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Chapter 6: End of Dark.Zero

The time has come for Dz to leave this community and game. I was amazed how long I stayed on this community, for 6 whole years. It was most likely because of the fun community.
During this journey, there was fun, bad and troll times Smile

Seeing the game grow ever since 2009. I really respect CeFurkan for keeping the game up by himself and working on it which gave me enjoyable times and for that I am grateful for. When PokemonCraft got shut down because of how popular it became, CeFurkan didn't stop and created MonsterMMORPG and then PokemonPets. I am not an emotional guy but as I write this I actually feel pretty sad because I am leaving a place which was like a home to me.

 After I post this thread, it will mean you will never get to see Dark.Zero on game or forums, however Capt will keep me updated via Skype.

I hope nobody cries or misses me Lel

- Stands up from the throne - I have achieved everything on both games and I don't think there will ever be any player like me Tongue however, I will make my throne available. Good Luck
(I wanted to make this short as possible otherwise it will be 20 paragraph long haha)
King regards,
Thanks for the great memories, over 4 years for me, and for the help that you put in the game and community.
As mentioned, I will stay in contact and keep you posted.

Have a great journey and good luck irl.
Quote:You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.  -Winston Churchill
P.S. Unlisted you can't find me here ;-)
cya d.z Sad hope to see you soon Smile
bye man its sad that u leave but we wont forget u Wink
I'm glad to have met you, you're a troll, a mod, a teacher, and a fairly strong pvper. I'll miss you, having know you since I joined(a measly 2 years ago) and though you say you won't be back, I hope to talk again in the future.

You'll be missed,
[Image: tyranitar_in_dragon_form_by_black_wing24-d47c29u.jpg]

Beat me? Ha, when Tyranitars fly...

bye bro dz we will never forget you i hope we meet you again in the future bye Sad
You will forever be missed 
and i wish you Good luck in your life ahead [b]Dark.Zero[/b]
my noob IGN Staff 
[Image: fc1ria.jpg]
*Credits to malvagioDemente for this awesome sig*
awww..i'm so sad here Sad
anyway goodbye Sad
It was fun to have you around , you taught everyone lots of things and i really respect you for all the time you have been here.
We will all miss and we will be extremely delighted to have you back sometime , miss you Sad 
Be in touch.
bye! dz we will miss u really ur fun ur trollings etc.. u gave us true feelings byeee cya next time soon 
[Image: 1685761.jpg]
dz never had the pleasure hope u have a nice vacation & will be back soon if not full time maybe part time  Cool                                                [Image: 375845.jpg]
[Image: mega_pokemon_vacation_by_xero_j-d7xggfx.png]
Wow never thought I'd see this day, you were the best senpai, I still haven't had the pleasure of beating you, hopefully we'll talk soon
[Image: 2i2mft.jpg]
What A Drag...
goodbye Sad and ty for every contribution you made to the games
aww y wasn't I told of this thread ;-; dz u have always been a friend to me I hope u do good irl ;-; I will miss u in my heart *sobs
I guess you came back?
[Image: 2i2mft.jpg]
What A Drag...
Nah, I'm out

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