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Since as far as i've seen 100% of the community dislikes the 3D sprites, i will open a thread to collect voices to get rid of them.
They lack depth 
They lack detail
they make more of a cartoon network series feel like bob the builder or comparable.
So i want the 2D art back

M30 - Galliant
tl;dr The new sprites suck. :/
3d sprites are fine but they shud be used only for shinies.
nothing good about these new poke portraits, if i wanted to see crappy 3D versions of pokemon id buy a pokmon game on gamecube.

boo sniggle
if 3d sprites dont go it dilikes all people about pokemon images
[Image: 1685761.jpg]
OMG why why are they in this great looking game oh i don't know but they are bad thing
they make me sick Sad
I agree with you. New images is very bad =( not charismatic, not cute, only ugly
Angry I absolutely despise the 3d sprites, I want the 2d art back. It ruined the look of most of my favorite pokemon.
yes they will be replaced asap Smile

actually i am gonna start working replacing them tonight with a lot better ones
I don't mind them really. 99%

woww grear
I completely agree! The 2D art had so much more charm and detail compared to the 3D sprites. If you're working on showcasing old designs or improving image quality, an AI watermark remover can help restore and enhance visuals effectively.

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