Pokemon Pets Game Official Forum » Pokemon Pets » General Discussions » Discussion on replacements of pokemon images Version 3.0.5
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Discussion on replacements of pokemon images Version 3.0.5
Hey! as you know pokemons image plays very important role in the game. Like i seen some player was saying that they are playing in the game only for its great art but i also seen some player are talking about they are about to quit only for some bad image Undecided

Is that mean if we get batter art then game will became batter? i think yes Dodgy 

So i am going to rate every image so we can discuss about which image should remove.( i am not rating some one arts i respect every artiest)

My way to rate

* These rated images i hate it. These must be replace 
** These rated images i don't like it. These should be replace (I think some player will not agree with me )
*** These rated images not good or not bad for me so its ok (If we get batter image we can think about replace)
*** These rated images i like it. Replacing these can a risk (But if some of you will not agree with it we can try to find replacement)
*****These rated images mean i love it. I don't think we can get batter image (i can wrong here)[/i]
[Image: 8012-Mega-Butterfree.png]

[Image: 8015-Mega-Beedrill.png]

[Image: 8018-Mega-Pidgeot.png]

[Image: 8020-Mega-Raticate.png]

[Image: 8022-Mega-Fearow.png]

[Image: 8023-Mega-Arbok-Black.png]

[Image: 8024-Mega-Arbok.png]

[Image: 8028-Mega-Sandslash.png]

[Image: 8045-Mega-Vileplume.png]

[Image: 8049-Mega-Venomoth.png]

[Image: 8051-Mega-Dugtrio.png]

[Image: 8053-Mega-Persian.png]

[Image: 8054-Mega-Golduck.png]

[Image: 8055-Mega-Golduck-Y.png]

[Image: 8062-Mega-Poliwrath.png]

[Image: 8068-Mega-Machamp.png]

[Image: 8071-Mega-Victreebel.png]

[Image: 8073-Mega-Tentacruel.png]

[Image: 8076-Mega-Golem.png]

[Image: 8078-Mega-Rapidash.png]

[Image: 8080-Mega-Slowbro.png]

[Image: 8085-Mega-Dodrio.png]

[Image: 8087-Mega-Dewgong.png]

[Image: 8089-Mega-Muk.png]

[Image: 8094-Mega-Gengar.png]

[Image: 8097-Mega-Hypno.png]

[Image: 8098-Mega-Kingler-Rocky.png]

[Image: 8099-Mega-Kingler.png]

[Image: 8101-Mega-Electrode.png]  

[Image: 8103-Mega-Exeggutor.png]

[Image: 8110-Mega-Weezing.png]

[Image: 8119-Mega-Seaking.png]

[Image: 8121-Mega-Starmie.png]

[Image: 8162-Mega-Furret.png]

[Image: 8163-Mega-Noctowl-Clock.png]

[Image: 8164-Mega-Noctowl.png]

[Image: 8166-Mega-Ledian.png]

[Image: 8168-Mega-Ariados.png]

[Image: 8181-Mega-Ampharos.png]

[Image: 8182-Mega-Bellossom.png]

[Image: 8186-Mega-Politoed.png]

[Image: 8195-Mega-Quagsire.png]


[Image: 8201-Mega-Unown.png]

[Image: 8202-Mega-Wobbuffet.png]

[Image: 8203-Mega-Girafarig.png]

[Image: 8219-Mega-Magcargo.png]

[Image: 8224-Mega-Octillery.png]

[Image: 8232-Mega-Donphan.png]

[Image: 8234-Mega-Stantler.png]

[Image: 8262-Mega-Mightyena.png]

[Image: 8264-Mega-Linoone.png]

[Image: 8267-Mega-Beautifly.png]

[Image: 8269-Mega-Dustox.png]

[Image: 8277-Mega-Swellow.png]

[Image: 8279-Mega-Pelipper.png]

[Image: 8284-Mega-Masquerain.png]

[Image: 8291-Mega-Ninjask.png]

[Image: 8292-Mega-Shedinja.png]

[Image: 8295-Mega-Exploud.png]

