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GUILD WARS discussion
(2017-02-07, 02:56 AM)kunwarkharbanda Wrote: Its useless imo if it is also a npc controlled
We need live pvp battles
And for guild it should be in a way 1 guild cwn qcquire all zone as well not just 1

elo already enough for pve -.- we need live pvp
ai is ai only boost stat like in zone 19 gym will make ai tough Big Grin

(2017-02-02, 08:46 PM)shoukosumeragi Wrote: I have some ideas to create interest in guild wars and guilds in general.
Creation of a guild shop. Possibly even use an unused building in starfall or other places.
To purchase items at this shop, you would need a special monetary unit, something like PokeCoins or whatever was in the pokemon game center.
The items inside would be more aesthetic leaning. People could buy things like access to new avatars, sprites, recolored pokemon, alternate art pokemon. The stats could be random, like if they were caught in the wild. Reward box can just be too rewarding. It would probably be a good idea to avoid the “strong getting stronger” effect.
To receive coins, it would be connected to participating in guild activities and battles. Even being in a guild could allow you to collect points. There also be the creation of guild tasks, where guild members need to complete a task, to receive coins. It could be capture certain pokemon, beat certain npcs X amount of times, beat the daily boss, or whatever could be imagined.
If you guys like this idea, please give me my Cynthia sprite. Thank you. Lol.
I’ll add more if I can think of anything.

i think shoukosumeragi idea about pokecoin already good. +1 sprite as reward :p
maybe can add some fusion pokemon and it not catchable~ only available in guild reward Big Grin
i love shoukos idea of new sprite and even the pokecoin system but might be kinda tricky for that but im really intrigued to see if it gets implemented Smile
live pvp not doable in this system

also no other game uses live pvp for these kind of systems and they are extremely popular

different elo league that supports only live pvp is only possible option

so you better think how to improve computers AI
(2017-02-07, 08:43 PM)CeFurkan Wrote: live pvp not doable in this system

also no other game uses live pvp for these kind of systems and they are extremely popular

different elo league that supports only live pvp is only possible option

so you better think how to improve computers AI

Then first most I'd advise to split CPU PvP and CPU PvE.

We should include a battle tactic choice system.
You  can choose for each Pokemon a "Role"
Let's keep it at 
3 for starters.

Now, if youd pick Wall as a role you'd have sub categories, 
Stat destruction 
Status Spam 

Thatll decide which course of action the AI chooses.
You have 1 healing move, 2 status inflicting moves and 1 Stat reducing move.
You've chosen Stat destruction.
Then the AI's priority will be reducing stats before all else.
And then start using the status inflicting moves while still healing if dmg % taken gets too high, a defeat could be happening or a certain amount of hp % is met.

So i think that'll be an overall better course for CPU PvP.
Cause that'll allow you to somewhat adjust your CPU team to your playstyle.

That regarding : is it really impossible to get the AI to switch Pokemon ?
Cause switch outs are so so so important for it.

M30 - Galliant
Hi everyone, I have a basic plan for how guild wars can work, also introducing guild levels and account levels, and there are actually 2 systems I have come up with.  Take a look and let me know any thoughts or suggestions please.  Your feedback is important in making it turn out great!

--guild levels and account levels--

- guild battle and guild wars awards points

- guild battle awards points for guild level

- winning guild gets 10 points (55 wins for guild level 18 = 55 weeks minimum)
- losing guild gets 5 points (110 losses for guild level 18 = 110 weeks)

- guild war awards points for account level

- winning guild gets 10 points (380 wins for account level 19)
- losing guild gets 5 points (760 losses for account level 19)

- if 4 battles / 1 hour guild war session: 95 sessions for wins, 190 sessions for losses

- points raise guild levels and account levels

- each guild level costs (guild level + 1) * 10 (550 total at level 10)
- each account level costs (account level + 1) * 20 (3800 total at level 19)

- guild and account levels grant some kind of bonus  ***** I think the numbers for levels should be reduced in the beginning, pending level resets on a future update if all goes well *****

- guild levels: 0-10

- each guild level awards all guild members 5% bonus gold and experience

- guild level names can be kanto version cities

- Level  0: Training (0-9 points) Bonus:none
- Level  1: Pallet (10-29 points) Bonus:5% total bonus gold and exp *for all guild members*
- Level  2: Viridian (30-59 points) Bonus:10% total bonus gold and exp *for all guild members*
- Level  3: Pewter (60-99 points) Bonus:15% total bonus gold and exp *for all guild members*
- Level  4: Cerulean (100-149 points) Bonus:20% total bonus gold and exp *for all guild members*
- Level  5: Vermilion (150-209 points) Bonus:25% total bonus gold and exp *for all guild members*
- Level  6: Lavender (210-279 points) Bonus:30% total bonus gold and exp *for all guild members*
- Level  7: Celadon (280-359 points) Bonus:35% total bonus gold and exp *for all guild members*
- Level  8: Fuchsia (360-449 points) Bonus:40% total bonus gold and exp *for all guild members*
- Level  9: Saffron (450-549 points) Bonus:45% total bonus gold and exp *for all guild members*
- Level 10: Cinnabar (550 points) Bonus:50% total bonus gold and exp *for all guild members*

