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Shop part 3 how can buy any item from bazaar?
For new player 
If you did not read
Read Shop part 1 how can buy any item from NPC?
Read Shop part 2 how can sell any item at NPC?
There is something you must understand
Bazaar items are selling by real people (Game player). Anyone can buy items if any player is selling if nobody is selling then you can't buy. And the price of item is not fixed its all depend on the seller of item.
Let's start
1[sup]st[/sup]  Find shop 
This is a blue building (you can find Shop in every city or town)

[Image: shop_by_gurvinders1666-d9p9r92.jpg]

2nd Enter in shop 

[Image: a_b_by_gurvinders1666-d9p9ydn.jpg]

3rd In the shop you will find 6 button
Button no. 3 is “Buy item from bazaar”
click it

[Image: pokemon_pet_shop_by_gurvinders1666-dadcepc.jpg]

4[sup]th[/sup] Find which item do you want buy
 you have 7 way to find items
1st order by price 
2nd Filter by seller name 
3rd Search By Price Interval
4th Filter by item name
5th Filter by item type 
6th Search by item name 
7th By page

[Image: find_item_from_bazaar_monstermmorpg_by_g...9xjcem.jpg]

Now you can see seller's profile and pm icon (if you want chat with him/her on anything like price of item or ex.). and how many piece one sell and what is price of per piece.

[Image: see_all_item_from_bazaar_monstermmorpg_b...9xjcx9.jpg]

5th buy it 
1st enter how my amount you want 

[Image: enter_amount_monstermmorpg_by_gurvinders...9xjf7z.jpg]

2nd click on buy button 

[Image: buy_item__monstermmorpg_by_gurvinders1666-d9xjfhy.jpg]


[Image: done__bazaar_monstermmorpg_by_gurvinders...9xjfyk.jpg]

note: you can not buy item if you have not gold amount as price amount.
If anyone thinks I made any mistake or something is missing can reply. MOST WELLCOME
ty pm me in game to get ultra rare pokemon
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