[Image: 8297-Mega-Hariyama.png]

[Image: 8310-Mega-Manectric.png]

[Image: 8313-Mega-Volbeat.png]

[Image: 8314-Mega-Illumise.png]

[Image: 8317-Mega-Swalot.png]

[Image: 8319-Mega-Sharpedo.png]

[Image: 8323-Mega-Camerupt.png]

[Image: 8326-Mega-Grumpig.png]

[Image: 8327-Mega-Spinda.png]

[Image: 8332-Mega-Cacturne.png]

[Image: 8336-Mega-Seviper.png]

[Image: 8337-Mega-Lunatone.png]

[Image: 8338-Mega-Solrock.png]

[Image: 8340-Mega-Whiscash.png]

[Image: 8342-Mega-Crawdaunt.png]

[Image: 8344-Mega-Claydol.png]

[Image: 8365-Mega-Walrein.png]

[Image: 8370-Mega-Luvdisc.png]

[Image: 8398-Mega-Staraptor.png]

[Image: 8415-Mega-Vespiquen-Assasin.png]

[Image: 8416-Mega-Vespiquen.png]

[Image: 8417-Mega-Pachirisu.png]

[Image: 8428-Mega-Lopunny.png]

[Image: 8457-Mega-Lumineon.png]

[Image: 8476-Mega-Probopass.png]

[Image: 8505-Mega-Watchog.png]

[Image: 8508-Mega-Stoutland.png]

[Image: 8510-Mega-Liepard.png]

[Image: 8512-Mega-Simisage.png]

[Image: 8518-Mega-Musharna.png]

[Image: 8520-Mega-Unfezant-F.png]

[Image: 8521-Mega-Unfezant.png]

[Image: 8523-Mega-Zebstrika.png]

[Image: 8528-Mega-Swoobat.png]

[Image: 8542-Mega-Leavanny.png]

[Image: 8545-Mega-Scolipede.png]

[Image: 8547-Mega-Whimsicott.png]

[Image: 8581-Mega-Swanna.png]

[Image: 8621-Mega-Druddigon.png]

[Image: 8628-Mega-Braviary.png]

[Image: 8630-Mega-Mandibuzz.png]

[Image: 8660-Mega-Diggersby.png]

[Image: 8663-Mega-Talonflame.png]

[Image: 8666-Mega-Vivillon.png]

[Image: 8671-Mega-Florges.png]

[Image: 8677-Mega-Meowstic-F.png]

[Image: 8678-Mega-Meowstic.png]

[Image: 8689-Mega-Barbaracle.png]

[Image: 8695-Mega-Heliolisk.png]

At this time i can't rate all image so i just rated mega common. I will rate other later.

Note this is just my my opinion so you are free for post that what you think. And if you can then go Deviantart to search replacements. So cef can ask their artist permission as he said Discussion on new avatar!!!

I was trying to find some batter image. My suggestion for replacements you can see in the comment.
My suggestions for mega common image