- account levels 0-19

- each account level rewards the player with 50% bonus gold and experience in corresponding zone

- the levels can be named after the zones

- Level  0: Training (0-19 points) Bonus:none
- Level  1: Normal (20-59 points) Bonus:50% bonus gold and exp *in zone 1*
- Level  2: Grass (60-119 points) Bonus:50% bonus gold and exp *in zone 2*
- Level  3: Bug (120-199 points) Bonus:50% bonus gold and exp *in zone 3*
- Level  4: Poison (200-299 points) Bonus:50% bonus gold and exp *in zone 4*
- Level  5: Water (300-419 points) Bonus:50% bonus gold and exp *in zone 5*
- Level  6: Ice (420-559 points) Bonus:50% bonus gold and exp *in zone 6*
- Level  7: Ground (560-719 points) Bonus:50% bonus gold and exp *in zone 7*
- Level  8: Rock (720-899 points) Bonus:50% bonus gold and exp *in zone 8*
- Level  9: Fire (900-1099 points) Bonus:50% bonus gold and exp *in zone 9*
- Level 10: Electric (1100-1319 points) Bonus:50% bonus gold and exp *in zone 10*
- Level 11: Fairy (1320-1559 points) Bonus:50% bonus gold and exp *in zone 11*
- Level 12: Fighting (1560-1819 points) Bonus:50% bonus gold and exp *in zone 12*
- Level 13: Steel (1820-2099 points) Bonus:50% bonus gold and exp *in zone 13*
- Level 14: Psychic (2100-2399 points) Bonus:50% bonus gold and exp *in zone 14*
- Level 15: Flying (2400-2719 points) Bonus:50% bonus gold and exp *in zone 15*
- Level 16: Ghost (2720-3059 points) Bonus:50% bonus gold and exp *in zone 16*
- Level 17: Dragon (3060-3419 points) Bonus:50% bonus gold and exp *in zone 17*
- Level 18: Dark (3420-3799 points) Bonus:50% bonus gold and exp *in zone 18*
- Level 19: Mixed (3800 points) Bonus:50% bonus gold and exp *in zone 19*

--guild war system--

-Guild Points as reward (losses should also give points)

- guild battle

- 2 guild leaders must decide to have a guild battle

- guild battle must be set up by guild leaders between monday 0:00 and friday 0:00

- guild leaders get option to challenge another guild leader to a guild battle

- guild battle options: size, rounds, rank

- 5 size options: 3v3, 5v5, 7v7, 9v9, 11v11
- 3 rounds options: single battle, best of three, best of five
- 3 rank options: beginner, advanced, masters

- beginner: legend, mega, and shiny not usable
- advanced: shiny-mega, shiny-mega-legend
- masters: all pokemon usable

- challenger must submit a list of members of their guild equal in number to the size of the tournament to send the challenge
- challenged must submit a list of members of their guild equal in number to the size of the tournament to accept the challenge

- entrants for all currently scheduled guild battles will be paired randomly and announced publicly at friday 0:00

- guild battle event time is from saturday 0:00 until sunday 23:59

- the entrants can complete 1 pvp human vs human with their opponent during guild battle time, maybe with a special type of pvp offer to distinguish it from a regular pvp battle
- battles not finished by players as human vs human matches at monday 0:00 will be automatically resolved by cpu vs cpu matches

- human v human guild battles count as guild war battles as well, and give points for account level as if they were

- guild war

- only human v human, no cpu battles
- set time period; six 1hr spans/day not on saturday or sunday

- maybe announce start/end in event chat

- during gw times pvp between members of different guilds award guild points, no points when cpu controls
- need better mixing between players, guild wars chat or specific areas to go during guild wars, towns and cities are a good idea

- offer bonus guild points in these areas as incentive for players to go, maybe double points

- pvp battles in towns and cities during these times, human vs human battles only, both players must be in a guild and not the same guild

***** I was having trouble figuring out the best way to to get a lot of battles happening, if there could be a special on-screen battle offer between 2 online players only in cities then there could be bonuses for using it *****
First off, NECRO did an amazing job, and nothing I'll post is meant to spite him or his work.

I think the general concepts are different. 
Now, I'm seeing the way you want to handle guild wars as an ELO for Guilds, CeF.
That's not what we had in mind.
Our concept would rather be that of a Tournament somewhat. 
Of course it shouldn't be the regular progression like in a regular tournament. 
But the general style fits more as an example. 
Now the thing is 
Guild rank should be determined the way Player rank is determined. 
Every ranking factor of all members / member amount. 
Not via that Guild wars system. 

