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If you a new member to the forum post 2 messages here to become a registered member
(2014-06-22, 03:40 PM)CeFurkan Wrote: If you a new member to the forum post 2 messages here to become a registered member

This is required in order to prevent spam and bot accounts.

After 2 forum posts and few minutes you should become a registered member

Welcome Smile

You can make double post triple post as many as you want Smile

Thank you
(2014-06-22, 03:40 PM)CeFurkan Wrote: If you a new member to the forum post 2 messages here to become a registered member

This is required in order to prevent spam and bot accounts.

After 2 forum posts and few minutes you should become a registered member

Welcome Smile

You can make double post triple post as many as you want Smile

Now it`s 4 messages Confused
(2014-06-22, 05:26 PM)ThisGameGonnaRock Wrote: First message still a newbie

And here goes my second message to activate my account

Now must be 4 messages
Rolleyes Wink
i am new please upgrade me
its post count is 4
its done now
Hello everyone!
I am happy to be hear!)
I didn't expect to find such a good website~
Now I will try to find something intersting
Any recommendations for fun Pokemon games?
Hello everyone!
I am coming
I need this feature
thank you
Hi everyone! I’m excited to join the Pokémon Pets community! I’ve been a Pokémon fan for years, but this is my first time diving into the world of Pokémon Pets. I’m looking forward to learning more about the game and meeting fellow trainers. I’m especially interested in collecting rare Pokémon and understanding the battle mechanics.

Any tips or advice for a newbie? I’m eager to get started and appreciate any help.

Thanks in advance!
Hey all! Just wanted to share some exciting news—I caught my first legendary Pokémon today! It took a while, but the thrill was totally worth it. I can’t believe how many cool features there are in the game.

Do any of you have tips on how to level up faster or improve your strategy for battles? I’m still figuring out the best ways to train my team!

Would love to hear your experiences.

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