1. https://www.deviantart.com/art/Concept-0...-437219923
2. https://www.deviantart.com/art/Mega-Sandslash-613105997
3. https://artofmarco.deviantart.com/art/Me...-613862960
4. https://www.deviantart.com/art/Mega-Persian-397160576
5. https://www.deviantart.com/art/Mega-Persian-467102459
6. https://nikakitsukaru.deviantart.com/art...-437783765
7. https://www.deviantart.com/art/Mega-Persian-556520719
8. https://www.deviantart.com/art/Mega-Golduck-576455668
9. https://www.deviantart.com/art/Mega-Golduck-X-446436849
10. https://www.deviantart.com/art/Fakemon-M...-565360684
11. https://cdhernly.deviantart.com/art/Mega...-598839288
12. https://www.deviantart.com/art/Mega-Machamp-615662333
13. https://www.deviantart.com/art/Mega-Tent...-615727120
14. https://www.deviantart.com/art/MEGA-GOLEM-551681304
15. https://www.deviantart.com/art/Mega-Golem-536561430
16. https://www.deviantart.com/art/Mega-Golem-483970455
17. https://www.deviantart.com/art/Mega-Golem-625942937
18. https://www.deviantart.com/art/Mega-Slow...-413387064
19. https://www.deviantart.com/art/094-Mega-...-440177787
20. https://www.deviantart.com/art/Mega-Gengar-408064989
21. https://www.deviantart.com/art/Mega-Electrode-655136190
22. https://www.deviantart.com/art/Mega-Electrode-655133754
23. https://artofmarco.deviantart.com/art/Me...-619854955
24. https://plzgaiasrebirth.deviantart.com/a...-560319566
25. https://www.deviantart.com/art/Mega-Star...-607176293
26. https://www.deviantart.com/art/Mega-Star...-606597132
27. https://www.deviantart.com/art/Mega-Starmie-624724697
28. https://www.deviantart.com/art/Mega-Ledi...-646970086
29. www.deviantart.com/art/MEGA-LEDIAN-634310968
30. https://www.deviantart.com/art/Fakemon-M...-633863885
31. https://www.deviantart.com/art/Mega-Slow...-413387064
32. https://www.deviantart.com/art/Fakemon-M...-424851784
33. https://www.deviantart.com/art/Mega-Octillery-440236639
34. https://www.deviantart.com/art/Mega-Linoone-452219226
35. https://www.deviantart.com/art/Mega-Swellow-460999757
36. https://www.deviantart.com/art/Mega-Swellow-461052837
37. https://www.deviantart.com/art/Mega-Masq...-391911984
38. https://www.deviantart.com/art/319-Mega-...-469443849
39. https://www.deviantart.com/art/Commissio...-410736580
40. https://www.deviantart.com/art/Mega-Came...-461994815
41. https://trxpics.deviantart.com/art/Mega-...-575012423
42. https://www.deviantart.com/art/Mega-Lunatone-598809828
43. https://www.deviantart.com/art/Mega-Solrock-598808352
44. https://www.deviantart.com/art/Mega-Claydol-402536615
45. https://www.deviantart.com/art/Mega-Walrein-463882275
46. https://www.deviantart.com/art/Mega-love...-607014719
47. https://www.deviantart.com/art/Mega-Pachirisu-484268775
48. https://www.deviantart.com/art/Mega-Watchog-568378218
49. https://www.deviantart.com/art/Mega-Zebstrika-563450853
50. https://www.deviantart.com/art/Test-Mega...-461707030
51. https://www.deviantart.com/art/Mega-Braviary-556687511
52. https://www.deviantart.com/art/MegaFlorges-467207878
53. https://jordanqv.deviantart.com/art/Mega...-538687955
good work Guru
finally someone give real effort in it ,
i hope community will give their opinions and reviews actively in it Big Grin
i like all your suggestions for them they would look even better with the new art you chose Smile also i believe mega mew should be the one from that site as well that you found those guru Smile  has more color and better cooler look lol
nice work~

i love persian no.5
gengar no 20 seem more good

i just dont like mega golduck x Tongue
(2017-01-18, 06:23 PM)jecklin Wrote: nice work~

i love persian no.5
gengar no 20 seem more good

i just dont like mega golduck x Tongue

i also don't like but its batter then current one Tongue
(2017-01-18, 06:27 PM)GurvinderS1666 Wrote:
(2017-01-18, 06:23 PM)jecklin Wrote: nice work~

i love persian no.5
gengar no 20 seem more good

i just dont like mega golduck x Tongue

i also don't like but its batter then current one Tongue

yeah u right guru the current one just too awful Big Grin
same with current mega/sm-persian hope cef change them with ur list Confused
every image who get only one star from me i strongly recommend to cef to replace them as fast as possible with my suggested image.
if anyone of you are not agree with me or agree with me then let me know 
comment plz
There are always more arts to be replaced than just of few megas...

