Poll: What's your reaction about new generation of pokemon
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it's my dream come true. cant wait for new pokemons
it will be cool to have new pokemons
Already fed up with exsisting okemons please no more
It doesnt bother me
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NB: I am writing this thread as it will be helpfull in updating the game.
Readers are requested to feel free in posting soething which I may have missed.
I hope that the update comming after the release of official games will include generation 7 pokemons
I'll be updating the pokemon details as replies to this post as that will enable me to include more images
Don't forget to poll your opinion about new pokemons.
Celebrating the 20 years of pokemon nintendo has begun an new era of gaming as well as pokemon.
The new games POKEMON SUN AND POKEMON MOON will have new pokemons which belong to the next generation ie., generation 7
![[Image: pokemon-sun-moon-logo.jpg]](https://img.pokemondb.net/news/2016/pokemon-sun-moon-logo.jpg)
Nintendo has released the game's trailers which shows new pokemons and new forms of old pokemons.The links fore vedios are
The new game centers at alola region much similar to hawaii.The Alola region centers around four islands rich in natural beauty and an artificial island. Many Pokémon that have never been seen before occupy these islands.
Readers are requested to feel free in posting soething which I may have missed.
I hope that the update comming after the release of official games will include generation 7 pokemons

I'll be updating the pokemon details as replies to this post as that will enable me to include more images
Don't forget to poll your opinion about new pokemons.
Celebrating the 20 years of pokemon nintendo has begun an new era of gaming as well as pokemon.
The new games POKEMON SUN AND POKEMON MOON will have new pokemons which belong to the next generation ie., generation 7
![[Image: pokemon-sun-moon-logo.jpg]](https://img.pokemondb.net/news/2016/pokemon-sun-moon-logo.jpg)
Nintendo has released the game's trailers which shows new pokemons and new forms of old pokemons.The links fore vedios are
The new game centers at alola region much similar to hawaii.The Alola region centers around four islands rich in natural beauty and an artificial island. Many Pokémon that have never been seen before occupy these islands.
![[Image: alolamap.jpg]](https://pokejungle.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/alolamap.jpg)
![[Image: sun-moon-starters.jpg]](https://img.pokemondb.net/news/2016/sun-moon-starters.jpg)
![[Image: tumblr_o6ynypNxuz1uuqsu5o1_540.gif]](https://67.media.tumblr.com/0ca94fe7f8c6c090be74ebc0153f611f/tumblr_o6ynypNxuz1uuqsu5o1_540.gif)
he Pokémon Company have released a new trailer for the upcoming games, Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon. The trailer features the starter Pokémon, main legendary Pokémon , the region and some gameplay footage. Here it is:
Starter Pokémon Rowlet, a Grass/Flying type owl Pokémon.
Litten, a Fire type feline Pokémon.
Popplio, a Water type sea lion Pokémon
Grass Quill pokemon
![[Image: 7211daa1723db217a6a6491832415d5248860f72_hq.gif]](https://pa1.narvii.com/6097/7211daa1723db217a6a6491832415d5248860f72_hq.gif)
Rowlet can attack without making a sound! It flies silently through the skies, drawing near to its opponent without being noticed, and then lashing out with powerful kicks. It can also attack from a distance using the razor-sharp leaves that form part of its feathers.
![[Image: Pokemon-SunMoon-Starter-Rowlet.png]](https://nintendoinquirer.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/Pokemon-SunMoon-Starter-Rowlet.png)
![[Image: Rowlet.full.2001193.jpg]](https://static.zerochan.net/Rowlet.full.2001193.jpg)
Its visual abilities are impressive. The darkness of night is no obstacle to Rowlet! It can twist its neck nearly 180° from front to back so it can see directly behind itself. It has a habit of turning its head in battle to face its Trainer and receive instructions.
The move Leafage attacks an opponent by striking it with leaves.
Fire Cat Pokemon
![[Image: giphy.gif]](https://media.giphy.com/media/3o7qDGChuqzPc6TfdS/giphy.gif)
Logical but also passionate, Litten always remains coolheaded and doesn't show its emotions on the surface.
![[Image: Pokemon-SunMoon-Starter-Litten.png]](https://nintendoinquirer.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/Pokemon-SunMoon-Starter-Litten.png)
Litten can attack with flaming hairballs! Its fur is rich in oils and immensely flammable. Litten grooms itself by licking its fur, and then uses the collected fur as fuel for fireball attacks!
When the time comes for Litten to shed its old fur, it all burns up in a glorious blaze.
The move Ember attacks an opponent by firing a small flame at it.
Sea Lion Pokemon
![[Image: giphy.gif]](https://media.giphy.com/media/l0K4kVb1jmh1YPnTa/giphy.gif)
Popplio's swimming speed is known to exceed 25 mph. It's better at moving in the water than on land. Still, when it's on land, it takes advantage of the elasticity of its balloons to perform acrobatic stunts and jumps.
