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Catch/Encounter Rate: Suggestions and Feedback
This thread is to see what you (players) think of the catch rate of the classes Uncommon and up. The more players share their opinion and suggestion on this, the better and more accurate catch rates we'll have.

First of all let me show the catch rates.

uncommon per map 400/10000
rare per map 100/10000
ultra rare per map 25/10000
legendary 8/10000
shiny 1/10000

What does this mean?

Here is an examples:

If there was 2 Ultra rare Pokemons on the same surface they will be split to make the 25/10000, so that will be 0,12% on each of these Pokemons.

2 legendary Pokemons on the same surface would be split into 0.04 while for 1 legendary itself it would be 0.08

(Note: the catch rate on the game shows only 2 numbers before the decimal point, so 0.11 and not 0.111)

If there was more than one Pokemon of the same class, they will be split in order to make the total.

On each map: The maximum of same class on each surface is as follows:

10 uncommon
5 rare
5 ultra rare
2 legendary
1 Shiny

(Note: This is the surface and not the overall map, there can be 2 shiny Pokemons on the same map but they won't be on the same surface, such as one can be by walking grass and the other by using nets)


No Spam/off-topic posts
If there is any post that is irrelevant/spam, I will delete the post and give the user a warning. This is important because it decides on what the catch rates should be, YOU will be playing the game so take it seriously. 

What are your suggestions and feedback?
Should these catch rates be changed? Are they fine? Improvements? Opinions?
looks fine for me
[Image: 2lizwjk.jpg]
I would say since the uncommons and rares aren't the classes shown on the actual maps, the catch rates of the uncommon, common and rare classes should be changed to the catch rates of the regular, superior, and emmissary class in Monster MMORPG. Also, the uncommon class up is very overpowered even from the beginning as they are multiple levels above the regular pokemon on the maps and have boosted stats. Just my opinion
I would say:

Ultra Rare:320/10000
I actually like the idea, you can only get one shiny per maps, so it doesn't split and decrease even more
[Image: 2i2mft.jpg]
What A Drag...
i say 
shiny normal pokemons  2/10000

shiny legendary 1/10000
I agree with it, but shiny is a bit to much to me.. They arent gonna be worth it for me. I'd rather hunt ancs when i have all non-shinys. 
I agree with kunwarkharbanda in post above
i like the way it is now if its too much or too less ppl get bored of it keep them the way it is and it will be fine but though the shiny 1 per 10000 seems like a dream but its same as ancients in m30 but i prefer on what kun said 2/ 10000 is way better Big Grin
I find uncommons all the time, accidentally run from them.
No matter what it is, I run from them.

I don't care as long as they aren't next to impossible to find. As long as I can find them then it's all good.
Not too hard, not too easy. Just right.

^Approved by Obama
I would keep the Shiny Pokemon at a low catch rate, but other than that I agree DZ.
tbh legendary and shiny are way to strong on high level zones and since there arent great status moves and no level off like moves btw no random abilities all are hard to catch so i think it need to be les hard to find them cos they are hard to catch
yeah true they are really hard to catch and that counts with all the monsters i have found 4-5 rares still have been able to catch only but though shiny pokemons need to be easier to find
Yea the monsters pokemon seem hard to catch, especially ultra rare+. I have to use ultimate box.

About their appearance rate, I like how it is now. I can find just about everything except Shiny. I find Uncommon way more than everything else except common, of course. Rare comes so few, ultra rare is a surprise, and legendary is legendary haha.

It's fair for me.
Legendary and Shinnies should be hard to catch in the first place hence their class, if we make everything easy then the game won't be fun anymore. Don't forget there is no donation so it should be interesting as much as possible.

There are items to help you with hunting and there are items to help you with catching such as Master Ball which never fails. You can also use moves to put them into sleep, paralyze, confused etc. It isn't impossible to catch ultra rare+ on later zones.

Thank you all for the posts. It seems that majority of you are already fine by how it is now.
It isn't just a fixed amount though. Some encounter rates differ on certain maps. Also catch rates would apply to the difficulty of catching a certain pokemon. What you're talking about is Encounter rates. Sorry, I don't mean to sound like a know it all. Just a simple correction Tongue
It isn't fixed but splits, that's how the system works. The more there is of the same class (umcommon+) the more they split, yes you are right it is encounter rate but people (at least people who posted here) also understood it as catch rate. Thanks for post.
Ahh I gotcha. I thought you were talking about them separately and not their combined total on the map among their rarity type. Honestly I would never bother to distinguish encounter/catch rates, but I needed to make a total of 5 posts before I started a new thread for some bugs I found haha.
This is so helpful
[Image: e133a408cdc75945714ced5df6705471.jpg]
Beware of my existence
DZ ur lame and i dislike any thing u do for this game ;P
I personally don't think the shiny rate of 0.01% should be changed for any of the pokemon. Sure it makes it long and tedious to get them but that only makes it all the more rewarding when you finally do.

If anything, I think something should be done about which shiny is available on each map. I don't understand why some shinies like ekans are available on 3 or 4 different maps while others like ratata and pidgey are not even available at all.
(2014-08-13, 06:45 PM)ArieI Wrote: I personally don't think the shiny rate of 0.01% should be changed for any of the pokemon. Sure it makes it long and tedious to get them but that only makes it all the more rewarding when you finally do.

If anything, I think something should be done about which shiny is available on each map. I don't understand why some shinies like ekans are available on 3 or 4 different maps while others like ratata and pidgey are not even available at all.

thats cause they are randomly assigned and will be continuously changed with time passing by Smile
my noob IGN Staff 
[Image: fc1ria.jpg]
*Credits to malvagioDemente for this awesome sig*
I think that the shiny should be easier to find than the legendary already that there is a shiny Pokemon by each and only 4 or 5 legendary by generation.should tratarce as ultra rare.

(2014-08-13, 06:45 PM)ArieI Wrote: I personally don't think the shiny rate of 0.01% should be changed for any of the pokemon. Sure it makes it long and tedious to get them but that only makes it all the more rewarding when you finally do.

If anything, I think something should be done about which shiny is available on each map. I don't understand why some shinies like ekans are available on 3 or 4 different maps while others like ratata and pidgey are not even available at all.

well it is all random

hopefully i will re-assign all at this update

working on it atm
Hi......maybe it must have 3 legends why2 and please add starters in every map
I would keep the Shiny Pokemon at a meager catch rate. That's nice for me.
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