Ditto: 4/5, Mega: 2/5
[Image: 132-Ditto.png][Image: 8132-Mega-Ditto.png]

Smeargle: 3/5, Mega: 4/5
[Image: 235-Smeargle.png][Image: 8235-Mega-Smeargle.png]

Azurill: 3/5
[Image: 298-Azurill.png]

Vibrava: 2/5
[Image: 329-Vibrava.png]

Whiscash: 3/5
[Image: 340-Whiscash.png]

Shinx: 4/5
[Image: 403-Shinx.png]

Pachirisu: 3/5
[Image: 417-Pachirisu.png]

Liepard: 2/5
[Image: 510-Liepard.png]

Ferroseed: 4/5
[Image: 597-Ferroseed.png]

Durant: 3/5
[Image: 632-Durant.png]

Deino: 3/5, Zweilous: 3/5
[Image: 633-Deino.png][Image: 634-Zweilous.png]

Fennekin: 4/5
[Image: 653-Fennekin.png]

Diggersby: 2/5
[Image: 660-Diggersby.png]

Spewpa: 4/5
[Image: 665-Spewpa.png]

Clawitzer: 3/5
[Image: 693-Clawitzer.png]

Heliolisk: 3/5
[Image: 695-Heliolisk.png]

Tyrantrum: 3/5
[Image: 697-Tyrantrum.png]

Dedenne: 4/5
[Image: 702-Dedenne.png]

Noivern: 3/5
[Image: 715-Noivern.png]

Shiny-Venonat: 4/5
[Image: 2048-Shiny-Venonat.png]

Shiny-Diglett: 3/5, Shiny-Dugtrio: 4/5
[Image: 2050-Shiny-Diglett.png][Image: 2051-Shiny-Dugtrio.png]

Shiny-Psyduck: 3/5
[Image: 2054-Shiny-Psyduck.png]

Shiny-Growlithe: 4/5, Shiny-Arcanine: 2/5
[Image: 2058-Shiny-Growlithe.png][Image: 2059-Shiny-Arcanine.png]

Shiny-Tentacool: 4/5
[Image: 2072-Shiny-Tentacool.png]

Shiny-Slowbro: 3/5
[Image: 2080-Shiny-Slowbro.png]

Shiny-Gastly: 4/5
[Image: 2092-Shiny-Gastly.png]

Shiny-Electrode: 3/5
[Image: 2101-Shiny-Electrode.png]

Shiny-Horsea: 3/5, Shiny-Seadra: 3/5
[Image: 2116-Shiny-Horsea.png][Image: 2117-Shiny-Seadra.png]

Shiny-Staryu: 3/5, Shiny-Starmie: 3/5
[Image: 2120-Shiny-Staryu.png][Image: 2121-Shiny-Starmie.png]

Shiny-Electabuzz: 3/5
[Image: 2125-Shiny-Electabuzz.png]

Shiny-Lapras: 4/5
[Image: 2131-Shiny-Lapras.png]

Shiny-Ditto: 4/5

[Image: 2132-Shiny-Ditto.png]

Shiny-Articuno: 4/5
[Image: 2144-Shiny-Articuno.png]

Shiny-Mew: 3/5
[Image: 2151-Shiny-Mew.png]

Shiny-Meganium: 3/5
[Image: 2154-Shiny-Meganium.png]

Shiny-Quilava: 3/5
[Image: 2156-Shiny-Quilava.png]

Shiny-Croconaw: 4/5
[Image: 2159-Shiny-Croconaw.png]

Shiny-Crobat: 4/5
[Image: 2169-Shiny-Crobat.png]

To be continued...
"Let another man praise thee, and not thine own mouth; a stranger, and not thine own lips." - Proverbs 27:2
"He that loveth pastime, shall be a poor man: and he that loveth wine and oil, shall not be rich." - Proverbs 21:17
guys without finding replacements we can not change any image

i will check deviantart links and will see if we can use or not
(2017-01-25, 01:41 PM)CeFurkan Wrote: guys without finding replacements we can not change any image

i will check deviantart links and will see if we can use or not

Cef i am trying to find replacements see Post: #2 and there is 1 star rated image you have to find replacements for those.
here is my other image rated 

[Image: PowerStar22.png][Image: PowerStar22.png][Image: PowerStar22.png]
[Image: 8225-Mega-Delibird.png]
Replacement not found.