![[Image: Pokemon-SunMoon-Starter-Popplio.png]](https://nintendoinquirer.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/Pokemon-SunMoon-Starter-Popplio.png)
Popplio can snort out balloons made of water! Watch it spin water balloons into a playful battle strategy!
Both frivolous and hard-working, Popplio can easily get carried away—unleashing enough power in battle to make quite a spectacle! But Popplio’s determined spirit means it can usually be found practicing hard on its balloon skills.
The Water Gun move attacks an opponent by firing a jet of water.
[sup]#As given inofficial website[/sup]
![[Image: sun-moon-starters.jpg]](https://img.pokemondb.net/news/2016/sun-moon-starters.jpg)
![[Image: tumblr_o6ynypNxuz1uuqsu5o1_540.gif]](https://67.media.tumblr.com/0ca94fe7f8c6c090be74ebc0153f611f/tumblr_o6ynypNxuz1uuqsu5o1_540.gif)
he Pokémon Company have released a new trailer for the upcoming games, Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon. The trailer features the starter Pokémon, main legendary Pokémon , the region and some gameplay footage. Here it is:
Starter Pokémon Rowlet, a Grass/Flying type owl Pokémon.
Litten, a Fire type feline Pokémon.
Popplio, a Water type sea lion Pokémon
![[Image: rowlet_2.png]](https://www.pokemon-sunmoon.com/media/uploads/rowlet_2.png)
![[Image: 7211daa1723db217a6a6491832415d5248860f72_hq.gif]](https://pa1.narvii.com/6097/7211daa1723db217a6a6491832415d5248860f72_hq.gif)
Rowlet can attack without making a sound! It flies silently through the skies, drawing near to its opponent without being noticed, and then lashing out with powerful kicks. It can also attack from a distance using the razor-sharp leaves that form part of its feathers.
![[Image: Pokemon-SunMoon-Starter-Rowlet.png]](https://nintendoinquirer.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/Pokemon-SunMoon-Starter-Rowlet.png)
![[Image: Rowlet.full.2001193.jpg]](https://static.zerochan.net/Rowlet.full.2001193.jpg)
Its visual abilities are impressive. The darkness of night is no obstacle to Rowlet! It can twist its neck nearly 180° from front to back so it can see directly behind itself. It has a habit of turning its head in battle to face its Trainer and receive instructions.
The move Leafage attacks an opponent by striking it with leaves.
![[Image: litten_2.png]](https://www.pokemon-sunmoon.com/media/uploads/litten_2.png)
![[Image: giphy.gif]](https://media.giphy.com/media/3o7qDGChuqzPc6TfdS/giphy.gif)
Logical but also passionate, Litten always remains coolheaded and doesn't show its emotions on the surface.
![[Image: Pokemon-SunMoon-Starter-Litten.png]](https://nintendoinquirer.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/Pokemon-SunMoon-Starter-Litten.png)
Litten can attack with flaming hairballs! Its fur is rich in oils and immensely flammable. Litten grooms itself by licking its fur, and then uses the collected fur as fuel for fireball attacks!
When the time comes for Litten to shed its old fur, it all burns up in a glorious blaze.
The move Ember attacks an opponent by firing a small flame at it.
![[Image: popplio_2.png]](https://www.pokemon-sunmoon.com/media/uploads/popplio_2.png)
![[Image: giphy.gif]](https://media.giphy.com/media/l0K4kVb1jmh1YPnTa/giphy.gif)
Popplio's swimming speed is known to exceed 25 mph. It's better at moving in the water than on land. Still, when it's on land, it takes advantage of the elasticity of its balloons to perform acrobatic stunts and jumps.
![[Image: Pokemon-SunMoon-Starter-Popplio.png]](https://nintendoinquirer.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/Pokemon-SunMoon-Starter-Popplio.png)
Popplio can snort out balloons made of water! Watch it spin water balloons into a playful battle strategy!
Both frivolous and hard-working, Popplio can easily get carried away—unleashing enough power in battle to make quite a spectacle! But Popplio’s determined spirit means it can usually be found practicing hard on its balloon skills.
The Water Gun move attacks an opponent by firing a jet of water.
[sup]#As given inofficial website[/sup]
![[Image: tumblr_o6zcbkKNZn1v68t0mo1_500.gif]](https://67.media.tumblr.com/3dea433a5e65de4f6351d6f18a4279b6/tumblr_o6zcbkKNZn1v68t0mo1_500.gif)
![[Image: tumblr_o85h538R6n1r8sc3ro1_540.gif]](https://66.media.tumblr.com/479abdbf564f65847da0917bf97025d0/tumblr_o85h538R6n1r8sc3ro1_540.gif)
Contrary to the expectation solgaleo is a steel and phychic pokemon not fire type
![[Image: solgaleo.png]](https://www.pokemon-sunmoon.com/media/uploads/june_2_assets/art/solgaleo.png)
Since ancient times, Solgaleo has been honored as an emissary of the sun. It is referred to with reverence as “the beast that devours the sun.” Solgaleo's body holds a vast amount of energy, and it shines with light when it's active. It has a flowing mane with a remarkable resemblance to the sun. Its signature move is Sunsteel Strike, an attack that charges at an opponent with the force of a meteor, disregarding the target’s Ability.
