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Weather Effect in battles by virtue of change in move
Hi community,
Okay so upon my ask and cef agreement i m starting this thread for discussion regarding the changes in move during battle due to weather effect.
Also cef agreed to add new weathers as well so we will have more interesting things and more similarities with original games in battles
refer to this first
ok so here i am going to start it

Thread will be updated later after involving better move suggestion and move fixing till then it's open for discussions.
once it get finalized we might excel for it's implementation.

sunlight or cloudless:

increase fire type moves power of 50%
decrease water type moves power of 50%
solar beam and solar blade attack in 1 turn instead of 2
growth raises atk and sp atk for 2 levels instead of 1
it makes weather ball a fire type move and double its power
prevents frozen status
moonlight, synthesis and morning sun will recover 2/3 of max hp
accuracy of thunder and hurricane is 50

rain or cloudy:

increase water type moves power of 50%
decrease fire type moves power of 50%
it makes weather ball a water type move and doubles its power
halves the power of solar beam
moonlight, synthesis and morning sun will recover 1/4 of max hp
accuracy of thunder is 100


at the end of each turn damage each pokemon for 1/16 of max hp unless its rock, steel or ground type
raises the sp def of rock type pokemon of 50%
it makes weather ball a rock type move and double its power
halves the power of solar beam
moonlight, synthesis and morning sun will recover 1/4 of max hp


at the end of each turn damage each pokemon for 1/16 of max hp unless its ice type
it makes weather ball a ice type move and doubles its power
accuracy of blizzard is 100
halves the power of solar beam
moonlight, synthesis and morning sun will recover 1/4 of max hp

Plz note that "sandstorm" and "hail" are new weather.
Also thanks to daeva for helping me in it.
Cool... like the idea... it would make the game more like the actual show
all can be added but they are rather time taking stuff

Thanks cef,
We can wait Big Grin
weather should be added but each zone should have its own weather like : normal zone no weather,fire zone sunny weather,ice zone hailing weather, water zone rainy weather ect.
would be a cool ideal,  but it will begin weather abuse
weather abuse? how would that be?
There are moves like sunny day rain dance which can change weather etc, btw weathers are randoms in battle just like nature and in m3O abilities too.
since nature are not consider as in abusing system weather too can't.
it will just make battle more vigorous and interesting taking the weather effect into consideration .
I like the idea in the original post, though i don't think each zone should have it's own weather. I think it should be weather is zone wide, but set randomly in intervals, maybe something like every 2-3 hours. So zone 1 could be cloudless now, but in 2 hours it starts raining, as an example...
This thread is incomplete, I will update it later with some better suggestions and fixed moves.
Till then it is open to discuss. 
Once it get updated we can excel for it's implementation.
so do other people also support this changes?

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