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If you a new member to the forum post 2 messages here to become a registered member
If you a new member to the forum post 2 messages here to become a registered member

This is required in order to prevent spam and bot accounts.

After 2 forum posts and few minutes you should become a registered member

Welcome Smile

You can make double post triple post as many as you want Smile
[-] The following 2 users Like CeFurkan's post:
  • Aerodactyl, Blossom
First message still a newbie

And here goes my second message to activate my account
[-] The following 3 users Like ThisGameGonnaRock's post:
  • Blossom, CeFurkan, jackbeen
(2014-06-22, 05:26 PM)ThisGameGonnaRock Wrote: First message still a newbie

And here goes my second message to activate my account

Hey welcome :d
[-] The following 2 users Like CeFurkan's post:
  • Blossom, jackbeen
(2014-06-22, 05:27 PM)CeFurkan Wrote:
(2014-06-22, 05:26 PM)ThisGameGonnaRock Wrote: First message still a newbie

And here goes my second message to activate my account

Hey welcome :d

hey thanks a lot congrats by the way
[-] The following 2 users Like ThisGameGonnaRock's post:
  • , CeFurkan
Hello everyone! This game will be superb Smile
pokemonpets  is a good name Smile)
Does this still infringe on nintendo's copyright? I remember that's why pokemoncraft had to be changed to monstermmorpg
(2014-06-24, 01:19 AM)shoukosumeragi Wrote: Does this still infringe on nintendo's copyright? I remember that's why pokemoncraft had to be changed to monstermmorpg
 A very important question. I want to know as well.

(2014-06-24, 07:49 AM)SkyRock Wrote:
(2014-06-24, 01:19 AM)shoukosumeragi Wrote: Does this still infringe on nintendo's copyright? I remember that's why pokemoncraft had to be changed to monstermmorpg
 A very important question. I want to know as well.


this is no different than other online pokemon games

however pokemoncraft was shut down mainly due to having donation

this time no donation no whatsoever totally free
Hey, let's have a great time like pokemoncraft
Anyone else just froze up?
(2014-06-24, 09:58 AM)SkyRock Wrote: Anyone else just froze up?

what kind of froze u have ?=
Very awesome to have a site for a PokemonMMORPG back like PokemonCraft use to be, i missed it so much, not new to most of you, but just new registered member of this new awesome site ;3
Temp Signature Until I can Make A Better One
[Image: omeg_ruby_male_trainer_sig_01_by_gmc_aniki-d7sj23i.png]
Looking forward to paying this Smile

It's about time we get a good Pokemon game lol
Good to see you around here as well Prometheus (^_^)/ welcome to the new forums as well as game site
Temp Signature Until I can Make A Better One
[Image: omeg_ruby_male_trainer_sig_01_by_gmc_aniki-d7sj23i.png]
every1 is here! yay 
this feels great, lets play pokemon
yooo everyone
hey man Smile nice to see ya
nice to see you too staffSmile
Can't wait for this to hit the ground running

And of course its already looks fun^^
what stuffs have you guys found?
Can't wait to get my Blastoise!!! Yay Blastoise!!


#BetterThanCharizard #BetterThanVenasaur
Yo Staff & CH17 (^_^)/ , good to see you all on this side of the net as well
Temp Signature Until I can Make A Better One
[Image: omeg_ruby_male_trainer_sig_01_by_gmc_aniki-d7sj23i.png]
haha good to see you too aniki Big Grin
1st post x3 im a loyal member of monstermmorpg x3 coming to play this awesome game!

2nd post for full registration x3 right here! hoping to see this game as the best Tongue actually 2nd best! monstermmorpg always 1st place Smile
Good to have yha here as well GearGirl, and have fun once the game officially launches
Temp Signature Until I can Make A Better One
[Image: omeg_ruby_male_trainer_sig_01_by_gmc_aniki-d7sj23i.png]
Im The Matrix at monstermmorpg
random message *_*
Message n2
Sorry for the multi-account/multi-post, but i need those 5 messages!
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