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Good strong pokemon to catch legends?
A lot of you are catching legends. How do you do it? =D

What strong pokemon do you use for it?
I use my Dragonite and Scizor, also using evasion serums and attack serums
[Image: 2i2mft.jpg]
What A Drag...
there are many pokes that can do that job why dont u find them in dex
i use sylveon for all pokemons that  i use msterballs with items sp attack serum and critical serum  but for other pokemons sylveon to decrease accuracy then false swiper
On the same subject... Any tips on getting them to show up more often?
I saw a handful back when I was still struggling even with the Gym's let alone random legends, ran from more than a few Mew's at one area...

Now that I've started building up a team, and practically any of them can wipe out a gym all on their own, it feels like my legend count has gone down to practically non-existent.
Umbreon -> screech then switch to mew
Mew -> false swipe

use attack / crit pills if needed and basically any legend can be caught with an extreme ball (except for mew and mewtwo).

Mew can be caught with psychic balls when at 15% hp, ive done this many times. 
Mewtwo unfortunately you'll have to use a master ball.
i use breloom/pangoro for false swiping and if legendary i encounter has good iv's i just master ball it if no i kill it ^^
i use my heatran

he is my best friend and also my first legend
[Image: 1685761.jpg]
(2014-08-04, 02:59 PM)MalvagioDemente Wrote: A lot of you are catching legends. How do you do it? =D

What strong pokemon do you use for it?

my mega-garcomp is good enough to fight with legend
I used to have a method with catching Legendaries which involved relying on Timer balls (in the games of course), and I mostly crossed my fingers with whatever Pokemon I was using (especially if I was down to the last one with no Reviver items).

I am hoping to form a strategy for this game involving whichever Pokemon I can catch. I may rely on a Mega Lucario or something else.. Who knows? Big Grin Things may change as I get adjusted to the game!
(2014-08-04, 02:59 PM)MalvagioDemente Wrote: A lot of you are catching legends. How do you do it? =D

What strong pokemon do you use for it?

all eevee evolutions...
or haxorus,hydregion,sableye(for mewtwo)
this will work confirm
i use my shiny mewtwo
its funny nobody has mentioned shuckle so far  .. its one of the best pokemons to catch most legendaries
but now i am changed to catch legends i use my charizard to catch legends
[Image: 1685761.jpg]
I had used politoed and crobat
i use my mega-blastoise..
(2014-08-04, 02:59 PM)MalvagioDemente Wrote: A lot of you are catching legends. How do you do it? =D

What strong pokemon do you use for it?

I use my Shinny slupaltar with sing hablitie all time... Radiation cause 10% of damage all turn, sing cause sleep Smile... hopefully you can get 2% of life and captures it with extreme ball.
I am hoping to form a strategy for this game involving whichever Pokemon I can catch. I may rely on a Mega Lucario or something else.. Who knows? Big Grin Things may change as I get adjusted to the game!

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