[Image: PowerStar22.png][Image: PowerStar22.png][Image: PowerStar22.png]
[Image: 8235-Mega-Smeargle.png]
Replacement not found.
(2017-01-29, 02:09 PM)GurvinderS1666 Wrote:
(2017-01-25, 01:41 PM)CeFurkan Wrote: guys without finding replacements we can not change any image

i will check deviantart links and will see if we can use or not

Cef i am trying to find replacements see Post: #2 and there is 1 star rated image you have to find replacements for those.

i checked them

please make new post for future ones
Version 3.0.5 updated*
Here is my other image rated 

[Image: PowerStar22.png][Image: PowerStar22.png][Image: PowerStar22.png][Image: PowerStar22.png]
[Image: 8047-Mega-Parasect.png]
No need to find Replacement.

[Image: PowerStar22.png][Image: PowerStar22.png]
[Image: 8083-Mega-Farfetchd.png]
Replacement not found.

[Image: PowerStar22.png][Image: PowerStar22.png][Image: PowerStar22.png]
[Image: 8184-Mega-Azumarill.png]
Replacement not found.

[Image: PowerStar22.png][Image: PowerStar22.png]
[Image: 8185-Mega-Sudowoodo.png]
Replacement not found.

[Image: PowerStar22.png][Image: PowerStar22.png][Image: PowerStar22.png]
[Image: 8206-Mega-Dunsparce.png]

[Image: PowerStar22.png][Image: PowerStar22.png]
[Image: 8211-Mega-Qwilfish.png]
Replacement not found.

[Image: PowerStar22.png][Image: PowerStar22.png]
[Image: 8222-Mega-Corsola.png]

[Image: PowerStar22.png][Image: PowerStar22.png][Image: PowerStar22.png]
[Image: 8262-Mega-Mightyena.png]
Replacement not found.

[Image: PowerStar22.png][Image: PowerStar22.png]
[Image: 8284-Mega-Masquerain.png]
Replacement not found.

[Image: PowerStar22.png][Image: PowerStar22.png]
[Image: 8301-Mega-Delcatty.png]

[Image: PowerStar22.png][Image: PowerStar22.png]
[Image: 8302-Mega-Sableye.png]

[Image: PowerStar22.png][Image: PowerStar22.png]
[Image: 8303-Mega-Mawile.png]

[Image: PowerStar22.png][Image: PowerStar22.png]
[Image: 8308-Mega-Medicham.png]
Replacement not found.
GurvinderS1666 there are some nice replacements ty

we need posts like that
(2017-01-19, 11:06 PM)Mysterium Wrote: There are always more arts to be replaced than just of few megas...

To be continued...

I am agree with you but its my limits that i can't post all image with replacements in one time but you all can help to do this if you anyone need help in it then you can pm me  GurvinderS1666 i will try to help you because this game is for all of us Tongue
(2017-02-20, 01:52 PM)GurvinderS1666 Wrote:
(2017-01-19, 11:06 PM)Mysterium Wrote: There are always more arts to be replaced than just of few megas...

To be continued...

I am agree with you but its my limits that i can't post all image with replacements in one time but you all can help to do this if you anyone need help in it then you can pm me  GurvinderS1666 i will try to help you because this game is for all of us Tongue

I've been planning on searching deviantart for replacment imgs getting permission from the artist and posting them in a thread. but lack of usable art on there is sad.