The idea we had 
Was the Rewarding Guild Wars to be event based. 
Like daily rewards. 
Only a available once every time x
Requires  x to enter.
Now the best solution would be to have it cost an entry fee.
Guild banks, guild leader tells his members, we want 1m every week or something. 
Then from that guild bank account, he'd pay the entry fee.
The price is ownership of zones, which means gold income 
 Means, he can reward his players more, or use that gained gold for other events 
(E.g. guild raids).

So, while that does not mean that you can only do guild wars 19 times during idk, 3months, it means that those ownerships are only claimable every idk 3 months.

So you need to get rid of the Elo way of thinking for all of that. 

Cause i agree, elo is best of with CPU for the time being.

Guild wars however doesn't require every player to be active. 

Guild wars requires a handful people be online, nothing more.

If it's let's day Lolzz vs2 easy,  it'll be 6 players. 
Our member count 3 and then 3 from lolzz.

And i think that that definetely should be able to do with live pvp.

And really, CeF i cannot repeat how important it is that it's live PvP.

You'll loose players if it's just another ELO  CPU mechanic. 

So yes, regular guild wars = x amount of members  vs x amount of members
Win = pt, draw  = 0.5 loss = nothing 
Guild with most points after every battle wins.

Rewarding Zone Guild Wars, same but tournament style.
E g  guild with more points progresses to next round.
Should be randomly matched up.

And since guild wars times should be SET there is no need for CPU PvP.
If a guild SIGNS IN for one, it's their duty to have enough ppl on at that time.
Otherwise it should not be CPU but 6 and out like regular pvp.

Now whatever the rewards are or whatever the most optimal way of handling it is, is something to discuss on AFTER we're clear on the base mechanic.

It's naturally competetive, just like our community hosted Tournaments are competetive.
It's a PvP system for Guilds, not a everyplayer system. 

But notheless, even normal players will benefit of it.
To what extend,  it's up to the guild leader.
Think that guild leader not appreciating you collecting gold or whatever enough?
Choose another guild, afterall, finding the optimal guild for you, or keeping your guildies happy,  is the way of guilds. 

So a breakdown

-No ELO system for GuildWars.
-NEEDS to be Live PvP, it. Needs. To. Be.
-Rewards and best way of handling match ups etc. To be discussed.
-Maybe setting the base for more guild events.
-Everybody benefits. 

So yea, I really strongly hope you all at least consider finding a way of making it possible to have s system including live pvp for a couple of players at  a set time, for i can  say : competitive players, older players and pvpers, wont find it appealing and likely won't find it to be a reason to stay. 

Those are my 2 cents, consider them or ignore them, idc.
I said what i had to to have my mind at peace. 

M30 - Galliant
Totally Agree with Blau
Thanks for Explaining so well
also This will give the real meaning to guild war.


for cpu based we already have elo, howz that ? people lost interest in just few days and now it is done rarely

AI  if at 100% optimization cant match live pvp . if any doubt its easy to show in pvp 

yes i understood we want new players

what have we done in 5 years ? m3o or pp 
1. spam hunting 
2. easy catch rates
3. so much easy gold
4. daily rewards
5. elo 
6. daily boss 
7. so many artwors 
etc etc etc

the result after all these years is we are still where we started 5 years ago i meant almost similar  only a little improvement maybe

1 of the reason is new players play few days and leave

for old players who could have played are gone due to the features and lack of interest

we need activity and tbh imo if only the old players of all the 5 yrs had stayed the game would have been active 

basically nothing  which had kept them interested for long

SO FAR whatever requested by old players or good players nothing got implemented rather all things for game easyness and still we dont have much players

ALL WE ARE ASKING FOR 1 THING PVP  (atleast worth a try as we did so much we can do 1 more)which is actually interested maybe cef you should try doing and i hope u enjoy that

DISADVANTAGE: nothing it doesnt really impact any game play which is bad 

and i feel it takes less time for implementation but not sure since i am not a programmer 

and yes it is doable if there's a will 
(2017-02-08, 02:07 PM)Blau Wrote: So a breakdown

-No ELO system for GuildWars.
-NEEDS to be Live PvP, it. Needs. To. Be.
-Rewards and best way of handling match ups etc. To be discussed.
-Maybe setting the base for more guild events.
-Everybody benefits. 

So yea, I really strongly hope you all at least consider finding a way of making it possible to have s system including live pvp for a couple of players at  a set time, for i can  say : competitive players, older players and pvpers, wont find it appealing and likely won't find it to be a reason to stay. 

Those are my 2 cents, consider them or ignore them, idc.
I said what i had to to have my mind at peace. 

100% support~
no ELO we want pvp -.-

for myself.. im already bored do elo since destroy cpu only need using 1 or 2 pokemon lol
elo is same with gym 15 or 16 not more hard than gym 17 -.-

but if guild wars really same with elo i will choose to chatting it more usefull for me since i can improve my english language Tongue
nice Big Grin

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