Solgaleo’s Ability is Full Metal Body, a new Ability that no previous Pokémon has had. With the Full Metal Body Ability, a Pokémon’s stats will not be lowered by the effects of an opponent’s moves or Ability.
![[Image: 4dc.gif]](https://i3.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/129/869/4dc.gif)
Again contradicting expectations lunala is a PHYCHIC AND GHOST type pokemon and not dark type
![[Image: lunala.png]](https://www.pokemon-sunmoon.com/media/uploads/june_2_assets/art/lunala.png)
Since ancient times, Lunala has been honored as an emissary of the moon. It is referred to with reverence as “the beast that calls the moon.” Lunala is constantly absorbing light and converting it into energy. With its wings spread to absorb the surrounding light and glittering like a crescent moon, it resembles a beautiful night sky.
Lunala’s Ability is Shadow Shield, a new Ability that no previous Pokémon has had. With the Shadow Shield Ability, a Pokémon will take less damage from an attack that lands when the Pokémon has full HP
![[Image: 3b5.gif]](https://i2.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/129/870/3b5.gif)
Lunala’s signature Moongeist Beam attack releases an ominous beam of light that disregards the target’s Ability.
![[Image: tumblr_o6zcbkKNZn1v68t0mo1_500.gif]](https://67.media.tumblr.com/3dea433a5e65de4f6351d6f18a4279b6/tumblr_o6zcbkKNZn1v68t0mo1_500.gif)
![[Image: tumblr_o85h538R6n1r8sc3ro1_540.gif]](https://66.media.tumblr.com/479abdbf564f65847da0917bf97025d0/tumblr_o85h538R6n1r8sc3ro1_540.gif)
Contrary to the expectation solgaleo is a steel and phychic pokemon not fire type
![[Image: solgaleo.png]](https://www.pokemon-sunmoon.com/media/uploads/june_2_assets/art/solgaleo.png)
Since ancient times, Solgaleo has been honored as an emissary of the sun. It is referred to with reverence as “the beast that devours the sun.” Solgaleo's body holds a vast amount of energy, and it shines with light when it's active. It has a flowing mane with a remarkable resemblance to the sun. Its signature move is Sunsteel Strike, an attack that charges at an opponent with the force of a meteor, disregarding the target’s Ability.
Solgaleo’s Ability is Full Metal Body, a new Ability that no previous Pokémon has had. With the Full Metal Body Ability, a Pokémon’s stats will not be lowered by the effects of an opponent’s moves or Ability.
![[Image: 4dc.gif]](https://i3.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/129/869/4dc.gif)
Again contradicting expectations lunala is a PHYCHIC AND GHOST type pokemon and not dark type
![[Image: lunala.png]](https://www.pokemon-sunmoon.com/media/uploads/june_2_assets/art/lunala.png)
Since ancient times, Lunala has been honored as an emissary of the moon. It is referred to with reverence as “the beast that calls the moon.” Lunala is constantly absorbing light and converting it into energy. With its wings spread to absorb the surrounding light and glittering like a crescent moon, it resembles a beautiful night sky.
Lunala’s Ability is Shadow Shield, a new Ability that no previous Pokémon has had. With the Shadow Shield Ability, a Pokémon will take less damage from an attack that lands when the Pokémon has full HP
![[Image: 3b5.gif]](https://i2.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/129/870/3b5.gif)
Lunala’s signature Moongeist Beam attack releases an ominous beam of light that disregards the target’s Ability.
2016-06-20, 07:28 AM
wow nice

![[Image: done_opt_1.jpg]](http://s33.postimg.org/be2mo9unz/done_opt_1.jpg)
I am a Rank Freak. Now hold a legendary record of being Rank 1 in both games Pokemonpets and Monstermmorpg
Dont get confused over username though, it is jecklin over there.
2016-07-12, 09:43 PM
once their all stats, moves are released
we can start to add them hopefully :d
we can start to add them hopefully :d
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Skype username: MonsterMMORPG
Video: WHO IS GOD!
Skype username: MonsterMMORPG
2016-08-08, 03:59 AM
2016-09-13, 08:54 PM
new addition is the ultra beast
2016-09-13, 08:55 PM
and the alolan forms, it would be great if somewhat they are added in the game too
2024-03-11, 09:11 PM
Hello from Kiddishop.
Thanks for taking the time to discuss that, I'd love to learn more about this area. Would you mind updating your blog post with additional details? It will be really helpful for all of us. This dordle game is fun to play when bored at school or home.
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