I really want to find usable art not just megas but things e.g. pachirisu / pikachu.
[Image: ezgif-2-1ece84c32476.jpg]
(2017-02-16, 11:13 PM)CeFurkan Wrote: GurvinderS1666 there are some nice replacements ty

we need posts like that

That's great Big Grin i don't know what you find nice but it will nice if you get success to replacement 
but here i have some new mega image 
i don't know its great or not but its batter then nothing 
1. mega Bibarel
2. mega Rampardos
2. mega Rampardos
3. mega Wormadam
4. mega Gastrodon
5. Mega Spiritomb
5. Mega Spiritomb
6. Mega Toxicroak
7. Mega Serperior
7. Mega Serperior
7. Mega Serperior
8. Mega Sawk

9. Mega Aurorus


10. Mega Oricorio
Wishiwashi School


11. Mega Lurantis
11. Mega Lurantis









12. Mega Mimikyu

Kommo o

Tapu Lele

Tapu Bulu

Tapu Fini

13. Mega Pheromosa
(2017-02-20, 02:29 PM)sea2003main Wrote:
(2017-02-20, 01:52 PM)GurvinderS1666 Wrote:
(2017-01-19, 11:06 PM)Mysterium Wrote: There are always more arts to be replaced than just of few megas...

To be continued...

I am agree with you but its my limits that i can't post all image with replacements in one time but you all can help to do this if you anyone need help in it then you can pm me  GurvinderS1666 i will try to help you because this game is for all of us Tongue

I've been planning on searching deviantart for replacment imgs getting permission from the artist and posting them in a thread. but lack of usable art on there is sad.

I really want to find usable art not just megas but things e.g. pachirisu / pikachu.

Dose we need permission from artist to post those art link here Huh hahaha i did't Know that Big Grin
I never get permission from those because i am not using those art i am just suggesting Tongue
(2017-02-20, 05:00 PM)GurvinderS1666 Wrote:
(2017-02-20, 02:29 PM)sea2003main Wrote:
(2017-02-20, 01:52 PM)GurvinderS1666 Wrote:
(2017-01-19, 11:06 PM)Mysterium Wrote: There are always more arts to be replaced than just of few megas...

To be continued...

I am agree with you but its my limits that i can't post all image with replacements in one time but you all can help to do this if you anyone need help in it then you can pm me  GurvinderS1666 i will try to help you because this game is for all of us Tongue

I've been planning on searching deviantart for replacment imgs getting permission from the artist and posting them in a thread. but lack of usable art on there is sad.

I really want to find usable art not just megas but things e.g. pachirisu / pikachu.

Dose we need permission from artist to post those art link here Huh hahaha i did't Know that Big Grin
I never get permission from those because i am not using those art i am just suggesting Tongue

no but i wanted to in case we do want to use it for replacing
[Image: ezgif-2-1ece84c32476.jpg]
(2017-02-20, 05:11 PM)sea2003main Wrote:
(2017-02-20, 05:00 PM)GurvinderS1666 Wrote:
(2017-02-20, 02:29 PM)sea2003main Wrote:
(2017-02-20, 01:52 PM)GurvinderS1666 Wrote:
(2017-01-19, 11:06 PM)Mysterium Wrote: There are always more arts to be replaced than just of few megas...

To be continued...

I am agree with you but its my limits that i can't post all image with replacements in one time but you all can help to do this if you anyone need help in it then you can pm me  GurvinderS1666 i will try to help you because this game is for all of us Tongue

I've been planning on searching deviantart for replacment imgs getting permission from the artist and posting them in a thread. but lack of usable art on there is sad.

I really want to find usable art not just megas but things e.g. pachirisu / pikachu.

Dose we need permission from artist to post those art link here Huh hahaha i did't Know that Big Grin
I never get permission from those because i am not using those art i am just suggesting Tongue

no but  i wanted to in case we do want to use it for replacing

Don't worry about replacing sea that's not our job for ex..
1. We don't know cef will like our suggestion or not.
2. Or if you ask from every artist that will take to much time or make us slow. 

I suggested to many image but only 2 get really replace lol.
(2017-02-21, 10:42 AM)GurvinderS1666 Wrote:
(2017-02-20, 05:11 PM)sea2003main Wrote:
(2017-02-20, 05:00 PM)GurvinderS1666 Wrote:
(2017-02-20, 02:29 PM)sea2003main Wrote:
(2017-02-20, 01:52 PM)GurvinderS1666 Wrote: I am agree with you but its my limits that i can't post all image with replacements in one time but you all can help to do this if you anyone need help in it then you can pm me  GurvinderS1666 i will try to help you because this game is for all of us Tongue

I've been planning on searching deviantart for replacment imgs getting permission from the artist and posting them in a thread. but lack of usable art on there is sad.

