Pokemon Pets Game Official Forum » Pokemon Pets » General Discussions » Voting is removed from the game permanently as it became obsolete
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Voting is removed from the game permanently as it became obsolete
Hello everyone. The voting system has became absolutely obsolete in the recent years. Due to this fact, i have removed it completely

However, you can still get boost by either 5 Silver Medals or 1 Gold Medal from reward shop

Thank you

5 is more i think
1 medal would be fine
I agree. 5 medals seems too much for me, considering that you have to work one week for getting 7 medals (daily login) and the medals you might get with the Weekly Events (10 medals as reward being Top 1, which is worth 2 boosts only, and being Top1 requires an insane amount of hours).
(2017-07-14, 01:11 PM)kunwarkharbanda Wrote: 5 is more i think
1 medal would be fine

I support the idea, I haven't seen more then 1-2 people willing to use their medals on the boost because it takes to many.
[Image: ezgif-2-1ece84c32476.jpg]
5 medals is an insane amount for boost. make it 1 silver medal since we get 1 medal daily for login so it will neither gain nor loss. so, please make it 1 silver medal.
i support everyone that thinks 1 silver medal should be the cost for the 6 hour boost :) cause we do gotta work and save them to wanna have RB pokes and they are not cheap for shiny and up :)
we need to first know that there was no in game spent before for gold and exp boost just have to spent some time in voting. but now we need to spent in game stuff "medals" for it. well a maximum can 5 silver medal is earned by a player daily so he can't suppose to use them for gymming and not for rb pokes instead and of course we all have different time zone so can't just everyone use medals to get twice just b4 and after rank update. Also we can't expect ppl to do gym in weekends only because that will decrease the activity of game heavily.
therefore i would like to conclude that we should reduce the number of spendable medals for exp and gold boost to 1 reason is stated above^^
btw CeF you had an idea of advertising video play and etc before for exp and gold boost so you can think about that too so that there will be no in game spent.
I am agree with 1 Silver Medal
I totally agree with 1 silver medals
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