016-03-30, 08:45 AM)Cpt. Obvious Wrote:
(2016-03-30, 03:33 AM)SomebodyUnown Wrote: Seems kinda ridiculous that I have a 200x streak on a class that has about 60 players vying for each reward...

Ahahahaha... AHAHAHAHAHA..
Take a screenshot and post it pls
Hmm i can post maybe
I got last common, uncommon and rare after 150+x and on ultra rare i have 105 

And i won last legendary under the 50x lol 

I remember that i won my shines under 10  and 2nd under 20x but now i have 32x

I won over 150x too.. that doesn't matter.
200x that's a lot, so I'm mocking him and want to see pics Big Grin


[Image: 25qsn03.jpg]
Gz unown
[Image: tyranitar_in_dragon_form_by_black_wing24-d47c29u.jpg]

Beat me? Ha, when Tyranitars fly...

(2016-04-03, 03:52 AM)SomebodyUnown Wrote:
(2016-04-02, 10:04 AM)Cpt. Obvious Wrote:
(2016-03-30, 09:46 AM)GurvinderS1666 Wrote:
(2016-03-30, 08:45 AM)Cpt. Obvious Wrote:
(2016-03-30, 03:33 AM)SomebodyUnown Wrote: Seems kinda ridiculous that I have a 200x streak on a class that has about 60 players vying for each reward...

Ahahahaha... AHAHAHAHAHA..
Take a screenshot and post it pls
Hmm i can post maybe
I got last common, uncommon and rare after 150+x and on ultra rare i have 105 

And i won last legendary under the 50x lol 

I remember that i won my shines under 10  and 2nd under 20x but now i have 32x

I won over 150x too.. that doesn't matter.
200x that's a lot, so I'm mocking him and want to see pics Big Grin


[Image: 25qsn03.jpg]
204x lol its true

That's why I suggestedSad


[Image: akhkzo.jpg]
Lol gz some.
мертвая душа
(2016-05-06, 06:18 AM)SomebodyUnown Wrote: UPDATE:


[Image: akhkzo.jpg]

You don't deserve to win anyways ._.

M30 - Galliant
(2016-05-07, 04:39 PM)Blau Wrote:
(2016-05-06, 06:18 AM)SomebodyUnown Wrote: UPDATE:


[Image: akhkzo.jpg]

You don't deserve to win anyways ._.

 Some = wrecked lol  :p
мертвая душа
doesnt have a great big chance of winning although I won a wailmer
nice!!!! :}
I don't have Facebook or twitter tho

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