I really want to find usable art not just megas but things e.g. pachirisu / pikachu.

Dose we need permission from artist to post those art link here Huh hahaha i did't Know that Big Grin
I never get permission from those because i am not using those art i am just suggesting Tongue

no but  i wanted to in case we do want to use it for replacing

Don't worry about replacing sea that's not our job for ex..
1. We don't know cef will like our suggestion or not.
2. Or if you ask from every artist that will take to much time or make us slow. 

I suggested to many image but only 2 get really replace lol.

ok. and lol
[Image: ezgif-2-1ece84c32476.jpg]
Here is my other image rated 
I gave numbers to every image so people can give opinion easily Smile

[Image: PowerStar22.png][Image: PowerStar22.png][Image: PowerStar22.png][Image: PowerStar22.png]
[Image: 8311-Mega-Plusle.png]
No need to find Replacement.

[Image: PowerStar22.png][Image: PowerStar22.png][Image: PowerStar22.png]
[Image: 8312-Mega-Minun.png]
Replacement not found.

[Image: PowerStar22.png][Image: PowerStar22.png]
[Image: 8441-Mega-Chatot.png]
Replacement not found.

[Image: PowerStar22.png][Image: PowerStar22.png][Image: PowerStar22.png][Image: PowerStar22.png]
[Image: 8021-Mega-Arbok-Winged.png]
No need to find Replacement.

[Image: PowerStar22.png][Image: PowerStar22.png]
[Image: 8026-Mega-Raichu.png]
Replacement not found.

[Image: PowerStar22.png]
[Image: 8031-Mega-Nidoqueen.png]

[Image: PowerStar22.png]
[Image: 8034-Mega-Nidoking.png]

[Image: PowerStar22.png]
[Image: 8036-Mega-Clefable.png]

[Image: PowerStar22.png][Image: PowerStar22.png]
[Image: 8038-Mega-Ninetales.png]

[Image: PowerStar22.png]
[Image: 8040-Mega-Wigglytuff.png]
Replacement not found.

[Image: PowerStar22.png][Image: PowerStar22.png]
[Image: 8057-Mega-Primeape.png]
Replacement not found.

[Image: PowerStar22.png][Image: PowerStar22.png]
[Image: 8065-Mega-Alakazam.png]

[Image: PowerStar22.png][Image: PowerStar22.png]
[Image: 8104-Mega-Marowak-Fighting.png]
why would you replace marowak, alakazam, primape, or clefable? those are all good and far from the worst megas we have
[Image: tyranitar_in_dragon_form_by_black_wing24-d47c29u.jpg]

Beat me? Ha, when Tyranitars fly...

(2017-03-11, 01:59 PM)ch17175 Wrote: why would you replace marowak, alakazam, primape, or clefable? those are all good and far from the worst megas we have

I just want to replace 1 star[Image: PowerStar22.png] pokemon in your list its only clefable but if you like this image then great because your this comment will help him to stay 
and this is my opinion only
well i recruited the artist so its not being replaced.
[Image: tyranitar_in_dragon_form_by_black_wing24-d47c29u.jpg]

Beat me? Ha, when Tyranitars fly...

and there's no better m-clefables
[Image: tyranitar_in_dragon_form_by_black_wing24-d47c29u.jpg]

Beat me? Ha, when Tyranitars fly...

and why waste space putting up images you like? just put up the one you don't like
[Image: tyranitar_in_dragon_form_by_black_wing24-d47c29u.jpg]

Beat me? Ha, when Tyranitars fly...

Thumbs Up 
(2017-03-11, 08:47 PM)ch17175 Wrote: and why waste space putting up images you like? just put up the one you don't like

Hmm OK
Thanks Big Grin

BTW i was just trying to show my opinion on every single image but as you said now i am going to post only that image who i don't like Smile
COOL! Thank you!

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